zaft, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski Need a light?
Need a light?
RIPandTERROR, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “Assuming direct control”
“Assuming direct control”
Drz, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski In 2291, in an attempt to control violence among deep space miners the New Earth Government legalized no-holds-bared fighting.
In 2291, in an attempt to control violence among deep space miners the New Earth Government legalized no-holds-bared fighting.
JovialMicrobial, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski The kamikazes continuous screaming from serious sam will forever be etched in my brain as a part of my childhood.
The kamikazes continuous screaming from serious sam will forever be etched in my brain as a part of my childhood.
maliciousonion, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “A right man in a wrong place can make all the difference in the world”
“A right man in a wrong place can make all the difference in the world”
chronicledmonocle, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong”
“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong”
Dicska, 3 miesiące temu angielski Flashbacks to the genophage mission. Still brings tears to my eyes.
Flashbacks to the genophage mission. Still brings tears to my eyes.
Timecircleline, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “Hey! Listen!”
“Hey! Listen!”
KenTheEagle, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “Negative Ramos”
“Negative Ramos”
WereCat, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “Remember the Nutella” - AoE II Malian Villager
“Remember the Nutella” - AoE II Malian Villager
caseyweederman, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski Build a navy. Stop building a navy. Build a navy. Stop building a navy. Give me your extra resources. Sure, blame it on your ISP! Don’t point that thing at me!
Build a navy. Stop building a navy. Build a navy. Stop building a navy. Give me your extra resources. Sure, blame it on your ISP! Don’t point that thing at me!
Fridgeratr, 3 miesiące temu angielski Yeah, well, you should have seen the other guy! All hail, king of the losers! Nice town! I’ll take it.
Yeah, well, you should have seen the other guy! All hail, king of the losers! Nice town! I’ll take it.
nectar, 3 miesiące temu angielski Wololo! Wololo! Wololo!
Wololo! Wololo! Wololo!
Tattorack, 3 miesiące temu angielski 11
Astral08, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski Blue team has the flag The enemy has your flag Blue scored Blue wins Altair secrets are not for you
Blue team has the flag The enemy has your flag Blue scored Blue wins
Altair secrets are not for you
BowtiesAreCool, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “It’s not a lake, it’s an ocean” Also the part where you and Pierce are singing along to What I Got by Sublime near the beginning of Saints Row The Third
“It’s not a lake, it’s an ocean”
Also the part where you and Pierce are singing along to What I Got by Sublime near the beginning of Saints Row The Third
state_electrician, 3 miesiące temu do games w Greatest video game ever played? angielski No idea. Too many to pick from.
No idea. Too many to pick from.
CascadianGiraffe, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski “I want to get off Mr Bones Wild Ride.” (Rollercoaster Tycoon - PC) “Stay awhile… Stay FOREVER!!!” (Impossible Mission - C64)
“I want to get off Mr Bones Wild Ride.” (Rollercoaster Tycoon - PC)
“Stay awhile… Stay FOREVER!!!” (Impossible Mission - C64)
Treczoks, 3 miesiące temu angielski “Destroy him, my robots!”
“Destroy him, my robots!”
nevemsenki, 3 miesiące temu do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? angielski The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization. The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms. You will soon have your God - and you will make it with your own hands. Morpheus from Deus Ex
The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization.
The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.
You will soon have your God - and you will make it with your own hands.