
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! With happy I’ve hit my modest goal of 8000km, hoping for around 10000km by the year’s end. It’s not my best, but after last year 14000km grind, I’ve decided to dial it down a notch…🫣

@cycling @rower


Louisfantom, do ksiazki
@Louisfantom@mastodon.social avatar

Miesiąc używania go color 7 i farba zlazła z przycisku

theridgebikedaily, do rowery angielski
!deleted832 avatar

@rower Tak przy okazji fantazji i rozmachu kierowców: do kilku dni temu myślałem, że na DDR można być z grubsza bezpiecznym i czołówka z autem to abstrakcja...;-)


!deleted832 avatar

@rmikke @rower Szczerze powiedziawszy, nie znam innego sposobu tu d Szwecji poza pójściem na komisariat.

@rmikke@en.osm.town avatar

@theridgebikedaily @rower

My mamy taką stronę:


(ta jest dla Warszawy, ale o ile mi wiadomo są dla wszystkich województw).

Skorzystałem kiedyś i rzeczywiście zostało uruchomione postępowanie, zakończonę mandatem dla właścicielki za nieujawnienie kierowcy.

bobiko, do rowery
@bobiko@pol.social avatar

@rower o, znalazłem ciekawy kontent: https://mareknaszosie.pl/szok-kierowca-celowo-wjechal-w-rowerzyste/ ... tylko niech was nie zmyli ta czerwona droga przy krawężniku. nie jest to DDRka

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

It was a different kind of day!🥰 Little Frank, encouraged with a new , finally decided to ask me to take him on a adventure! He explicitly asked for no rain!😁 He didn’t have to ask twice!😂 We’ve done 17km route and it was his PB!🙈🥰

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

It was unbelievably cold today. 5°C felt like winter and I regretted I didn’t wear the winter jacket… I also started looking for some heated gloves, because I have no idea how I’m gonna survive the real winter…🤡

@cycling @rower


@paavi@mastodontti.fi avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower I could recommend "lobster" or "split mitt" style country skiing mittens/gloves. Better than gloves because your adjacent fingers warm each other but your middle and index fingers aren't tied to each other. Maybe get a size larger than normal and you can wear thin merino wool gloves underneath if it's really cold. YMMV but heated gloves never ever seemed worth it even at -15°C.
This is what I mean https://varuste.net/en/p100526/swix-endure-split-mitt

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! After only 3 hours of sleep I had to get up early to take to school, so why not ride myself down even more in the strong winds. At least the sun was nice…🤡😂

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Yesterday was fun, despite the ! However, in the end they’ve dragged me back home for a work emergency and I had to stay up until 4am…😂🤡

@cycling @rower


ihor, do ksiazki
@ihor@pol.social avatar

Ann Rule "Morderca znad Green River. Historia polowania na najokrutniejszego zabójcę w historii Stanów Zjednoczonych"
Obowiązkowa lektura dla miłośników true crime. Okrutne, bezsensowne zbrodnie, wieloletnie śledztwo, zbieranie poszlak. Morderca znad Green River był nieuchwytny przez 3 dekady, Ann Rule z archiwistyczną dokładnością dokumentuje każde zabójstwo, każdy atak.

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! The lice are gone, are back!🥰 Yesterday we’ve done some wrenching and handlebars cutting and little Franiu has a bigger bike with gears now!💥 He’s automatically the fastest guy around!😂

@cycling @rower


maciek33, do muzykametalowa
@maciek33@pol.social avatar

25 stycznia 2025 premiera kolejnego krążka od Harakiri For The Sky.

Czekam. @muzykametalowa

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Now that’s new! My entire family has lice! Kindergartens…😅 Not me, though… I had a nice time with a friend!😂 Washed and combed my head on return just in case and it’s clean. I guess it helps, sleeping on the couch…😂

@cycling @rower


allen, do trains angielski
@allen@rail.chat avatar

Vancouver West Coast Express EMD F59PH

This shiny locomotive carries commuters in and out of the heart of every weekday. It has 5 inbound trips in the morning and 5 outbound in the evening, past Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge to as far out as Mission, . It's quite fast compared to rush hour driving, and the views of the Fraser River are a treat. I just wish it went the non-rush directions at least a couple times a day.


a blue yellow and white train with number plate 907 at a station platform on a clear day

@Sunshine@lemmy.ca avatar

What a beauty!

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