Illusion of Time is one of my all time favourite pixel art rpgs, don’t know if it’s available to you on your chosen systems though, should be easily emulated if on Pc.
My partner and I played through Divinity Original Sin 2 many times with co-op, and now we are playing through BG3 and we are having the time of our lives. It’s really really good. It’s like co-op in DoS2 but I’d say it’s even better.
Just make sure you recruit someone and they recruit someone to your party (just like in DoS2) so you both get to control another character. But it’s really easy to switch out party members if they are in your camp.
Having a blast with coop. They’ve improved systems over divinity. For example, during combat, if you and a teammate have turns next to each other, you can both take your turns at the same time. This really helps combat flow faster. I’d much rather play it coop than solo.
I haven’t been this hooked on a game in a LONG time. It’s amazing.
That sounds nice, i will probably wait for my friend. Too tell you the truth i hoped that people here would say that it’s bad so i could start playing right now, but if it is even better then D:OS2 then i will wait :P
Do people not like Octopath Travler (1 & 2)??? I rarely see it mentioned but it's one of my absolute favorites. Fantastic pixel art and music. I love the combat and job system too. Being able to bridge level deficits with items/gear and strategy meant it wasn't grindy either.
It depends on your partners and what you want your experience to be. Want to do stupid shit and be silly? Then coop is for you. Want to take the story seriously and get fully immersed? Maybe solo is better for you
The World Ends With You (or the sequel, Neo: The World Ends With You) is an action RPG that does away with random encounters. Battles are initiated by you scanning for enemies and picking fights in your own, you can even lower your level or string multiple fights together for more rewards. The original is 2D (and best played in a DS/2DS/3DS but if you don’t have one there’s also a single-screen version on Switch) and the sequel is 3D on Switch and Steam.
Procession to Calavry is a point-and-click adventure game tagged as “medieval” and “dark comedy” which is spot on.
The Longing is a pretty experimental game about waiting. You can win the game by waiting 400 hours, or you can go for one of the alternative endings, all of them needing a lot of waiting around.
Return of the Obra Dinn is a game you should take your time in. Explore. Ponder. Explore. Ponder. It has been compared to filling in crosswords.
Ittle Dew is a puzzle game with a Zelda-ish style and cute punk comedy presentation.
Not sure if this fits in what you’re looking for but I like Book ofTravels. It’s a very original morpg (they call it tmorpg I think which stands for tiny multiplayer online RPG ).
Also has some very interesting story telling coupled with a no hand holding way of handling quests.
Mass Effect trilogy. It has amazing characters, get stories, and the gameplay gets better with each game. Though the first in the series is still my favorite, and one of my favorite games of all time, 2 is considered to be one of the best character driven RPGs in recent memory. Bonus, you can get all three remastered via the Legendary Edition.
If you’re looking for a good JRPG, I can’t recommend the Persona series enough. I hate traditional JRPG’s but I love Persona and have dumped literally hundreds of hours into P5/ P5 Royal. I know it’s not pixel art, but the art style is very unique and fun to look at.
Random encounters are a staple of Japanese rpgs, not rpgs in general (and also not all jrpgs have them). There are a plethora of rpgs without them! You will more likely see enemies on screen, and good rpgs allow you options to resolve things without combat (with some exceptions, like certain monsters).