johannesvanderwhales, do gaming w Then vs Now

DAE games bad now??

doublejay1999, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar

Not just games . I download one of the trendy note pad apps. It’s 500mb.


I’ve been using zoho notes on my phone for a long time now. It started out really good, but somehow has become so bloated that it’s laggy. It’s PLAIN TEXT. How do you make that lag??

nifty, avatar

Which one? Obsidian for desktop is 400MB, but it lets you make knowledge trees and includes a zotero extension. Although maybe it doesn’t need to be 400MB.

doublejay1999, avatar

Obsidian was big - I think close to 500 on the mac ? But Logseq was another


Thanks for supporting shitcoin mining, I’m so close to recouping my goal of 10% of the thousands of dollars I’ve lost.

yamanii, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar

Wild Hearts ran like ass using low preset on my same PC that ran both monster hunter world and rise just fine at 60fps high.

A CPU upgrade is my next target, but I didn’t think it would get this bad in less than 5 years.

SuddenDownpour, do gaming w Then vs Now

…Is the breast milk thing inspired by reality? Wait, I don’t know if I really want to know.


Blizzard I think


🤢 Thanks, I guess.

dexa_scantron, avatar
Nacktmull, do gaming w Then vs Now

Laughs in indie games

mathematicalMagpie, do gaming w Then vs Now

To be fair, game devs did the hackiest shit to deal with the constraints of the time. They did things that no programmer would do today because they’re bad practices when you’re not worried about tiny amounts of RAM or storage.


Sometimes they did it just in case they needed those limited resources, but its not really needed. SMW is a good example, where spite interactions are only checked every other frame, but modders generally remove that limitation without any issues. There might be weird edge cases where in vanilla without glitches you could theoretically accumulate enough sprite on stream it causes a slightly more noticeable slowdown without the ever other frame. With cape float, it only checks if you are holding the jump button once every 4 frames or something like that. Totally unnecessary and makes the game feel less responsive. Granted, during a casual playthrough, you’d probably never notice that floating stopping after letting go of the button varies by 50ms depending on which frame you let go of the button relative to which frame it checks.


And even then the code was far from the best it could be.

This guy optimized Super Mario 64 and drastically improved performance while fixing several bugs.


I love watching videos about old game systems programming. The gymnastics you had to do to code, like, super Mario, just to show more than 3 colors is really interesting.


People who think modern coding practices are bloated should study why certain speed running mechanics work. A lot of them stem from things we would never do today. We’ve removed entire classes of bugs by using “bloated” languages and tools.


But we introduce entirely new classes at the same time.

A Cuphead dev reacting to Cuphead speedruns is an interesting watch because he explains why all the tricks work.


Not really. We have more bugs because there are more lines of code.


And fewer lines of coke.

TheBat, avatar



I vaguely remember this. What is it from again?

Karyoplasma, (edited )

You will probably enjoy this video:

Dude livestreamed Super Mario 64 for more than a month with a bot attached that perfectly abused a physics quirk based on floating point precision, just so he can crash the game at 0:00 at New Year’s by overflowing a value. This over-one-hour-long video is the summary.


If you haven’t seen them, look up the Ultimate talk on YouTube. They go into real depth on c64, Gameboy, Atari, Amiga, etc. development and all the tricks that are used.


The games then were closer to embedded dev than software dev. The cartridge had huge limitations and the devs had to know those limits and work around them.


Cartridges were also full on daughter boards instead of just an older version of SD cards. There were massive differences between games. The later SNES games with 3d graphics had a whole extra processor included in the cart.


2d games did, too. The SA1 chip did a lot to make games run better on the SNES. There’s mods out there for running games on the SA1 chip, especially shooters like Super R-Type, and it’s a substantially better experience.


The old Super FX chip. I’m old enough to remember when they released the original Star Fox and flogged the super onboard 3d processing. The ads in comic books mentioned it by name.

TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

Stunt Race FX really stood out to me, even now I remember being impressed by the visuals.

adam_y, avatar

I think it was David Braben that used the video buffer as extra ram. Coded text on screen in the same colour blue as the sky and stored it there.

Alexstarfire, do gaming w Then vs Now

What a horrible take. Game devs were so bad at one point in the past they almost killed the entire market. Classic survivorship bias here.


Game devs were so bad at one point in the past they almost killed the entire market

which event are you refering to?


There was a period of time when a massive influx of shovelware was released. Think stuff like the ET game. No one wanted to buy it, and the industry almost became a bust. Nintendo came in and almost single handedly revived the entire industry by releasing novel, high quality games like donkey kong. This is why Nintendo is a modern household name and why you mostly see atari in museums.


Also the Atari name/trademark/copyright got sold, and mergered about a dozen times. The current owners bear basically no relation to the original game company.

_Sprite, avatar

I think he’s talking about that time when Atari buried a bunch of their games in a desert in Mexico because no one was buying them


New Mexico, the American state. Not Mexico the country.

_Sprite, avatar



Not the entire market, only the American one. Everywhere else was doing fine.

Skullgrid, avatar

That’s because the business assholes flooded the market with shitty games that cost $120 (adjusted for inflation) that looked like this :

Not the game dev’s fault, it’s the business asshole’s fault, just like the image.


Pretty sure it’s on the devs for making the buggy games though. IIRC, ET is unbeatable without cheating or playing a patched version. It’s far from the only one with problems.

Skullgrid, avatar

I have news for you, all software is riddled with bugs and no dev has infinite time.

The reason some software works better than others is that people paid for it to be developed for long enough.

ICastFist, avatar

Pretty sure it’s on the devs for making the buggy games though.

“Hi, you have 5 weeks to make a game based on this IP because we HAVE to ship for christmas.” - No way in hell anything remotely decent would’ve come out from 35 days of work.

Zink, do gaming w Then vs Now

I think in the past the actual devs were more accessible, and their skills visible and admirable. Kind of like how video games themselves were more of a techy nerdy thing.

Today you have humongous teams with the work spread over hundreds of people. We hear from their community managers and marketing teams rather than reading the coders’ opinions. And just like the big games are more of a safe corporate product, they are more mainstream.

Laticauda, do gaming w Then vs Now

I love when gamers hyperfixation only on the bad examples while ignoring the existence of game companies that still do good work. Why elevate the ones doing things right when we can give all our attention to the ones doing things wrong?


I mean this is comparing modern AAA game devs with what would have been considered AAA at the time. I think it’s a fair comparison in that regard, but by manpower, 90’s ID might be more similar to today’s New Blood.

beefbot, do gaming w Then vs Now

Problems with game developers might better be understood as problems with capitalism, to paraphrase Ted Chiang


We can’t update games or refactor code to make it smaller bc our bosses demand we constantly work harder, better, faster, stronger. They force us into games that require more expensive hardware bc the entire tech industry depends on people upgrading every other year. And it’s online constantly bc we hoover up player data for our new profit centre where we sell all your data.

And now they made a meme that deflects blame off them and onto devs, who have way more contact w the public than anonymous rich people



Capitalism was a thing back before games got shitty too.


Qhile that is true the effects of it were lesser since it was more niche. Plus some of the best games are still in their own weird niche, ive been playing STALKER GAMMA which is a free modpack for a free mod, and help I am being consumed! I DREAM OF REPAIR KITS AND GUN ANIMATION, HNNNNNNGH KILL MONOLITH!

NoSpiritAnimal, avatar

Enshittification is just another name for the type of capitalism America practices.

Everything gets worse because it’s not profitable to stay good when there are only 147 umbrella corps worldwide. Capitalism doesn’t reward innovation in products when monopolies exist, it rewards innovations in minutiae of existing products.

See also: DLC, Premium Passes, Microtransactions, Seasonal Content, Free-to-Play*, Ads in AAA tier games and everywhere else, Subscriptions, and every other shitty innovation the market (no not consumers, shareholders) rewards.

That’s to say nothing of how these companies extract the value of their employees labor and then lay them off to keep turnover at whatver level the coke addicts in the c-suite have determined is best. Crunchtime, harrassment, fuck man look at Bobby fucking Kotnick and his blizzard shitshow.

uis, avatar

Tetris: hold my beer

Socialism intensifies

Toneswirly, do gaming w Then vs Now

Fuck the haters. 80s game devs were creating beauty out of nothing.

!deleted6508 avatar

I wasn’t exactly old enough to have experienced this, but I know there was a time that if you wanted to play a PC game, you didn’t buy it on a floppy or a disc; you got a book with code that you had to type up and compile yourself. If you did more than just follow the book, you could understand it and change it to be whatever you wanted!

This is why I wish everything was open source. If I don’t like the way something is done, I can tweak it. Any part of it and make it perfect for me.

adam_y, avatar

That was more the zx spectrum / commodore era and even then you could still buy most things on tape. Magazines used to print code though.

At least until the cover tape wars started. Then it got crazy.

But yeah, I remember taking shifts with my pal typing lines in. One mistake and you got to learn the joys of debugging at age 7.

!deleted6508 avatar

The closest I got was learning that the TI-85 I used in my algebra classes had BASIC programming in it, and I found the code for a rogulike dungeon crawler kinda like Eye of the Beholder specifically for the calculator. At the time, I already knew plenty of BASIC myself so I could tweak things as I found bugs or generally didn’t like the stats of an item.

Fal, avatar

I’m a software dev now, and I always like to say that ti basic was my first programming language.

Remember drug wars?


Lemmings was not the product of a huge corporation.


You can go to GOG, buy some really old game, install it on a PC, play it and after a few minutes go: “How the fk was I so dazzled with this shit back then?!”

At least for me, whilst most such game were A LOT of fun back then, almost all of them feel kinda meh nowadays, the graphics-heavy ones because they look like shit now compared to even games from 10 year ago and the other ones because their game mechanics are so shallow and simplistic (and often oh so reliant on reaction times) compared to even what Indie companies have been doing in the last couple of decades.

Yeah, the memory of the fun that was had survived the passage of time, but most of those games pale in comparisson to games I’ve played in the last 2 decades. Beware of confusing the two like the sterotypical old person who complains “Music was much better when I was young, before Rock-n-Roll”.

PS: I’m not even especially big on fancy graphics but instead prefer complex multi-layered game mechanics, so the kind of games from back then I still can enjoy today are things like Civilization.

Toneswirly, (edited )

I’m not talking about comparison to modern expectation; I’m saying that devs were scrappier, had less established frameworks of design and technology, and still created a beautiful cultural moment


Yeah, I mostly agree with that.

Mind you, the biggest hindrance the create something special back then was technical, nowadays it’s time: codebases are far more massive nowadays and the work that goes into making assets (sprites, models, audio, animation and so on) that go with the code in a modern game is gigantic compared to back then (or, alternativelly, if done with reusable assets you get just another of hundred of similar-loooking low-buget indie games).

Even something like Bioshock with it’s unique vision was already a massive piece of work when it comes to game assets, though artistically (and as a game too) it’s a masterpiece, IMHO.

I actually made a handfull of games back in the early 90s (a minesweeper clone for the ZX Spectrum done in Assembly and never published, and a Tic-Tac-Toe game for the PC done in C that I sold to a small magazine and did got published) and then started working on game making a few years ago, and definitelly the programing work has expanded in terms of size (with still some down-to-the-metal technically complex stuff like shader programming) but the asset creation work has massivelly exploded (no wonder AAA games have bugets in the hundreds of millions of dollars range).

ICastFist, avatar

“How the fk was I so dazzled with this shit back then?!”

Lack of games to compare to, mostly. For instance, how many games could you compare Warcraft to, back in 1994? Probably only Dune II. By 1999, any RTS game would be compared to Starcraft, Command and Conquer, Age of Empires, Total Annihilation and possibly others. “Doom clone” remained the definition of FPS for roughly 3 years. Meanwhile, every platformer since the late 80s was compared to half the catalogue available on the NES. Something something “learning from others’ mistakes, standing on the shoulders of giants”

Not every old game is a gem, just like not every modern game is trash. One of my personal old favorites that holds up well is Jedi Outcast. Does a better job at making you feel like a lightsaber wielding jedi than Force Unleashed


Also, Suspension Of Disbelief worked extra hard back then and nowadays it’s a bit more lazy… ;)

deweydecibel, do gaming w Then vs Now

Game developers then

Triple A Game developers now

So it’s outright admitting the comparison is nonsense?

Skullgrid, avatar

No, because Rollercoaster tychoon and sharewere were AAA games back in the day.

RealFknNito, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar
!deleted6508 avatar

“Because it’s easy… And it does a lot of damage.”

RIP_Cheems, avatar

Great happy souls refrence.


Disgruntled kitty isn’t gruntled.

RIP_Cheems, avatar



It seems like a clever qoute when you first hear it, but stealing a rental or a lease is still stealing.

xantoxis, (edited ) do gaming w Then vs Now


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  • dovah,

    This is referring to a real event:…


    This is very meta.

    Skullgrid, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar

    Games back then : created by 1 to 4 people with autism because they wanted to have fun on a computer

    Games now : driven by dickheads that just left business school at the whims of billionaire conglomoration funds.


    I miss when games used to be good. Anyone 'member Vampire Survivors, Lethal Company, Bug Fables? Developers these days just can’t compare.

    Skullgrid, avatar

    now that’s survivor bias

    EDIT : here’s the fun thing, Lethal company would have been a mod back in the day


    Is your point that developers today aren’t as good/benevolent/whatever as devs back in the day? I’m saying (sarcastically, I suppose) that the same type of developers exist today. What does survivor’s bias have to do with it? Is my point moot because GMOD exists?

    Skullgrid, avatar

    Your point is moot because there is an unending hose of indie games being created and knowing that 2 gems exist doesn’t mean the rest of the cottage industry measures up to the things being achieved earlier, and nor does said indie scene have a similar rate of success as the old industry back then.


    What are you, a shareholder? Why does the ‘rate of success’ matter? I didn’t list three games because there were only two gems.

    It’s like being at the library and saying “fantasy authors will never compete with what JK Rowling was writing, just look at how many books are here!”

    Skullgrid, avatar

    it’s survivor bias because having one or two good games in a tidal wave of indie bug riddled, knockoff messes isn’t exactly the same thing as the innovations from back in the day. Some asshole’s Amnesia knockoff or twin stick shooter being good is hardly surprinsing when 5000 of them come out daily.


    Tbf, games were easier to create using in-game functions and logic that was created for another game. Modding a whole rework was easier than making the entire game from scratch. Undeniably lethal company is similar in look and feel but it has better game play than some mods.


    Exactly, creating a mod for half-life or similar titles was simply the easiest way to get a decent working 3d fps engine without coding it yourself.

    Skullgrid, avatar

    the tools these days make it basically the same to work a mod or an inde game.

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