FlashMobOfOne, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? avatar

I’ve had some fun Anti-Nazi movies playing while I work-from-home lately, like Inglourious Basterds and The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.


I recommend The Dirty Dozen. It came out in the 60s, so you’re not getting Tarantino level gore. However, it gets so close to that line anyway.

spoilerA horde of Nazis and their wives/mistresses get burned to a crisp and exploded while hiding out in a wine cellar. American soldiers are dropping grenades and pouring gasoline down the air vents.


More and more, I’ve been coming back to Inglorious Basterds as possibly being QT’s best film.

It is just so goddamn good.


Don’t forget Fury!

dan1101, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Also Sniper Elite 4 and 5, and The Saboteur. The Saboteur has boobies and we can all agree on boobies.

Excrubulent, avatar

I just looked it up, very positive reviews and very cheap. No mention of boobies in the feature list but it has this:

Key features:

  • First Ever Open-World Paris

Thank god, FINALLY someone did it.

zolar, (edited )

the campaign is really cool in coop btw.

Edit: I mean the campaign in Sniper Elite 4/5


The Saboteur shows only as single-player in the description. Does it really support co-op?


Sniper Elite 4/5 has a 2 player coop for the campaign


I don’t think it’s coop. I would have played it coop if it was.


sorry, should have clarified it more: In Sniper Elite 4/5 you can play the campaign in 2 player coop. I have not played The Saboteur so I don’t know about that one…


The Saboteur is a lost gem that everyone should play.

ChairmanMeow, avatar

I suggested we play Sniper Elite 4 to my girlfriend recently. She’s not usually one for shooter games (she’s more of a Stardew Valley/Animal Crossing/Cozy Grove/Coral Island type of gamer), and I wasn’t sure she’d like it. She thought she wouldn’t, but she’s happy to try out a suggestion of mine every once in a while even if she thinks we won’t play it much.

We loaded into San Cellini island and she initially struggled with the controls and how to aim and shoot. The gravity and wind effects weren’t super easy to grasp either (she’s on the Steam Deck as well, making it slightly harder to aim too). She accidentally shot a couple times as I was giving her a quick tutorial, which attracted a Nazi soldier to investigate and try and shoot her (which scared her a bit as she got hit). Off to a rocky start, and I could tell she wasn’t enjoying it at all.

We got to the first tower, where the game gives you a pretty good view of the area and lets you fairly securely shoot a bunch of Nazi soldiers. Time to shoot! Here we learned she gets a bit jumpscared if the game suddenly shows you a slow-motion killcam, especially if I was the one triggering it. Again, not a great start for her.

She struggled, but did hit a couple of them. Then on the 3rd or 4th kill, the game showed her the magic words after the kill: “TESTICLE SHOT”. This caught her completely off guard, immediately exclaiming “WAIT DOES THAT MEAN I SHOT HIS BALLS OFF?!”. I have never witnessed her doing a complete 180 degrees turn on her opinion of a game. Suddenly the game became extremely enjoyable for her. The first time she had a killcam where she could see the Nazi balls pop one after the other was like giving her crack cocaine or something. Total bloodlust.

We’ve played through the entire campaign in a span of two weeks, then the DLC, the overwatch missions (twice to play both roles) and now the survival maps. Every evening after dinner she asks if we can “shoot more Nazi balls”. Her spirit animal is Hugo Stiglitz at this point.

God I love that woman.


Just, uh, be careful if she shows a sudden interest in certain “relationship aids” just in case it was less about what the balls were attached to than the pure act itself

McPoops, do gaming w Gaming on controller & "typos"

The controls are slightly different in the Soul Reaver remaster and I kept mixing up crouch and lock-on. It took until the end of the game before I got it worked around lol

bjoern_tantau, do gaming w Gaming on controller & "typos" avatar

Playing only one game at a time helps me.


That’s like reading only one book at a time. Unthinkable.

aciDC14, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?


comat, do zapytajszmer w crosspost twitter to mastodon avatar

Jest mixpost i jego darmowa wersja zawiera mastodona i X, no i teoretycznie ma otwarty kod (tak tylko ta darmowa wersja ma otwarty kod i trochę ją olewają):

Jedno i drugie powinno zadziałać 😆

MiDaBa, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Wolfenstein 3D was woke propaganda. At least that will be the official article if Trump and the right get their hands on Wikipedia like they’ve already said they want to.


they already said that the last couple of games


Sadly, I believe this almost without question.


W2TNC was back when they still said SJW before woke became their boogeyman word but yeah. the comments section for the trailer was full of SJW complaints because the morons who didn’t even get the obvious message the first game were suddenly aware of politics when they saw a black woman in the mix.

JoeDyrt57, do astronomy w [Seeking Advice]Amateur Radio Telescope

@RemindMe 2 days

Contramuffin, do gaming w [UFO 50] Barbuta experience in a nutshell

The moment the ghost comes I just keep going back and forth between the same 2 rooms until the ghost goes away (the ghost travels to an adjacent room randomly when you enter a new room)


Avoiding the skull isn’t much of a problem fortunately but sometimes it just sits there three or four reloadings and this is a bit irritating!

endeavor, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

But 2nd amendment states your duty as a citizen to grab a gun and defend against nazis irl?

_cryptagion, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

It’s not for no reason.

Lost_My_Mind, (edited ) do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

I’d LOVE to hear the explaination from the 1 downvote.

!deleted6508 avatar

4 explanations are needed now.

Excrubulent, avatar

“Nazi” x5

There’s all the explanation you need.


7 Nazis right now.


27 now


You expect Nazis and their sympathizers to have a brain and form coherent sentences, huh?
I fear, there are at least some who do and those are even more dangerous than the typical braindead Nazi.

B312, (edited )

Playing devil’s advocate here. It’s probably people who think no matter what, every single life is precious and should be preserved.

Edit: I feel like I should probably add that I do not agree with this ideology whatsoever. Facists deserve a good beating


It’s probably people who think no matter what, every single life is precious and should be preserved.

I doubt it’s that, simply because the OP is not talking about doing anything to anyone in the real world.


6 of them now lol crazy there are that many.

damnedfurry, (edited )

The type of ‘anger management’ described in the OP is unhealthy and doesn’t even help you feel better, short or long term. ‘Blowing off steam’/venting literally does the opposite of what most people believe it does.…/feeling-angry-chilling-o…

Edit: Looks like some people don’t like being called out for their unproductive behavior, lol. I answered the question.

It’s getting harder and harder each day to tell this place apart from Reddit, lol.

Elevator7009sAlt, (edited )

I don’t think they are trying to decrease/cool down their anger. I think they are trying to engage in it.

I’ll be honest, as long as people are not acting awful towards their fellow human beings (like taking out anger on a person who has nothing to do with it, punching someone over cutting in line at the bank) I do not particularly mind if people are increasing their anger and aggression instead of decreasing it. Jogging it out and getting angrier is still far better than punching it out at a person, especially since you probably still reap the health benefit of jogging.

Thanks for the link though, fun read! I guess we should go to bed angry ;) Clicking one of the links in the article you linked was pretty interesting…

One man in the rumination group became so angry while hitting the punching bag that he also punched a hole in the laboratory wall.

My concerned side worries for that guy and the budgets of the people doing the research but most of me says “that’s just funny”.

Elevator7009sAlt, (edited )

Genuinely? I think there are always a couple trolls downvoting anything and everything, or people who can’t resist being contrarian for the sake of it. I see downvotes applied to on-topic, factually correct, and completely uncontroversial posts and comments all the time. For example, go to any cute animal community. You’ll find various inoffensive pictures of the animals, with zero incorrect assertions because it is literally just a picture, and at least a few of these pictures of critters the entire community is about (so it’s on-topic) will have a few downvotes anyways. Same principle could apply here. If there are lots of upvotes I almost expect to see a few downvotes as “noise” from trolls.

Also because Lemmy has Local and All, maybe there are people who, not caring that the community is Games, see this in their Local/All feed and do not like video games or Wolfenstein so they just hit downvote for “dislike” and move on.

Sometimes I fat-finger my phone and downvote something I didn’t mean to. I always take it back, but I imagine not everyone would undo their accidental downvote. Especially if the sequence is downvote -> crash -> reopen tabs -> wait where was I, whatever I don’t care enough to undo one downvote online


I’ve also downvoted things on accident before. Not yet on Lemmy because I have to more deliberately choose through Voyager. But it’s only a matter of time.

dethedrus, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

I played the original on Apple ][.

It’s ALWAYS been a good time to kill nazis.

Kichae, do astronomy w Public stargazing classes

I was wondering if anyone else has done any kind of astronomy public outreach and if they had any advice to help keep the engagement up when folks are taking turns peeking through the scope.

About 20 years or so, yup. Star parties, observatories, planetaria, etc.

My plan has been to teach the basics of star finding, telescope use, etc.

Don’t do this. The people who are going to show up to look through a telescope at the park do not GAF about how to use a telescope. They want to look through it and be awed by what they see. The work it takes to get to that point is of zero interest to 99.999% of them. Very often, the actual visual image you see is not awe inspiring, though, so you want to spend the time while people are looking through the lens explaining to them what they are seeing, and doing so in very awe-inspiring tones and terms.

Lead them to the feelings that they want to feel. Weave the story that reflects those desires back to them. Do everything you can to make them feel the scope of what they’re seeing. Use the fact that it’s an unimpressive smudge to hammer home just how god damn far away it is they are seeing. Trot out the big numbers. Tell them how far away it is in in light years, and then switch to miles. Reference what was taking place on Earth at the time the light first left its source. Relate it all to the things they relate to or care about.

And treat the telescope like it’s the least important thing of the night until someone asks about it.

conditional_soup, (edited )

Thanks, that all makes sense! I noticed in hindsight that people were a little less jazzed about Trapezium than I was expecting. I mean, they appreciated it, but compared to my own initial reaction in seeing it (I had to go and tell someone right away), it was pretty muted. Sounds like I’ll have to do some homework.

That last line really grabbed my attention.

And treat the telescope like it’s the least important thing of the night until someone asks about it.

Can you elaborate a bit on what you mean here?

Also, I should probably make clear that this is going to be a weekly recurring class that happens at different city parks. I’m trying to get people interested in actually doing amateur astronomy.


Imagine going to a public class on… let’s say playing the electric guitar, and the instructor just keeps going on and on about tuning forks, gear maintenance, and music theory. You were just hoping to learn how to play Stairway to Heaven, despite never having touched a guitar in your life.

The telescope is actually a hurdle to most people who will ever look through one. Introducing people to amateur astronomy by talking about making the sausage doesn’t whet the appetite. It’s dry, it’s small, and it’s boring. And it’s not relevant to 90% of people who will ever show up – they’re not going to race out and spend hundreds of dollars on a worthwhile telescope. It’s the kind of thing you talk about once people are hooked, want to view things independently, and are actually ready to invest their time, energy, and money into the hobby.

Amateur astronomy happens first in the mind. The imagination is accessible; the nitty gritty of operating a manual telescope is actually quite exclusionary, and fails to meet people where they actually are.


This is great advice, I’m very grateful that you responded! I did start out pointing out the constellations and the different features we would look at, but after reading this, I realize now that I got people looking into the scope way too early, and there was basically nowhere left for me to go after that. This also makes me think about doing a separate thing just for helping people get astronomical league certs, then.

wirelesswire, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Hmmm, reinstalling Wolfenstein doesn’t sound too bad.


I’ve been toying with the idea. So many good memories from New Colossus. It might be linear, it’s such a great story. Not Shakespeare great, but honest b-movie great.


I agree with that. I think it’s time for Terror-Billy to go on a rampage again.


I can just see the NSA nerds now, “Sir, we have seen a severe uptick in downloads and installations of the video game ‘Woflenstein’… We must do something to stop the propaganda!”



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