grrgyle, do gaming w Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 credits pay homage to TotalBiscuit


ClassifiedPancake, do gaming w Favourite puzzle platformers?

Not sure if it counts as platformer but Talos Principle and Portal.

Leuthil, do gaming w Favourite puzzle platformers?

Braid Anniversary

Paradachshund, do gaming w Favourite puzzle platformers?

If you want to double down on the puzzle aspect, check out Toki Tori 2. It’s a metroidvania side scrolling puzzle game. The wild part of it is you basically only have 2 moves, but you have to figure out how to use those moves to solve puzzles in the environment to progress. There are no actual hard walls like in a regular metroidvania, it’s just your understanding of how you can manipulate and influence objects in the world that gates you from getting to new places.


I’ll take a look, thanks

ClassifiedPancake, do gaming w What game do you wish you got into as a kid?

I played so many games back then I can’t really say I’ve missed too much. Maybe I should have looked more into games like Jagged Alliance or X-Com but I wasn’t into turn-based games back then. But I also didn’t care much about puzzle games as a kid and now I am and that’s ok. These days I don’t care about multiplayer games anymore, which I used to love.

AgentGrimstone, do gaming w What game do you wish you got into as a kid?

StarCraft. I played it, I liked it but never really invested time to get better at the game. My friends were really good and they would include me by putting me on the opposite team so I can backstab later in the match 😅

geneva_convenience, do gaming w What game do you wish you got into as a kid? avatar

WoW maybe. But Runescape was good too.

terusgormand8465, do gaming w What game do you wish you got into as a kid?

Half-Life, original

BaroqueInMind, do games w Are there any recent-ish single player, complete games that are similar to Rise of Nations and would work on Mac or at least on WINE?
B312, do gaming w What game do you wish you got into as a kid?

Any of the halo games really, they’re so fun and younger me would’ve absolutely enjoyed himself playing it back in its prime. Thing is I owned an xbox but I mostly dismissed halo as the weird orange visor green helmet guy, not knowing what I had just slept on.

wacpan, do zapytajszmer w Program do zamiany głosu na tekst avatar

Korzystałem z rozwiązania chmurowego (czyli bez gwarancji prywatności):

– w wersji free-bez rejestracji – limit 10 min per kawałek, limit dobowy oraz brak rozróżniania rozmówców; za to jakość dla jęz. polskiego – co najmniej dobra.

Analogicznie można użyć YouTube’a z autotranscript, tylko trzeba mieć tam konto.

Zagorath, do gaming w What game do you wish you got into as a kid? avatar

I can’t think of any video game that fits that description. But I wish I got into RPGs earlier. My first role playing experience was near the end of my first year of uni. I wish I could have played D&D or other RPGs from when I was in high school. They’re such a blast.

therealjcdenton, do gaming w Android games for girls?



Why not crack cocaine, then?

dj1936, do wiadomosci w Jeśli zastanawiacie się jakie jest oskarżenie Buddy
!deleted2556 avatar

Ja się nie zastanawiam:p

reddfugee, do games w Are there any recent-ish single player, complete games that are similar to Rise of Nations and would work on Mac or at least on WINE?

Maybe 9 Bit Armies? I feel it’s more similar to C&C than RoN, but I loved the heck out of RoN back in the day and 9BA is pretty fun. The battleships are a hoot, they hit really hard and have range for days, which combines well with the destructible bridges.

Edit: Whoops, did not read closely enough to see you’re on a Mac. 9BA might work, this person seems to have had luck…/how_to_play_9bit_armies_on_macos/?rd…

There isn’t a historical element in 9BA but you do get air & naval units

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