BurnSquirrel, do games w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

So, I’m not sure if skyrim is right for this because it’s had a certain modding community built up, and for whatever reason, corporate execs seem to love burning down organic communities with no idea of the damage they’re doing.

However, if a game was built from day 1 to have support for paid mods, I’d probably consider making assets for mods as a side gig, as would a lot of people who work in tech or are budding game developers, because its far less of a commitment than making a full game.

The closest things that do this currently are roblox, which does everything in it’s power to prevent you from withdrawing money from it, and second life, which is near dead and only still going because of furies and perverts.

If a true platform-esque game, like Skyrim or Arma, were to come along with a shop that would let you do things like build a dungeon and charge a dollar for it, that would suddenly look attractive to a lot of people to get involved.

Xanthrax, avatar

As soon as you started, I knew you were going to mention roblox. I wish they would release an adult version with a different aesthetic, SO BAD. I like LUA, but I will admit they’re pretty predatory with their payments.


If you want a gig like that, costume clothing, furniture, wallpaper and flooring for Sims 4. While there is somewhat of a community thing and the TOS about only having paid early access of a reasonable time, a lot of creatures don’t, and big chunks of the community will bend over backwards to defend it. So if you put out some paid stuff a lot of people will pay for it. If you don’t reales it for free after some time, big parts of the community will be mad at you, but many creators don’t follow that code and you can choose between putting up with it or just release it for free after sometime frame you are comfortable with, community stand is a month but ones again a lot of people don’t follow that and have lots of people buying their stuff.

And also if you just put out relatively good stuff, you will get a huge bonus over other people, even if you are paid only or have longer than community standard times. Because a lot of Sims 4 cc (in the Sims community moded assets are called cc while just mod/mods means gameplay mods) is really bad, with chep asset flips, theft and just really badly looking and functioning stuff and that includes quite a lot of the paid only scene. So you know the bar ain’t that high.

If you want a in game or developer official option, keep an eye on the upcoming Project Rene it’s the next sims game / sims spin off and while it is not confirmed to have paid cc and mods, there is a high likely hood of it.

Katana314, do games w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

The issue Valve had with this was that they weren’t willing to do the basic vetting needed to ensure a mod’s content is legitimately owned. For a full game, made from scratch in Unity, that’s not necessarily easier to verify, but the bar for entry (and to making something interesting for viewers) is high enough that a developer can be harshly penalized for breaking it. And of course, it has still happened, wherein a little Superman game is found to have been completely stolen from someone who put it out for free.

When you have a big complete game like Skyrim, and one mod only needs to do something silly like put Thomas the Tank Engine’s face onto a greathammer, it’s a low bar for entry for something some people might actually want, as opposed to shitty Unity asset flips. Still, the storefront needs to be sure that THAT developer owns Thomas’s face (they don’t) and that they put the work into applying it (they might have just pulled files from some obscure Nexus Mods entry and hoped no one noticed).

Ownership verification is tough. I seriously doubt they’re actually putting the time in.


Valve had no issue with it. They went through with the release until the huge backlash when even the most loyal communities, like /r/pcmasterrace, were suddenly all about getting rid of Gabe from the sub banner and building a new client to replace Steam (1, 2). All of Bethesda’s most recent games were getting heavily review bombed on Steam and elsewhere. These things forced Valve to backtrack.


The review bombing was the form of communication used to inform Valve of what I just described. The prime complaints were based around lack of authenticity in many of the mods that first requested payment - many mod authors saw their work stolen and reposted.


But do they need to for the copyright case? Aren’t most pages on internet, like “Here is where you can sent us a DCMA request, we will take it down after checking it”.

Then they don’t need to vet it until there is a request, still that is work not gonna lie but they don’t have to check every single upload stuff, plus they probably would have a report system or similar if the issue isn’t copyright but idk that somebody uploaded something illegal somehow.

Of course maybe I am missing something and there is some laws that require active monitoring of each uploaded stuff.


You’re not totally wrong; they could operate that way, wherein victims of theft would report what people have re-uploaded as their own. But the problem is, this puts the onus of policework entirely on mod operators, who have their own lives and livelihoods. Imagine you wrote a mod as a hobby for four years, spent some time abroad, came home, never heard about the mod workshop stuff, and then discovered that your mod blew up in popularity under someone else’s name. Plus, Valve would need to moderate and figure out who is telling the truth (lest a bad actor make a fake claim on a legitimate mod seller). That kind of situation is often unrecoverable.

You can even read stories about the wars that photographers have over this kind of thing - photos are the kind of thing people pass around like candy, even though some amazing ones take tons of expertise and effort for the photographer to take; they often struggle to get websites and magazines to pay the ad revenue they’re due for each time they’re shown. It’s much like the mod workshop would have been - a very “low friction” environment for reuploads.

butter, do games w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

No objections here.

These aren’t obligated paid mods. Anyone can still do free mods that rely on Nexus for downloads and stuff.

If anything, this is like FDroid / Google Play Store with FOSS apps. You’ll find dozens of paid foss apps on the play store that are free on fdroid. The play store is for donations and convenience. Auto updates without modding your phone, centralized store, etc.


This is where it starts.


Where what starts?


You think if paid mods work that anyone is going to make non paid mods in the future? I don’t think so


Good then 👍 People should be able to ask to be paid for their efforts and work and time if so they desire.

RickyRigatoni, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim avatar

I am not paying extra so that Bethesda can push the burden of fixing their 12 year old broken game that I already paid full price for onto random people.

I will be pirating paid mods and you will not change my mind.

vanquesse, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

It’s wild how many people who do not have mods published on nexus/workshop/bethesda are happy to speak on the behalf of modders.


I have mods published on the Nexus, and I feel confident in saying paid mods are degenerate and so are everyone who supports them.

boCash, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim avatar

Goddamn it, I literally just reinstalled and got my mod list playing nicely together LAST NIGHT.

Friendship, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim avatar

As with the several times they tried this before, this is a train wreck of an idea for so many reasons. While I do love the idea of mod creators getting to make money doing what they enjoy, from the consumer perspective this is bound to be awful.. I don't want to have to get nickel-and-dimed by what are essentially third party micro-transactions.. with no grantee that the product I just bought will even work with the others I bought or that they will continue to be supported if the game gets patched a year later. Not to mention virtually zero quality control, leaving users to trust in reviews, AKA other customers who put their money on the line.

And from the mod development side of things, this is going to make building off other mods a complete mess. Think of how many mods you have installed that have had other mods as requirements to work. Are those mods going to need to be bought by the user too? And are the mod creators going to have to set up some kind of revenue sharing with those dependency mods? What happens if a mod developer uses a free mod as a dependency, is that fair to the other mod creator? Do moders have the rights to request their content not be used by other mods? And if so what does that process look like and who arbitrates it? Having seen this tried before, it makes a mess and long term it will stifle collaboration leading to weaker mods.


I think those are all good points, but I think they’re also potentially surmountable ones; I think the key would be to be as restrictive as necessary for which mods are allowed to charge. If only a small fraction of the most clear cut and expansive mods can charge, maybe even hand-picked by the developer, I think that’s still a better state than it was before.

Some potential examples: a mod isn’t allowed to charge if it has any mod dependency. Games supporting paid mods must support opt-out updates (steam already supports this easily via "beta branches) and mods have at least one version available to consumers that are guaranteed to work. Depending on the mod, it could be possible to do some automated regression testing, similar to how the Steam Deck verification works.

Computerchairgeneral, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

On the one hand I'm not opposed to mod creators getting paid for their work. There are a lot of great Skyrim mods, released and upcoming, that I wouldn't mind paying for. Total conversions like Enderal, giant content expansions like Beyond Skyrim, and especially a lot of the great companion mods. The pay what you want option seems like a good way to let people support mod creators while not creating a paywall. On the other hand I just don't trust Bethesda to deal with all of the issues this is going to create and it's hard to see how it doesn't end up negatively impacting the wider modding community.

Butterbee, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim
!deleted4292 avatar

There’s a lot of negativity here, and a lot of it is pretty justified. But I don’t hate the idea of paid mods. Like if there’s a way for authors like the ones the made Enderal or other really big mods to make some money off of it that’s really great. Is Bethesda going to be fair about them? Probably not. Is Bethesda going to be competent with the system? Probably as competent as they are at anything else (derogatory).

But at least it’s a way that you can make some money back for your work where you don’t have to worry about chargebacks from trolls costing you more than the donations they were originally giving you. And this can be a pretty big problem for donation driven works. Someone donates $1, 200 times. Then charges them all back. Paypal charges you $15 processing fee for each chargeback. And you can contest it but who needs that? If Bethesda can be the entity brokering all of it, then they are the ones that take the chargeback risk.

So in theory, I don’t hate it. But it will all depend on the implementation and competency of Bethesda (not looking good here).

ampersandrew, avatar

My problem with it last time around, which was not the problem most people took with it, was how much of a cut Valve and Bethesda took before the mod maker saw any of that money. It's Valve's store and Bethesda's IP, sure, but if Bethesda was going to take that much of a cut, they should at least be spending some of that money on policing the bad actors in the paid mod scene to make sure it's all legit so that they earn their cut.

!deleted4292 avatar

Yep! Like I said, a lot of the negativity is pretty justified. I just wanted to provide one positive for people to see.


and they still dont seem to be interested in offering the full toolchain for the engine, including official mesh and anim import/export plus documentation for the formats


Also if I pay for a mod and they release a patch that breaks it (seems unlikely but we’ve already gotten about two or three more patches than I expected), I would expect them to fix the mod or pay the creator to do so.

Oh and I would expect them to magically resolve conflicts between paid mods.

If a free mod breaks and never gets fixed, or a free mod breaks another mod, fair I have no expectations there. But once I fork out money that’s not a mod, that’s a product now. And if Bethesda is taking my money, they are responsible for the product.

ampersandrew, avatar

As long as you can easily turn individual mods on and off, I personally wouldn't have the expectation that one mod must not break another mod. I also don't mod much, but that's why I see potential in paid mods. What's out there the way things are now usually doesn't float my boat, and I'd like to see what we get when people can support themselves in producing mods.


If you’re looking for monitary returns, make a game not a mod. Otherwise you’re building your foundation on sand and owe the lack of monitary return on nothing but your own choices. Having Bethesda broker this is just a horrible idea and will lead to a cesspool of fraud, exploit, and death to genuine creative love works and passion projects. Not everything need be made for profit, and often it’s better for it.

50gp, (edited )

mods made by more than a few people are impossible to monetise with this scheme, way too many creators to pay so you would make next to nothing over just making it free and putting it in your resume

and then we have bethesdas aversion to new dialog (and localising it) in these official mods, which really kills the vibe in many of them

Kaldo, avatar

Don't give them even an inch. They are not doing this in good faith for the sake of the modders.


That is exactly the point. “Hmmm, maybe it’s fine if some high quality mods can make some money” no! This is “it’s just cosmetics” all over again. Give them a finger, they’ll be taking the arm and suing you for the other one soon. Don’t! Just don’t! If you want creators to make money, donate.


I think Flight Simulator has paid mods and I’ve seen ambivalent or slightly positive opinions of it. It is definitely doable and is actually a good idea, but something about Bethesda and their way of doing it always seems shady.


Someone donates $1, 200 times. Then charges them all back. Paypal charges you $15 processing fee for each chargeback

Don’t use PayPal. That’s a good policy in general.

empireOfLove, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim avatar

Coming soon: 5000 spam copes of the same relabelled, stolen mods by every single scammer in existence


sounds like the steam store already

Goronmon, do games w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

In theory I’m not entirely against the idea of paid mods. I don’t necessarily buy that mods are more “pure” if no one is able to make money from them. And I do like the idea that people might invest more resources in mods than if they are effectively donating their time to the projects.

That said, things can definitely get complicated quickly once you start providing financial incentives. I think it’s smart to require mod makers to go through an approval process rather than just make it open.

db0, avatar

The perverse incentives alone can be enough to ruin the whole modding scene for the game


Maybe, but people’s egos alone are enough to causing issues in the mod community, I’m not sure paid mods are necessarily going to make this significantly worse.

!deleted6508 avatar

One or two egotistical modders don’t ruin the entire community unless those are the only modders in said community.

Greed ruins everything, though.

Not only would once free mods suddenly have a price tag, you’re gonna get a lot of bullshit shovelware mods flooding the scene trying to capitalize on the market.


As long as they don’t take free mods away I’m fine with it.


Apparently it’s broken SKSE, which is required for many many free mods.


Many updates for Skyrim have broken SKSE. That’s not really a new problem. Hopefully they’ll be able to fix it just like they have in the past.


So just wait a couple days after the update like normal?


randomdeadguy, avatar

I’m still rocking 1.5.97 😤

FireTower, do games w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim avatar

It broke skse. Rip

Blamemeta, do games w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

Well fuck this, broke my modlist again. I give up. I’m not buying Tes6, theyve burnt the goodwill with me.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

if you want i can tell you if youve missed anything in the 10 years itll take to release

BaldProphet, avatar

Will humanity even exist then?

shiveyarbles, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim

Sucking on that tit… there’s a lot more milk in there

Jaysyn, do gaming w Bethesda is once again adding support for paid mods to Skyrim avatar

I hate this.

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