In Minecraft I run in one direction for half an hour and build little forts. I don’t sleep in the bed and when I die I die. There’s a neat sense of satisfaction finding all the little things I’ve left behind.
I used to do pixel art too so I’ve run into giant glowstone Pikachus in the past
Cyberpunk 2077 is purely an escapist game for me. The game itself sort of sucks, the side missions are mostly “go and kill this dude” or “go and steal this thing”, nothing you do has an effect on anything and it’s generally pretty uninspired and blah, but I bought it because I got it for under 20€ so I figured why the hell not.
It looks damn purdy though, and Night City is intricately built and has lots of small fun details. I love just wandering around the city, stopping at hole-in-the-wall noodle places (even though they might just be “window dressing”, and even if they’re not the restaurants in the game are totally pointless), or browsing the stuff at some market, etc. etc. etc. So even though I don’t like it as a game, I like the environment it provides (although honestly the constant in-your-face sexism gets pretty old…)
I personally really like cyberpunk, I wish the launch went better. Adding more features would have made it truly great.
I’m an achievement hunter. Normally once beating a game I uninstall and move on to the next game. But cyberpunk, I did three full playthroughs on very hard with different builds.
The story is really great the first playthrough, but for my second and third playthrough, I rush to level 14, grab the double jump, and just go exploring. I hit level 50 before talking to Takemura at the diner.
My favorite character is my third one, my corpo netrunner. Pre-patched contagion was just bonkers. You could walk into an enemy stronghold, look at someone, and command the whole building to die.
The game becomes a whole lot less fun when you’re that OP, but it felt like a reward, since the early stages of a netrunner build is the weakest build in the game.
It’s absolutely got a lot of good things about it. While I don’t necessarily like it as such, I don’t dislike it either 😁 mainly the things that bug me are that the mechanics are a pretty generic sneak’n’hack clone and it’s very linear: nothing you do actually influences anything very big in the world except for some fairly inconsequential things, and you have no real choice in the larger picture of how things turn out.
I’m hoping the DLC, whatchamacallit, delivers on its promises of remaking some of the game to deliver more of what they originally promised.
I have not! I was actually just eyeballing it in Steam the other day thinking about whether I’d want to buy it, so I think I’ll take this as a recommendation
Absolutely a recommendation. It’s extremely atmospheric. If you’ve ever wanted “drive” around in Blade Runner’s world, Cloudpunk is about as close as you’re going to get in terms of feel.
Cloudpunk has really nice atmosphere but is highly linear, almost to the point of belonging to the “walking simulator” genre. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but just don’t go in expecting much in terms of gameplay.
Oddly enough I like walking simulators, even though Cyberpunk’s linearity irked me. I think it’s because I like my RPGs more nonlinear and with more freedom to decide how things go, but I’m fine with linear stories in games that don’t try to sell themselves as something else
Right‽ I just started playing Cloudpunk and I’ve really liked it so far, and I had this exact thought. Cloudpunk is close and it’s great fun, but I would commit light treason if it meant getting a (good…) 1st person Blade Runner game on the market
edit: oh and thank you for the tip, it’s exactly what I was looking for
Seconding the movement. Everyone wants at least one feather and a handful of hooves and energy drinks but if you stack up you can literally just fly around the map. It’s even more fun with movement utilities like the commando’s slide, you can launch jump like crazy.
DRG has a whole list of things that just feel good:
Fucking obliterating one grunt with your biggest gun or explosive as you board the drop pod
Going back to rescue your teammate that didn't make it to the drop pod even though it technically barely matters as long as one person makes it back alive
When building liquid morkite pipes that run parallel for a while, lining the support points up
Using a bulk detonator to kill a dreadnought
Mining a crassus detonator gold sphere by drilling all of the surrounding terrain away so that the entire sphere pops at once and collapses in to a neat pile
I would always play AVP2 as an Alien. I loved the mobility of being able to traverse walls and the unique challenges/opportunities it presented. I played it a lot and got quite good at it (would easily be the top player in most games I played), but would more often focus on making use of those unique mechanics for novelty situations.
One map (the forge, or something similar) had high ceilings with ridges built in to it, perfect for hiding an Alien. Instead of running around the map tearing up victims and moving up the leaderboard, I would cling up on that ceiling and wait for an unsuspecting human to pass underneath. I would drop down like a spider, paralyze them with my tail, and immediately headbite them. The glee that I would get from perfectly executing that surpassed any MVP received from high scores. It was fun to just play an Alien like an Alien.
I want to play that so bad right now. The cat like movement with wall-climb, plus the alien vision is easily one of my top 5 unique gaming experiences.
Easily one of my favourite PvP games because of the species dynamics and the lobby options. Used to play it at LAN parties now and then, up to maybe 8 players. Once you had enough players it was great to have 1 Predator vs 2-3 aliens and the rest humans. Species were selected at random so sometimes you’d get a derpy predator or a one hunter killing machine. It always lead to interesting games that sort of naturally lead inadvertently to roleplay scenarios like the humans keeping an eye on vents and banding together.
Oh and alien life cycle was always on for more challenge to the alien players. Trying to find a facehugger victim in and trying not to get blasted straight out of the chest as a chestburster to become the ultimate killing machine.
Apex is listed as Steam Deck Verified. Since Steam Deck and desktop linux use the same compatibility tool, Proton, that means both should be supported.
Additionally, the last time this happened, Apex unbanned all of the desktop linux users, which is at least a soft-confirmation that it’s supported.
edit: as per requested; There is far more to any system than just the OS or a single piece of software. Simply because both systems use the same core, the OS isn't a copy and paste. Additionally, the varied components result in very different results. tldr; Linux != steam OS despite being built on the same core.
I hope you understand that you’re getting downvoted because your reply is very low-effort that refuses to go into any detail. Therefore, it comes across as malicious, arrogant, and dismissive.
You’re pretty misinformed here. EA (or rather the internal studio, Respawn) had to include the EasyAnticheat .so file (which is specifically designed to allow EasyAnticheat to function under Linux – .so files are the Linux equivalent of Windows .dlls) in their Apex Legends builds to begin with. Otherwise, EAC will not run on Linux, period. This developer opted-in to EasyAnticheat running, and has continued to opt-in to this.
This isn’t Valve “tacking on” support, the presence of that file is an explicit “we’re permitting this to work” (even if they don’t “officially” consider it supported).
A closer analogy might be selling uncooked food that is safe for people with a peanut allergy and then one day adding peanuts as an ingredient after they’ve paid for a shipment. [It should go without saying avoiding a peanut allergy reaction is more important than preventing a company locking you out of entertainment software you paid for]
It’s my hope that corporations will learn it’s a dumb choice to needlessly cut off their Linux users but a better choice would be to not play video games where a company can arbitrarily lock you out in the first place. I hope someone is working on a libre version of Apex.
Shooting out of a cannon with the wings hat and flying around in Mario 64 was such a pure fun experience for my kid brain. The switch in music and just soaring around a 3d level was really something special at the time.
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