ADKSilence, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

It's clearly bad juju if you dont then save again just to be sure.

MiDaBa, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

Even worse. Games with a mysterious auto save “feature” that don’t allow a manual backup save. There’s a special place in hell for those developers.


We need a Luigi on the inside


Some games actually have this feature.

swab148, avatar

Or whatever the fuck Dragon’s Dogma 2 had


Idk, I feel that’s okay as long as the saves are incredibly frequent and reliable.

I’ve never lost progress in a From Software game for instance, and they have an only auto save system, but it saves literally everything you do as soon as you do it, so unless you deliberately alt-F4 instantly after doing something, you won’t lose any progress.


Can you reload old saves, or only the most recent? I think being able to reload an older save is important in the case of glitches (NPC walks through wall and is unreachable etc)


Only the most recent.

I also have never had any issues with game breaking bugs like that. I’ve encountered some glitches but nothing a save+reload couldn’t fix. Everything just resets to its normal spawn point.


Ah, the trauma of every Bethesda RPG player.

There are game studios out there that don’t release broken garbage that needs the player to walk on eggshells, backup saves, and do arcane console commands to make the game playable.


They solved that by having most of the game revert to starting positions frequently (e.g. every time you die, area load).

Maybe not as immersive as Bethesda games but their lore at least tries to make sense of it.

It’s more like playing the Edge of Tomorrow movie, you need to learn where everything is.


There’s also a place in hell for devs who don’t include a “save and quit” in rogue like games because they’re worried people will save scum. As if honest people who can’t devote enough time for a full playthrough are less important than people lying about progress in a non competitive single player game.


I assume it’s more about the hassle of implementing a way of serializing the game state for storage in most cases but if people want to cheat in a single player game let them or better yet seed the rng so that the outcome is the same anyways.

AbsolutelyNotAVelociraptor, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

Day 347: I’m still trying to exit the game. Send help, I can’t close the game without losing my progress!


Somebody never played Nintendo back in the day


Ah a first time vim user player.

Jax, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

Why… why am I in this meme?

CluckN, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

One time during the final mission in Batman Arkham City I hit the power button at the same frame the auto-save turned on. My save was corrupted and I had to speedrun the story again. Thank god I wasn’t doing Riddler trophies I would’ve gone insane.

jsomae, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

Props to Animal Well developer, it doesn’t prompt you if you saved in the last minute.

zante, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

Your meme game is ridiculously strong .

codexarcanum, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

The new Prince of Persia is the worst for this! There’s no auto-cloud save, so you have to manually manage uploading and downloading to the one cloud save slot between your three on-device slots.

And no matter what, no matter how long it’s been, it asks about it, like: “Your last save was 0 minutes ago, as you sure you want to exit?”

HuntressHimbo, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case. avatar


  • Saves Game
  • Tries to exit
  • Confirm exit?
  • No
  • Saves again
  • Hits Save and Exit
criitz, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

The only solution is to keep playing

WhatSay, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

I think it’s no mans sky that tells you how long ago your last save was before you leave. That’s the ideal.

ElectroLisa, avatar


juipeltje, avatar

I think the jedi games do this as well


I think the ideal is to have 3 buttons - “Save”, “Quit”, and “Save & Quit”


Agreed, but you still need a confirmation on the quit button to ask if you are sure you want to quit without saving.


But also include the time of/since the last save.

cRazi_man, (edited ) do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

Flashbacks of playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at a time of frequent unexpected power cuts. Painful.

Kazumara, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

They could improve this so much by saying something like “the last 2 minutes and 24 seconds of unsaved progress will be lost” instead. Just need to keep a time counter from last save, that’s not too much overhead.


There are even games that already do this. I still end up second-guessing, but at least “you last saved 8 seconds ago” makes me pretty sure I got it.

Sam_Bass, do gaming w Goodbye my friend.

Just get more space


You’ve obviously never been to space

tetris11, avatar

I always wanted you to go though


Outer space no. Inner space yes but it wasn’t pretty

purplemeowanon, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

I be zipping up the directory and uploading my save files to the internet

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