I know I’m not the target aydience, but deer god I can’t stand minecraft channels. Absolutely obnoxious camera spanning, 95% of the video is zoomed in a minecraft characters face, obnoxious speech.
@dog@AdaghastTheMad If you're open to watching Minecraft content you can't really go wrong with any of the people on Hermitcraft. They're all mostly chill and spend 90% of their videos in first person just playing the game. Grian and Mumbo, being the two biggest creators on Hermitcraft tend to have a bit more of what you dislike but you could try Xisuma, JoeHills, DocM77, ImpulseSV, TangoTek or PearlescentMoon to name a few.
I can't stand his and other MC channels clickbait garbage. I think Etho is the only one I still watch to this day. No weird titles, no weird thumbnails, no asking for subs, just genuine good content.
I remember the days when Notch said he would release Minecraft’s source code under creative commons. And then a bunch of genuinely bad stuff happened to him and left him a broken man.
Loneliness and social-media algorithms are a dangerous combination. I think he could have ended up differently if he had more friends around him that offered a counterbalance to the narrow perspective he has been likely been spoonfed by the likes of Twitter and YouTube. As would many other rich, white men (see: Elon Musk) that unfortunately tend to end up with leeches and yes-men.
Unless they try to push the creation club by blocking mods and thus community patches,
It wont be nearly as bad.
A lot of the issues with 76 stem from it being a multiplayer game.
The multiplayer aspect prevented mods& community bugfixes, and caused Cheaters & p2w.
Buggy messes are honestly what Bethesda’s already known for, so unless they are foolish enough to block the unofficial patches,
Its gonna be a somewhat decent release even if it won’t live up to the hype.
I still wouldn’t be caught dead preordering anything Bethesda made,
But it certainly won’t be as disastrous as 76
Whoa. I had given up on ever getting a third Styx. Great news. I just hope they learned the lesson from the second game not to shove in a bunch of irreverent meta-humor that just didn’t fit.