aniki, do gaming w Exclusive: Fresh Jurassic Park: Survival Details Revealed, Including New Locations and More

Has there been a Jurassic Park game worth a fuck… EVER?


Operation Genesis is the best Zoo Tycoon game ever made.


The Sega game was pretty cool. You could be a dinosaur!


I have fond memories of a game called dino defender. I played it when I was like 5 years old so the game might be bad but maybe not!

Another game from that era that seemed cool but I could never get to work on my computer was scan command. It came with this barcode scanner you could use to scan various barcodes, which would give you pieces to build your own dinosaur fighter thing. Seemed cool, and I scanned the heck out of barcodes … But never got to see the fruits of my labor 😔


The platformer was pretty decent. I remember the intro cutscene scaring me as a kid, lol.


I actually really like the SNES game, it is objectively not great though. You can’t even save, so emulation is a must unless you can dedicate an 8-10 hour sitting to it.

Particularly that it switches between top-down outdoors and a pseudo-FPS indoors, and the claustrophobic interiors and darker music give it a lot of charm.


Trespasser was a vibe in some ways. The clean screen and unique control scheme was innovative at the time. Granted it doesn’t hold up very well now, but there were some cool concepts at least.

OttoVonGoon, do gaming w Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate'

Remaster it on the RDR2 engine and bring it to PC and I’ll happily pay $80 CAD for it.

argo_yamato, do gaming w Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate'

Yeah I will probably wait and see if the price drops as well. I have it on an old PS3 which is OK but the controller isn’t the greatest so having it on a new system would be nice. Just not $50 nice.

storksforlegs, (edited ) do gaming w Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate' avatar

It’s my all time favourite game and $29 is the max I would pay for a switch port. I guess I will wait for sales.

A remastered Steam edition, however…

boo3, do gaming w Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate' avatar

Comically Accurate*


Haha I read it as that at first

raptir, do gaming w Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate'

I’m just wondering where the heck the PC port is. Not going to lie, I would buy it at full price if it were steam deck compatible.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

RDR* on PC when? It was launched 19 years ago and still nothing


Jaysyn, do gaming w Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate' avatar

That's the sucker's price. Wait a bit & it will drop.

kosure, avatar

I've been waiting for years. Before RDR2 came out. But you're absolutely right. Waiting for a couple months and I'm confident we'll see a real sale. The whole reissue/not remaster game is not playing out the way they'd hoped. Remember the GTA Master collection or whatever the hell they call it?

oopsallnaps, do gaming w Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate'

Considering the stories of the code base being an absolute mess, I can see how there might be a floor in what they can charge due to the labour cost of making it functional on PS4 and Switch. Even if the port is the barest of bones, or even a hot mess.

At least it will make it easier to emulate on Linux 😄

NecessaryWeevil, (edited )

No one is saying that it should be free. The issue is that $50 for a straight port of a 13 year-old game is ridiculous when Sony’s competitor offers free backwards compatibility—and 4K upscaling. Microsoft absorbed their expenses for that as the cost of doing business, and it would be a blip on Rockstar’s balance sheet as well, since they make a perpetual avalanche of money from GTA Online. There’s really no credible justification for a price this high.


Oh yeah, total agreement there. the price is hot garbo. But figured theres some marketing bs covering the real reason its so high. But yea its probably just corporate greed.

all-knight-party, avatar

I'm not super worried about it. If it doesn't push the numbers they like, they'll put it on sale just like the GTA Definitive Edition on switch goes on sale semi-regularly. If you don't like the price, don't buy it. When it hits a price you deem acceptable, then go for it


Microsoft only did that because their first party output over the last decade was embarrassingly bad.

!deleted6348 avatar

xenia_canary is coming along. I could play the entirety on xenia_canary on Windows… only a matter of time.

That’s why I’ve been pushing for a whole rebuild of it. RDR2 already has New Austin and West Elizabeth fully built out in it’s map. Most of the characters exist already in RDR2. Honestly, for the amount of time to “remaster” it they should just rebuild it as a DLC to RDR1, have the player immediately take off into it from the end of the game. Charge $60 bucks for it and everyone would buy it still.


I already finished it on RPCS3 and can only recommend to try it out. Yes, there were a few places and cutscenes in the game that didn’t run great but 98% of the time it was a smoother and better looking experience than the PS3 version, thanks to upscaling and frame rate unlocking (at least on an AMD 5800X).


I'm yet to see a codebase that isn't considered to be a mess.

sparky, do gaming w Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate' avatar

Translation: We believe our players are dumb enough to shell out the money, so we’ll charge what we can. Get rekt.

!deleted4231 avatar

Agreed it’s deeply cynical on their part…but the sad thing is that people will happily hand over their money for it.


Genuinely, I would.

If only they appealed to me as a consumer at all. If I want to play it, I have an Xbox and it’s much cheaper on there. What I really wanted was a PC port, which they didn’t launch. Instead, because of the Switch port, not only am I not paying them, I’m just slightly more likely to pirate it and emulate if I ever get the hankering to play.

I would’ve paid $50 for a PC port on Steam.


these damn fools porting it to the two most popular platforms instead of the one you in particular wanted. they should fire whoever made that choice smh


I mean, yes? People have been waiting on this game for 13 years and PC has only gotten more popular since. Rather than do the three most popular platforms that the game isn’t on, they did two. If they’ve managed to port it to the Nintendo Switch of all things, they can spit out a half-baked PC port.

I mean you can ignore the slew of other older games getting ported to PC over the years, be it the Xbox exclusives, PlayStation exclusives, Capcom console exclusives (Dragons Dogma, Dead Rising, Devil May Cry), absolutely countless numbers of JRPGs and similar, and more, but that doesn’t make me the ignorant one.


and they’re probably right. they’d honestly just be stupid to charge less.


They’re not wrong.

It’s an old beloved game, and it’s not been playable on PlayStation for what? 10 years? And the PS3 port was pretty shitty even then.


they completely right though. Are they supposed to just throw away more potential money?

gumpy, do gaming w Developers and Analysts Sound Off: Does the Next-Gen Nintendo Switch Need to Happen in 2024?

If you’ve ever emulated switch on a modern machine with buttery smooth 1440 or 4K, you know the answer.

johnthedoe, do gaming w Developers and Analysts Sound Off: Does the Next-Gen Nintendo Switch Need to Happen in 2024?

I do like the way Nintendo reinvent the console on each gen. I do hope it’s fully backwards compatible at the very least

QuentinCallaghan, avatar

When Sony and Microsoft have more of an incremental approach, Nintendo operates more like a toy company.

EnderWi99in, do gaming w Developers and Analysts Sound Off: Does the Next-Gen Nintendo Switch Need to Happen in 2024?

Can't wait fot Nintendo's next console that will be severely under powered and basically obsolete as soon as it is released. Used to love them but they have become so toxic and tone deaf.


Nintendo has had underpowered/old hardware compared to their competitors for almost my entire life, raw processing power isn’t really why most people buy Nintendo.


I think it’s because they want to appeal to a younger audience, too. They want a 10 or 12 yo to be able to play Pokemon and Mario, and it’s hard to get parents to buy a $500 console for a pre-teen. So they need to hit a lower price-point than PS or xbox


Their in house games also have a very… “Nintendo” feel.
Like, it’s obviously a Nintendo game. And I feel like that is their game plan.
Make a console that suites their IP. It doesn’t need to be flashy, it doesn’t need streaming 32k textures or whatever. It needs to do the Nintendo Thing™.

I wonder if that will change for the next gen, considering the 3rd party market picking up some big names (Skyrim, Fortnite, GTA). Maybe they will make a more capable system to monetize more on these possibilities


Nintendo does the Nintendo Thing very well, and their fans love them for it. There is a particular niche or the gaming market that is theirs, and theirs alone. If they start trying to please everybody, they may end up pleasing nobody.

Then again, I’m a PC gamer, so it may be I have no idea what I’m talking about.

realitista, (edited ) do gaming w Developers and Analysts Sound Off: Does the Next-Gen Nintendo Switch Need to Happen in 2024?

If it has backwards compatibility then yes. If not then I guess it doesn’t really matter. I won’t have much interest if they don’t finally embrace backwards compatibility like everyone else.


There are games right now that could use a boost in performance. If they don't have backwards compatibility it will be a huge disappointment, and I doubt I'll be buying it anytime soon.

bl4kers, avatar

And any form of game save backup that doesn’t require a subscription. Since their current offering blatantly anti-consumer.


Agree that this needs to happen. But given the brand power of Nintendo, they will just do whatever they want to screw over their fans and we will still be willing to pay.

vd1n, do gaming w Developers and Analysts Sound Off: Does the Next-Gen Nintendo Switch Need to Happen in 2024?

I wonder if they’ll go with something that beats the Asus and steam deck handhelds.

Now that I’m thinking… If they used a Linux os base that could play steam and Nintendo.

Bringing a larger age group to it…


Very unlikely. Nintendo is going for the mass market and the bulk, power draw and cost of handheld PCs makes them unsuited for that. Nintendo has never been very successful going after the high-end market. They’ll no doubt use something like an upgraded Tegra again.


Nintendo has never been very successful going after the high-end market.

This is 100% correct and worth emphasizing, since I think a lot of people don’t understand Nintendo’s history with this.

They tried to aim for a more premium console with the N64 and the Gamecube, and the result was Sony ate their lunch. Then they came out with the Wii – widely derided for being underpowered and gimmicky – and it was a hugely popular financial success. Nintendo knows by now what works for them and what doesn’t.

resketreke, avatar

They tried to aim for a more premium console with the N64 and the Gamecube, and the result was Sony ate their lunch.

To be fair, they shot themselves in the foot by not using CD-ROM and regular DVDs respectively. The Nintendo 64 was a very anticipated piece of hardware, but they took too long to release it and then many companies jumped ship due to said lack of CD-ROM, how long they took and cheaper licensing too most likely.

They never actually competed on equal terms thanks to Yamauchi's stubbornness.

ampersandrew, avatar

The upgraded mobile chip they use will likely be as powerful as our current Steam Decks but with better power draw, since they're mobile architectures and not x64. That said, you couldn't pay me to buy another Nintendo console at this point.


There is no indication of such a chip existing or even being possible currently. The Tegra revision rumored to be in the Switch 2 is a good deal less powerful than a Steam Deck.


Yeah. Rumored computational power, claimed to be coming from development units, puts it at a healthy fraction of the Steam Deck's when docked, but a much smaller one when undocked. So, people shouldn't get their hopes up about a Steam Deck+ coming from Nintendo.


Beat the steamdeck? Lol I’llbelievve it when I see it. I give them credit for rock solid IPs, but the switches hardware was already dated when it was first released. They don’t go for power with their hardware


Nintendo would never let anyone else access their hardware like that. They're near fanatical about functionality and bulletproof UIs, integrating steam would only add the chances of something not flawlessly working 24/7 for all users.

Oneeightnine, do gaming w Developers and Analysts Sound Off: Does the Next-Gen Nintendo Switch Need to Happen in 2024?
!deleted4231 avatar

I’m probably not the target demo for Nintendo, but I won’t lie…the Switch feels very long in the tooth at this point.

Great concept, great delivery, but it’s showing its age and it’s time for an upgrade at the very least.


Most definitely. Zelda TotK is the late-in-lifetime masterpiece — we are ready for the next generation.

One problem Nintendo faces here is that last time they had Nvidia Tegra, a chip that didn’t really find any other use at scale so Nintendo could source it for pennies. AMD owns the console grade SoC market, and won’t be selling Ryzen 8000 series for cheap — maybe Nintendo could again source something from the previous generation to keep the BOM down?


I think the more severe issue here is that an architecture change would make the new device incompatible with the Switch. So they should preferably stay with something arm-based that can ideally mimic the original SOC closely.

QuentinCallaghan, (edited ) avatar

Plus Nintendo usually has long partnerships with hardware partners. From GameCube to Wii U they used IBM’s PowerPC processors, and it was a long period of time. In 2016 Nvidia’s CEO Jen-Hsun Huang praised the partnership with Nintendo, expecting it to last “last two decades”. Nintendo also wants the next-gen transition to be as smooth as possible, retaining Switch’s massive user base. Therefore the company’s next console is likely having an ARM SOC made by Nvidia; anything else would be a suicide mission for them.


Yeah, agreed that this remains by far the most likely scenario. I guess Switch sales alone are enough for Nvidia to keep going with Tegra, despite finding little use elsewhere.

It’s just been a long time since the first news about T234 (Orin) & T239 came out (mid 2021), with a rumoured & cancelled chip based on Lovelace after that — most likely it was too expensive for Nintendo.

That cancellation left me wondering whether there could be other plans in play. It’s an old chip by now, but that too tracks with Nintendo.


Nintendo’s solution to backwards compatibility has been interesting but straightforward in the past. All they’ve done before, with a few exceptions, is slap the old processor in the new device to make it backwards compatible. I’m curious what they would do this time.


I've basically been holding onto the hope I'll be able to play Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity on co-op without a drastic drop in resolution and framerate once this new console comes out. Because that was not a level of performance appropriate for an exclusive game.

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