equinox, do piracy w Any good tools for converting a YT playlist to mp3? avatar

I use media-downloader as the frontend to yt-dlp

FireTower, do games w Best games to improve language fluency avatar

Play the games you know. If you know when a character is supposed to say “Get to the helicopter now we are leaving!” When you hear them say “Kommen Sie zum Helikopter, jetzt fahren wir los.” you’re more likely to have that 10-20% you wouldn’t otherwise understand your head.

Also I recommend any games set in a region where the language you want to learn is set. This is because all the signs will be in that language.

popemichael, do games w I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 avatar

I’m 60 hours in and I just discovered that there’s an act 2…

My only complaint is that you can’t rename your backpacks

!deleted6508 avatar

I just use the unique named backpacks I find. Like I have a “backpack,” “Bewildered Adventurer’s Backpack,” “Old backpack,” “Rotting backpack,” etc.

I keep my potions in the bewildered bag, scrolls in the old bag, and throwables in the rotting bag. All the quest items (except the damn artifact) into the backpack I started with, along with my alchemy and supply pouches, gold and keyring.

popemichael, avatar

That’s a excellent idea. I’m going to start doing it that way until someone makes a backpack naming mod

pory, avatar
popemichael, avatar

Thank you for that! I’ll have to use that on my next run


I would LOVE to rename backpacks/chests. I’ve gone way too deep collecting storage containers lol


I have a barbarian that throws smokepowder barrels at people

This game is fucking amazing


I’m over 60 hours in and afraid to ask. Backpacks?

popemichael, avatar

Backpacks. Yep.

I had to give up by hour 50 trying to better organize things

pory, avatar

If you pick up container items like satchels and backpacks, you can use them as nesting storage in your inventory (perfect for all the letters and notes you pick up for example). But you can’t name the container, it’s just “pouch”


Oh shit, I didn’t even think of picking those up. I only just discovered I can pick up the books that default to reading on click. Didn’t even think to use that on backpacks.

MossyFeathers, do games w Best games to improve language fluency avatar

You might consider checking out Humongous games’ catalog. They’re point-and-click adventure games aimed at kids, so the vocabulary level may be a bit below you if you’re able to play a game like Civ6, but they can still be fun for adults despite being kids edutainment games.

Drewski, do piracy w Are there any decent apps i can sideload on to my Android TV for streaming?

First off I'd recommend investing in Real-Debrid, it's a service that caches torrents for streaming and costs about $3 per month. It's required for most of these apps, or at least highly recommended.

Streamio + Torrentio has already been mentioned, Syncler is really good and easy to use, many extra features with Syncler+ but it's not required.

Kodi with addons works really well, but requires some tinkering to get started and basic maintenance / troubleshooting if something goes wrong. Check out some good addons are Fen, Seren and Umbrella but there are many others, Otaku is good for anime.

reverendsteveii, do piracy w Is it wrong to pirate movies I've purchased digitally and load onto my Plex server?

Is it wrong to pirate movies…

…lemme stop you right there

FinalBoy1975, do games w Best games to improve language fluency

I think a trading card game, where you have to be vigilant about everything printed on the cards, would be helpful. There are plenty of options. Slay the Spire, Monster Train, etc. there are some that mix rpg play with card play. Source: me, a language teacher that uses card games in class.

_TK, do piracy w Is it wrong to pirate movies I've purchased digitally and load onto my Plex server? avatar

Legally, yes it is wrong.

Morally? That depends on the person. I think asking a piracy focused community means you’re going to get a heavily skewed set of answers that all veer towards various forms of “Not wrong” or “It’s good actually. Don’t even support the platforms that make the content legally available because DRM sucks” etc.

Generally speaking though, most older visual media releases no longer make money for anyone who worked on them directly. Use that information however you see fit. I know it changes how I think about piracy in general.

The_Mixer_Dude, do piracy w Why almost every tracker have malware ads?

Websites need to generate revenue. If you run a torrent site you are probably well aware that those who visit your site are craftier than your average web user. If people are using ad blockers then you aren’t able to generate revenue to pay for hosting and your own time maintaining things. Your option then is to try your best to make the ads on your site even craftier to try and bypass adblockers so you can monetize. Your other option is to let all the ads get blocked, get no revenue, make the website become solely your financial burden… Or you know. Your users disable the adblockers when on your site and the ads won’t have to be so aggressive and your site can monetize.

myersguy, do piracy w Connecting to Jellyfin on a computer thats using VPN

No need to split tunnel. Mullvad has options in the app to allow local networking. Just have to enable it.

to55, do piracy w Why almost every tracker have malware ads?

I don’t think regular companies want to advertise on piracy websites. And possibly the malware ads pay more.

dreiwert, do zapytajszmer w Tor a Vpn avatar

VPN są zazwyczaj szybsze. Z drugiej strony Tor został zaprojektowany, aby zapewnić prywatność przed silniejszymi przeciwnikami. To, czy to działa, zależy od dodatkowych czynników, choć.

whodoctor11, do piracy w What apps/programs should I get

Google docs is the only (good) free doc editor app

My god, are you crazy? As a editor, LibreOffice Writer is much better and featurefull. The only counterside is the lack of native cloud sync, but there’s workaround in that

lyam23, do gaming w How does multiplayer gaming fit into your life? avatar

It doesn’t. I’m not really interested in multi-player games of any kind. Partly because I don’t have the time to git gud, and partly because my gaming interest is primarily getting lost in a narrative world.

acastcandream, do gaming w What's a good game you played with an awful tutorial?

Exo-Primal. Seriously it is really, really fun. But the tutorial is awful. It’s so slow-paced and then it takes a few hours of playing to really have the game show you what it is. By hour 7 or so though i was hooked and it’s just kept delivering.

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