Don’t know if it’s the greatest joy, but I absolutely adore the sound effect in the original borderlands where you set a Crimson Lance person on fire and they scream before being disintegrated after their health depletes. Sounds horrible, but it’s just a sound I think they did a really good job on.
I have sort of a love hate relationship with this series. I’ve played most of the games, but think that they went the wrong way and that the management and directors just can’t fulfill the potential of this series.
AC1 Great idea and for the time it was actually something new and different. The setting was wholly fresh and the story telling was leading to something and had a payoff that worked really well. It was also a clunky game 😅
AC2 Absolutely loved it. This was the game that made me fall in love with the series. Great setting, again very original and fresh. Great set of characters. Story was interesting and Ezios was actually executed good, but the modern day parts were underdeveloped and had no pay off. The ending was very bad, because it didn’t make sense and was not explained in the game, but rather in some doc in one of the following games. Stupid. Had shock value though.
AC Brotherhood + Revelations Both good games that didn’t really change Much of the formula. I liked the bombs in R. Revelations had a great ending for Ezio and be But again underdeveloped modern day which lead nowhere.
AC3 Very interesting story and a strong conflict at its core. Actually this was where I wanted the series to go. Unfortunately the rest was not so good as the main Protagonist was less appealing than the villain. Was most disappointed with the main protag honestly. Setting was not fresh nor original. Didn’t really fit in with the Parcours. Introduced the ship battles! Absolutely botched the modern day and gave up on it altogether. Disappointing in the end.
AC Black flag Great setting, boring characters, boring Story. But the ship battles were fantastic! Really liked this one!
AC Unity Great art direction! Likeable characters. Tragic, but that’s whatiI like about this series, it’s not always a happy ending. Can’t even remember the story.
AC Syndicate Horrible. I liked the main twin pair. But the story is forgettable, the setting is okay and beautiful. The controls with the hook was horrid and didn’t work reliably.
AC Origins Fresh gameplay! Finally! Really liked this one as it had great setting, likeable characters and new stuff to do. Story was okay. I kinda rushed though, because I played it on one is the free weekend events.
AC Odyssey Same as Origins. Less original, but still good. Less interesting characters. Didn’t finish it.
Didn’t bother with Viking.
The new shadow one looks interesting. But before I play that, I want to try Ghost of Tsushima.
Thanks for the long and interesting writeup! I’m still working through AC 1 and enjoying it, I’ll see if I stay on the train as long as you :).
I did play Ghost of Tsushima. One of the most beautiful looking games I’ve ever played with amazing combat and good characters. For me, it was just way to long and repetitive. I eventually found the solution, playing each of the three acts and the DLC with a long break in between each time, so it felt fresh again. In the end I even got the platinum trophy for it, but I still see it as a great 8/10 game that could have been an all time favorite if it was trimmed to about half its runtime. Here’s hoping that they don’t make the same mistakes for Ghost of Yotei. If they can keep the good and trim the bloat, this could be the game of a generation.
I played up to AC3 and then felt like I had my fill with the series. I haven’t played Black Flag, but I always hear that’s the best one. I think the collection aspects in each game kinda just burnt me out. I spent so much time on the first couple of games that by the time AC3 rolled around, I was very much done.
Some key elements I really enjoyed were the environmental detail, the cat and mouse gameplay, which was also fun. One element I quickly grew tired of was tailing stealth missions, where you had to slowly follow the target to the end of the mission area. At the start of the series it wasn’t super overdone, but boy did that get overdone in games since then haha.
I remember wanting them to go the whole ninjas route as it seemed like the obvious choice. So I’m kind of interested in trying the latest game at some point. I feel like we don’t really get ninja games anymore, so I’m hoping it’ll be good
Getting to the final boss of persona 3 as my first SMT game, feeling actually scared irl, fighting it for over an hour and then getting wiped out when it had zero pixels of hp bar left. The party AI was sabotaging me and I was coming up with new strategies in real time to counteract it, it was great
The final dungeon of FFIV-2 (yes I agree most of the game is shit). I had to finish it in one night because it was the end of spring break and I was driving back to college the next day. My real world scheduling was good but I didn’t plan for it to be the longest final dungeon in FF history. Luckily this was the best part of the game and I played for 12 hours until sunrise, delirious while taking down the final boss and getting to see the credits roll.
Finishing up Frostpunk. I started last year, then put it down basically for a year. Anyway, I recently finished 2 of 3 DLC campaigns. Working on the last one right now. Easily the hardest colony manager I’ve played, but it’s so good. Can’t wait to start Frostpunk 2 after this.
With friends, playing Barotrauma. We’re doing our annual playthrough/attempt to get the to the end. Which we done once. There’s 5 of us regularly playing (a 6th sometimes joins), which for us, seems to be the minimum we need. Think we just entered The Great Sea, which is the 4th of 5 biomes. Just upgraded to a Tier 3 sub.
Frostpunk 2 is about politics. I hated it and don’t play it at all. It’s not even similar to the first amazing game. You may be disappointed unless you like politics.
I also remember a scene on the street outside the missing friends flat (apartment) and the protagonist talking up to a woman hanging out an upstairs window. Think he convinces her to throw down the spare key for his friends flat.
River of Sorrow in Metal Gear Solid 3. First regular then as “no kills” run. It’s something that made me genuinely question everything while playing a video game. Everything.
I think nfsu2, we got it for christmas and played it for 2 full days in a row.
But tbh i still remember my playlist (flyleaf - i’m so sick/ fully alive, hinder - wings of an angel, Marilyn Manson - the beautiful people, a perfect circle, Korn and a couple others) i used while playing wow for the first time when you could get to lvl30 within a certain trial period. Definitely been hooked for some time but never made it to lvl cap nor did i get sny good gear.
Skyrim gobbled up the most hours of any game.
But i think wow really offered the best escape of real life back then for me, which is my main drive for playing games.
Being able to do the right thing and actually getting rewarded for it is a thing that keeps me coming back to videk games.
Real life isn’t really like that most of the time. It will drain you completely, eat all your good intentions and shit you out the other end completely drained and empty handed.
I don’t know if these are the most joy but some good memories.
When I first saw Mario 64 in Toys R Us I was awestruck. Just unbelievable. Mario in 3D.
When I was playing Ocarina of Time I was hunting Poes in Hyrule field on Epona. I fell asleep because it was late. When I woke up the game was still running. Nothing overheated. Nothing killed me in game. No loud jarring noises. I wasnt late for anything. I just woke up and started hunting Poes again.
A friend and I were staying up late playing one of the early Kings Quest games where you can dial a 900 number to help you if you got stuck. This was back when save points were maybe once every 10 minutes if you’re lucky. We had gotten to a really verbose riddle that we were supposed to have found a clue for earlier in the game but missed it. We just figured out the riddle and guessed it on the first try. It was an unbelievable triumph.