JebanuusPisusII, do wolnyinternet w Problem Lemmiego

Zgadzam się, byłoby super, ale wg mnie powinny wrócić fora BB! Kwestię wygody jednej strony/jednego konta załatwić przez single sign-on.

didleth, avatar

@JebanuusPisusII @lemmur jak stracisz hasło do takiego konta, to za cholerę nie idzie go odzyskać, ani nawet stworzyć nowego, żeby jakieś namiary na admina złapać.


Gdzie niby jest problem z odzyskaniem konta do któregoś z IdP? Jedyne, czego brakuje, to żeby jakaś szanująca prywatność organizacja działała jako IdP (np. Mozilla).

didleth, avatar

@JebanuusPisusII jeśli przez "IdP" rozumiesz fora BB, na wegedzieciaku chociażby. Już z dwojga złego wolę fb...


Mam na myśli zmodernizowane fora BB z logowaniem przez SSO. Czyli “log in with {FB,Google,GitHub, etc.}” tylko fajnie by było gdyby właśnie ktoś lepszy też oferował bycie IdP jak np. Mozilla albo gdyby stworzono wsparcie dla nomadycznych tożsamości.

AceFuzzLord, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

If you don’t mind some puzzle solving and the fact it’s a point and click adventure game, there is Beyond The Edge of Owlsgard. It can be completed in a couple hours if you have played it before, but took me so much longer since I had no prior experience.

There is also Brok the Investigator, which is a choice based game where your actions lead to one of something like 6 different endings before, supposedly, getting the cannon ending or something along those lines.

pbpza, do zapytajszmer w Jakie tipy macie w walce z pracą dyplomową?

Czerwiec już się skończył. A tak to radzę wyjebać się na akademię, nie bez powodu miałeś kilka lat przerwy. System jest do zaorania, bo jest toksyczny i nawet często nie możesz żadnej sensownej nauki porobić. Może załóż kooperatywę pracowniczą?

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Sierpień* pomyłka

A jaki sens ma kooperatywa pracownicza jak

a) nie jestem pracownikiem

b) nie mam pomysłu na biznes

c) pytałem o tipy na przemęczenie dyplomu żeby mieć to z głowy


Jak nie ma jakieś specjalnej procedury w regulaminie to może możesz oddać w lutym?

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

No niby mogę przedłużyć do grudnia, a jak dłużej to prawdopodobnie będę musiał powtarzać etap rozliczeniowy. Boje się jednak że przedłużenie terminu mi nie pomoże, kiedy brakuje mi pomysłu na kształt pracy

kosttek, do wolnyinternet w Problem Lemmiego

Mi też tego brakuje. Ale wygląd na to że już istnieje wyszukiwarka!

Mixel, avatar

Ale widzę że tutaj też trzeba wybrać konkretną instancje.

SturgiesYrFase, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______ avatar

I would highly recommend A Story About My Uncle. It took me about 6 hours to get all the things and do the whole story. It’s a somewhat challenging first-person platfomer. Basic setup for the story is your Uncle is an inventor and adventurer. He disappeared and you find a note and a device in his attic, the device teleports you to a different world/dimension, and you make friends and find adventure along the way.

Serisin, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Illusion of Time is one of my all time favourite pixel art rpgs, don’t know if it’s available to you on your chosen systems though, should be easily emulated if on Pc.

mojo, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu

So it knows what input device you’re using

Bro if this is what bothers you, then I wish I had such an easy life as you

StringPotatoTheory, do games w Questions about coop in baldurs gate 3

My partner and I played through Divinity Original Sin 2 many times with co-op, and now we are playing through BG3 and we are having the time of our lives. It’s really really good. It’s like co-op in DoS2 but I’d say it’s even better.

Just make sure you recruit someone and they recruit someone to your party (just like in DoS2) so you both get to control another character. But it’s really easy to switch out party members if they are in your camp.


You can also go to session and switch NPC control to your other person if you accidentally had one person recruit two people.


I didn’t know that! Thanks I’ll have to keep that in mind.


Sounds amazing, thanks for your opinion!

Nioxic, do games w Questions about coop in baldurs gate 3…

Ask here, mate

Sorry. I dont think my stupid lemmy app can properly link communities :(

Blaze, avatar

I will ask there too, thanks :)

Rough_N_Ready, do games w Questions about coop in baldurs gate 3

Having a blast with coop. They’ve improved systems over divinity. For example, during combat, if you and a teammate have turns next to each other, you can both take your turns at the same time. This really helps combat flow faster. I’d much rather play it coop than solo.

I haven’t been this hooked on a game in a LONG time. It’s amazing.


I assume co-op is online and not on the couch? Think it’d be good if I can get a friend to co-op with in the same room?


I believe couch co-op is comimg for console, although apparently the devs are having some trouble with it on xbox


Couch co op os available on PC. I checked with someone for GeForce


Oh nice! And is it okay on a controller?


From what the other guy said. Yeah controller is all good.


That sounds nice, i will probably wait for my friend. Too tell you the truth i hoped that people here would say that it’s bad so i could start playing right now, but if it is even better then D:OS2 then i will wait :P

Oshka, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs avatar


Do people not like Octopath Travler (1 & 2)??? I rarely see it mentioned but it's one of my absolute favorites. Fantastic pixel art and music. I love the combat and job system too. Being able to bridge level deficits with items/gear and strategy meant it wasn't grindy either.

_spiffy, do games w Questions about coop in baldurs gate 3 avatar

It depends on your partners and what you want your experience to be. Want to do stupid shit and be silly? Then coop is for you. Want to take the story seriously and get fully immersed? Maybe solo is better for you

MysticKetchup, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

The World Ends With You (or the sequel, Neo: The World Ends With You) is an action RPG that does away with random encounters. Battles are initiated by you scanning for enemies and picking fights in your own, you can even lower your level or string multiple fights together for more rewards. The original is 2D (and best played in a DS/2DS/3DS but if you don’t have one there’s also a single-screen version on Switch) and the sequel is 3D on Switch and Steam.

Brazzburry, do games w Questions about coop in baldurs gate 3

It’s dos2 with better team interactions narratively. Like ur buddies can add points to ur persuasion rolls and stuff. Super nice.

Deestan, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

Procession to Calavry is a point-and-click adventure game tagged as “medieval” and “dark comedy” which is spot on.

The Longing is a pretty experimental game about waiting. You can win the game by waiting 400 hours, or you can go for one of the alternative endings, all of them needing a lot of waiting around.

Return of the Obra Dinn is a game you should take your time in. Explore. Ponder. Explore. Ponder. It has been compared to filling in crosswords.

Ittle Dew is a puzzle game with a Zelda-ish style and cute punk comedy presentation.

One Finger Death Punch 2 makes you feel the way super cool martial arts fights scenes look.

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