Brittle Hollow spoilerRealizing that Brittle Hollow crumbling actually results in you being able to uncover more mysteries. I always tried to find some solution before it collapsed and frenetically search for a solution that didn’t even exist at the time. The simplicity of just waiting didn’t even cross my mind for so long.
I’ll probably get roasted for this but… Pokemon. It just seems like endless copy/paste and might be one of the laziest game franchises I’ve ever seen. I’ve really tried to get into them. I was there when the Pokemon cartoon started, I saw it rise to the phenomenon it is today, but damn if it isn’t the most boring grindfest ever.
There’s been some great advice in this thread. In the future though here’s a shout out for one of my favorite wikis out there, the before I play wiki .
It’s great and has useful tips for all kinds of games. Good luck in Hollownest!
I’ve been playing System Shock 2, the original version i got from GOG (it took a bit to make the controls work but it works fine, though i found a weird bug with non-Steam games in that if you rename the game it loses the control settings - e.g. i set up the controls when the icon was named “SS2.exe” but when i renamed it to “System Shock 2” later it lost the settings until i renamed it back to “SS2.exe” :-P).
I also played a bit of Stranger of Sword City, a turn-based and grid-based blobber. I find the deck works fine with such games.
Also both games play just fine at ~5Watt settings (i like to optimize the settings per-game to get more battery life out of the system).
Over the year I’ve finished Outer Wilds, Hades, PikuNiku, the second Ori game, and have been slowly getting through Elden Ring. Next is probably Tunic, but idk if it’s worth my time after playing through the first 2 hours.
Nowadays I can’t use any other controller than the deck, so I sometimes link it with the pc just for that - I just can’t live without the gyro and the back buttons
Combo attacks - I’m not coordinated to hit the buttons in order fast enough. I tried Black Desert when it was free and this was the dealbreaker for me, though it wasn’t the only thing that bugged me about the game.