After being a little apprehensive about it, finally started Dark Souls 2. Man, what a game! Totally get why people say it is worse than one, but still a hell of a game. Really enjoying it so far
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, though less and less each time. Baldur’s Gate 3 with my friends, Halo Infinite with my friends, and Skyrim for the nth time. Downloaded Wildlander and it’s like a whole new game.
I started playing Ring of Pain. It’s a deckbuilder-ish roguelite. There isn’t really a deck, it’s more of a loadout-builder (or tableau builder in boardgame terms). Meteorfall: Krumit’s Tale is the closest thing I’ve played before. RoP is sort of like a 1d version of that. Fun and fairly unique mechanics, smooth implementation. Runs great on the steamdeck too, good controller support.
I learned about it from Civvie11’s video. I have unfortunately not played it yet, although I fully intend to. It’s stuck on a long backlog list. I really admire such an ambitious game that fully commits to a design and aesthetic which the devs surely knew would be obtuse and offputting to a wider audience. Making a game focused on a vision, without compromise is really a great thing.
Still playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I’m about halfway through, and right now doing a small DLC side campaign. This DLC campaign runs parallel to the main story, in a neighboring barony, so it can maybe add some details and flesh out the world a bit.
Speaking of story, I think this is by far the weakest aspect of the game. Including the prologue, there have been four small story lines so far, that have been pretty much separated for the most part. While there are some small inklings here and there about some grander plot going on, there’s nothing concrete, so who knows. Act 3 was pretty good, there’s some shit going down in your kingdom, and I was really invested and felt like I was racing against time, but that just meant I blasted through the main quests in about a week or two in-game time, and then had like 200+ days of downtime until the next big thing happens. Yes, there are some (really basic) side quests, you can explore, and of course manage your kingdom, but it just doesn’t feel good. You need these long timeframes, because the kingdom management just has all these small time-skips (if you don’t use mods), but like I said last week, I don’t think the developers found the right balance here.
mBank ma kartę “Visa Świat” (musisz mieć konto intensive, 30 zł/mc lub 0zł/mc jeżeli na konto wpływa 7k/mc, a sama karta Visa Świat kosztuje 10zł/mc) która ma podobne prowizje do Revoluta (Revolut chyba 0.57%, a ta karta 0.63%) za przewalutowanie
Fakt, że za Revoluta nie trzeba płacić 10zł/mc (zakładam że masz konto intensive i to się nie zamienia w 40zł/m bo tak mi pasuje do tezy), ale z tą kartą masz wszystko zintegrowane w Twoim banku - nie ma potrzeby przeciągania hajsu między Revolutem a faktycznym kontem. Czy to jest dla Ciebie warte 10zł/mc (40zł/mc) to inna kwestia
W mBanku jest też darmowa usługa wielowalutowa - można płacić kartą z kont walutowych, tylko trzeba je wcześniej sobie zasilić przy korzystnym kursie. Walut jest chyba tylko 10, ale jeżeli ktoś nie podróżuje daleko czy chce płacić w USD w internecie, to spoko opcja myślę.
W sumie to moje konto główne. Wynagrodzenie dostaje na konto w banku krajowym a potem zasilam sobie konto revolut jakąś tam kwotą, czasami kilkuktornie w ciągu miesiąca. Aplikacja mi pasuje, rachunek ma polski IBAN więc przelewy są bez prowizji. Konta walutowe również bez opłat. Karty wirtualne i jednorazowe za darmo. Fizycznej karty nie posiadam bo raczej nie używam. Śmiało mogę polecić. Żadnych problemów nie miałem a to już w sumie rok jak korzystam.
I never played the first one past the tutorial because I was younger and it got too scary. I had a forced PC upgrade and got the game for free and probably would have finished by now, but the whole sounds not syncing up is ruining my immersion, so I guess I’ll wait a few more patches.
Since launch I’ve had to download two patches already. I’m playing on ps5 so it’s uncertain whether they’d help you or not, but that’s all to say that you may be able to play sooner than later since they’re offering so much post-release support.