zipzoopaboop, do games w EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy

The alternative is the game stays unavailable, people like you will bitch either way.

ChairmanMeow, avatar

The games were free for a long time, and a community patch made them work. That was a significantly better deal than having to pony up 40 bucks for an EA patch that’s barely functional.

Tattorack, avatar

The alternative would’ve been putting actual effort into making a legacy collection run on modern systems.

Nobody complained about Star Wars Battlefront until its legacy collection came out and worked like garbage.

Nobody complained about The Sims until its legacy collection came out and… I’m sure you get the idea.

mechoman444, do games w EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy

Was playing Sims 2 last night. Managed to make a family but didn’t get far enough to buy a house because the game crashed.

Went to sleep.

Today I’ll be scouring the internet for the real reason people play Sims 2. Ya… You know why.

NigelFrobisher, do gaming w I'm just mad at my poor performance

As in The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3?

RQG, avatar

I can still quote that whole speech from heart after playing on the highest difficulty.

SARGE, avatar

The first time I played that I was at the tail end of a marathon session from hyperfixating on the game.

I quit playing for a week because the cutscenes.

And of course beat it first try with no warm up when I came back…

daggermoon, do gaming w I'm just mad at my poor performance

This was the Tyrant in RE1 for me. I beat the fucker with a knife.

p03locke, do gaming w I'm just mad at my poor performance avatar

Because Hideo Kojima believes you should worship the ground he walks on and memorize every word uttered from his games.

ZephyrXero, do gaming w A Mario is never late

Born to kill goombas.

harcesz, do zapytajszmer w Jakie jest wasze doświadczenie pisania matury z informatyki na Linuxie?
!deleted269 avatar

Zdarzyło mi się kiedyś uczyć informatyki, ale raz, że dawno, a dwa, że z maturami do czynienia nie miałem (humaniści)… Nie mam pojęcia jak to wygląda, ale pewnie wybierałbym to na czym mi wygodniej.

crusom, do zapytajszmer w Jakie jest wasze doświadczenie pisania matury z informatyki na Linuxie?

Pisałem mature na Linuxie i poszło mi bardzo fajnie. Ja podszedłem do tego tak, że w czasie ferii przerobiłem wszystkie nowe matury (czyli od 2015) i tyle. Te zadania są podobne do siebie, więc jak je sobie poprzerabiasz rzetelnie to powinno ci dobrze pójść.

Co do samego Linuxa no to Libreoffice ma trochę inny interface niż microsoft office, więc po prostu musisz troche w tego base’a, czy calc’a poklikać, żeby go ogarnąć i tyle. Jak coś jeszcze chcesz wiedzieć to pytaj.

Podsyłam też link do moich rozwiązań matur, może ci się przyda:

ShaneIsGames, do games w Help me remember this game [big mechs, small perspective] avatar

Almost certain this is correct. If this is not correct. I HAVE to know what the answer is.


And the Game Grumps did a playthrough of it.…


I think that’s it! It looks just as I remembered.

MellowYellow13, do pcgaming w Has anyone tried the stadia controller via Bluetooth on PC?

I use a Hori Switch pad ($20) and its amazing, works on everything steam and anything off steam. Works flawlessly on PC

stupidcasey, do gaming w Goodbye my friend.

I usually delete one of the hundreds to thousands I haven’t played since I was 12 either that or the one game I want to play more than anything else but can’t play with a controller.

SkyezOpen, do gaming w Goodbye my friend.

Sort by last played. Sort by size. See the same names? Start blasting.

BuboScandiacus, avatar

Some games (modded ones) are such a pain to get to work the same way that you don’t want to delete them


Honestly if the mods aren’t drag drop play I don’t even fuck with them. I’ve spent too much time modding games that weren’t made to be modded, and steam workshop has truly spoiled me.

BuboScandiacus, avatar

Yeah, and nexus now requires to login to download mods AND you can’t use a temporary email address

tetris11, avatar

Nexus really sucks now

BuboScandiacus, avatar

Do you know of an alternative?

tetris11, avatar

I sadly don’t, I’m just frustrated that Nexus gobbled up the whole scene.

ech, do gaming w Goodbye my friend.

Just nabbed 4tb of ssds. Happy to not have to do this anymore (for a while).

Zorsith, avatar

Single 4tb NVME, aaaall the games

tetris11, avatar

And one point of failure for many things

Zorsith, avatar

With 1tb nvme boot drive. I can generally re-get a game at any time, but i dont feel like redownloading just because the OS is fucked.


With that set up you could install Ark twice!




I’ve already filled up around 1.5tb on my 2tb nvme ssd


Hah, yeah. I’m pretty prolific at filling up my drives as well. Should still help, though!

ThunderWhiskers, do gaming w Goodbye my friend. avatar

As someone old enough to have chosen between save files to delete for space, I don’t really understand why people get so hung up on which games are currently installed.


Pffft, I remember typing without vowels to save space

Palerider, avatar

I old enough that, as a kid, every time I wanted to play a game I had had to wait for it to install from cassette.

Besides, download speeds now are amazing.

Horse, avatar

tape load times were a good excuse for a tea break

the download speeds being good now is kinda cancelled out by a lot of games being ridiculously huge now though


I remember how amazing it was to upgrade the memory cards in the PS2 to those third party ones.

Whereas the paltry 128kB memory cards in the PS1 were painful to deal with, especially with those games that demanded multiple save slots.

Cartridge based games varied so much with save slots. Some games I recall playing from the SNES era only had 3 slots I think. I remember Mega Man X used a clever passcode feature to let you ‘save’.


I mean, I’m also old and I get what you mean, but I still feel this way on many occasions.

Games nowadays are huge, and my 50 mbps bandwidth can’t keep up with today’s standard where I’m used to everything happens instantly.

Also modded games are usually painful to reinstall.

BedSharkPal, do gaming w Goodbye my friend.

Is the pic from the walking dead? Cause if so pretty sure I stopped watching at this season and was curious if it ever picked up again?


it is! this was season 7. season 8 (and a lot of 7, both seasons were the same arc or whatever) was the best season by far imo (I’m also only on season 9 lol)

when my gf got me to watch the zombie show™ I did not expect it to turn into such a crazy non-zombie-focused plot. there are 11 seasons of the main show, 8 seasons of fear the walking dead, a season or two (idk) of Daryl Dixon, and yet another show, the ones who live, released in 2024.


I think they even have a few more shows than that now

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