index, do games w I'm tired of every game being live service
Maalus, do zapytajszmer w Szukam fachowej pomocy dla uciekiniera z "poprawczaka".

Historia prosta i rozwiazanie tez proste - zatrudnic prawnika / isc na konsultacje / zadzwonic. Prawnik moze gadac z obiema stronami, traktuje ta osobe jako swojego klienta wiec ma wzgledem niego obowiazki - i.e. zachowania tajemnicy. Prawnikowi powie co sie stalo (100% prawdy wymagane i gadanie o “niewygodnych” rzeczach), prawnik wie jak wyglada bagno w ktore sie wbil i jak z niego wyjsc zeby bylo najmniej szkody. Mozliwe, ze najmniej szkody nie znaczy tego, czego chcesz dla tej osoby.

Jedna z rzeczy “latwych do zauwazenia” w tej historii to to, ze mlody wrocil do domu. Sedziowie nie sa debilami, jakby chcial to pierwsza rzecza ktora zrobi jest wyslanie policji do jego domu.

Petros, avatar

Dzięki za sugestie. Sprawa już jest rozwiązana.


Mam nadzieje ze pozytywnie, powodzenia

Ethereal87, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of October 6th avatar

Satisfactory. It hit 1.0 about a month ago and I’ve been chipping away at a new world. It is so satisfying to build a working factory and figuring out the right input rate for your resources…it just feels so zen like.

I’m also weirdly feeling an itch to purchase and get into either Pokemon Scarlet or Violet. I can’t explain it, but I’ve apparently crossed the threshold of holding off and it just keeps floating around in my head.

Dremor, do games w Was Big Boss actually in MGSV? avatar

Please review rule 5 and mark your post as containing spoilers.

noxy, do gaming w Silent Hill 2 (2024) Review Thread avatar

Its good. Not perfect, but better than I expected.

Headphones definitely recommended, a halfway decent Atmos home theater system sounds great but I still picked up subtle sounds better with even just bluetooth headphones.

Ambience is very much on point. Dialogue is a good mix of well-acted, and a tad “off” like the original. Angela and Eddie seem faithfully redone, so far. James too honestly.

Apartments were a nice change-up from the original, not too different thematically but still essentially a whole new layout, not at all a copy and paste job. Showdown with big knife guy was a big departure, though. Not sure if better or worse, but different from the original

Some graphical glitches (something like ghosting of the fog around objects moving on the screen, also flashes of light in the distance) sometimes that are frankly unacceptable for a $70 game, especially a game of this sort of mood, but hopefully they get those patched soon.

Combat is not exactly great. Nor was it in the original, to be fair. The dodging mechanic is a bit much, and at least on the hardest combat difficulty, it feels like you gotta already be familiar with enemy attack patterns, since it doesn’t give you much chance to learn and survive. But it does all feel learnable, so we’ll see if I just need to get gooder.

Steam achievement notifications at least one broke immersion for me, I might try to mute those next time I play.

But overall I’m very eager to resume playing after work, I left off after the apartments (and stayed up far too late doing so!)


I’m super happy with it so far, though I am not quite as far. I got up to Woodside apartments last night before going to bed.

Totally agree on the ambiance. They absolutely match the original and Akira Yamaoka did an amazing job in this department yet again. Also agree on the dialogue, really happy with it so far. I was worried due to how much I disliked the hd collections redone vocals but they did a good job here.

So far haven’t had much in the department of graphical glitches, though I did notice my frame rate tanked when I got to the apartments at the end of my session so I made need to tweak some settings.

Combat hasn’t bothered me but also I’m playing on standard and haven’t gotten the pistol yet so my thoughts are developing. Melee is quite satisfying in this game though imo

Agree on the steam achievements haha.

While I’m still early it does seem like they’ve grabbed the vibes straight from the original and dropped them into a modern coat of paint. And at the end of the day sh2 thrives on its vibes, so I’m very happy. Excited to keep playing

De_Narm, do games w Any game with a forced stealth section needs to have it as a warning so you know not to buy crap.

It’s a pet peeve of mine, I hate stealth sections. Waiting around just isn’t fun and most stealth sections are just that.

However, that was years ago. I haven’t encountered one in a long time since I mostly stopped playing AAA games - by now these games are an amalgamation of so many worse design decisions, I almost miss the time stealth sections were my biggest issue.

DdCno1, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of October 6th

This is a long one, so buckle up.

Test Drive Unlimited 1 (2006) - but not the flashy “next-gen” version for PS3, Xbox 360 or PC. Instead, I’m replaying the somewhat obscure PS2 port, using an emulator this time around. TDU was a remarkable achievement at the time, having a full-scale recreation of the entire island of Oahu, with the entire real-world road network to be explored online with other players at the time. There’s nothing scaled down here, unlike in most videogames, which means you get about 1600 km or 1000 miles of roads, from city streets over coastal straights to twisty mountain roads. It’s not just the quantity that is amazing, but also the quality, with tons of elevation changes keeping these roads interesting. Buildings and other track-side detail are less close to the real world, but since I’m here for racing, not sightseeing, this isn’t bothering me too much.

You would think that having such an enormous world world would make this exclusive to the then most powerful systems at the time, but they actually managed to port all of Oahu, with no reduction in size, to both PS2 and PSP. Sacrifices had to be made, for obvious reasons. Visuals suffered the most, but you still get an enormous draw distance, far beyond what would have been necessary at the original resolution, cars with 3D interiors (not on PSP), tons of geometric detail and realistic reflections that look better than in most other PS2 games. The landscape is very sparse though, especially in terms of geometric and texture detail (and on top of that, most non-car textures aren’t just low-res, but also terrible from an artistic standpoint), but the game still throws just enough detail at the player that it looks remarkably close to the big version, especially when you’re racing past things at high speed. There are other cuts that were likely made due to a lack of time instead of hardware restrictions, like a few missing cars here and there, all motorcycles, some minor event types, walking around interiors and all character customization, most of which is fairly inconsequential however. Really the biggest issue this version has is that the GPS is persistently trying to send you into oncoming traffic during free-roam due to it not taking one-way streets into account, which can lead to both frustration and fun, depending on your mindset.

If you’re still reading, you might be asking yourself why I would torture myself with PS2-era visuals when I could instead play the much prettier PC version that also runs at more than 30 fps without hacks and has more content and immersion. The reason is simple and it’s not nostalgia (since my first contact with this game back in 2008 was with the PC version): For some reason (likely because they are running on entirely different engines), the handling model is completely different and actually better on PS2 and PSP. It’s a bouncy, yet believable simcade model that feels remarkably close to Gran Turismo 2 (if not quite as good - it’s 90% there). Since that game is still the pinnacle of simcade handling in my opinion, this is just about the highest praise I can think of for a racing game. The way cars grip the road, how vastly different front and mid-engine cars behave and the way vehicles react to sudden changes in elevation in particular is night and day between the two. The big version’s most glaring issue in my opinion and one that carried over to the fascinatingly flawed sequel is that its handling never achieved a similarly comfortable compromise between simulation and arcade as the otherwise downgraded ports.

TDU 1 PS2, even with its remarkable online features long gone, remains a fun, accessible racing game with lots of meaningful content in short, accessible bursts, with the majority of races are less than five minutes long. Fun driving, fast and logical progression (unlike whatever the hell Solar Crown is torturing players with) and a neat variety of licensed vehicles in a believable real-world location keep it relevant even today. I can’t recommend it enough. If the main appeal of TDU is the fantasy of owning cars and houses all over Hawaii though, I would recommend playing the big version instead (and the sequel), since they are simply more immersive in this regard. They almost feel like games that in this day and age would be perfect for VR.

threelonmusketeers, do astronomy w Hurricane Milton from Dragon Endeavor photo taken by Astronaut Matthew Dominick

Super cool photo, but does this technically count as astronomy? Isn’t astronomy “a camera on (usually) on earth, pointed up into space”, not the other way around?

  1. (obsolete) Astrology.
  2. The science which treats of the celestial bodies, of their magnitudes, motions, distances, periods of revolution, eclipses, constitution, physical condition, and of the causes of their various phenomena.
  3. A treatise on, or text-book of, the science.

From the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.


Are you saying that observing the Earth should count as astronomy?


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.

ClassifiedPancake, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of October 6th

Since 100%ing Astro Bot I’m now continuing Last of Us 2 on New Game+. About a third way through.

Always-games: Shipbreaker, Synth Rider (PSVR2), Factorio, Vampire Survivors, Balatro (now on iPad)

Aielman15, do games w Rusted Moss is pretty good (Metroidvania) avatar

Ooh, seems really interesting. Thanks for the recommendation! I’ve added it to my wishlist :)

JoeDaRedTrooperYT, do gaming w PlayStation's "Concord" is getting absolutely decimated into oblivion by "Squirrel with a Gun". avatar


reddfugee, do games w Are there Cozy shooter games?

Maybe check out Roboquest? I was looking for a mindless FPS a few weeks ago (my usual go-to is UT2004, I’m old :]) and the Roboquest demo scratched the itch pretty well. Planning to pick up the full version when I see it go on sale

skulblaka, avatar

Roboquest actually kind of kicks ass. It’s a way better game than I expected it to be when I picked it up. I think those guys deserve more attention than they’ve been getting.

Also, shout out to Gunfire Reborn as well, I’ve been a big fan of that one for a couple years. Similar style to Roboquest. It’s a Chinese game and some parts of it are a little poorly translated but the gameplay is very fun and solid.


Came here to say Roboquest. Replaced Destiny 2 for me when I finally ditched windows for Linux. Though I would love a harder difficulty coop PvE shooter that has similar feel to Destiny. Roboquest has coop but I will always of raiding with my team.

Menschlicher_Fehler, do games w Are there Cozy shooter games? avatar

Doom 1 and, to some extent, 2. Honestly.

I know exactly what you are looking for and the classic Doom games are perfect for this, because they are simple, yet they still feel good to play.

Not too fast, not too slow. No jump scares, only some light puzzles if you want to hunt secrets. There is almost a rhythm to the combat, especially if you play with the shotgun. Try them.

AkatsukiLevi, avatar

To add over it Quake 1 and 2 are also perfect complementaries to DOOM

No cutscenes, just throw you into the game and let you go wild, while still having a progression


2016 too. I wouldn’t call it “cozy” though.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

I’d say Eternal actually fits the bill more. Once you get all the mechanics down every encounter becomes this deadly ballet of high speed chess where you really can enter a flow state of just reacting and acting.

2016 can be like that but it’s a little bit more forgiving, funnily enough managing to keep your brain more in the foreground.

Depending on your definition of cozy 2016 could win, because it is not as taxing as Eternal. At least I could manage 2016 much better than Eternal with my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. But if you manage to stick with Eternal I think it’s more conducive to get you into a meditative state.


See also: Chex Quest


I played through Sigil recently and the whole time there was a gaping super shotgun sized hole in my enjoyment of it. I get that Romero fine tuned it to play without it but for me I realized that I can’t feel totally cozy playing doom without the ssg.

Varyag, do games w Are there Cozy shooter games?

Absolutely second the recommendations of Doom and Quake here in the thread. Boomer shooters in general. Even if the movement can be really fast, playing them on your own can be extremely cozy. Just get into the rhythm of circle strafing, shooting and weaving in and out of cover and you’ll be in the zone very quickly. Bonus point, that both Doom and Quake have 30 years of EXCELLENT quality player created content that can keep you playing fresh new levels for as long as you want to. You could play them for the rest of your life, at your own pace and preferred difficulty.

The new rereleases of both games even bundle a mod browser that you can access with zero knowledge of modding, just hop on.

NOT_RICK, avatar

I’ll mention my favorite recent boomer shooter: Boltgun. Lots of blood and gore so maybe not “cozy” but it is entertaining.


Depends on what you consider “cozy”. OP listed Medal of Honor and CoD, I think Doom is super cozy. If shooting Nazis or demons is our comfort activity, anything can be cozy. I still desperately need to play Boltgun, too.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

I will also add to this that there is absolutely no reason to buy the “new” re-release of Doom and Doom 2 that’s out on Steam now except to rip the IWADS out of it to put in a source port – any other source port – rather than the garbage it comes with. And only do so if you want the new Legacy of Rust episodes. Everything else is, er, readily available online. And has been for decades.

The new NEX based engine these run on now is maddeningly inferior to basically every open source Doom engine port currently available. In addition to not supporting vertical mouse look at all, “for authenticity,” (but by default it slaps a crosshair on your screen, which the original didn’t have…) it also looks like garbage on modern displays and crashes constantly which is something that baffles me. Running Doom ought to be a solved problem by now in 2024, but this fucker crashes on me more now than it did on my 486 back in 1994. It’s buggier than a trailer park mattress in a swamp.

I recommend GZDoom, personally. You can add Brutal Doom to make the gameplay experience significantly more bombastic as well, if that sort of thing appeals to you.


*sigh.*Not everything must be GZDoom and Brutal Doom. The new port is perfectly fine if they’re going to play mostly vanilla. There’s no need to be this angry at everything you don’t understand in the internet.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

The new port is not perfectly fine if it randomly crashes to desktop all the time.

Oh, and I also forgot to mention that several of the achievements are still bugged and don’t pop, which has been a known issue since release and still hasn’t been fixed. So yeah. Bethesda is gonna do Bethesda stuff.

You can still have a “vanilla” experience using other source ports. That’s what, e.g. Chocolate Doom is for. Except it may stay running on your PC for more than eleven consecutive minutes at a time. So if that’s what turns your crank, go for it. You’re right – not everything needs to be GZDoom and Brutal. But other options definitely exist, and I recommend any of them over what was shoveled out officially. You can even have a pretty durn vanilla experience in GZDoom if you want to, while still retaining much broader support for mods than the official release. Me personally, I can’t do mouse control with no vertical look. It made me seasick in the 90’s, and it still does now. That’s a deal breaker. I was a keyboard-only player in the DOS era.

I will also add that if you are going to play the new Sigil expansions or Legacy of Rust, they’re virtually impossible on Ultra Violence and Nightmare without mouselook. These maps were clearly designed with a modern source port including mouse aim in mind, and this was apparently shitcanned later in development for some unfathomable reason. Like, why even leave the crosshair there, then?

spoilerLike, the shoot-the-switch secret on Legacy of Rust MAP10? Forget it. Yeah, you can hit it like 3% of the time if you ride the elevator up and down and pick at it with the pistol until you get it. I’m quite certain it was intended to be shot from either of the windows left and right of the elevator, the leftmost one lining up with it perfectly, and the elevator thing is only just in case someone is playing in some kind of purist mode.

franklin, do games w Are there Cozy shooter games? avatar

Give Ultrakill and Gunfire Reborn a look.

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