Stillhart, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

I admit, they fooled me into contributing to the Kickstarter. But at this point, anyone who has anything positive to say about this project is a paid shill (paid for by us!) or heavily in denial thanks to sunk cost fallacy. They say you can “play” it now, but it’s still not a game, it’s a tech demo and sandbox.

I’m perfectly happy to write this off as a failed Kickstarter, it happens from time to time. But when they keep trying to con money out of new suckers, it really pisses me off. Enough is enough. Assholes.


It’s still the best spaceship sim I’ve ever played. It does a ton of things no other space game does. Just because you don’t enjoy it or you completely clueless of the current state of the game doesn’t change the fact a lot of people enjoy the game.


I didn’t pay for a spaceship sim. I paid for the next Wing Commander and Freelancer game. Whether I enjoy it or not, the product they’re making isn’t the product they sold me. Perhaps wasting your money buying the “game” now gives you a better chance of receiving the product you think you’re paying for, but I wouldn’t bet on it. They’ve already proven themselves to anyone paying the slightest attention.


If you bought an idea of a game through kickstarter and it missed your expectations that’s totally on you. I waited till there was an actual game, reviewed it, bought it and enjoyed it since it was what I expected. Just sounds like you had a normal kickstarter experience.

verysoft, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

I mean, if they pull it off it will be great, but until it's in our hands, there are no expectations.

griD, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

Ah, the annual whale fracking operation is in full effect.

!deleted5791 avatar

The what now? 😆

I’m not a native speaker so some jokes / analogies just totally fly over my head


Star Citizen is a game that’s been in development forever, all while attracting money in forms of donations and sales of in-game ships. A single-player game by the same devs, Squadron 42, is a somewhat similar story, except that people can’t even play it yet (as far as I remember).

A whale is a tern that often means someone/something that brings you the substantial part of your revenue, so in case of the games above, whales would be the players that spend most money on the in-game ships or donations to support development.

The “whale fracking operation” in this context probably means that the entire trailer is a yet another bait for the community to go crazy and bring in the money so that the devs don’t starve and finally deliver finished products.

The punchline is, however, that it’s likely not gonna happen anyway lmao

!deleted5791 avatar

Ahh doi, I understood the terms separately but for some reason “whale fracking” just made my brain go “whaaaaa”. Thanks for the patience 😅

tal, avatar

I’d guess that the idea here is that a “whale” is someone who will spend a lot of money on something. Historically, catching an (actual) whale meant that you’d caught something that was very valuable; my guess is that this is where the phrase came from. Whales were valuable because at the time, they were an economically-reasonable place to get oil. Fracking (or hydraulic fracturing) is a way to extract oil from the ground.

It’s a bit of a stretch, but I can see where they’re coming from. A “whale fracking operation” is not a standard term that I’ve ever heard before, though I get what the guy probably meant.

!deleted5791 avatar

Oh yeah I took it to just be wordplay, interpreting wordplay is still sometimes stupid hard for me, even despite the fact that I speak English at a near-native level and can understand each word individually.

It’s a good question how “whale” ended up having this particular meaning. I was in the games industry for way too long and first saw it used in the context of big spenders in freemium mobile games, but I have a vague memory that it’s used in the same way in the gambling / casino world. Your guess for the history sounds pretty believable, and it seems like the ginormous size of whales could play a part? Big spenders stand out from the “small fish”

CodingSquirrel, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

I watched the video and what they showed certainly looks impressive. The level of detail in actions, variety of gameplay, immersive first person perspective, and visual details all look good. I hope the game looks and plays as good as what's shown and actually releases sometime soon, but I'm not holding my breath. Even if you ignore all the baggage the game has, gameplay trailers to games still in development are lies more often than not. I stopped following the development like 8 years ago, now it's off my radar until it actually releases.

!deleted5791 avatar

I wouldn’t put too much stock in pre-release gameplay videos. Remember what the pre-release hype videos for Cyberpunk or No Man’s Sky looked like, and what the end results actually looked like?

master_of_unlocking, avatar

In case anyone forgot: know they fixed it, but that video will never fail to make me laugh)


Check out Watch_Dogs for some pre release insanity


I’m expecting another 1.5-2 years on the release for this. They’ve announced it’s feature complete and moving to the polish stage. That where they will fix bugs and ensure gameplay functionally feels correct.

Considering the number of chapters they had announced in the roadmap I imagine they have a lot of have to cover.

perishthethought, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

Have they ever said how many people are working on this game?


I think they’ve mentioned how many devs are working on Squadron 42 exclusive content, but then you have all the content and features that are shared with Star Citizen, as well as the engine devs.
Not sure how you’d split things to get a proper number for only Squadron 42.


I think they said last night that CIG has about 1500 employees in total.


They have about 1300 devs, working on 2 games (SC and SQ42).

MutatedBass, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

I watched the whole video trying to keep an open mind, but what they showed off just looks so generic. Quick time events, very basic looking fps mechanics, flight looks like War Thunder arcade battles. At least the gfx and animations looked pretty cool, although imo this is the least important factor of a good video game. Will probably be a skip for me, if it ever releases that is.

Friendship, avatar

Honestly even if SQ42 ends up being a great game, it can never live up to the anticipation they've built around it at this point. People are expecting something so completely revolutionary that it will be unlike any other game they have played, but the reality is that it won't be that. Which isn't to say it can't be a good or even amazing game, it just won't be anything different or revolutionary gameplay wise.

I've got very minimal interest/expectations for SQ42 and I'm far more interested in Star Citizen which is still a pipe dream (although pretty fun to play in it's current state too, bugs willing) but has much more potential to offer something different than other games in the genera are doing.

cambriakilgannon, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

Backed the kickstarter, still excited. Even in its current state it’s one of the more interesting games I’ve ever played. There’s probably a reason no one else has tried to make star citizen before. If SQ42 ever launches, hopefully in a decent state, assets will start getting moved to the multiplayer side of things.


What exactly is Star Citizen? And how does it differ from everything else?


It’s a space MMO sandbox game that’s been in development for like 11 years now I think? It’s still in the alpha stage. I think at one point it was the highest backed Kickstarter in history. Some people think it’s fraud and they’ll never deliver, others think they’re working on it just slowly. I think at this point universally though, people are just starting to give up hope. The game is available and in a playable state, it’s just nowhere near the promised state.

It also doesn’t help that a lot of ships in star Citizen can be bought with real life cash for pretty exorbitant amounts. A cursory Google search (haven’t played the game) tells me that the “600i Executive Edition” is the most expensive ship in the game, available for $25,000 real life USD.

I’ve heard the best comparison for the game is the presently finished game Elite: Dangerous. Star Citizen is basically saying they’re E:D but better.


The Javelin is the most expensive ship you can actually buy, at $3,000. It’s still a crazy amount of money though! But if people want to pay it, more power to them. It allows me to enjoy the game with my $70 starter pack!

While you technically have to spend $25,000 to get the 600i Executive Edition, is actually a perk you get once you’ve spent that much on the game itself.

mercury, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

Backed the game, excited to see it when it comes out!

When it comes out.

Until then, zero expectations of quality, or timelieness.

Jaysyn, do gaming w Cities: Skylines 2 devs considered release delay to boost performance, but decided it's "not a dealbreaker" avatar

It is for me.

Andjhostet, do gaming w Cities: Skylines 2 devs considered release delay to boost performance, but decided it's "not a dealbreaker"

I think they underestimated how dramatic this community can be. Which is surprising considering the map size whining that happened.

JakenVeina, do gaming w Cities: Skylines 2 devs considered release delay to boost performance, but decided it's "not a dealbreaker"

Let’s be clear, though: developers did not make this decision. Managers and publishers did.

ampersandrew, avatar

Those managers and publishers were likely looking at their burn rate and needed to get some funding to come in to keep the studio afloat. It's tough out there for games right now.

ripcord, avatar

That's...a pretty big, pure guess there.

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

Not really. If they could afford to release it after optimizations, they would.

ripcord, avatar

There is so much evidence of companies not doing the opposite, it seems like a really big assumption.

Computerchairgeneral, do gaming w Cities: Skylines 2 devs considered release delay to boost performance, but decided it's "not a dealbreaker"

I get their argument that a city builder may not need high frame rates, but the 5-10 fps people have been reporting doesn't seem ideal either. The management definitely should have given the devs time to work out these issues, but I'd imagine the profits they made from going ahead with the launch will outweigh any criticisms.

SharkAttak, do gaming w Cities: Skylines 2 devs considered release delay to boost performance, but decided it's "not a dealbreaker" avatar

"Why bother? Some of those stupid modders will fix it for us in a few months"

Whayle, do gaming w Cities: Skylines 2 devs considered release delay to boost performance, but decided it's "not a dealbreaker" avatar

No whining, no drama, just no sale, like many others will do. This move creates doubts about what other problems were considered acceptable. The first game is pretty good, and waiting a bit will likely see a discount and possibly a better game.

scrubbles, do gaming w Stop blaming teeth for Cities: Skylines 2 performance problems, say devs
!deleted6348 avatar

The most annoying thing about the cities performance issues isn’t even the performance issues. It’s all the gamers who overnight became experts in game performance that are ranting and raving online about how they obviously know how to optimize games more than professionals. It’s so tiring at this point.

Any software engineer with real professional experience can tell you performance tuning is a nightmare. It’s going through millions of lines of code checking for places you can allocate memory a bit differently. Checking collections and going back to your CS classes to make sure you’re using the best data structures. Watching performance tools and debugging for hours on end to catch that one place that slows down a bit.

People here, Reddit, and everywhere are just so tiring because they act like it’s so obvious. “Oh it’s the teeth”. “If they would have done X”. It’s honestly just so disrespectful to the full time engineers who no doubt have had those thoughts months ago. If items like this were simple, they would have done them already.

I give completely respect to the engineers who worked on this, and I respect Colossal Order’s push to still release early. As someone who is enjoying the game, zero crashes, and in my opinion completely playable, I’m happy they released now.


They’ve been experts for longer than a single night, don’t you remember when all anybody said was to jUsT FiX tHe NeTcOdE!

CatUser, avatar

Bruh change your DNS /s

JCPhoenix, avatar

Shh! You’re gonna tempt the DNS demons!

thingsiplay, avatar

I give you right about those overnight experts in forums. 100% true. But I would not give too much respect to the developers (unless they were forced to released it early), because they knew the game was not ready to launch. It's even their official statement:

Cities: Skylines II is a next-gen title, and naturally, it demands certain hardware requirements. With that said, while our team has worked tirelessly to deliver the best experience possible, we have not achieved the benchmark we targeted.

Then why the hell do you release the game? So it's another rushed game and that is you can blame the devs for. That is what upsets me personally the most from all those drama.

!deleted6348 avatar

They literally said why. Because a lot of players, like myself, don’t care about the performance issues and are happy to play it. That those who wanted to start deserved to get it early, and that by delaying it only punished us. And they’re right, like I said I am enjoying it, there’s a huge discord of people enjoying it. If some people just absolutely can’t handle 30fos then they are welcome to delay it for themselves and not buy it until hardware catches up


Then why the hell do you release the game?

because they are a business that needs to make money to offset development costs.


They’re “overnight performance experts” because there are similar games that run better.

To me it seems that there was a tight schedule and they couldn’t prioritize performance tweaks over features. I mean, if it’s works it works, refactor later so we can jump to the next requirement.

Sum all that up and you won’t know which part of the chain takes most cycles,


As someone who is enjoying the game, zero crashes, and in my opinion completely playable

Not gonna lie, something tells me your opinion would shift within seconds if your computer wasnt working you a little extra magic to make this sentence true.


Willing to throw my hat into the ring here and say that I haven't even bought it yet because I know my pc can't handle it. I will wait for performance patches (or look at finally upgrading my 5 year old pc)

I also think they've done everything right. They called it out BEFORE release, but released anyway for the subset of players who can play, with the promise of improving it for the rest.

The ones who can play it got lucky, the ones who can't and are all pissed about it are the same ones who would be bitching if it got delayed.


Honestly they should have put it behind the beta window under the caveat that the “beta” was just bug fixing.

But Ive kinda noticed a trend where people who say that everyone else is overreacting, and that people are throwing tantrums over nothing, are pretty often people who have a spendy machine that brute forced past all the issues.

Like people who say “minecraft doesnt have a memory leak issue, just install a bit more RAM!” You havent solved the problem, you exist in a situation where you cant notice the problem.


To be fair, one doesn’t have to be an automotive engineer to deduce something is wrong with a new car that struggles to reach 30km/h while most of the others exceed 100km/h with ease.

(This is the first I’ve heard of anyone blaming teeth, though. That’s a bit strange.)

!deleted6348 avatar

That’s not a fair comparison. I see people upset because the car isn’t a masarati, when they didn’t build a masarati. They built a van. I don’t need to go 100km/h, I needed something that could carry all of these items I have. And for me, that runs fine.

I will say that I have a new(ish) gaming rig, built about 3 years ago. I do think minimum requirements are jokingly out of date, and those needed to be upped to not mislead people. I don’t think even a 1000 series GTX card could play this on minimum settings, let alone a 900. It’s better PR just to be up front and say “Look, those cards just aren’t going to cut it. If you can’t play day one, we’re sorry, but we’re excited to see you at your next upgrade” rather than lie and say it’ll be fine.

ono, (edited )

That’s not a fair comparison.

I think it is. Note that I wrote 30km/h, not 200km/h. (In case you’re American, 30km/h is about 18mph.)

The Last of Us Part 1 is another example. We know it should run better on our hardware (at least with low-graphics settings) because we have already seen the original game run far better on less capable hardware. Yet this one fails to do so even at the lowest possible settings.

Even Baldur’s Gate 3, despite being otherwise wonderful, has some glaring hit-and-miss performance issues (think 8 fps at 1080p) that show up on hardware that can handle similar games easily. You don’t need to be a software engineer to compare it to Divinity: Original Sin 2, adjust for a few years of hardware inflation, and have a rough idea of how it should perform at moderate-to-low settings.

I see people upset because the car isn’t a masarati,

I don’t doubt that those people exist, but I believe they are outliers. Most of the complaints I see about underperforming games in the past year or so are from people with very reasonable expectations. If most of the gripes you’ve seen are from teeth-blaming Masarati-entitled loudmouths, I suspect it has more to do with the forums you frequent than anything else.


I mean, you kinda do, though. You have no idea what’s going on under the hood in Divinity versus Baldur’s Gate. Even if the graphics are similar and the UI looks the same, there could well be much more complex systems involved. Given that they’ve developed a faithful and fairly wide-ranging representation of D&D 5e, I’m willing to bet that ended up being a lot more involved than their own proprietary system.

ono, (edited )

Given that they’ve developed a faithful and fairly wide-ranging representation of D&D 5e, I’m willing to bet that ended up being a lot more involved than their own proprietary system.

That game was just one example, but since you seem interested in singling it out:

Turn-based game rules cannot explain the awful graphics performance that game has, even at idle, on some systems. (Not even D&D 5e, which I happen to know in detail.)

Graphics engine enhancements might explain it, but in that case, the developers should have included options to disable those enhancements.

I haven’t reverse engineered the code, but some of the behaviors I’ve seen in that game smell strongly of decisions/mistakes that I would expect from a game that was rushed, such as lack of occlusion culling. Others smell like mistakes that are common among programmers who haven’t yet learned how to use the graphics APIs efficiently, such as rapid-fire operations that should instead be batched. Still others could be explained by poor texture and/or model scaling techniques. As a software engineer, the bad performance in this particular game looks like it could come from a combination of several different factors. None of them are new in this field. All of them can usually be avoided or mitigated.

In any case, the point is that none of that analysis matters for the sake of this discussion, because a community with experience using products doesn’t have to be experienced in building them in order to notice when something is wrong. It’s not fair to categorically dismiss their criticism.

(Thankfully, the Baldur’s Gate 3 developers haven’t dismissed it. Instead, they are working on improving it. Better late than never.)


The Last of Us Part 1 is another example. We know it should run better on our hardware (…) because we have already seen the original game run far better on less capable hardware.

You cannot directly compare PC specs with those of a console. TLoU was made by Naughty Dog who are well known for squeezing absurd amounts or performance out of console hardware. The way to do this by leveraging a platforms specific strong points. The engine is very likely designed around the strengths of the console’s hardware.

PCs have a different architecture from consoles, with different trade-offs. For example: PCs are designed to be modular. You can replace graphics cards, processors, RAM, etc. This comes at a cost. One such cost is that a PC GPU has to have it’s own discrete RAM. There is a performance penalty to this. On a console things can be much more tightly integrated. I/O on a PS5 is a good example. It’s not just a fast SSD, it’s also a storage controller with more priority levels, it’s also a storage controller that interfaces directly with the GPU cache, etc.


Sigh… You conveniently deleted important parts of my comment, such as “at least with low-graphics settings” and “adjust for a few years of hardware inflation”, and completely ignored the fact that I am talking about cases of abnormally bad performance compared to entire categories of games. The straw man you’re arguing against is not what I wrote.


You conveniently deleted important parts of my comment, such as “at least with low-graphics settings” and “adjust for a few years of hardware inflation”,

No, that just supports my theory. Graphics settings usually scale really well, that’s the reason they are adjustable by the end-user in the first place. Those should not cause any of the issues you are talking about. The problems lie in parts that take advantage of certain architectural differences.

A hypothetical example that highlights a real architectural difference between consoles and PCs:

Say you have a large chunk of data and you need to perform some kind of operation on all this data. Say, adjust the contents of buffer A based on the contents of buffer B. It’s all pretty much the same: read some data from A and B, perform some operation on it, write back the results to A. Just for millions of data points. There are many things you could be doing that follow such a pattern. You know who’s really good at doing a similar operation millions of times? The GPU! It was made specifically to perform such operations. So as a smart console game developer you decide to leverage the GPU for this task instead of doing it on the CPU. You write a small compute kernel, some lines in your CPU code to invoke it. Boom, super fast operation.

Now imagine you’re tasked with porting this code to the PC. Now, suddenly this super fast operation is dog slow. Why? Because it’s data generated by the CPU, and the result is needed by the CPU. The console developer was just using the GPU for this one operation that’s part of a larger piece of code to take advantage of the parallel performance of the GPU. On PC, however, this won’t fly. The GPU cannot access this data because it’s on a separate card with it’s own RAM. The only way to get to the CPU is through the (relatively slow) PCIe bus. So now you have to copy the data to the GPU, perform the operation, and then copy the data back to system RAM. All over the limited bandwidth of the PCIe bus, that’s already being used for graphics-related tasks as well. On a console this is completely free, the GPU and CPU share the same memory so handing data back and forth is a zero-cost operation. On PC this may take so much time that it’s actually faster to do on the CPU, even though the CPU takes much more time to perform the operation, simply to avoid the overhead of copying the data back and forth.

If an engine uses such an optimisation this will never run well on the PC, regardless of how fast your GPU is. You’d need a lot of years of ‘hardware inflation’ before either doing it on the CPU or doing it on the GPU + 2 times the copy overhead is faster than just doing it on the GPU of the console with zero overhead.

In fact, things like this is why Apple moved away from dedicated GPUs in favour of a unified memory model. If you design your engine around such an architecture you can reach impressive performance gains. A good example of this is how Affinity Photo designed their app around the ‘ideal GPU’ that didn’t exist yet at the time, but which they were expecting to in the future. One with unified memory. When Apple finally released it’s M-series SoCs they finally had a GPU architecture that matched their predictions and when benchmarked with their code the M1 Max beat the crap out of a $6000 AMD Radeon Pro W6900X. Note that the AMD part is still much faster if you measure raw performance, it’s just that the system architecture doesn’t allow you to leverage that power in this particular use-case.

It’s not just how fast the individual components are, it’s how well the are integrated and with a modular system like a PC this is always going to cause a performance bottleneck.


There’s a big difference between looking at a game and saying there seem to be some performance issues versus baselessly pretending that you know what the specific cause of those issues is.

umbrella, (edited ) avatar

IIRC there was once some bethesda game where characters teeth being rendered across the map was the actual issue.

edit: on second tought i think it was actually arma2/dayz/pubg or something similar


Ha… That is hilarious, and very much like Bethesda. (See also: the bee problem in Skyrim.)


What problem, you don’t think bees should be able to flip a horse carriage over?

Can’t stand the sight of a strong Nord insect?

shadowbert, avatar

I don't think the issue is with people deducing something is wrong with the game. The issue is people sayings "It's definitely the fuel pump - why didn't you give it a larger pipe?" because the windscreen wipers aren't working.


Recognising an issue vs diagnosing it vs. figuring out a treatment. You can notice chest pains and shortness of breath, perhaps make an educated guess that it could be a heart attack, but it’s going to take an expert to diagnose whether that’s actually the case and what course of action to take.


Even just modding I’ve noticed a lot of extremely confident opinion-giving that’s equally uninformed. I think people just like to feel like they have some special insight, so they tend to run with whatever the first narrative they hear is and stick hard to it. It reminds me of all those little bullshit factoids people love to repeat, like that daddy long legs are the most venomous spider but are incapable of biting people.

The big obvious example in DayZ is the myth of the ‘alpha wolf’. People have for ages been claiming that one of the two wolf textures (usually the white one, but I’ve heard both) is an ‘alpha’ wolf that’s stronger than the others and will cause the pack to run away if you kill it. This is a complete myth with no basis in the code of the game. One wolf type is a child class of the other and the only difference is their texture.

And yet some people will get extremely offended if you mention this. Even if they literally have never even peeked under the hood of DayZ and are well aware that you’ve been actively developing mods for it.

!deleted6348 avatar

This is exactly it. It’s more fun to shit on a game release because it gives a sense of superiority. “I know better than everyone else, this game should have been done this way and that way” and bolsters self confidence.

There are without a doubt some really good arguments for things that could be different, but the vast majority of things I read are self aggrandizing people talking about how they all know how it could be better - and that’s the arrogance that really bugs me. That any of us who don’t know anything about the source code could say at all that it should run better.

Saying “I wish it ran faster” is one thing. Saying “I know it could run better” or “Other games run fast, this one should too”, or in regards to this article “lol they did this thing that’s so stupid” and just the self backpatting for figuring it out. Software engineering is hard alone. Gaming engineering on top of that is just ridiculous. I have 14 years of software engineering under my belt and I still know they are doing things in this game that I would not be able to. Anyone who says they know better than the engineers are the same as the people who sat in my CS102 class and told other students they were smarter than the professor. You aren’t. Everyone knows you aren’t. Please stop acting like you are


That said, there are cases of players noticing emergent behaviour in games! For example:…/1428008041887281157


Is there a way to view this without logging into Twitter?


Thank you!


I don’t work in games, but I do work in software and the people you describe are infuriating and have absolutely no idea what it’s like to work on a big piece of software. Thanks for the comment.

!deleted6348 avatar

You don’t understand. I watched a YouTube video/took CS102/have a side project I’m totally going to finish. I totally know just as much as these engineers with 10+ years experience who put the last 5+ years into the project.


Yup. I’ve worked with some really great software engineers in the gaming industry, and they don’t have a fucking clue how to optimize a game, and it’s because optimizing the game doesn’t take a clue. It takes legwork, and diagnostics, and digging, and digging, and digging.

It’s never what you think, because if it was, it would have been fixed already.

We shipped well optimized games, and we did so because the games were (relatively) small, and our engineers were absolute pro sleuths.

Dark_Arc, avatar

I largely agree with what you’re saying but I’m going to add… If you get to the point of release and you’re off 300% and not 15% … you screwed up.

There definitely aren’t easy answers to these kinds of problems but there are steps that should be taken along the way to prevent them. Getting to the end and then addressing any and all performance issues is a recipe for disaster.

You don’t want to be making major architectural changes at this point in the process. You want to be dealing with hiccups. Throwing hardware at the problem and “optimization” only go so far.

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