Ghostwire: Tokyo is a good game about ghosts that's not actually that scary. The school DLC for it can get a bit creepy though. Also, Subnautica is one of the scariest non-horror games out there.
I think bugsnax might fit, it takes until near the end of the game for the horror aspect to begin, and then it hits hard. Look up the ending so you can screen it for him and make sure it’s appropriate.
I’m playing starfield way too much. Every now and then I get a break to continue my Minecraft project with the kids. The internet keeps telling me I’m not supposed to be having fun with starfield but it’s just not working, I’m really excited about the new capital ship I’m working on now.
Replaying RE2 remake while waiting for Re4r DLC. Surprised to find a new mode there that I don’t have any memory of, it was added later I guess. Problem with being a patient gamer is that mod support stops and the game is updated and breaks it.
There are just too many good games this year. Some of them won't make the cut when we've only got so much time and several of the best games of the year each take 100 hours to finish. Armored Core isn't making the cut for me this year.
I started playing The Ezio Trilogy. Finished AC2 and Brotherhood back in the day, but never Revelations. The last AC game I played was (a bit of) AC3, but dropped it and never played an AC game ever again.
NMS is super janky in spots… but it pulls off a whole lot of awesome things I can’t do anywhere else, so I tolerate all the junk and loading stutters and fading in geometry…
It's a few years old, but I've been working on getting 100% achievements in Conarium over the weekend. I'm always a sucker for a Lovecraftian game, and it's one of the more visually interesting walking sims that I've played. I only have two achievements left, so I'm hoping I can clear them either today or tomorrow. I need more disk space for other games lmao
A lot of it depends on what consoles you want to emulate. I’m no expert, but from what I’ve seen just casually looking through retro gaming forums, is that anything up to N64/PS3 is doable with relatively cheap hardware. But if you want to emulate N64 or PS3 and above properly, you’re going to need to step up in specs.