VikingHippie, do piracy w What's the best piracy for music?

The best piracy for music is digital piracy. Literal ship-based piracy is very inefficient when it comes to acquiring tunes.


What about sea shanties?

SBS1313, do piracy w Any good tools for converting a YT playlist to mp3?

True. Maybe next time i download new ones i will think of making them into vorbis instead of mp3

SBS1313, do piracy w Any good tools for converting a YT playlist to mp3?

Thanks for the suggestion!

Underwaterbob, do gaming w Shoddy PC ports aside, 2023 has already been an amazing year for gaming.

I’ll say! I finally got around to Elden Ring, and it’s everything I could have hoped for in an open-world Souls game. It lives up to the hype for sure.

cadellin, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 20th

I’ve been playing Subnautica Below Zero. Loved the first game and I’ve been meaning to try the second for ages. Nice and relaxing expect when it isn’t.

F4stL4ne, (edited ) do gaming w Besides Robux, What Can I Give to My Little Brother that Plays Roblox? avatar

Please take the time to watch these two videos about Roblox :……

Is your brother making games? If yes : there are several easy to use game engine like, Godot, gdevelop and such.

If your brother is mostly playing, then anything by Nintendo would be a good idea. Old consoles are cheap and if you have the Switch there are a lot of really good game on it.

Edit: And I second Minecraft or the free version (minetest I think)…

nautilathedrowned2, (edited ) avatar

Agreed to this comment above me

While I do play Roblox (because we don't have a federated alternative for it yet) I had concerns about it - moderation, playerbase maturity issues (yes, while its being taken over by young adults the majority is still unmatured), updates that the community doesn't want, and "racism" against other platforms e.g. Linux. You're right about how they exploit the creators.

F4stL4ne, avatar

Do fedi or Foss games really need a roblox alternative ? I’m not sure… Do roblox teach you how to make games? Well it teaches you do build games for roblox that’s it. Is roblox the only place to find games for kids, surely not.

rambos, do piracy w Gluetun environment variables

Port forwarding if you need that

reddthat, do piracy w Usenet Providers security avatar

You are buying a legal service to access Usenet. What you do with that service is up to you.

Pick a provider that allows you to use crypto if you are worried about putting your identity to it:
They even allow monero!

Edit: I wish they had a referral plan, by now after recommending them so much I easily would have got a free month


I like that they have XMR and no middlemen. I use usenight, which does take crypto but has neither of those features - but costs $20/yr instead of $20/quarter.


Usenight is full speeds only at certain times of the day right? Plus the retention isnt as high so that is probably the price difference. Frugalusenet and Blocknews also take crypto the same way (same owners) and price is a bit more reasonable if you dont need the super high retention all the time but yes i agree about crypto. if you have to use a payment processor for it it sort of defeats the purpose.

reddthat, avatar


:O This is too perfect for Australians! Pity its only 29xx days retention, but still pretty damn good.

ApatheticAlligator, do piracy w How can I find my schools Adobe Premiere/Photoshop Elements 2020 key?

why risk stealing from your school when cracking exists?

HawlSera, do gaming w Shoddy PC ports aside, 2023 has already been an amazing year for gaming.

Mortal Kombat 1 and Mega Man X DIVE. Yeah that’s my September plan


Mine is defo Starfield, MK1 when it gets a bit cheaper I guess.

bandario, do gaming w Shoddy PC ports aside, 2023 has already been an amazing year for gaming. avatar

What has been released this year that really got your motor running??


Street fighter 6, MK1, Baldurs gate, Re4 remake and Dead space remake,Hi fi rush, Spiderman 2 is coming up, Hogwarts legacy, I am also really looking forward to Starfield and Phantom liberty. Almost forgot Armored core VI and FFXVI.

Trusting, do piracy w Easy and safe linux piracy with jc141

I love Linux, use it regularly and even work with it professionally, but gaming is still a nightmare.

I tried one of these torrents for some small game, and couldn’t figure out how to install it. Then I gave up and bought Spider-Man on Steam, tried to run Spider-Man through Proton but the performance was crap (supposedly it works great on Steam Deck, but not on my NVIDIA laptop despite having all drivers). Finally I gave up and installed a dual-boot of Windows.

wolfshadowheart, avatar

That's unfortunate, it really does run well on Steam Deck. I'm dealing with my own NVIDIA issues trying to get hardware acceleration and it's not been fun at all.

I cannot say that I love Linux, in fact it annoys me daily lol. I want things to just work and itends up wasting tons of my time to get only part of the functionality I was hoping for. The Steam Deck has been great, though my media server at times has made me wish I never wanted to self-host in the first place lol. (been kicking around various attempts at varying levels of success since 2017). From here, tl;Dr I am very stupid, I'm well aware, but also why is Linux so complicated? It seems counterproductive to need to be so heavily invested in something when it's goal is to keep you more hands off so you can focus on other tasks?

I feel like a broken record but I really want some medium between having full control over my OS and things just working. It doesn't help that there's OS specific syntax making anything outside of official documentation a hail mary. I've no love for Windows either but I've only been limited by it a couple times and I just wish I could say the same for Linux.

Of course, the limitations I've reached through Linux are entirely my own incapabilities, but that's kind of my issue? It seems redundant to have to know the entire ins and outs of it when the point of getting these tools to exist was to mitigate our tasks? I make music, art, I wrote and have a bunch of tech hobbies. I've spent time learning, but goddamn I just don't have the time and as time from the server hobby passes and I'm basically starting fresh. I just want some inbetween from needing to know the entirety of my OS and being locked out of it. It just seems that this hobby more than others, at least for me, needs to have the most consistency while having the least consistent sources of information due to immense level of knowledge that there is as well as the fragmented nature of each distribution.

On another note, I find it amazing how much easier Docker and its tools are in Linux than it is for Windows. Now that's funny! And it seems poignant to your issue as well... Some software is made for certain things, and translating that can throw a wrench in things. Docker on Windows, like NVIDIA on Linux, just weren't made with each other fully in mind and as a result have been made to retroactively "work".

Which is really too bad. It's pretty unlikely that something like Rocksmith2014 will ever work smoothly out of the box in Linux - it can be made to work with lots of work but... You can also just dual boot windows. Unless you're extremely familiar with the OS, chances seem high that the entire process of downloading and installing Windows then downloading and installing RS2014 will take less than 1/3rd of the time.



three, do piracy w Where do i find sea charts for sailing? (Baltic sea)

this is one of those things i wouldn’t pirate. maps and weather are extremely important when sailing and having legitimate sources of these things is something you should be doing. you wouldn’t pirate a first aid kit would you?


you should be doing the anti piracy commercials.


I would download a car


Does paying for something make it better?

Or is that a capitalist illusion?


A movie? No

A piece of information that your life might depend on and you need to trust the origin of this information? Yes

donuts, do gaming w Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon Review Thread avatar

As someone who totally loves the Souls games (plus Bloodborne and Sekiro) but played Armored Core 2 on the PS2 way back in the day and thought it was just kind of OK, I'm not really sure what to think about AC6 right now. On one hand I don't really expect them to diverge from the essence of what AC is and should be (deep mecha customization and intricate combat), but on the other hand I feel like the type of game that AC2 was is something that I don't look back on super fondly.

Anyone else feel conflicted about whether to pick up AC6?

EvaUnit02, avatar

AC4 was more super robot than real robot. AC5 was real robot but half-sized. AC5 also had a global multiplayer war. So, they've experimented with the series over the years.

That said, if you haven't liked AC in any form it has taken, I can't imagine you're going to like AC6.

autumn, do gaming w [PS4] What are some other games with both social and other gameplay, ala Persona and Stardew Valley? avatar


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