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Day 10 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots ( angielski

Today’s Game is Assassins Creed Black Flag. Honestly I’m kind of impressed I made it too 10 days. I totally expected myself to miss a day on my streak. Also. A few people in the past have asked about posting screenshots in the comments or stealing the idea for their own posts. Assuming the mods are chill with it I have no...


I way prefer these kind of gaming posts than the gaming “news”. So please keep posting these.

Does the Pirate Ship gameplay in black flag still hold up? I remember everyone used to rave about how good it was.


I decided to test it even though I’m done with the game. On my 110k pop city I ran it for 2 hours and simulation speed pre patch was 1.2 and is now .06 - 0.8

The performance is back to where it was pre optimization patches.


How is it car centric? Walking is the most op mode of transport in the game.


It’s almost a year and the game isn’t even in the expected day 1 release state.


Ok it doesn’t have bikes but walking and public transport are so over tuned its impossible to actually have traffic issues. If you don’t want to make a car centric city you can easily not make one.


Rts is great but many people nowadays don’t touch the genre and the people that play it are spread out across every rts game that ever existed. TA still has a community and it came out in 1997.

I’ve always played rts games extremely casually never playing single player but never playing 1v1 ranked. When you’re bad the games take so much longer and start slower. So it’s litterally a more boring game until you get good.

Playing beyond all reason and playing 1v1s for the first time has forced me to drop my noob habits and actually play rts properly. Its intense having to manage your raiding units while expanding while protecting that expansion while scouting while keeping your base safe and growing. But it’s so rewarding when you win.

Now I see newer players and what they have to go through I understand why so many quit. They join a lobby called “all welcome” then get kicked because no one wants the noob on their team. They get flamed. People run circles around them in game and attack before they have a single unit out. Rts is hard to learn but so fun once you have the basics down and can actually start developing strategies and reacting to your opponents in real time. Idk even know what I’m trying to say here I just woke up.


Game journalist are scum. They don’t play game they only attack people who play them. When game journalists are outraged about something it’s most likely because people are mad at a company and the journalists have to rush to the companies defense because they are paid.


I’ve had laptops, consoles and a steam deck. Nothing comes close to sitting at a desk and gaming on my pc. I don’t know what it is I just like my desk. Even when I’m using the steamdeck I sit at my desk.


I love making things and trying to figure out new ways to improve my experience. So I spent half a day making my lounge perfectly comfy, big 60inch 4k TV, pc hooked up, controller If I needed but also mouse and keyboard. and I played for 30mins before I realized it sucks compared to sitting at my desk.


A big sofa chair that wheels would be perfect. Even though my desk is empty and only has a keyboard, mouse I still like the space incase I need to solder or draw or store rubbish.


90% of my steamdeck usage is ps2 emulation. Old games get so much battery life and they always have pause and no forced online making them ideal for steamdeck


I’m still enjoying 5. I don’t think I need another civ game in happy with what I got.


The money is in the users not selling the hardware. As long as Playstation has hundreds of million daily users they will continue to make insane profit. The people will move up a generation eventually.


Focusing on PC more than ever isn’t exactly a high bar. Consoles (maybe not xbox) are still doing extremely well and consoles are more popular than PC by quite a big margin. I expect Sony and Nintendo to continue to grow their userbase even if the sales on the latest platform drop a bit.


The stats I could find compared pc and current and last gen consoles so ps4 and ps5 era and the split was basically 50/50. But if you think about it that’s not a fair comparison because pc has people who running on hardware worse than a ps3.

I mostly take issue with the smug tone of the article acting like it’s over for consoles just because they didn’t meet expectations and decided to bring some games to pc. Consoles are still extremely popular and far more powerful than the average pc according to steam hardware survey. They will still be around and successful no doubt about it.


Yea because ps4 is still getting all the releases and ps5 is really expensive. I have friends who still play on ps4 and I went to their house and they’re playing games on like 20fps having a blast. It was kinda wholesome I just wish they weren’t getting scammed by Sony and chose pc so they could play games that actually run on their hardware.


Very cool. i wonder if many steamdeck enjoyers will show up.


A competitive gaming community is different. You want players who are invested in winning. It’s more fun when everyone is playing hard. I’d rather have someone yell at someone who threw a round than no one say anything and have that player throw more rounds.

People are so coddled these days they have all the tools at their disposal to avoid “toxic” behavior and yet they won’t mute the person and will complain as if there was nothing they could do to escape the harassment of words on a screen. If someone is taking getting to you then you can mute them.

As for your statement on toxicity preventing you from playing multiplayer doesn’t seem true. There are plenty of games where you will never see toxicity and you still don’t play any of them so that can’t be what’s stopping you.


You said you don’t play many online games with Randoms because there aren’t games that moderate their communities. But there are plenty of games that moderate their communities so how is that hindering you from playing? It seems you just prefer to play single player or multi-player with friends. Which is fine but you are speaking about distrastically changing the culture of a community you don’t even interact with on the slim chance that they entice you to join.

To your point on sportsman ship. Yeah I would prefer if every good player was not a dickhead but I care about teammate skill before team mate attitude. When you are playing competitive games it wastes everyone’s time to play dumb or play wrong. If someone joins a ranked cs lobby and tries to only knife they deserve to get flamed. As long as people aren’t breaking the rules regarding hate speech I don’t care how mean or rude players are in competitive play. I personally don’t flame but I don’t mind that others do it raises the stakes and puts pressure on players which is a good thing. When I get flamed and I feel it’s annoying I just mute the person and continue.

I’ve played games that overly moderate the communities speech and it leads to not one talking and it feels like playing single player as everyone may as well be a bot.


I’ll try to be more specific about why I disagree cause I think my original comment did a poor job.

The article is basically someone tweeting an extreme situation at riot games acting like they so nothing about that kind of behavior. That’s not true I’d bet my left nut that guy would have been banned if the player had just muted him and reported him. They say oh i cant mute because then i need to communicate as if they have any need to communicate with a player making those kind of threats. It doesn’t make sense even with 100% perfect moderation you should would still need to mute the player and report.

Riot then is forced to respond by increasing how much they moderate speech. Introducing a bunch of new moderation and saying trust us guys we understand banter and won’t go overboard. But that’s exactly what will happen with all these extra tools and people start moderating. the bar for what is considered mutable will keep lowering. As long as this mentality of “never mute anyone and ban anyone who upsets you” continues then moderators will cater to their thinnest skinned players. At some point you need to realize you have to mute players who upset you and not engage with them.

In league of legends you get banned for saying anything remotely offensive it’s why no one talks in-game anymore. For a real life example ive been muted for saying “ok sex havers”. Here’s a reddit thread where many people have experienced the same over the top moderation that I describe.

If you want to kill communication in your game this is the right step to take. Reactionary measures are never a good sign. At someone point people need to mute and move and let valorant moderate their game without every toxic moment treated as common.

League is not toxic in communication anymore it’s toxic in players mentality and intent to ruin the game but it will never outgrow the toxic rep it earned thus people will treat every instance of toxicity like a common event.

After writing this all out I think I’ve convinced myself out of my position but I’ll leave the rough draft of what i wrote. Maybe you’re right that more moderation is a good thing. I can see chat being over moderated from the increased scrutiny. I can’t see a world where competitive multi-player games are a safe space for all types of people. Muting will always be necessary to curate your online experience.


I only started tf2 last year but I’m almost at 100hr of playing heavy. He perfect in every way.

What are some excellent free games/total conversions that are worth playing the whole thing? angielski

I used up play a ton of Doom mods years ago and a lot of the TCs were fun but lacked substance beyond the surface. Some of the new ones are cool but overly complex. (The Sonic cart game has an hour long tutorial before you start). I was a big fan of Simon’s Destiny, the Castlevania mod for Doom....


I learnt about bar from lemmy and have been hooked for months. Such a fun game, it’s Foss and has a great community.


The combat is very slow im ds1 compared to other games which makes it far easier. People say dark souls meaning the whole series not specifically ds1.


Forza 5 looks pretty good and runs on linux


Maybe Dusk? It doesn’t have a puzzle element like half life but it’s got fun gunplay and movement and the art style is cool.


That’s awesome but wouldn’t the ergonomics be very personalized depending on your disability. Maybe a modular set of attachments would be better than


Finally after many many years I have gathered my friends together and played divinity original sin 2. The first session was very fun and we all had a blast. We couldn’t complete any storylines because someone kept aggroing every npc and by the end of the night we had killed every npc in fort joy and used about 20 rez scrolls and many reloads.

After we got out of fort joy and agreed to put our muderhobo ways behind us and keep a good standing with the traders. It lasted about 5s before someone threw a bucket at the lvl 8 skeleton trader and he killed us all. After a reload to previous save we managed to sell our loot and have 1 npc who doesn’t hate us.

18+ Fizz,

What was your favorite entity?

18+ Fizz,

Yeah I love the revenants. The first one I encountered got 4/8 ok my colonists before I tracked him down.

A personal argument for a benefit of gaming

I grew up hearing all the talking heads (media), religious groups and parents strongly criticizing video games. You’ve, probably, heard some of this. For example, video games involving any type of violence causing people to become more violent, etc. As far as I know, the academic community has failed to produce any negative...


Honestly beating that game at such a young age shows a lot of problem solving capability. However getting angry at games is a habit you want to nip in the butt asap.


Playstation controllers work for. I’ve tried ps4 and ps5 ones with no issues.


Beyond all reason. I stared a few months ago new to the genre and after 100 hours of multiplayer I still sucked I was the lowest rank getting flamed most games.

Now I’ve got 250 hours under my belt and I’m really enjoying it. Started doing 1v1s which sped up my progress as it forced me to address the weaknesses I’d developed from playing 8v8.

Sky: Children of the Light - Players Offering to Take Your Hand ( angielski

In Sky: Children of the Light you can let yourself get taken by the hand, and the other player guides/plays for you and you barely need to do anything anymore. Felt a bit absurd and funny, but interesting nonetheless. Certainly unique. It was also very good to eat some snacks and watch yourself progress while doing so. bee happy...


I have little sympathy for people who buy ubisoft games. Especially always online ones like the crew.


That’s definitely the right way forward but I’m to jaded. People who brought the crew don’t care about this stuff and stopped playing many years ago and I’d be surprised if it still has 0.1% of the player base wanting to play. To me fighting to preserve the crew is like complaining about a happy meal toy breaking.

I think legislators are to old and unfamiliar with the gaming world to know how bad the situation is. They can barely understand right to repair and that’s a simple concept that their generation should understand.


Dark souls 1. No other game made exploring the world so exciting. I was checking every single nook and cranny because the game isn’t afraid to give you good gear if you look. The combat can be frustrating but the further you get the easier the game gets. Also definitely follow a build guide if it’s your first ds game.


Fair play I love marmite.


We’ve had code modding by using thunderstore since release only new thing is paradox mod store and map editor. I did get a roughly 10% performance increase on my largest city. It’s still not where I want it to be but I’m glad it’s slowly improving.


I’m jealous haha I wish I waited.


No they are not ysing steam workshop only paradox mods. The community is using thunderstore mods but I’m pretty sure paradox brought off the modders to ensure they move over to paradox mods.

Jagex co-founder and ex-employee (Andrew Gower) announces new MMORPG inspired by RuneScape (

I mean, when I saw an ex-Jagex employee making a new MMO I thought it was going to be slightly inspired by RuneScape… But this game looks exactly like RuneScape, and the description of the gameplay also matches it perfectly - this is essentially RuneScape 3 but managed by someone else (and with a much newer engine)


I’ve played a lot of runescape and I do not have a good opinion about jagex. They’re lucky they struck gold and instead of polishing it they do everything they can to destroy it. I’m sure this game will be pure trash.


I’m extremely excited about this dlc but I’m also sad that 15,000 mods are about to get broken.

The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers ( angielski

Gaming companies are coordinating with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to root out so-called domestic violent extremist content, according to a new government report. Noting that mechanisms have been established with social media companies to police extremism, the report recommends that the national security agencies...


Please never join the fbi. There won’t be a single gamer who isn’t an extremist in your eyes.

Also you’re delusional to assume my only internet experience is new reddit and 4chan. There is no one on this site who’s internet experience is new reddit and 4chan. That person doesn’t end up on the fediverse.


I don’t care how long you’ve been a gamer its obvious you’re old and out of touch.

How could this new reddit/4chan user have been here day 1 if the fediverse dates back much longer than new reddit.

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