ashamam, do gaming w A very late "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 31st" avatar

Also playing Necropolis league of Path of Exile. Started with an explosive arrow totem build but it wasn't great for levelling, so rerolled an exploding minions witch. Much much smoother so far, and should scale right through maps for currency farming. Will see how invested I stay, as I'm waiting patiently for S4 of D4 to hit consoles, some really nice updates, and basically its more approachable than PoE.

Dave, do gaming w A very late "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 31st" avatar

I played through DREDGE, which was a cool little indie game. I also played through the DLC The Pale Reach, which added another short side story.

Templa, do gaming w A very late "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 31st"

Playing Path of Exile with my spouse. Just returned Pikmin 4 to the library.

Spuddlesv2, do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX

The whole thing is a storm in a teacup. I’m level 40 in the game and have not once felt the need to even LOOK at the MTX store. The game is complete; the MTX are there if you’re too lazy to be bothered using the in-game travel mechanics. Simple as that.


idk, I think there’s more to it than that.

This is another layer of “horse armor MTX”, now with selling pay-to-win features in AAA single-player games. In this case, the first (early?) time it’s been done, it’s “mild”, but it’s a step in the wrong direction.

I don’t like “slippery slope” arguments, in general, but it doesn’t cost me anything to boycott this game for having P2W MTX in a full-priced single-player game. If enough people agree, that might send the message to the industry that nickel and diming their customers isn’t a good business model.

Edit: Also, not including the MTX in review copies is egregiously sleazy since they were hiding it. Customers couldn’t make an informed decision (and their review scores are inflated).


In this case, the first (early?) time it’s been done, it’s “mild”, but it’s a step in the wrong direction.

It’s certainly not the first time, capcom did this. I remember them in DMC 4 and 5 and they were in DD1 as well but so inconsequential that everyone has forgotten. I think capcom just requires their devs to add them but the devs only do malicious compliance. I dislike capcom for it as it preys on uninformed people but like the devs for not making them actually required or designing the game around them.


I was also confused at first by the controversy, because I’d been playing for like 20+ hours and I was like “What microtransactions?” Then I checked the main menu and sure enough there’s an “online store” option, which I guess I had just thought was for upgrading to the deluxe edition or buying expansions or whatever. I guess they’re selling rift crystals or ferry stones or something? IDK I still haven’t bothered opening it.

DD1 didn’t have any MTX right? I think I expected it to since “rift crystals” absolutely sound like some kind of premium currency bullshit, but I don’t remember any actual way to buy them. That’s about the only thing I think makes the outrage make sense, it sucks for corporations to start adding shit like that to a series that didn’t have it before and I’d be worried about DD3 in the future being even more upfront with them.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX
!deleted6508 avatar

I’m less upset by what the MTX is or that it’s there in a seventy dollar single player game, than I am that they did not disclose it would even have MTX until the day it launched.

If it has been known before hand, I wouldn’t have really cared too much. RE4 has the same kind of MTX, it does not affect the game, but it was also known before launch that it would have it.


Tbf this kind of bullshit useless mtx has been in probably every capcom game for a while now so it was expected on my end. I hate that capcom forces the devs to include them but every game I’ve played that had them they were useless and the devs were only doing malicious compliance.

t3rmit3, (edited ) do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX

the consensus I’ve gotten is that the MTXs are largely meaningless because they’re so easy to get in-game

I would push back on this a bit. Some of these items are easy to acquire small quantities of, but are not available in infinite amounts, such as (as far as I know) the fast travel tokens. I am 20-ish hours in, and I think I have 8 fast travel tokens, which means that I really just don’t use them, and hoard them for emergencies.

Convenience is addictive, and people absolutely will have trouble not pouring tens or hundreds of dollars into MTX once they get a taste of the convenience it offers. Ask ESO users how many don’t have ESO Plus; it’s incredibly common to have, because it gives you free fast travel and a dedicated, infinite inventory for crafting materials. It’s weaponized convenience.

Other items in DD2 I’ve used CheatEngine to dupe, but I think most people (and obviously, no one on console) aren’t going to be able to figure out hex editors, and shouldn’t have to.


So there’s fast travel tokens but you can get to most places by Oxcart for very cheap. The ferrystones also get more common as you go and I’ve never had a lack of them. I just finished the game yesterday and have not felt the game design being influenced by micro transactions.

Milksteaks, do games w 2D / ISO turnbased "cool" RPG recommendation

Slice and dice on android is pretty good. It’s turn based fighting hame with a group of 5 different members that you can level 3 times through the missions into a ton of different classes. It’s pretty tough but super fun and addictive and bound to piss you off sometimes due to heavy rng when you die on a boss

You can play the demo for free and the full game is a few dollars, well worth the hours I’ve put in at least.


Already had it installed 😊 but didn’t get through the tutorial, a mix of too much “stuff” hard to grasp (right away, I mean it’s the tutorial).

off_brand_, do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX

Hate it hate it. This game is so good, and it’s like I’m playing my old favorite again. The fact that they marred my baby with MTX like this is just gross. DD1 should be more popular, and what they did to DD2 may keep it from being the powerhouse it could because people will see the “mixed” ratings and second guess. Or they’ll open the store page and see a wall of MTX and get the wrong idea.

But that’s just part of it of course. If this works for them, it’ll explode. And it will work for them. And everyone will get these fucking MTX in their full priced AAA games. And then once sales on MTX aren’t up to snuff – or if they are up to snuff, but in a few quarters when sales are merely consistent rather than continuing to grow – they’ll start pushing it. Just like they did with Shadow of Mordor where the gameplay gave you a nasty grind and a quick “buy your way past it” option.

I’ll never buy the “it doesn’t effect you in a single player game” argument. It will, because the market incentives a worse experience for those less willing to buy in.

Poopfeast420, (edited ) avatar

DD1 already was full of microtransactions, but in the sequel they “ruin” the game? What changed for you?


The MTX were removed for DD:DA.

Only the original release of the game on Ps3 and 360 had the mtx. So in a way they improved things only to shit it up again.


Huh. Did it??…/are_we_forgetting_that_dd1_had_micro…

Here’s someone corroborating you, but it’s impossible to Google at the moment for obvious reasons. I have 0 recollection of any MTX, though. FWIW, it wouldn’t be any less bad if they did it before too.

To be clear though, it didn’t ruin it. I said it “marred” the game. It is a mark that affects how the game is perceived and I hate that. The game itself is fun, and I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.

skulblaka, avatar

Dark Arisen just gave you most of the MTX content for free. When you start the game and pull an Eternal Ferrystone out of your bank along with all the starter armor that sells for 500k gold - yeah, that was all MTX gear.


Ah! Well! I don’t like that!

As with DD1, DD2 is fun and I don’t mean to say it isn’t. The MTX just provides a barrier to entry for folks turned off by it, and I wish it wasn’t there.

JustZ, do games w Games that require you to unlock the basic functions of the game can suck my nuts. avatar

People won’t enjoy a game unless they learn the basic features.

It’s a fine line for devs between teaching the player what they need to know in order to even have a chance at enjoying the game, and jamming it down their throats.

The classic example is the game Portal. It’s a perfect tutorial. The player doesn’t even realize it’s the tutorial.…/analysis-of-game-concepts-and…

I am frustrated with Cities Skylines 2, lately. Text-based tutorial with optional progress checks which is okay, but they pop up as soon as you look at a newly unlocked feature, not necessarily when you are ready to build the feature.

setsneedtofeed, avatar

My favorite tutorial was in STALKER. The guy gives you a pistol and tells you good luck.

politicalcustard, (edited ) do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX

I am against MTX because they have put parents in debt when their children have racked up huge MTX bills and it’s very difficult/impossible to get refunds. Yes, parents can protect themselves against this but many parents are not particularly tech savvy and games companies will see these as potentially huge revenue streams and abuse the hell out of them… like EPIC did.

Also, gaming addicts should also be considered and potential routes to indebtedness avoided.

Knowing a game has MTX just makes me less likely to buy it. Price the game correctly in the first place, and offer DLCs if you want some extra revenue.

BrikoX, do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX avatar

It’s the same type of microtransactions that they had in Resident Evil 4 Remake, so it’s probably not so much a test as a limit they found where backlash is small enough that it still makes sense. But there are 2 big differences with Dragon’s Dogma 2.

  1. They fucked up the PC port.
  2. They increased the base game price.

Anyone that tries to justify microtransactions in a paid game is a moron. They were literally introduced in free to play games to finance the game development. In paid game, it’s just pure greed.

ThunderingJerboa, (edited ) avatar

I mean also it just seems like a case of normalization. You start out with slow meaningless MTX then you move it more and more. Hell its a bit odd since I'm glad there was some outrage over the MTX in this game but as you said its most likely due to the increase to $70 usd which is a slap in the face to deal with MTX in a fucking single player game but Capcom is one of the shittiest companies when it comes to dumb/pointless MTX.

Monster Hunter, Devil may cry, Dead Rising, and Resident Evil all have this kind of shit with very little peeps about it. So you basically hit the nail on the head on this on why there was such a big outrage this time around. Also I'm really surprised fucking Street Fighter doesn't, the literal poster child of pointless/odd additions which in a funny way has actually only gotten better in the digital age. I'm not a big fighting game fan but season passes have sort of solved having so many fucking editions of a single game. Like holy shit there were 5 fucking versions of Street Fighter 2 in a span of 3 years. 3 versions of SF3 in 3 years.

Edit: marked by bold, I was tired when writing this comment and seems I just forgot to finish my full thought before posting.

Lurra, do gaming w What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to? avatar

Kenshi and Rimworld, with tons of mods its like adding different spices to the same yummy dish ☺️


I've had Kenshi on my wishlist for a long time, and I haven't pulled the trigger. What's your favorite part about it? Most of what I know is that it's punishing and has deep roleplaying opportunities, but I don't know a lot of the specifics.

Lurra, avatar

I love that its brutal when you start out. Everything can kill you. From bandits, to creatures, hell even certain regions are hazardous. First time playing and exploring the biomes I was walking on egg shells constantly, really enjoyed that. Overtime you get attached to your npc as they continuously get into fights and try to not lose a limb (seriously). Lore wise (if you are into that like I am) you start shifting through bits of relics from the past on your travels. You can buy maps or just randomly discover landmarks as you roam. There’s also politics and you’ll learn with time who is in charge of what. Is it safe to enter here or stay there? You are free to be whatever you want; Have a storefront and sell your crafts for cash (cats), explore and make bank with old artifacts you find, become a thief and run mock stealing, grow drugs and profit from that, you can build a base or not. Choose to make a large squad or keep is small. Watch as they fight & work together. Each play through is always different and if you love mods then you can go crazy with added customization. If that sounds good than you can totally wait for it to go on sale if anything. Kenshi 2 is in the works now so will definitely look forward to that one ☺️


Everything can kill you.

Sounds like Noita.

Lurra, avatar

Gotta look it up now ☺️


Apparently Noita is gonna be in April’s Humble Choice, if that’s up your alley at all.

Poopfeast420, do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX avatar

As far as I've heard, previous Capcom games already feature these types of mostly meaningless DLC. So it's not a first test, and so far the older games haven't been adjusted to make the microtransactions more appealing.

I agree, Capcom aren't dumb, it's probably just a minimal amount of work, and if they can get even a few buyers they make money. Although, who knows if the hit to their reputations negates all of this.

Varyag, avatar

Yes, all of their games in the past few years or so have DLCs like that. What I’m actually worried about is some of their games the MTX aren’t irrelevant like these. Monster Hunter has been getting more and more of these with each new release since World and I’m scared of what they’ll do with Wilds.

Immersive_Matthew, do trains w Question: what would infrastructure for caustic soda locomotives look like if they had seen mainstream use?

Wow. This is something I have never heard of before but it conceptually makes sense albeit I am a have no idea how long a tank would run a train for. Would love to learn more too, so please link is to whatever it is your are creating. Hoping a video on the topic.

JacobCoffinWrites, avatar

Thanks! So far that site seems to be the best source of information I’ve been able to find (the Wikipedia article seems to mostly be a restated, trimmed down version of it) but there are a few other articles online I’m trying to vet for accuracy.

I’m especially interested in this quote:

“A fireless soda engine, together with evaporating apparatus, has been at work on the Aix la Chapelle-Burtscheid tramway for the last half year. In order to test the working capacity of this locomotive engine, and the consumption of fuel on a certain day, the Honigmann locomotive engine was put to work this day from 8:45 o’clock am till 8 o’clock pm, with a pause of three-quarters of an hour for the second quantity of soda lye. The engine was, therefore, at work for fully 10� hours, viz, 5� hours with the first quantity, and five with the second. The distance between Heinrichsalle and Wilhelmstrasse, where the engine performed the regular service, is 1 km, […] This distance was traversed sixty-four times, the total distance, including the journeys to the station, being 66 km.”

So it sounds like it ran for about five hours and traveled 33km on its load of caustic soda (I’m not sure at a glance which flavor chemical) and only took 45 minutes to refuel and come back up to temp.

And these were early designs, basically prototypes (though granted, the folks in that time making them probably knew a ton about steam locomotives). I imagine they could have been improved with time to study and refine the designs.

I’m not sure how well the boilers stood up to containing hot caustic stuff, but perhaps materials science has developed enough to help protect against that.

I’m writing and making visual art in the solarpunk genre, which tends to heavily emphasize trains and other public transit. But I want to broaden our options a bit beyond just electric trains. When I first heard about these, I felt like they’d mix super well with another invention of that time period, the mirrored solar concentrators used to run steam generators (some of the earliest solar power).

After all, one of the biggest disadvantages of the caustic soda locomotives was that it took more coal to dry the soda than to produce an equivalent amount steam directly with coal. But you don’t have to use coal. These 1800s mirrored dishes only require mirrors or polished metal and math to make (plus some simple motors and electronics to get them to follow the sun) and they could dry the soda for free. A lot of my focus is on less utopian, rebuilding societies, so trains and solar concentrators built with 1800s technology seems like a good place to start.

I’m going to start with a picture of a stop along the tracks for replenishing the soda in this style

using a layout something like this:

plus a description. And I’m hoping to work them into a fiction story and a tabletop campaign.

As for the technical side, I’m not sure on whether they’ll be draining the diluted caustic soda and pouring in fresh, whether they’ll be drying it inside the locomotive’s boiler using superheated steam generated with a solar boiler besides the tracks, perhaps swapping locomotives to avoid delays, or even swapping boilers as someone on reddit suggested. If I go with swapping the soda, probably the boiler tank won’t actually be inside the dish, but nearby, with the steam from the dish heating it.

I hope that helps, I’m very new to this technology and am already trying to mix it with other stuff so we’ll see how it goes.

cedarmesa, avatar


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  • JacobCoffinWrites, avatar

    Sure thing! There were a bunch, (and there are tons of solar cooker and solar concentrator designs!)

    I’ll admit I’d mostly been thinking of this guy but there were a bunch of other inventors doing similar things around the same time

    Considering that most of the descriptions I’ve seen of drying the caustic soda mention pumping superheated steam through it, and that almost any of these systems, or something like these modern ones could produce that, there’s probably lots of ways to match these trains to analog solar power.

    This thread had some really cool info on how these went together and the ages of the various components:…/ktmjpst/?ut…


    Oh wow. What a great reply and a super cool project you are working on. You have inspired me too as one of the attractions in my VR Theme Park I am Imagineering is about trains and I would love to add a foot note about these. Thanks so much.

    JacobCoffinWrites, avatar

    That’s awesome! Best of luck!

    snooggums, do gaming w Dragon's Dogma 2 MTX avatar

    If the mtx is meaningless because you can get it easily in game, then it is predatory as it is intended to be purchased by people who are not aware that they can earn it in game. That strikes me as worse than mtx that is required to do something they can’t without it, because it preys on people’s lack of information and they aren’t making an informed choice.

    !deleted7243 avatar

    There isn’t a lack of information. They’ve been very public on what this is.

    KoboldCoterie, avatar

    You encounter the merchant where you can buy the MTX stuff in the first few hours of the game. You can’t even use the majority of them before reaching that point.

    I would honestly bet money that they’d designed the game to not have microtransactions, then some executive at the 11th hour told them to find a way to include them, and they made them inconsequential as a sort of malicious compliance. Not that I think it’s OK to have them in the first place, it really soured me on the game initially. I think it’s considerably worse for including them, but they are completely meaningless.

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