Videos idea: disabled transport in netherlands, how do people move around when they cannot cycle.
Since one of the major copium people have about car dependency is disabled people/elderly have a hard time riding bike. Yet, in reality, it is much more expensive/dangerous to put a disabled/elderly in a car than public transport or a electric wheel chair than in a car.
On the other hand, I am also curious whether a electric wheelchair will congest the bike lane, given the bike lane is kind of narrow.
NJB already featured the tiny four-wheeled car thingy that people use for exactly this. Idk which video exactly, but it’s there for anyone to comb through.
Being orange-pilled is painful in situations like this; you know the exact thing the Dutch already figured out but unless you have the exact video ID and timestamp on the ready you’d have a hard time pushing back the cope-ists. Even the ones that insists there’s no way these people are mobilizing outside of public transport.
It’s a FPS with bullet, grenade replaced by magics. It follows some streamlined lite metroid component for unlocking new ability for traversal and encounters/puzzles are paced pretty okay. Quite a bit of platforming section as well if you like that kind of thing. I have not finished the game yet but it seems to be a pretty short run and can finish over the weekend(no mtx). It does look really nice when you have the rig to run.(I used default settings it picked for my 6800XT and never feel jitter or frame rate dip problem.)
Besides the weird portals, the pits and the train, looks mostly like the same game with a visual upgrade. I hope it's still as easy to parse. I'll get it anyways; I played the first one's content into it's post-release content patch before the complexity overwhelmed me.
thanks for the share, this vid is awesome. love the bumpers between games too.
been watching a lot of old g4tv reruns with commercial breaks on youtube lately, kinda reminds me of that (minus some of the 00s grossness. glad weirdness towards women and homophobia isnt in anymore)
He definitely got some inspiration from those days. I adore the bumpers. He recently made a good video on some of the weirder gaming shows from that era too.
It is not, but the developer that’s working on this has a good reputation from what I’ve heard. The information that steam has makes me think that this is going to be a fairly faithful sequel.
Did they buy out their IP? Seems strange when Crate kept making games like it with Grim Dawn. My instinct is to bw highly skeptical because I really like Crate.