desmosthenes, do games w Path of Exile 2 - Gamescom Druid Gameplay Walkthrough avatar

played the demo; it’s incredibly good

talbot, do games w Path of Exile 2 - Gamescom Druid Gameplay Walkthrough

These highlight videos are so frustrating, they hype the synergy combos then seem to struggle or avoid executing them consistently. The Blind Beast went virtually unscathed for the first 25 seconds and I only saw 1 wolf, 2 clear debuffs (the icon could have been covered up by the body or blended in with the red flesh), and 4 stuns in that whole fight. But even so out of ~11 attempts at the combo 3 of them did over 60% of the damage.

Dragonmind, do games w REDstreams — Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty | Dogtown, Police, Skills and Perks, Car combat

I was hoping they’d focus on world immersion stuff. Like 90% of the mods do.

li10, do games w Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Gameplay Trailer | gamescom 2023

Did they ever actually get the game working as it should?

I checked getting on for a year ago and apparently it was still in a bit of a state then.

That being said, even though people were furious about the performance, the lack of depth was what really made the game a disappointment.

dmonzel, avatar

The 1.5 release (Feb 2022) was where it went from pretty good on some platforms to really good on Stadia and next gen. I can’t speak to PC, personally as I’ve only played on Stadia and PS5, though.


It plays well on PC too. It was mostly last-gen consoles that had issues iirc.

circuitfarmer, avatar

Yeah, I played it day 1 on PC. Game mechanics issues aside (which are consistent between versions), it ran pretty well and I never even encountered anything game breaking. I suspect the PC version was actually the best at launch (probably still is since it’s ported to other systems).

Those last gen versions should never have even been attempted.


the lack of depth was what really made the game a disappointment

this right here. I didn’t experience any bugs at all on pc but the game is just bad, the world doesn’t feel lived in, and the gameplay is just meh (some guns were fun though)

circuitfarmer, avatar

Working public transit would have gone a long way towards this kind of immersion. It’s a damn shame too, because the system technically exists, and there are even placeholders for stations.

I think there were a lot of resources put towards getting the whole damn thing to run on last gen XB and PS4 which just made so many things impossible, and obviously you dont really want to have a couple versions out there without feature parity. They ended up with it anyway, but I think we may have seen a more complete product on launch had those dev resources not been needed for the older consoles.


I played the whole thing on ps5, did about 90 hours. It’s good now. Especially the mantis blades that come out of your arms and the quick hacks that let you control the cameras then hack all the guards so they shoot themselves or fry their implants. I did a ninja hacker build. Totally op but it was still fun. And I’ve heard good things about the gorilla arms.

The city feels more alive on ps5, lots of people, and I never had any issues with the cars or motorcycle glitching. If you like cyberpunk stuff it’s worth it and the dlc is coming out. There are areas where you can tell where they had to pull back, like the clothing options which all suck and the body stuff which has no purpose or unless you are changing clothes. Also I didn’t like V’s voice character at first but it grew on me. The acting is good all around.


One of the first pieces of clothing I picked up were chaps. When equipped, I was running around with my dong out.


I stumbled into ninja hacker as my build too. It’s so fun!


The game is more stable now, however it is still as shallow as a puddle and major systems like driving and melee combat still feel as clunky and unfun as day one

MeanEYE, avatar

It strikes me as odd just how much fanboys can stretch their fandom of anything. Promise space and universe, best and the biggest ever. Deliver local park bench in average texture quality. Then after, now mandatory, apology JPEG on Twitter they release HD version of same texture and everyone goes “ooh, aaaah, it’s good now”. As if the rest was never promised. One needs look no further than Crowbcats videos for these downgrades.

Only company that did the right thing was Hello Games, who sat down and worked their ass of and gave all the fixes for free and implemented everything promised.


HG hasn’t implemented EVERYTHING as promised. Honestly…

But the game is a lot better. Very little bugs. Spent some hours with it via Game Pass. I enjoy it way more versus Day 1 release. But the core mechanics are still a problem. That loop of “mine, find stuff, build a quick base (new), leave planet” is still present. They’ve just added extra stuff to do, but that little quirk is what makes the game get boring REALLY fast. Even the planets are still single biome which creates this lack of need or desire for exploration. I want to do things outside of that, and while I can with missions, the missions are boring and lackluster. Without a doubt, the game is still decent in its own right. But $60 dollars? Hell no.

You just can’t fix how a game was intended to be played unfortunately.

MeanEYE, avatar

Well, the loop is no longer necessary apart from fixing your ship. I played it that way and completed a game without a single base. I had to place some buildings to progress with initial quest line but I never maintained it or got back to it for anything other than to progress quest line.

As for content, yes, there could always be room for more but it’s far from empty and boring. You can manage fleets now, manage villages, do daily quests with other people, etc. There are things to do. Things to discover. Hunting for unique ships is especially interesting as they are located in specific planets and specific universes so use of gates is necessary.

So far game had many DLCs, all of which were free. They sat down and worked hard until game was complete. CDPR on the other hand still doesn’t have many things they’ve promised and now there’s DLC for 30€, while base game is still 60€. Still unpolished and buggy, lacking content promised initially.


At the end of the day this is all subjective so far be it from me to claim objectivity. That being said I don’t think you could really classify a lot of that as “things to do”

Managing fleets is just about W keying in space until you see a frigate and buying a couple ships with high stats. But in my experience stats don’t even really matter because the missions are almost always a success anyway. Speaking of fleet missions they are imo the most mobile game-y “come back in 26 hours” passive resource thing imaginable. No interactivity, just press a button and come back later.

Managing the village was fun for the first I’m gonna say 2 hours. Now it’s just another passive resource that pays out every 24 hours and makes me do some combat every time I visit. That well is about 2 inches deep and produces just enough water for me to call it a feature.

Daily quests are very samey. A lot of fetch quests for miscellaneous doodads that basically boil down to "go to the same terrestrial bunker you’ve seen 100 times on 100 worlds, Kill some sentinels (or bugs), interact with console, Get some cryptic dialog, return to quest giver, receive dosh. Again, Kinda fun at first, gets boring as hell very quick.

Ship collecting is at least interesting in that the RNG and strategy mesh nicely. But without any way to customize your ship outside of just finding one that looks the way you want there’s nothing more to do with them besides look at them. There’s no real reason to have more than 1.

Listen I don’t think the game is particularly bad. I’d even say it’s an upper tier “podcast game”, hell I have 100+ hours in it over like 3 years myself. But let’s not kid ourselves and say it’s a great game. It’s a perfectly Passable time waster to keep your hands busy while you do something else like chat with friends or read an audiobook (see: “podcast game”)

MeanEYE, avatar

Oh for sure I’ve played better games and I can’t call it great. It’s an okay game and I have similar amount of hours in it. But I think company needs to be praised for not doing what virtually every other company does these days and that’s to make an apology video claiming it was a good lesson for them and next time they’ll do better and to thank us for trusting them with our money. But they had no issue selling pre-orders, ultimate and platinum editions while fully knowing product is not finished.

MeanEYE, avatar

And yet another free DLC from Hello Games. Even if you don’t like the game, you can’t really be mad when they drop content updates for free like this on a regular basis.

notst, do games w Blasphemous 2 - Launch Trailer avatar

First game was very well made and the world was super captivating. Sadly I got really frustrated after around four hours and stopped playing. Still appreciated the amazing art and animations.

DeriHunter, (edited )

Same here, graveyqrd of peaks is such a frustrating place lol, but few days ago I gave it the 10th try with a guide and after a while you get into it and it gets really better

Sanctus, do games w Necromancer Career | Official Cinematic Trailer - Warhammer: Vermintide 2 avatar

Damn, necro’d a dead game with a necro


They necro’d me back with this necro.

Blackdoomax, do games w Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader - Official Companion Trailer | gamescom 2023

Why romantic preferences?

anteaters, do games w Homeworld 3: War Games – Gameplay Trailer avatar

Multiplayer vs bots was so much fun back then in 1 and 2 it makes me really happy to see that they have an eye on that style of mp and skirmishing instead of only focusing on pvp or competitive. There are really few games that I’m looking forward to these days but HW3 is definitely in that category.

Blackdoomax, do games w Path of Exile 2 - 7 Minutes of Warrior & Huntress Gameplay | gamescom 2023

Never tried the first one more than a few hours because it didn’t clicked for me. I hope this one will :)

elderflower, do games w FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 (FSR3) - AMD Stage Presentation | gamescom 2023

Hallucinated frames like DLSS3. Completely unnecessary, just like the hallucinated pixels of DLSS2/FSR2. Dialling a couple of settings down to medium looks much better.


All frames are hallucinations, sand wasn’t meant to think

candyman337, (edited )

We are reaching the limits of render technology with our current architectures. You’ll find that most established practices for computer hardware/software/firmware started as a “cheat” or weird innovation that began with using something in an ass backwards way. Reducing the amount of data a GPU needs to render is a good way to get more out of old and new hardware. It’s not perfected yet but the future of these features is very promising.


good thing the rendering engineers are willing to try different ways instead of stuck at this “real pixel” shit that some youtuber started. Even freaking Pixar that is grand daddy of CG tech also doing ML global illumination and temporal denoiser. some of our current gen realtime graphics literally took hours to render 10 years ago, hardware aren’t improving that fast, it’s the new algorithms and render method make it possible.


DLSS Quality looks better than native in many cases. Have you even tried it?


An upscaler cannot provide higher fidelity than than native providing all settings (other than resolution) are constant.


Sounds impossible but it’s not. Check out some of Digital Foundry’s on DLSS 2; more detail was pulled out of the lower base resolution than even native.


The upscaler is trained on higher resolution data and so it can more accurately depict subpixel and temporal information which is lost at native. DLSS can produce more detail than native in those cases.


I don’t think the term applies here. Hallucination, when it comes to AI models, is when they make up random data with no basis. This, on other hand, is interpolation. It compares two frames and predicts the intermediate frame using motion vectors. And FSR3 isn’t even using machine learning, it’s a bespoke algorithm that they have written.

Approximation would be a fitting term here, just like many things in rendering technology are.


AI models are universal approximators f such that y=f(x,w) with optimizable weights w that minimize some metric L(y). You can come up with a hand tuned approximator yourself that matches/beats an AI model. Does not change the fact that any approximator attempts to guess (i.e. “hallucinate”) the output y based on the prior x.


I guess different words come to our minds and that’s okay.

Blaze, do gaming w Top 10 Awesome Amazon Items right now! avatar

Goddamnit, you’re back



DeriHunter, do games w The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria - 13 Minutes of Exclusive Gameplay | gamescom 2023

I can see it being loved by the certain communities, like deep rock and such, but come on, you have the biggest and most popular fantasy world ever made and this is what you get out of it?


The company that owns the licensing to lotr is currently in a phase of will license the ip out to anyone mode. So whilst you might think there’s someone out there making decisions on what to do with the property, it’s more that a bunch of low budget companies are asking for the license and getting it for cheap

AnyProgressIsGood, do games w Homeworld 3: War Games – Gameplay Trailer

Homeworld is a one of a kind series. Interesting that they added a rouge like mode to an RTS

Glad to see the franchise with creatives willing to experiment

kadu, (edited ) do games w FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 (FSR3) - AMD Stage Presentation | gamescom 2023 avatar


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  • Edgelord_Of_Tomorrow,

    You’re getting downvoted but this will be correct. DLSSFG looks dubious enough on dedicated hardware, doing this on shader cores means it will be competing with the 3D rendering so will need to be extremely lightweight to actually offer any advantage.


    I wouldnt say compete as the whole concept of frame generation is that it generates more frames when gpu resouces are idle/low due to another part of the chain is holding back the gpu from generating more frames. Its sorta like how I view hyperthreads on a cpu. They arent a full core, but its a thread that gets utilized when there are poonts in a cpu calculation that leaves a resouce unused (e.g if a core is using the AVX2 accerator to do some math, a hyperthread can for example, use the ALU that might not be in use to do something else because its free.)

    It would only compete if the time it takes to generate one additional frame is longer than the time a gpu is free due to some bottleneck in the chain.


    You guys are talking about this as if it’s some new super expensive tech. It’s not. The chips they throw inside tvs that are massively cost reduced do a pretty damn good job these days (albit, laggy still) and there is software you can run on your computer that does compute based motion interpolation and it works just fine even on super old gpus with terrible compute.

    It’s really not that expensive.

    kadu, avatar


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  • echo64, (edited )

    Yeah, it does, which is something tv tech has to try and derive themselves. Tv tech has to figure that stuff out. It’s actually less complicated in a fun kind of way. But please do continue to explain how it’s more compute heavy

    Also just to be very clear, tv tech also encompasses motion vectors into the interpolation, that’s the whole point. It just has to compute them with frame comparisons. Games have that information encoded into various gbuffers so it’s already available.

    hark, avatar

    The hit will be less than the hit of trying to run native 4k.

    kadu, avatar


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  • hark, avatar

    Either way, it pays for itself.

    Hypx, avatar

    People made the same claim about DLSS 3. But those generated frames are barely perceptible and certainly less noticeable than frame stutter. As long as FSR 3 works half-decently, it should be fine.

    And the fact that it works on older GPUs include those from nVidia really shows that nVidia was just blocking the feature in order to sell more 4000 series GPUs.

    kadu, (edited ) avatar


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  • Hypx, avatar

    You aren't going to use these features on extremely old GPUs anyways. Most newer GPUs will have spare shader compute capacity that can be used for this purpose.

    Also, all performance is based on compromise. It is often better to render at a lower resolution with all of the rendering features turned on, then use upscaling & frame generation to get back to the same resolution and FPS, than it is to render natively at the intended resolution and FPS. This is often a better use of existing resources even if you don't have extra power to spare.


    because I think the post assumes that the GPU is always using all of its resources during computation when it isn’t. There’s a reason why benchmarks can make a GPU hotter than a game can, as well as the fact that not all games pin the gpu performance at 100%. If a GPU is not pinned at 100%, there is a bottleneck in the presentation chain somewhere. (which means unused resources on the GPU)

    kadu, avatar


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  • dudewitbow,

    I still think it’s a matter of waiting for the results to show up later. AMD for RDNA3 does have an AI engine on it, and the gains it might have in FSR3 might be different in the same way XeSS does with branching logic. Too early to tell given that all the test suite tests are RDNA3, and that it doesn’t officially launch til 2 weeks from now.


    Frame generation is limited to 40 series GPUs because Nvidias solution is dependant on their latest hardware. The improvements to DLSS itself and the new raytracing stuff work on 20/30 series GPUs. That said FSR 3 is fantastic news, competition benefits us all and I’d love to see it compete with DLSS itself on Nvidia GPUs.

    Hypx, avatar

    If FSR 3 supports frame generation on 20/30 series GPUs, you'll wonder if they'll port it to older GPUs anyways.


    If they did I’m pretty sure it would just be worse than FSR given the hardware requirements.

    Lemmitor, do games w Alien Hominid HD | 2023 Re-Release Trailer

    Used to love this game back in the days of Xbox 360 Arcade. I remember asking my parents to help me buy Microsoft Points to buy DLC or Arcade games. Remember those? Ah, nostalgia.

    Can’t way to play this again.

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