lemat_87, do zapytajszmer w Dlaczego libertarianizm ma tak złą opinię? avatar

Bo prowadzi do gigantycznych nierówności społecznych, skrajnej prawicy, a ostatecznie do faszyzmu.


Skrajna prawica to już nie liberalizm. Polskie opcje typu Konfederacja to nie liberalizm a skrajna prawica. Prowadzą do zamordyzmu ograniczania wolności ideologicznej i państwa katolickiego, z jakimiś tam wstawkami wolności gospodarczej. Właśnie się obawiam że większość myli liberalizm z prawicą konserwatywną

fracture, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

tokyo jungle is like this, although not limited to playing as cats. cats are one of many animals you can play as

lemmyatom, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

I’ve never owned a cat myself but I have watched enough internet cat videos to know why they’re so popular. I plan to check out Stray at some point, but waiting for it to discount 50%+ before pulling the trigger.

Lampenoel, do gaming w Recommendations for open world games with focus on interaction instead of exploration or survival

I think zelda: botw and totk both fall to an extent in itgat category. NPCs react to the weather, if you are fighting enemies and are giving basic responses about their current circumstances, aswell as the physics interactions that those games allow.

GrayBackgroundMusic, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

So, maybe instead of Goose, Untitled Cat Game?

edm00se, avatar

I’d play that.

mbryson, avatar
triprotic, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

You may be interested in this game:…/Little_Kitty_Big_City/

It’s not out yet, but there is a demo to try.

jedibob5, do games w Are almost all mobile games bad?

IMO, smartphones had the chance to revolutionize the gaming industry, but ended up wasting almost all of that potential on skinner boxes riddled with ads and microtransactions. Most of the best mobile games are ports from other systems, like the mobile edition of Minecraft and whatnot.

I think Pokémon Go was possibly the closest any major publisher has come to actually realizing the full potential of mobile games as a format, but it still fell painfully short with massively dumbed down mechanics and an absolute grindfest of a progression system.

There are still a few good indie projects out there (I like Soul Knight) but generally the mobile gaming market is so full of absolute dreck that I usually just don’t bother.

LukaszWyrak, (edited ) do zapytajszmer w Dlaczego libertarianizm ma tak złą opinię?

Dlaczego libertarianizm ma złą opinię? Na moją opinię wpływają dwa powody: politycy i publicyści libertariańscy często zawiązywali sojusze z skrajną prawicą i popierali zbrodniarzy typu Pinochet, czy Putin. Po drugie wielu fanów libertarianizmu ma bardzo mało wiedzy o tym jak funkcjonuje realna gospodarka. To wynika być może z faktu, że nauczanie historii skupia się głównie na wojnach a pomija historię gospodarczą. Ja sam pod koniec liceum miałem poglądy bliskie libertarianizmowi, a wyzbyłem się tego na studiach socjologicznych. I chyba sporo osób studiujących ten kierunek tak ma.


A możesz polecić literaturę która może podważyć czyjeś libertariańskie poglądy? Na przykład o wspomnianej historii gospodarczej. Chętnie konfrontuję swoje poglądy

LukaszWyrak, (edited )

“Geopolityka Głodu” Ziegler, “Urojenia ekonomii” Rist, "Źli samarytanie. Mit wolnego handlu i tajna historia kapitalizmu”.“23 rzeczy, których nie mówią ci o kapitalizmie” Ha-Joon Chang “13 Pięter” Springer,


Dzięki wielkie!

cupcakezealot, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game. avatar

Honestly just want Catz back

Catz game on Windows 95

hamiltonicity, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

Have you tried Shelter 2? It’s not quite the same thing, but you play a lynx with five adorable cubs trying to survive in a wilderness setting. (Warning: your playthrough will likely involve some or all of your adorable cubs dying.)

Toribor, do gaming w Tell me about your TTRPG character(s)/campaign(s)! avatar

I’ve been DMing a Scum and Villainy campaign, a space opera based on the Forged in the Dark family of games.

My group has been playing a few different systems together for a couple years now and this might be the most fun we’ve had. They get to cruise around space stealing, smuggling and generally being a bunch of scallywags. The campaign setting is a really solid base that I’ve been building on top of and I have so many ideas for things I want to try.

I’m jealous of your 5E campaigns. My D&D group I play with has been on hiatus this summer so I haven’t gotten to play much this year but I’m going we can start up something soon.

Kociamorda, do zapytajszmer w Dlaczego libertarianizm ma tak złą opinię? avatar

Chyba już wszystko zostało napisane (może poza relacją libertarianizmu, jak ja go rozumiem, do odpowiedzialności osobistej - pomijając przy tym problemy systemowe + brak nacisku na pomoc wzajemną i wspólnotowość)

Na pewno mogę polecić lekki reportarz na temat niedawnego projektu libertariańskiego w Grafton (na północy przy New Hempshire) w USA pt. “A libertarian walks into a bear” (w polskiej wersji “Niedźwiedzia przysługa”). Najbardziej uderzyły mnie w nim próby (libertariańskiego grona) zamknięcia bibliotek publicznych i zatrzymywanie projektów zwiększających dostępność do budynków dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami.

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    Kociamorda, avatar

    Z racji, że moje umiejętności z zakresu obsługi komputera zaczynają się i konczą na jego włączeniu i wylączeniu, to nie jestem w stanie podać bezoiecznego źródła do pobrania ebooka albo PDFa z książką :c W moim przypadku reportarz był wypożyczony z biblioteki.


    Brzmi ciekawie, obejrzę

    Kociamorda, avatar

    To reportarz w formie książkowej :c


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    lagomorphlecture, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

    I do like your idea but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like Stray. I finished the entire game and I loved it. The cat was adorable, the friends I made a long the way were interesting and I really felt for them despite their, uh, limitations. Just leaving it at that to avoid spoilers as I only saw that it was a cute cat game before I tried it and enjoyed being surprised by how it ended up.

    But yes, I do think a game like you’re describing would also be fun. Maybe not as a stray cat, per se, but maybe as a small breed of wild cat living away from humans so you don’t have too much interaction with them and they’re something you’re inherently distrustful of.

    people_are_cute, do gaming w Recommendations for open world games with focus on interaction instead of exploration or survival avatar

    The legendary RDR2

    ugh, do gaming w Recommendations for open world games with focus on interaction instead of exploration or survival

    Check out other Assassin’s Creed games! I agree that Red Dead Redemption is anther good suggestion. I suggest the first one as well. Maybe Fable? The second one was my favorite, but people rave about the first one as well. I didn’t play the first one until I didn’t have as much time to game.

    This might be a miss, but the Sims can be insane with mods. You can cheat their needs and not worry about those. Sims 3 is open world and the best of the series, but I’m not as familiar with the mods available for it. There are Sims 4 mods that introduce murder (guns and knives provided of course), drugs and gangs, zombies, prostitution, murderous toddlers, and much more that I can’t think of right now.

    Modders are fucking lunatics when it comes to the Sims. Someone made a mod for Sims 3 where you could grill and eat a baby. EA stepped in to shut that down…


    Finger slipped and accidentally deleted my comment instead of editing a comma in. Here we go again:

    Someone made a mod for Sims 3 where you could grill and eat a baby

    I remember this! It was the OMGWTFBBQ. I only remember a Sims 2 version, though. The Sims 2 version can still be downloaded here, it’s just not on anymore.





    I think it was intended to be OMGWTFBarbecue, because you barbecue the baby.

    Novemberwind, avatar

    I agree with the other Assassins creed games. At least with Odyssey, that’s what I played most. You can explore all of ancient Greece and there are lots of really good and fun side quests. Just don’t think of it as a pure stealth game, like the first game was, more like an action adventure with stealth elements, or you might be a bit disappointed.

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