muni197, do zapytajszmer w Revolut - ma ktoś? Spoko? Warto?

Mam, ukrytych opłat póki co nie widziałem, aktualnie płacę kartą wirtualną w Hiszpanii i jest elegancko.

lorty, do games w Alan Wake 2 - Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic) avatar

Interesting how it didn’t land with some reviewers. Seems like an alright game.

Lord_Logjam, do games w Alan Wake 2 - Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic)

I’ve never played the first game. Would it be a good idea to pick up your remaster before I play 2?


The original game is a bit dated but it’s still a fun time, so yes.


It’s down to under £10 on the Xbox store as well.

dack, do gaming w 100°C CPU when recording gameplay

In addition to what others have said, make sure the vents are not full of dust or obstructed.

Montagge, do games w Cities Skylines 2 player feedback avatar

40-50fps 1080p full screen
Ryzen 5600
32 GB Ram
Game is installed on a SSD
Using Proton 8.0-4 on Ubuntu 22.04LTS with 6.2.0-35-generic

I have most things set to high
Disabled vsync
Disabled volumetric clouds
Dynamic Resolution set to constant
Disabled motion blur

JakoJakoJako13, do games w Cities Skylines 2 player feedback avatar

I’m on a Ryzen 7700x with 32gb or ram and a rx5700xt GPU. I average about 25fps on low to medium settings at 1440p. It’s not the best, but it’s playable.

Performance issues aside, it’s a much better city management game than CS1. The progression system is fantastic. There’s a lot to learn when growing your city. The wonderful part is you can really go at your own pace. I got a 15k pop city and barely touched some of the mid game tech yet. It’s not forcing me to upgrade like my city will come to a halt. It really is the best combination of management and city building we’ve had since SimCity4.

That being said there are some sore spots. Maps with bumpy terrain are a pain in the ass. It feels like I’ve done more terraforming in 10 hours of CS2 than 500 I clocked in CS1. That’s how ridiculous the terrain system can be. I have no clue what they were thinking making the terrain so janky in this game. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not game breaking. It’s more of an inconvenience. Like I have to spend meaningful time terraforming large chunks of the map to get good land. Even after that it still comes out janky. To my understanding it’s all about the map. Like maps added later in development were flatter and I picked one of the rough early maps. It’s still a jank system.The way buildings lay on terrain abd morphs the land is bad and needs to be looked at.

As good as the road tools are, they’re finicky. It’s probably because I don’t have the muscle memory for it yet, but I spend a lot of time micro moving roads into place to get the right connection. The node based system is great, but takes some getting used to.

Balance seems off to me. My industry demand is always on max. I’ll build out an area and it goes away just to pop right back to max once the new buildings are running. Then I look at the numbers and they don’t make sense. 10 workers for a factory is way to little. I end up having whole neighborhoods of nothing but factories. It’s annoying. When in reality there might be a few factories here and there, they each employ thousands of people and take up little space. Where as this game has you building full factory cities because each building employs no more than 20 people. It’s another thing that needs to be adjusted imo.

Those are the only things I have to complain about the game so far. During my first extended playthrough I thought it really felt like SimCity4. I was blasting the SC4 soundtrack when playing it, but the progression system felt familiar. It adds so much to the game. It gives you a sense of accomplishment when you see your work means something. And there’s a lot of levels a city can reach. There’s always gonna be something to work towards. Performance wise, it could be better. Hopefully it gets sorted out in the coming months.

HugItOutBitch, do games w Two games free on Epic Games - Tandem: a Tale of Shadows and The Evil Within 2


Rentlar, do gaming w When was a game's price worth it to you?

$5/hr of playtime to account for hours I may enjoy and not enjoy as much. That puts it on par with a cheap night out.

My favourite games are $0.02-$0.50/hour of play time.

doktorseven, do games w Just an observation on game engines

All Unreal engine and Unity games run like ass. Any decent engine can create the same visuals and run at least 5x better.

I just do not bother with Unity or Unreal-based games. Absolute trash.

Yokozuna, do games w Anyone have good memories of (or still belong to) a gaming clan or guild? avatar

Team coke in MW:2 on 360. I played a game on shipment with them and mopped up, they invited me and I had a blast. It was pretty multifaceted, I won’t ever forget King juice, black dude that worked at Comcast- funny as all hell when we got him to do his Comcast lines lol.

Coskii, do gaming w When was a game's price worth it to you? avatar

I will buy a game when:

The gameplay is up my alley, or the experience is worth the time invested into it.


The final cost of the game after dlc is equal to or less than 1/10th the cost of my PC. Usually aim for 1/20th if I’m iffy about the gameplay.

lemillionsocks, do gaming w When was a game's price worth it to you? avatar

Honestly its hard to say for me. Generally I dont usually pay full price for games unless its a franchise I know I know I really enjoy and the general critical and user reviews confirm it isnt a dud. I usually dont find myself unhappy with my game purchases though. If Im usure about something I wait for a sale.

Lojcs, do gaming w When was a game's price worth it to you?

Did a quick calculation and found that a 60$ game needs to be 35hrs to break even with movie prices edit: *where I live

Although I rarely think about game length when buying games. I find that what my gut says is a justified price is far more influenced by a game’s reputation/store page/reviews/what kid of game I feel like playing at the moment. What I’m pricing is my perception of an experience, not an amount of enjoyment for an amount of time. After I buy a game then unless it’s unexpectedly bad or broken I don’t really think about whether it was worth the price. Edit: In fact for longer games I find myself thinking if it was worth the time more.

I think it’s worth mentioning that I don’t buy games with a hype wave behind them, so the “perception of experience” is closer to the actual experience than if you apply the same to new releases.

For game length, I find that left to my own devices I like when games are 10-20 hrs in length. For longer games I prefer when there’s a driving story that I can strive for, and even then it gets boring around the 30-40 hr mark. Some open ended games captivate me for 100+ hours but that’s not my expectation from a game.

I see that people are shouting out games in the comments, so I’ll add one. Cyber Hook is a fantastic runner/platformer game. It’s really fun (especially the beginning and dlc) and it’s pretty cheap. It’s not very long especially if you don’t bother getting good times in levels but the experience alone is worth it. Although, for some reason it requires internet connection for game progression so take that into account when buying too.

lemillionsocks, avatar

Did a quick calculation and found that a 60$ game needs to be 35hrs to break even with movie prices edit: *where I live

How much do tickets cost where you live? Even using older $10 per seat prices and an average run time of 2 hours I come down to $5/hr. Also probably not just going out to a theater alone so if you’re bringing a date or your family, or even going with friends for a collective experience that balloons quite a bit.


Saw oppenheimer the other day, it was 145₺ ($5) for 3hrs. For other movies the price seems proportional. Tbh triple A games typically cost $30-40 here so the break even comes down to 20-25 hrs.

I had only considered the price for my seat as friends pay for their seats. Ofc this is also not considering popcorn etc, those increase the cost quite a bit.

SeeJayEmm, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of October 22nd avatar

Took a break this week from Starfield. I fired up Beneath Oresa to find out it was out of EA and had a bunch of changes. So what was meant to be a one off time killer turned into the thing I was playing this week.

warroza, do MiddleEast w Kto i jak współczuje Palestyńczykom? avatar


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