learningduck, do gaming w If the same game is available and on sale on GOG and Steam, on which platform you rather buy it?

If the price are equal then GOG, but it doesn’t has local price and tend to be significantly more expensive than games on Steam.

radau, do piracy w Can anyone recommend a VPN that has working port forwarding?

AirVPN, for over a decade and they’ve kept my ports the whole time

SaddlerFan, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good. avatar

Drive all around the map in GTA V’s multiplayer (invite only session, of course) when the weather is nice. Or just walk around the city. Browsing tattoos or clothes etc. Just doing ordinary things instead of riding around on a flying motorcycle and whatnot.

!deleted6508 avatar

I kinda hate that I am targeted because what I have fun doing in GTA5 is stunting with the Oppressor Mk1. People see it on the map and immediately start trying to fuck with me when I’m just in the mountains doing flips and ignoring everyone. :/

I don’t even have the guns unlocked for it!

Kolanaki, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.
!deleted6508 avatar

Man, I have a buncha people giving me shit on my thread for BG3 asking if one of the encounters can be cheesed because the way it would be cheesed is hilarious. It’s a clone fight and I was curious if you could make the clone spawn naked and make the fight a non-issue. Now some people are upset and tell me I should just “play the game.” Is that not what I am doing? I was gonna do it anyway, I just wanted to know if I should save before hand if it fucked me over completely.

I like breaking games. It’s fun. I’ll play them the way they were “intended” once or twice; but after that I’m doing everything but that. Just to see what I can actually get away with. I thought that was the point of an interactive experience. Why the hell would I want to just do the canned ‘canon’ shit? I want to do all the things you can’t do in reality because they would hurt yourself or others. I want to test the limits of the game designer’s imagination. If I can think of it and they missed it or if they actually put that little detail in.


While I do enjoy cheesing fights in BG3, I’ve run into a few which seemed impossible if I didn’t find a way to cheese it, which is kind of a bummer. Shoving the big bad off a cliff should be a strategy, but shouldn’t be the only one.

!deleted6508 avatar

I don’t even really want to push the BBG off a cliff. I can’t loot him if I do that!


You may already know this because it's a big and recent game, but you can do this exact thing to a clone fight in Elden Ring

!deleted6508 avatar

That was what gave me the idea. I love Fromsoft games. :)

storm_koala, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.

Riding around in GTA San Andreas. Like taking a truck and making long trips while listening to K-DST radio.

kratoz29, avatar

K-DST formed many of my current favorite musical genres lol.

Ormulum, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.

Flying around in the birdsuit in Pilotwings 64. I could do that for hours. Except I usually eventually try to fly through a cave and crash. Gosh I’d love a new Pilotwings


I’d also love a new pilotwings in the N64 style. With the music it was so relaxing.

heliodorh, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good. avatar

Threads of Fate. Shape shifting into the cool creature forms (esp the gargoyle) and running around.

Okami. Literally, the whole ass game lol.

WoW. Exploring, collecting herbs, and skinning mobs in druid forms.

LOTRO. Just riding around.

Witcher 3. Just riding around, taking in the views - and possibly being waylaid by random wolf packs and bandits, but then the cool music starts playing and Geralt says hilarious random shit while chopping heads so that’s also fine.

Genshin Impact. Just running around doing random shit as Klee.

Callie, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good. avatar

Saving the animals in super Metroid comes to mind. There it little to no benefit from saving them, but it feels good to me to do so


If that was possible, not saving the animals should get you a bad ending in Metroid Fusion.

TheRazorX, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.

In Diablo 3, I always saved the NPCs in Act 2 while doing bounties, even though there was no incentive to do so. Dunno if it counts as feeling good, but could never bring myself to ignore their cries.

Skua, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.

Noita: building wands with horrendous recoil. I know it's going to get me killed when I launch myself in to something dangerous, but it's just funny to be able to fly by the power of destroying everything in a given direction

GreneArwe, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good. avatar

I love to boot up Red Dead Redemption 2 and go on little hunting / fishing trips as Arthur. I play it as close to real life as I can, meaning I don’t just sprint across the map on horseback and get to my destination in five minutes or less. I have Arthur eat breakfast, ride the trails for a few in game hours, eat lunch, ride until dark, set up camp, eat dinner, brush / feed the horse, sleep, repeat. If I go through a town on my way, I’ll usually stop for a day to experience some entertainment or do a bit of gambling. It can take multiple in game days to reach a hunting / fishing spot. I’ll set up a camp once there, do some hunting / fishing for a few days, and then ride back home. It’s just super relaxing for me and helps me appreciate the little details in the game even more.


I never got anywhere near finishing the story due to this. Its a beautifully relaxing game if you just drink it all in and immerse yourself. I’m a big fan of the daily routine at the camp and if I don’t make it back one night, spend the return catching up with everyone and doing some chores.

MicholasMouse, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 13th

I’ve been playing a shitload of Valorant. It hits the sweet spot for me between FPS and MOBA. I hadn’t played a tactical shooter before but I’m warning up to it. I still prefer Halo-style battle arena games but this is fun.

Speaking of Halo-like games: I am still playing splitgate even though the game is dead. It’s some of the most fun I have ever had while playing a game with friends.

Limeaide, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.

In CSGO I constantly switching guns andbinspecting my weapons. The animations and sounds are really satisfying to me

In Minecraft flying around in the Elytra feels really nice. I wish there was some sort of time trials minigame for the Elytras

CorrodedCranium, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good. avatar

In Minecraft I run in one direction for half an hour and build little forts. I don’t sleep in the bed and when I die I die. There’s a neat sense of satisfaction finding all the little things I’ve left behind.

I used to do pixel art too so I’ve run into giant glowstone Pikachus in the past

massive_bereavement, avatar

More than ten years ago, I played with coworkers in a Minecraft beta server at a place I used to work.

Recently I was told that the server still existed and one of my ex-coworkers still maintained and played actively on it being the only one left.

He built around whatever others did, so I could (theoretically) still find all the cubic dirt houses we made.

interolivary, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.
!deleted5791 avatar

Cyberpunk 2077 is purely an escapist game for me. The game itself sort of sucks, the side missions are mostly “go and kill this dude” or “go and steal this thing”, nothing you do has an effect on anything and it’s generally pretty uninspired and blah, but I bought it because I got it for under 20€ so I figured why the hell not.

It looks damn purdy though, and Night City is intricately built and has lots of small fun details. I love just wandering around the city, stopping at hole-in-the-wall noodle places (even though they might just be “window dressing”, and even if they’re not the restaurants in the game are totally pointless), or browsing the stuff at some market, etc. etc. etc. So even though I don’t like it as a game, I like the environment it provides (although honestly the constant in-your-face sexism gets pretty old…)

Zozano, avatar

I personally really like cyberpunk, I wish the launch went better. Adding more features would have made it truly great.

I’m an achievement hunter. Normally once beating a game I uninstall and move on to the next game. But cyberpunk, I did three full playthroughs on very hard with different builds.

The story is really great the first playthrough, but for my second and third playthrough, I rush to level 14, grab the double jump, and just go exploring. I hit level 50 before talking to Takemura at the diner.

My favorite character is my third one, my corpo netrunner. Pre-patched contagion was just bonkers. You could walk into an enemy stronghold, look at someone, and command the whole building to die.

The game becomes a whole lot less fun when you’re that OP, but it felt like a reward, since the early stages of a netrunner build is the weakest build in the game.

!deleted5791 avatar

It’s absolutely got a lot of good things about it. While I don’t necessarily like it as such, I don’t dislike it either 😁 mainly the things that bug me are that the mechanics are a pretty generic sneak’n’hack clone and it’s very linear: nothing you do actually influences anything very big in the world except for some fairly inconsequential things, and you have no real choice in the larger picture of how things turn out.

I’m hoping the DLC, whatchamacallit, delivers on its promises of remaking some of the game to deliver more of what they originally promised.

massive_bereavement, avatar

Have you tried Cloudpunk?

!deleted5791 avatar

I have not! I was actually just eyeballing it in Steam the other day thinking about whether I’d want to buy it, so I think I’ll take this as a recommendation


Absolutely a recommendation. It’s extremely atmospheric. If you’ve ever wanted “drive” around in Blade Runner’s world, Cloudpunk is about as close as you’re going to get in terms of feel.


Cloudpunk has really nice atmosphere but is highly linear, almost to the point of belonging to the “walking simulator” genre. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but just don’t go in expecting much in terms of gameplay.

!deleted5791 avatar

Oddly enough I like walking simulators, even though Cyberpunk’s linearity irked me. I think it’s because I like my RPGs more nonlinear and with more freedom to decide how things go, but I’m fine with linear stories in games that don’t try to sell themselves as something else

massive_bereavement, avatar

That's probably why I recommended it. I spent more time with it going around aimlessly, hamging out in places than actually following the story.

I just want a Blade Runner sim so badly...

!deleted5791 avatar

I just want a Blade Runner sim so badly…

Right‽ I just started playing Cloudpunk and I’ve really liked it so far, and I had this exact thought. Cloudpunk is close and it’s great fun, but I would commit light treason if it meant getting a (good…) 1st person Blade Runner game on the market

edit: oh and thank you for the tip, it’s exactly what I was looking for

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