dog, do gaming w Famous Minecraft YouTuber Mumbo Jumbo plays FOSS Minecraft-like; Actually super enjoys it.

I know I’m not the target aydience, but deer god I can’t stand minecraft channels. Absolutely obnoxious camera spanning, 95% of the video is zoomed in a minecraft characters face, obnoxious speech.

That said, I welcome new alternatives.

astigma, avatar

@dog @AdaghastTheMad If you're open to watching Minecraft content you can't really go wrong with any of the people on Hermitcraft. They're all mostly chill and spend 90% of their videos in first person just playing the game. Grian and Mumbo, being the two biggest creators on Hermitcraft tend to have a bit more of what you dislike but you could try Xisuma, JoeHills, DocM77, ImpulseSV, TangoTek or PearlescentMoon to name a few.

Riven, avatar

Shout out to my boi goodtimeswithscar


I can't stand his and other MC channels clickbait garbage. I think Etho is the only one I still watch to this day. No weird titles, no weird thumbnails, no asking for subs, just genuine good content.

sotolf, avatar

Etho is wonderful, his channel is probably the longest subscription I have on youtube, not gimmicky just being himself and having fun with the game.

spark947, do gaming w Famous Minecraft YouTuber Mumbo Jumbo plays FOSS Minecraft-like; Actually super enjoys it.

I remember the days when Notch said he would release Minecraft’s source code under creative commons. And then a bunch of genuinely bad stuff happened to him and left him a broken man.


That's a nice way of saying that he turned his inner asshole inside out.


Loneliness and social-media algorithms are a dangerous combination. I think he could have ended up differently if he had more friends around him that offered a counterbalance to the narrow perspective he has been likely been spoonfed by the likes of Twitter and YouTube. As would many other rich, white men (see: Elon Musk) that unfortunately tend to end up with leeches and yes-men.

itsgallus, do gaming w OCARINA OF TIME - A Masterclass In Subtext

OoT is, IMO, one of the best games ever made, with or without subtext.

I haven’t watched the video yet, but definitely will do. Thanks for the tip!

pieceofcrazy, do gaming w OCARINA OF TIME - A Masterclass In Subtext

Saw this video less than a month ago! Really well made, now I want to play OoT again for the first time since I played the 3DS port as a kid

Kerb, do gaming w Don’t forget the last Bethesda AAA game - The Fall of 76 - YouTube avatar

In all honesty, i doubt, it will be as bad as 76.

Unless they try to push the creation club by blocking mods and thus community patches,
It wont be nearly as bad.

A lot of the issues with 76 stem from it being a multiplayer game.

The multiplayer aspect prevented mods& community bugfixes, and caused Cheaters & p2w.

Buggy messes are honestly what Bethesda’s already known for, so unless they are foolish enough to block the unofficial patches,
Its gonna be a somewhat decent release even if it won’t live up to the hype.

I still wouldn’t be caught dead preordering anything Bethesda made,
But it certainly won’t be as disastrous as 76

outerspace, do gaming w 11 Best Indie Games of All Time

Is dwarf fortress not indie?

Qbic, do games w Styx: Blades of Greed | Reveal Trailer

I have both the first two games on Steam and have never played them. Should really get around to doing that.

Odo, (edited ) do games w Styx: Blades of Greed | Reveal Trailer

Whoa. I had given up on ever getting a third Styx. Great news. I just hope they learned the lesson from the second game not to shove in a bunch of irreverent meta-humor that just didn’t fit.

dogslayeggs, do games w Tony Hawk's™ Pro Skater™ 3 + 4 | Reveal Trailer

I don’t know if any thing in that video looked even remotely realistic, except maybe the lame handstand ride.


THPS was never realistic, it’s basically Mario 64 on wheels.


Yeah, if it was realistic it wouldn’t be fun

Flamekebab, avatar

Isn't that what the Skate series is for?


Skate 4 is coming out any day now!

duskfall, do astronomy w How to Clean the Primary Mirror of a Dobsonian Telescope.

People who wanna see mee hihiii : +18 hihi .

duskfall, do trains w Crossing The Columbia River On Amtrak Cascades Northbound

People who wanna see mee hihiii : +18 hihi .

duskfall, do trains w RAILWAY BLISS: SPECTACULAR trains at Harringay station

People who wanna see mee hihiii : +18 hihi .

mksports, do ciekawe w Ujgurscy bojownicy w Syrii przysięgają, że w następnej kolejności przybędą do Chin
Lootboblin, do games w The Sims & The Sims 2 Legacy Collections - Official Reveal Trailer avatar

I’ll wait for the community patches and -50% sale to get the Sims 2.

Skullgrid, do games w The Sims & The Sims 2 Legacy Collections - Official Reveal Trailer avatar

they used flat ass dialog popups and fucking comic sans for the text

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