I’m on a continuing multiplayer campaign in Baldur’s Gate 3 and I’m also playing Atelier Totori.
It’s amazing how much new stuff I’m still seeing in BG3, and I’ve gotta be in hour 350 or something like that. I’m playing with a long-time video gaming partner and I’m just letting her run with it because I’ve already played through the game.
I really started to get into Atelier Totori once it started rolling, but I’m beginning to run out of steam. I’m really missing some of the UI/UX improvements that were in Atelier Rorona DX, and I also feel like the combat isn’t quite as sharp for some reason. I’m genuinely interested in the story at this point, however. If it wasn’t for that, I probably would have just jumped to Meruru.
I’ve been playing a bunch of Street Fighter 6. I just started getting back into fighting games after dropping them early in university. It’s been a lot of fun, and I’ve managed to climb to p platinum playing as Cammy
I’ve been trying to progress in Forza Motorsport, but the infinite loading screen bug is stopping me from playing. After almost every second race it doesn’t save my progress and I have to kill the game and lose all the progress because it refuses to save.
Also I got a new controller for PC, can anyone recommend good controller games that are on PC Gamepass?
The graphics are great, like you mention. They aren’t particularly high fidelity, so performance is good, but they creative and artistic, which is better. I’m glad they didn’t just go full realism. The first game sometimes felt like they just placed assets around (although that plays into the story of the game, so it’s fine), but this one is >!in the real world!< and I was worried it’d be too realistic.
When I got my PSX in 1997, the games sure felt like a good deal at $50 after paying $70+ for cartridges for years. I only got one new game per year at full price for my SNES. I also generally felt happier buying on PC because new games were also less than consoles for a while.
Now with the indie scene, there is a lot more variance, even though I also occasionally grab top-shelf releases. I still think FTL might have been the best $10 I’ve ever spent on a game. At the same time, I paid $60 for Persona 5 Royal right at launch even though I had played the original game, and I still thought it was incredible value.
Had your pretty run-of-the-mill road to hardcore experience in WoW, complete with the long term semi-hardcore guild I stayed in the longest, helped managed, got in a relationship with the GM and moved countries over it, etc. Eventually tried to go full hardcore, did for a bit and quit the game a few months later. You know your standard stuff…
For those who do not have much experience and skills in playing Minecraft, it is also very normal for them to help themselves by using some cheat codes and cheat commands. The following article will guide you through some Minecraft game cheat commands for convenience during the initial gameplay. Minecraft is one of the few games that is considered a classic, famous and popular around the world, although the interface and images in the game are not beautiful, the content is not attractive, and the sound is only average. mediocre. However, what makes the main attraction of these magic squares is the style and gameplay in an infinite World. Players will be able to do things like in reality in the game so that their character can survive, develop or build their own projects. How to use paper minecraft cheat commands Previously, Download.com introduced to you some basic commands in Minecraft, however, those are just commands to perform operations in the game, which can be roughly understood as clean commands, not fraudulent. much. Today’s article will be another list of commands, helping you, no matter what mode you play in, to apply and do things that even the most experienced Miner can hardly do simply. simplest. To be able to enter cheat codes while playing Minecraft, you can press C or T to display the command bar, then enter the code as usual. However, before that, you also need to activate the cheat code mode for the game by: Select ON mode in Allow Cheats when you are creating a New World (Create New World) Or while playing the game, open the Game menu, select Open to LAN and then enable Allow Cheats. In addition, there are some other special commands such as: Rainbow sheep: If you name any sheep you have jeb_, its fur will continuously change colors like a rainbow. Turn any animal upside down: Use the name tag and place it on any animal to turn it upside down. Quite interesting, but you will need to get these name tags by making them yourself (using 3.4 iron ingots), searching in Dungeons, fishing or exchanging with villagers (exchange value must be up to 20 Emeralds). new). This command is also only available in version 1.8.1. Display aspect ratio: While playing, press + hold F3 key. View current latency: Press and hold the F6 key while playing.Chu Switch view: If you are playing in Survival mode, you can press F5 to change the perspective and switch to third-person view. Create rain: Press the F5 key in Creative mode to create rain. Instantly creates a village (also known as a village seed). Use the /gimmeabreak/ command in a spacious, large area and stand facing the sun, immediately a village will appear behind you. Duplicate objects: If you are playing Multiplayer mode, you can duplicate crafted objects by: Press the T key to open the chat frame Then enter the command /give item ID [1-64] there and Enter Each object in the Minecraft game is assigned a certain code from 1 to 64. Enter the code corresponding to the object you want to increase its quantity. However, not all objects can be duplicated, especially colored wool and special dyes.
I want there to be systems that have absolutely no game design in them. Stuff that literally is just there to add random possibilities to the experience. Extremely basic and consistent rules which are extremely easy to grasp but result in all sorts of crazy shit. Stuff like redstone from minecraft or fairy dust in Stardew Valley. I want to completely forget about the game for a bit and just get completely lost in the intricacies.
A perfect example of this: Adding a joker (wildcard) to poker. It’s just one basic card, you know what it does, but the amount that one card can completely break the game leads to far more interest than the base game could ever provide.