
Syrc, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Hear that Gamefreak, owner of the highest-grossing media franchise of all times?

@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

They learned their lesson though. They don’t need to put on any effort and people will still buy it.


I know and I fucking hate it. I was one of the fanboys defending them even through the first SwSh trailers, but the more they showed stuff the more it was clear it wasn’t the franchise I used to love anymore.

@pomodoro_longbreak@sh.itjust.works avatar

The next great Pokemon game won’t be by Gamefreak, and it won’t be called Pokemon. But your kids will love it.


Man I hope the next great Pokémon (even if it’s not pokémon) doesn’t take until I have kids to come out. I heard good stuff about Coromon but I’m not sure if it’s genuinely great or “great for an indie”.

acosmichippo, do games w Madden should not be 70$
@acosmichippo@lemmy.world avatar

Madden is worth whatever people are willing to pay for it.

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m reliably informed by people who really hate Overwatch that thinking like this makes you a chump for capitalism who is ruining the industry.


Capitalism works. There are markets who will pay for these and that’s why they are made. That’s what capitalism is.

If not for capitalism, these games wouldn’t even exist.

Now, the issue I think you’re worried about is that people begrudgingly pay for the game when they don’t really want to. Or pay more than they want to for it.

That’s not capitalism, that’s FOMO.

People make a ton of shit everyday that I don’t buy. But obviously someone is out there paying for this shit, or it wouldn’t be being made.

What do I care, or what do you care about it enough to even address?

If people don’t buy it, it either gets cheaper or it’s not made at all. So just don’t buy it. I haven’t bought a sports game in 20 years because of this. But they keep making them and people keep complaining about them.

Complain about yourselves, it’s not capitalism, it’s the consumers.

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

Uh, I thought I was being pretty clear that I wasn’t the crazed anticapitalist, but I guess Poe’s Law.

kemsat, do games w Madden should not be 70$

For like 20 years y’all have been buying the game, year after year, even if it’s not worth it.

@legion@lemmy.world avatar

Football video games were such a big part of my childhood in the 80s and 90s, but football video games died the day NFL2K died.


See also: Pokémon.

I’ve always been bothered by the lack of competition (and anti-competitive behavior) in the football space.

johnlobo, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

this “dev” are really dumb.

whenigrowup356, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Yeah, don’t expect funding for AAA games!



To the contrary, they had to pay to have the IP

dmmeyournudes, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Just ignore the day 1 DLC.

@AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social avatar

What day 1 DLC? The Deluxe edition cosmetic stuff?


That’s called a micro transaction, yes.

@AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social avatar

Just clarifying what you meant. I thought I missed something. DLC to my mind is like... an extra race or somthing a bit more relevant than purely cosmetic stuff. Not going to argue semantics here, fair enough to call that a micro transaction and it's certainly DLC.


“no additional purchases” their words, not mine.

@AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social avatar

I'm not even disagreeing with you and that quote didn't show up anywhere in this thread? But alright, you do you.


the developers made the claim.


That’s a courtesy for people who didn’t pre-order but want the dice cosmetic. It was originally a pre-order exclusive but they changed it when asked to.


“no additional purchases” their words, not mine.


This is a really stupid hill to die on my man


they’re the one making the claims, not me.


But you are the one tilting at this windmill.


What’s the transaction?

@Neato@kbin.social avatar

$10 purchase for soundtrack, dice skin and some DSO2 cosmetics that everyone who bought the game in early access gets. This allows everyone else to purchase.


So if you don’t get the soundtrack, there’s no transaction?


What one of those items prevents you from having enjoyment in the game? You just start with a lil cool cosmetic cape. It’s not a battle pass.

@ObsidianBlk@lemmy.world avatar

Even excluding the cosmetics, this DLC includes the soundtrack. I haven’t purchased it myself (yet), but I’d imagine that a soundtrack to a game with over 200 hours of cinematic would be rather extensive (again, I have not seen it, so I don’t know). Even if it’s only 30 to 40 minutes of music, at $10, that’s at least on par with the cost of most albums anywhere else. I feel it’s got to be more than only 30ish minutes of music, though, so, for the album alone the price seems legit.


Just to add more information about the sound track, it is 43 tracks in both MP3 and WAV formats. The runtime of those 43 tracks is 2:26:57.

@joe@lemmy.world avatar

You consider DLC a microtransaction?

Edit: Maybe I’m just too old, but I thought microtransactions were something you get prompted to purchase while playing the game. Is that no longer the case?

@Nipah@kbin.social avatar

Microtransactions are 'small' purchases made in a game (or via some kind of store that allows you to buy stuff to be used inside of a game).

DLC is any additional downloadable content that is not included with the game (so something like a day 1 patch wouldn't be considered DLC, I'd say).

All microtransations are DLC, but not all DLC are microtransactions, generally (before someone comes along with some kind of physical microtransaction or something I guess)

I personally just view microtransations as anything that isn't 'playable content'. So buying a mount from an in-game store would be a microtransaction, while buying an expansion wouldn't be. Map packs kind of blur the line in this instance, because one could argue that they're essentially 'world cosmetics', but its a hard and fast rule and not something I'd try to enforce as a law, ya know?

@joe@lemmy.world avatar

It’s clear that there are multiple different definitions that people have for “microtransactions”. I think it’s safe to assume that larian has a definition similar to mine. No time in the game that I’ve noticed did I get prompted to buy the DLC. In fact, I didn’t buy it; it seems early access people got it for free.

@Neato@kbin.social avatar

It's the soundtrack and some DSO2 cosmetics that everyone who bought the game during early access got for free. They're selling it to everyone else for $10.

Technically it's DLC, not MTX as MTX almost always entails individual purchases of items, usually in-game. It's more of a Collector's Edition than anything. That no one seems to care about, even the people who detest predatory practices.


There are items with in game power in that bundle.

@Neato@kbin.social avatar

Do you mean the Mask of the Shapeshifter? That allows, once per long rest, to change appearance to another random character. Effectively a Disguise Self cast.

There's also the dagger that's 4-7 weapon. But I replaced that before I even dealt with the goblin camp. There's so many magic items I wasn't worried about it.

The biggest coup is the hat and cape. They offer no bonuses but they look so fly I'm probably never taking them off.

HellAwaits, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Honestly, this kind of pleading from the other AAA developers is just making them look pathetic. Yes, it’s reasonable not to expect BG3 for every AAA games, but it’s not because of time and money, but simply because developers are just not always going to make lightning strike twice. But these devs have plenty of time and money and they look terrible in comparison to a dev that took it’s time to make sure it was well polished before release.


Exactly. Every new game doesn’t have to be an instant classic that breaks new ground. But they should be functional, playable, and have enough polish to be considered finished. That doesn’t necessarily mean bug free, but we all know what a finished game looks like, and what one doesn’t.

The worst one I’ve ever personally played was the Lego Hobbit game. My wife and I used to line up kamikaze shots and play Lego games, figuring a child and a drunk adult were about the same level. The game stops when Smaug flies out of the mountain. Roll credits. I guess the last movie did so poorly that they never bothered making the rest of the game.


For ages, AAA games were classed as such by brand recognition, not by quality. Inevitably, they devolved into being just a platform to sell microtransactions. The shareholders want their dividents and the CEO needs a new yacht with coke and hookers.

It’s too easy to exploit the dopamine rush playing the new, official installment of a well-known series. Even if it’s terrible, the customers get their joy by ranting about how trash the game is and how they hope the next one will be better. BG3 being an actual game does not change anything and will not reset expectations.


That’s sad because TT’s games were quite good, I think they hit their apex at Lego Marvel Superheroes 1. Awesome open world, a ton of characters, and lots of exploration in addition to the normal level quests.

Xanvial, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Tencent owns 30% of Larian iirc, so most likely from them


Interesting I didn’t know that, how long have they owned 30%?

This post is a bit reminiscent of r/gamercirclejerk but at least your comment taught me something new and salvaged it


Not sure, at least since 2021 twitter.com/GamerTrader1/…/1431899588324175873


Well someone posted a screenshot on Twitter so it must be true…


Okay but an actual source?

Or is this a “trust me bro” thing

@SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml avatar

☝️ This guy Sources!


A source on Lemmy? Don’t be ridiculous!


Owned, unless you have proof they still do.

Edit: Looked it up a bit, the shares are 70% Sven and wife, 30% Tencent. Honestly not too bad considering at the time those shares were sold, Larian was almost bankrupt.


Love seeing you edit your comment and correct yourself/validate the other user’s statement. Breathe of fresh air from the toxic doubling-down 99% of the time on reddit.


Time to kneel down and pray to our future Chinese Overlords, for they are everywhere and everything.


nah their demographics are doomed



@Zoboomafoo@yiffit.net avatar

Because they’re having less babies than is needed to maintain or grow their population

2.1 babies/woman is about what’s needed to maintain a population, China was at 1.09 last year


Some religious extremists try to argue abortion is bad, but really it’s bad when we cut a person up into 1/10ths. Strangely silent, hmmm.

@Zoboomafoo@yiffit.net avatar

Chopping up babies has biblical precedent


their 1 Child per family policy for decades has left them with a gigantic pile of elderly and not nearly enough working age people to support them. not to mention the young people have no training on how to support their infrastructure or manufacturing tools.


This doesn’t even mention the gender ration disparity either that is going to hit even harder as well for them. China is gonna have even more issues in the next few decades


I’ve also heard that they abort mostly female fetuses compared to male fetuses. Don’t know why, culture or something, but could also be a lie.


because if you can only have 1 child to support the family in the future you need to have the one that gets educated and paid. it went on for decades. if you search youtube for the word ‘china’ theres countless recent explanations of the various ways they are collapsing.

kn0wmad1c, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭
@kn0wmad1c@programming.dev avatar

The one thing that Shawn forgot to say is “Larian’s boardrooms aren’t filled with people who don’t play video games!!”


It's mostly owned by Sven, who is obviously very passionate about video games, storytelling, and tactical rpgs.

Anticorp, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

New expectations? Lol. These were always the expectations!


That’s what I don’t get. These are expectations that I’ve had for years. The indie space has kinda proven that creativity will take a game a hell of a lot farther than cash ever will. With few exceptions I simply don’t buy AAA games anymore because honestly I just don’t expect the same level of effort will be put into making them.

GreenMario, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Wizards of the coast paid $0 to fund this game, that’s why it says Larian in the publisher field on Steam and not WoTC or Hasbro.


Although they probably got some good sweet Nvidia dollars.

FrostKing, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

AAA companies: Makes bad game and releases apology promising to make good games now

Also AAA companies: We are not capable of making good games, stop expecting to much.

Koen967, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Well Shawn. How about this is the new standard for AAA games and if you can’t reach it than you are a AA studio at most.


We should make sure to label games exactly like this. Beta at release? Depending on microtransactions? -> It’s an AA game at most, no matter the production costs.

@Syo@kbin.social avatar

Even more ironic. Larian started BG3 6 years ago, or when they were still arguably AA studio.

dudewitbow, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

If devs actually think all 800k active players + the ones who pirated it all play DND, then they have another guess coming. Most of them probably have never touched a Handbook

defluo, do games w Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

I find it sad that if you make a decent game now you are praised. It’s not that good. That’s just how low the bar is now.

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