billwashere, do games w Lords of the Fallen earns Mostly Negative Steam rating as Hexworks share tips for crash and performance bugs

It’s like these gaming companies have NO Q&A people at all. Build a lab with a bunch of varying levels of machines and see if the game is playable. It’s not really that difficult is it?

Killing_Spark, do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle”

Anyone tested it on proton?

addie, avatar

Rated ‘Gold’, ie. crashes no more or less than Windows.

Sanctus, (edited ) do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle” avatar

Yeah this was a messy one. But I used their default settings and it was jumping frames everywhere. Can’t really blame the consumers. Also, intro cutscene has been about 10-20 frames. I know a 2080 TI isn’t new but its not supremely ancient either.


Yeah having reflections or global illumination above medium automatically turns on raytracing. Setting both to medium should give good performance.

Sanctus, avatar

My point being, the only thing I did was cap fps to 60. Their default settings did everything else. Also, the intro video plays before you can change any settings. How is it the consumer’s fault if even that is running terrible? Lol

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

How is it the consumer’s fault

It never was. We should never accept their bullshit attempts to gaslight and dodge culpability.

Sanctus, (edited ) avatar

I will say yesterday’s patch did wonders. Disable cross play if you haven’t. That seemed to be a huge problem. As soon as i enabled it to play with my cousin my fps dropped back down.

naevaTheRat, avatar

Huh I have a 2060 and it runs fine at 1920x1440

Just clicked auto set and forgot. a few drops during cutscenes.

Maybe a driver issue for your card vs mine? Did you update drivers and rebuild the cached texture thingy

Sanctus, avatar

Check my comment down below. I updated my drivers beforehand.

naevaTheRat, avatar

Ah cool! good to know.

I’ll keep that in mind as a tip for people.

Hope you’re having fun! This game takes me back to 2014 ds1 haha. Including all the rage as nobody knew where to go or even what stats did.

originalfrozenbanana, do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle”

The number one reason for poor performance was outdated GPU drivers. The average game is a moron.

dym_sh, avatar

i have latest drivers on my gtx1060, why it still runs slow on 4K ultra??


Either missing a /s or a grip on reality

dym_sh, avatar


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  • originalfrozenbanana,

    No that’s literally the reason most cited.

    Non-Updated Drivers. Lords of the Fallen is powered by UE5, a high-end technology that requires the latest GPU drivers. We’ve observed that the majority of crashes result from outdated drivers.


    Or you're just really bad at detecting obvious sarcasm.

    Rhoeri, do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle” avatar

    That’s that Dark Souls DLC, right?

    Edgelord_Of_Tomorrow, do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle”

    Is it contractually obligatory for UE5 devs to blame the people buying their product for the shit performance?


    Hey some people over fucking estimate their shit tier rigs.


    But if your game runs like shit on the top of the line consoles too, then maybe the problem is the developer.

    Only in PC gaming can they get away with blaming the customer.


    The problem with PC is always going to be the amount of possible hardware variations, it’s difficult to make sure the game is well optimized for all of them.

    It also doesn’t help that some people don’t understand that they need a good CPU as well as a good GPU and end up with a massive bottleneck.


    Idk, I’d really like to play this on my PS5 however the PS5 version of the game only runs at 1080p upscaled.


    Should have put a better GPU in your PS5 obviously


    AFAIK it’s poopy pants lazy behavior on the dev part. I can play it on my PC but I just wanted to sit in my living room.

    Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

    TV as additional monitor?


    Creation Engine devs like to do it as well. Seems to be a general thing in the industry

    simple, do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle”

    According to some steam reviews it’d automatically turn on ray tracing if you set some options from med to high, that’s why many people were confused why high-end performance is so bad (especially on AMD)


    It says that in the graphics description for both of those options (reflections and global illumination). While I think those being separate toggles should have helped being able to work with graphics options (and optimize for your device) should be a basic requirement for playing on a PC


    I just wish the optimize for your device worked. I feel like when a game has it, it always sets the setting way lower then needed.

    kadu, do games w Lords of the Fallen earns Mostly Negative Steam rating as Hexworks share tips for crash and performance bugs avatar

    I simply do not buy games on release.

    I won’t even buy Silksong on release - wait at least a couple of weeks for the impatient to beta test it for you.


    It’s kind of bullshit to call people impatient if they buy a game when the publisher says the game is ready for release. That’s on the punisher, not the consumer. While everyone is fine with pushing the blame on the consumer for buying games at release, I’m over here shaking my fist at the publisher. I get the whole idea of being upset that purchasing on release is perpetuating poor practices, but don’t be sloppy with your aim. This is squarely on the publisher.

    kadu, avatar

    Yes, the publisher is to blame.

    But it will keep happening regardless - so you can either keep falling for it and screaming it’s not your fault, or wise up and start having a bit more patience and buying games later.

    chakan2, avatar

    It’s kind of bullshit to call people impatient if they buy a game when the publisher says the game is ready for release.

    At this point…you’re contributing to the cycle of buggy releases. Yes, the responsible gamers absolutely can call out the dumbasses who still pre-order games.


    You might think that fist shaking will make a publisher change. Look at the history of buggy game releases. It’s extensive. Look at all that fist shaking.

    Publishers are run by people. People respond to incentives. Business is incentivized to gain dollars.

    If, for example, no one gave publishers dollars until trusted reviewers verified no bugs / issues, the publishers would be incentivized to release polished products. (note, trusted reviewers may not be the ideal solution, but hopefully illustrates the concept)


    The old adage is relevant here:

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


    It’s on the publisher the first time. It’s on you if you keep buying them.


    Even if customer isn’t to be blamed as you claim being voluntarily ignorant despite past trends at the very least makes them an idiot. And the type to get swindled by everyone since they take everything at face value.

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    This your first day in the real world? Devs have been releasing games in this state since like 2013 (not including the gaming collapse of the 80’s) regularly.

    If you still trust developers to claim a game is ready and then release it as such, then you’re gullible and will fall for anything.

    You want the system fixed?

    2. Wait for actual reviews, not the “I played the tutorial and then made this video so I could beat the other YouTubers, 7/10.” Two weeks or so gives the passionate reviewers to play the whole game and give their opinion.
    3. (This one is where you morons keep fucking up) If the game isn’t up to your standards… DONT FUCKING BUY IT! Buying shitty products tells the devs and publishers that you’re willing to spend money on a heap of garbage! You know what they’ll do next time? That’s right! More garbage!

    Stop trying to blame the system because you’re a shitty consumer who will hand over their money for a promise and no second thought.

    Stop. Buying. The. Crap. Products.

    If this was housing or medical I’d be calling for regulation, this is video games. A luxury good. Just don’t pay money for garbage and they’ll be forced to make better products to get our money.

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    Not even a good dev reputation is enough anymore. I’ve avoided a lot of wasted money by just letting people QA the game for a few months. How good the game is and how much I want it get factored in and then I decide when I want to buy it and at what sale price.

    If it’s a franchise I love and the game gets good reviews, only then will I buy it completely new for 70 USD. Anything less and I either wait for patches to make the game what it should have been or just wait for a Steam 9.99 sale on the GOTY edition.

    Unfortunately a trend I’ve noticed is a game will come out busted, get dropped to like 40 bucks a month in cause it’s shit, then when it’s finally patched a year later to launch day expectations they bump the price back up to its original value.

    The system is so fucked and it works cause people will willingly pay to be QA testers.

    kadu, avatar

    There are lots of benefits to this approach.

    You wait for a sale and not only do you pay less, you get a patched version of the game, with mods available, often with DRM removed or toned down, walkthroughs and wikis already matured, and depending on how long you wait, your hardware might have evolved allowing you to experience the game better than you could at release.

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    i paid full price for destiny 2. now its free

    still, that was a better use of my money than black ops 4 was. what a shitty game that was

    yokonzo, (edited )

    Remember, games are now being put out for $70, I refuse to buy those games on principle


    That works for you and me, where we do without.

    But it doesnt hurt the industry enough to notice or care, because the vast majority of gamers are idiots who continue to throw buckets of money at game devs, often while begging for more pointless DLCs so they can throw even more at it,

    and until the little gremlins with fat wallets and minimal sense see the light, we’re just gonna have to sit back and watch all the worst shit continue to get ever more worse.


    70 will become 80 before long, 80 will become 90 and so on, if we remain apathetic about changes like this. Its good principle.

    fraydabson, do games w Classic Fallout fans might enjoy Space Wreck, which launches out of early access today

    Bro this game looks so cool. Already bought it. Works on Linux !

    Astroturfed, do games w Classic Fallout fans might enjoy Space Wreck, which launches out of early access today

    I replay fallout 2 still occasionally. This could be fun.

    paulcdb, do games w Why CCP haven't stopped trying to make an EVE Online shooter for 15 years

    All I want is a way to sell my ISK to recover some of the £k’s I wasted in that game. 😳

    My jump freighter was lost and every year it was more of a grind to cover losses and just wasn’t fun anymore which is really the biggest problem! Nerf’s made ships bland and anything unique was nerfed so it was no longer unique… and now so much has changed there’s just too much hassle to figure things out! 😞

    And it’s not like I can afford the electric to run a gaming pc these days anyway! 🤦‍♂️

    gusgalarnyk, do games w Why CCP haven't stopped trying to make an EVE Online shooter for 15 years

    Excited to see more FPS offerings.

    AstralPath, do games w Why CCP haven't stopped trying to make an EVE Online shooter for 15 years

    EVE is sick, CCP is awesome and Dust 514 was pretty cool. Based on CCP’s comments about Dust it seems like they really understand why it failed which is great. If they can create something on a slightly smaller scale with some really good mechanics I think it would be a hit. I was kinda hoping they’d go for something like CS/Valorant as I could see that meshing well with shipboard combat settings. Sounds like that’s not the case but I’m sure this will be great.

    Imagine that though… Small maps set inside capital ships as the setting and named as such. Fast paced combat à la Valorant… Would be cool.


    The only and I mean ONLY problem I had with 514 ( I was in one of the testing phases pre release) was that it was a console exclusive, I can’t stand playing shooters on a controller anymore.

    1984, do games w Why CCP haven't stopped trying to make an EVE Online shooter for 15 years avatar

    I remember Eve Online. Excellent screen saver with spin the ship features.


    I just came off a bipolar induced manic phase. I hyper focused on eve and played it literally 8-12 hours a day for a few weeks.

    The game is fun. It’s a slow burn and a lot of the allure comes from the setting itself. I don’t have nearly enough time to play anymore. Getting your ship into the pvp zone, finding a group, and finding a fight can easily take an hour.

    Nacktmull, avatar

    I also never really got into it because it is pretty boring. Another reason is the time sink / grindfest this game is. If I want a job I will get one that pays me and not the other way around. That is ofc just my opinion and I send a glhf to everyone who enjoys playing EVE!

    1984, avatar

    I played it while I was unemployed, it’s great for that. You can spend your entire days in there, and forget about your problems in the real world.

    Nacktmull, avatar

    I am not unfamiliar with what you are describing. Games can be of help in certain situations and as long as we don’t get too lost in them and don’t neglect our real life there is nothing wrong with it.

    clay_pidgin, do games w Why CCP haven't stopped trying to make an EVE Online shooter for 15 years

    It should be fun. The Fanfest presentations went well and players are cautiously optimistic about Vanguard. Dust was popular, but not successful commercially. In part, that’s because it was a console exclusive that tied to a PC-only main game. If anyone has questions about EVE, let me know.




    o7, capsuleer.


    Regarding Vanguard - how will it tie in to EVE? Will Vanguard players be able to sell stuff to EVE players for currency?


    I haven’t heard anything about how vanguard will tie into the economy, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

    There’s a new pirate faction-team-up called "the deathless"and several new pirate ships, and I would imagine that Vanguard players might get faction LP which they could sell or use.

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