The first three Metal Gear Solid games have fascinating stories. They’re not the most logically sound stories and they have a lot of weird elements that make them hard to follow. At the micro scale they’re not the most comprehensive. On the macro scale they’re not hard to get into at all. When the story hooks you it really hooks you.
I was a child when I completed the first two MHS games. I never finished MGS3 because the disk got smashed to pieces. I do remember liking it a lot though. MGS2 is my favorite of the bunch. It was a good mix of old characters and new that carried the story in a satisfying way.
The absolute best story in video games(IMO) is the Mass Effect trilogy. For the longest time those games set the bar for video game story telling to me. Every character was so easy to get invested in. I cared for all of them and deciding who completed the journey or not was a series of deeply personal tough choices that carried across three games. Did the ending suck? Absolutely. Do not let that last 0.1% mar what is easily %99.9 one of the best space scifi stories in any medium.
The 3rd act of MGS2 hits like a sledgehammer after so much light hearted, self-parodying, comfortably familiar heroic espionage. The story has aged so well. It invokes that eerie 4th wall break feeling that Psycho Mantis delivered, but on a prolonged and more meaningful scale.
I’m pretty sure 1pv6 is disabled, I went rhoguh steps but I’m not 100% how to verify. Ipleak tests show falling back on ipv4 instead of 6, if that’s any indication
I had to follow a tutorial, I believe there was a file or 2 that had to be edited with something specific. I’ll try to find it for you when I’m off work.
God of War 2018 - such a great story and you don’t need to know the previous games.
God of War - Ragnarock - it’s rare a sequel to a banger is good. Even more rare when the sequel to a banger is an even bigger banger. 2018’s story was good, ragnarock is so damn moving.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - never played the first one but bc 2 is chronologically before it, no matter. This game is so immersive and deep.
Horizon Zero Dawn - this one is probably hit or miss. You either lovr the lore or couldn’t be fucked. For me it was a great story. Gameplay may not stand the test of time however.
Ghost of Tsushima - this game is so fucking pretty.
Hollow knight - the lore. Omg the lore and the art style and omfg the music. Hidden gem.
Horizon’s story stuck with me for a few weeks after completing it. Also one of the few games I played all the way through without playing other games as well. I usually have to play a few different games so I don’t get burned out of any one game.
I agree on the God of War games as well. So well done.
Edit to add: for me the lore of HZD was like 1 generational leap from plausible. Like it’s science fiction for sure but 1 leap in tech and it’s science plausible. That said… Fuck Ted Faro
I also agree, I loved Horizons story and lore. I also agree people either love it or hate it which is super odd to me because it is such a great game and reminds me of all the other great games yet somehow this one gets shafted. You never got to see the past but just the retelling of what happened throughout the game was perfect.
I liked the lore, but the game was a bit of a slog for me. Just kind of sick of that kind of open world game, I guess! I don’t think it’s a bad game at all, but I can imagine others might feel similarly. Also I guess I really wasn’t invested much in what was happening story wise in the present in that game and the side quests are just aggressively mediocre and I kind of regretted bothering with any of them.
I’ve never played such a unique big budget game. The core mechanic is terrain traversal to make deliveries, and the game continues to give you tools throughout it to accomplish that.
I loved the traversal mechanics in Death Stranding. Kind of made me realise that in all other games the characters are actually gliding and not walking.
I didn’t however like that the game gets a bit too actiony toward the end. And the MULEs and the terrorists stop being a threat when you get upgraded weapons, and the BTs once you have that golden handcuff thing.
I hope they address that in the sequel. The BTs should have been a lot scarier and the stealth a bit more refined.
Still an amazing game. I loved just doing the deliveries. There’s a meditative quality to it that I only previously saw in Shadow of the Colossus.
Well, if you want to try again at some point, I can tell you they get progressively less scary as the game goes on because you’ll get a bunch of tools to deal with them. In the last third of the game even getting caught by one is nothing because you’ll have blood grenade launchers that can easily kill them. And for those who like the stealth way better, you’ll get a special tool to sever the BTs umbilical if you get near them (the game is very liberal in what it counts as near).
If you enjoyed FFXVI, it’s worth considering FFXIV.
It’s currently free to play through its first expansion and the second expansion will be free next year. So it’s a safe game to try from that perspective.
The producer of FFXIV is the same as FFXVI. His mentality has been that he’s wanted players who don’t want to play an MMO to be able to play through FFXIV’s story as if it were a mainline FF game. I’d say 95% of story content can be soloed at this point.
The two caveats are these: This is like playing through five full length JRPGs. To finish FFXIV’s story takes months. It’s easily 400+ hours of playtime imo.
The initial base game story, called A Realm Reborn or ARR is mediocre. It’s not bad, but the story quality spikes up in a big way at the first expansion and then never backs down. Even the end of ARR is really good, but it’s only decent up until then. However, after ARR is some of the best story writing I’ve ever had the pleasure to play. Shadowbringers and Endwalker in particular still bring tears to my eyes when I hear certain songs or rewatch some cutscenes. Truly a beautifully told story.
I’ve been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG on the PC since its inception more than a decade ago and I am still loving it. It’s playable as a solo game (I rarely group up for anything) and there are 8 different character classes, each with their own unique story and missions. It’s very much a typical Bioware product. So YMMV I guess.
Disco Elysium definitely, as it’s probably one of if not the best written games available right now.
If you want something with more gameplay, you should definitely take a look at Pathologic 2. New content will be released relatively soon for it too (as in a different playable character and story), so it’s probably a good time to give it a shot.
I’m replaying Dark Souls 2 SOTFS with a couple buddies. Have also been playing Dark and Darker which is an incredible early access pvpve dungeon crawler.
Oh cool! I’m also replaying that, kind of. I completed the original and this is my first time with SOTFS. I’m loving all the changes so far. Feels so fresh but also familiar. I’m also trying a magic build for the first time. I usually favour dex.
Awesome! Same here actually, played the original when it came out and this is my first time playing through Scholar. Far out, I’m trying out my first sorcerry build, and usually default to str. Subclassing dex so I can use short blades in my off hand
Fallout New Vegas (with some mods), Vampire Bloodlines (with community patch) and Deus Ex Human Revolutions. I’d personally even put Deus Ex 1 there for the story itself, but the game is pretty old and may be jarring for modern audience even with mods…
It depends if you are new to the game or not. There’s two big categories of mods - those that only perform modernization and quality of life features, and those that rework everything until it looks like Skyrim.
If you are new, I’d recommend not using any of the latter; they can be fun, but it’s good to know New Vegas “as is”, I’d say. Otherwise the selection is so big it’s hard to pick, I’m running like 30 or so (mostly extra weapons, enhanced AI, better crafting, extra sidequests and a player home). But just give an idea on the scope of mods, the settlement building system in FO4 was inspired by mods originally in New Vegas (Real Time Settler and Wasteland Defense), so there’s really a wide scope of things to pick from.
As for the former, there’s some that jump to mind - NVAC (New Vegas Anti-Crash), FNV 4GB memory patcher, stutter remover, nevada skies and/or EVE (essential visual enhacements), and probably a texture pack or two to enhance visuals. Maybe even NVSE, which is a scripting extension mod that other mods can/will need.
Its retro and really rough around the edges (and QTE heavy) and is more of a life sim than a traditional adventure game, but Shenmue I & II introduced day/night cycles with NPC schedules, has a fun martial arts combat system, and the story is kind of like an 80s martial arts film with a detective kick. There’s also gambling, drinking, a little bit of working at the docks, darts, retro arcade games, and some sleuthing to progress the story. Your progress from Shenmue I carries over to II
But again its rough around the edges and sometimes referred to as QTE simulator (or Dock Worker Simulator, as I jokingly call it). But somehow, all these elements blend together well to create a unique game. Not going to be for everyone but I really enjoyed it
Final note: I highly recommend using a controller. I ran into issues with KB+M, especially after remapping keys. It broke some of the QTEs.
agree with you on that second point. i stopped using CleanMyMac after some scathing reviews about its functionality.
honestly macOS is fine on its own to deal with stuff like this and cleaning, so third-party programs are kind of unnecessary. the only program i’m okay with nowadays is OnyX as it’s a nice toolbox for utilities