#Night#gravel#cycling in #Poznan#forests is kinda losing it’s thrill… Got used to go through parks and woods alone so much it’s no longer a challenge…😂🤡
The lack of wild boars is probably the main reason. Meeting a family with little ones is always dangerous…🙈🤷🏻♂️
A long awaited #NightRiders urban ride with a trusted friend. There wasn’t much of a #gravel, but plenty of fast rolling asphalt. Still fun, though, cause of a great company!🥰
#GoodMorning#Gravel! Counter-clockwise loop around #Powidzkie#lake. The same, but different. Still beautiful but easier on legs, because you deal with the #washboard roads first…😉 Fell down again in the, while recording on the sands…😂😁
Niedzielne co nieco.
Wyobrazić sobie nieistniejące? Dla jednych to łatwa opcja, inni muszą się postarać.
„Wyobraź sobie. 262 lata. To czas, który spajasz. Znasz ludzi, którzy łączą te lata. Twój czas to czas ludzi, których znasz, kochasz, którzy cię kształtują. Ale twój czas to też czas kogoś, kogo poznasz i pokochasz, który ukształtujesz. Możesz go niemal dotknąć – 262 lata!”.
(Snaer Magnason Andri "O czasie i o wodzie", tł. Jacek Godek, Kraków 2021)
#GoodMorning#cycling! A nice #summer#drizzle was exactly what the doctor has ordered!😊 The air was so nice it was a pleasure to put some force into the pedals…🥰
While I was riding my main #bicycle on gravel a couple days ago, I was able to easily rescue a front wheel slide.
And when I was riding it yesterday up a fairly steep bit of sandy gravel (for the city), I was able to get past wheelslip and just pedal slowly and softly in a low gear to get up the hill.