Nie, libertarianizm w praktyce oferuje wyłącznie wolność ekonomiczną, która z tego jak działają rynki zawsze prowadzi do korporacyjnych monopoli (to nie ejst coś o czym jest sens dyskutować, zostało to udowodnione wielokrotnie i ejst to jednym z niewielu faktycznych praw ekonomicznych). Monopolizacja z kolei prowadzi do jeszcze silniejsze centralizacji władzy niż w wypadku systemów autorytarnych. Brak regulacji rynku będzie albo prowadzić do tego że wielkie korporacje przejmą rolę państwa i nie będziemy mieli prawa do decyzji o własnym życiu bo cały ziemia i jej zasob będą w rękach prywatnych, albo wejśćiach wielkiego biznesu w politykę i mamy to samo (patrz USA). W najlepszym wypadku może dojść do konsolidacji sił rynkowych i państwowych i dostajemy z tego Chiny. Dodatkowa kwestia jest taka że libertarianie pierdolą o tym że chcą wolności a w praktyce zawsze sprzymierzają się z prawicą. Nie znam faktycznie funkcjonującej parti libertariańskiej która wybrała by progrysywnie społeczną partię wprowadzającą regulacje rynkowe nad hiper-autorytarną partię prawicową która liberalizuje rynek. Co więcej wolnorynkowcy mają tedencje do współpracy z dyktatorami
Greedfall comes to mind. It has many meaningful choices, interesting factions, multiple endings and some well written companions. The combat and running around around for quests can get repetitive or even tedious, but the story and the impact of your choices kept me playing all the way through.
I found a job that doesn’t ask me for 50 hours a week and they go to bed at a reasonable hour. But don’t ask me what I’m not spending enough time doing, like working out. Or how much we spend on takeout (way, WAY too much). And on top of that I have pretty great family support.
Basically, it’s hard even under ideal conditions with some less than great compromises.
I have twins that are just shy of 2. First, I play way more mobile gaming. The ability to play only a few minutes at a time makes a huge difference, so multiplayer games are largely out.
When not mobile gaming, Xbox’s instant resume is a godsend. I’ve made it through the entire Yakuza series playing in small chunks and instantly resuming when I can.
My son is 11 months, and if I didn’t have my steam deck I would probably not be gaming at all right now :) That instant off/resume is absolutely amazing.
I picked up a Switch thinking it would always be attracted to my TV. Maybe it was for a bit, but when my child came along the only way I used it was handheld and for spurts at a time.
That’s how I knew the Steam Deck was an instant buy for me - the pause/resume is key.
Joining the parent club in about 3 months, but in preparation, I’ve purchased a “Couchmaster lapboard” and I cannot recommend it enough. Having shoulder support basically makes it feel like you’re sitting at your desk but comfortably on the couch. The only issue is the couch itself; if it has a lot of bounce you’re gonna have a wobbly desk any time someone sits / stands up from the couch.
Btw I’ve since found you can pretty much just buy some upholstery foam, cut it, put a plank over it and have your very own “Couchmaster” for roughly $20 instead of $200…
Recently my wife and I agreed on me having one set night a week for gaming and it’s been great. I get my gaming time in but it’s a reasonable amount considering all the other responsibilities of work and parenting
We have this as well. Wednesday night is CS GO with the boys for me. Sometimes I skip it, but it’s nice to have it planned out, when everything else feels like chaos.
It’s one of those “season of your life” kind of things. There’s just a certain period of time where the family takes priority because of what the kids need. Just like everything else related to kids, at some point it will change and your time management will as well. They will become more independent, and you’ll have more time, but you may even find that your interest in gaming has changed.
Games will always be there, but your kids are only kids for a very short amount of time. Treasure it while you can!
Embrace mobile gaming. Especially the classic Nintendo handhelds. I can rock my baby to sleep and play Pokémon Ruby on my GBA at the same time. Embrace RPGs and other games where reaction times don’t matter. If I’m sat in a chair with a sleeping child I can even play a game where reaction speed matters, like Tetris.
Get a flash cart so you don’t have to switch games or carry a library of carts with you. Keep it in your car for play if you’re out a lot. Oh, and get a decent modern screen mod so you can see the screen outside.
I enjoy top down stealth games, and haven’t seen this game get discussed much, but it was pretty fun - Serial Cleaner (and sequel, Serial CleanerS)
You play a guy who cleans up murder scenes for an unknown serial killer, all the while evading guards and other security measures. It’s a pretty fun experience, and I do recommend giving it a go if that’s your kind of thing.
There’s also the Marvelous Miss Take, a game where you play a woman on a mission to perform a series of heists. Also a top down stealth game, you get to use some gadgets to distract guards while you sneak past and to your goal.
Both are older indie games, but enjoyable for at least one playthrough.
My girls are still only 1 and 3, but so far I’m sneaking in an hour or two in the evening, after everyone else has gone to bed. I’ve started introducing the older one to Pokemon Go and Let’s Go Pikachu, and she loves it so far despite not knowing much english. Hopefully I can get them into gaming so we can have that in comon 😄
I have never been into Pokémon before my kids started to play Pokémon GO a couple of years ago. It was really nice to have a pastime that we all enjoyed.
They still play occasionally but I became hooked on Pogo. So you might find new gamed when playing games together with the kids, be sure to give it a try if your kids are playing it.