
Blackmist, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

I’m going to assume that any game that a celebrity suddenly endorses out of nowhere is some low effort mobile thing that probably involves crypto.

MargotRobbie, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
@MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

Celebrity endorsement has never been a factor in how well a videogame does either way, regardless of level of star power or degree of involvement for the celebrity: Keanu Reeves playing a heavy hand (heh) in the story of Cyberpunk 2077 did little to stop the game’s initial bad press, and the main reason Baldur’s Gate 3 did well isn’t because JK Simmons is playing Kethric Thorm. (still, he had a great performance). Gameplay matters a lot more for a videogame.

It’s unsurprising then, that Oscar winning actor Will Smith’s involvement in a game in the oversaturated genre of zombie survival shooters did not become successful.

Plus, I don’t think paying celebrities to promote videos on their YouTube channel is an effective marketing strategy, mainly because nobody really watches any celebrities’ own YouTube channel, with the exception of Jack Black’s gaming channel, of course.


Keanu Reeves really helped promote the game though.

@MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, he did. But neither the main praise nor criticism of the game was not directed towards him but on the overall buginess and removal of RPG elements from the game.


Ok, what rpg element was removed? I just played it (without dlc), and it’s basically first person witcher 3 in cyberpunk setting, including all the faults. Basically true to type with CDPR.

@MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

They advertisd heavily on “complex branching storyline” and “every decision will have consequences” so the expectation was at the minimum a bigger Deus Ex Human Revolution, but then what they actually delivered is a worse GTA 5 with neon lights.


Right. But I just played it, and it has nothing to do with GTA. It’s literally witcher 3 in first person. Same level of branching, same slightly shallow rpg mechanics and shallow ish combat. It’s much more action, though and theoretically stealth is an option unlike witcher.


I mean look how many celebrities are in Squadron42/Star Citizen…


I wouldn’t hold it against Keanu personally because its clear he really cared and did gave a good performance but i feel like his involvement with cyberpunk ruined a lot of things that could have been.

@MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

No one will hold it against him personally, it’s not uncommon.

There are certain actors who performs great in every single movie they appear in, yet still have many of these movies flop. Many times, it’s out of the actor’s control.

All we can do is our best.


CDPR effectively rewrote the campaign after Keanu Reeves told them that he’s game if CDPR wants to record more lines. I still remember the E3 demo where CDPR said that the campaign has been completed and they’re just in the polishing stages.


Yup we got a mid main storyline when we could’ve had more Jackie.


I woulda liked that


The whole “Origin System” that amounts to… literally nothing outside of some dialogue at the very begining


There are dialogue options all throughout the game (at least for streetkid)


Also nomad has qoute a bit.


JK Simmons is playing Kethric Thorm

See I played Baldur’s Gate but I didn’t know that shit


They gave him a full beard instead of a stache thats why you couldnt tell.


Says a lot for the quality of voice acting in BG3 that it had Jason Isaacs and JK Simmons and I didn’t really notice either of them standing out.

Although I did notice Gale in an episode of Good Omens.


I have nearly 1000 hours in Baldur’s Gate 3 and JUST NOW learned that Jason Isaacs was the voice of Gortash… I did recognize JK Simmons but honestly wasn’t 100% sure it was him until the second or third time meeting him and finally looking it up on IMDB to confirm (and somehow still missed Jason Isaacs - I did learn about Matt Mercer’s role as Minsc which still blows my mind).


Wasn’t aware there were celebrities other than Jack Black on YouTube… TIL


Ron Livingstone’s YouTube channel had just one video on it for 8 years.



Russel Brand is now a far right Christian YouTuber.



IndustryStandard, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

It is rewind time.

redcalcium, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

wtf I never heard of this game before. How come a game that cost ~$140 million had virtually no marketing except for Will Smith posting it on his youtube channel?


Rich People’s ego. He thinks his “name” is enough that he doesn’t have to market.


For real, I might get it to try it out. I’m learning about it from this post.


I wouldn’t…


Is it that bad?

@drengbarazi@lemmy.world avatar

Just… An AAAAA game.


Calm down, Will.

@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

“We can save millions in advertising, just get your friend Will to post about it, it will be great.”


I think we’re seeing the marketing right now.


95% of the budget went to paying Will Smith.


The post-apocalyptic zombie shooter allegedly had more than 300 developers on it and a budget of nearly 1 billion yuan (around $140 million)

The word “allegedly” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. There is no way on this Earth that a mess like that cost $140 million to develop, unless somebody pocketed $130m of that and then just outsourced the rest to a tinpot Z tier studio.


Will and Jada are scientologists so that’s exactly what happened.


He wishes he got that from it, and looks like he was barely involved other than a quick poorly made advert and use of his face. It’s not even his voice in game.

The whole thing looks like it was thrown together in Unity by a dozen people from mostly stock assets. If that figure is anywhere near accurate then Tencent got scammed.

Empricorn, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

I genuinely have no interest in anything he does any more. Not actively boycotting his projects or anything, more complete disinterest. And I’m not even saying all art has to be viewed through the lens of the artist. But there are people that have such memorable or distinct performances that afterwards they have trouble getting other roles… This is like that, but cranked up to 11.

And I know he’s a meme and we joke about it… but because of his weird hangups he chose to use violence on another person on a world stage, with cameras on him. By his own actions he made it impossible for me to lose myself in any character he plays, instead I’ll only think about The Slap.


I genuinely have no interest in anything he does any more

This was me when he started trying to shoehorn his kid into the spotlight with those cringe interviews and that really awful movie about not being scared of aliens or whatever. I care about it so little that I can’t remember the name of the movie and have zero interest in looking it up.

This comment about not caring about Will Smith is the maximum effort I’m willing to put into anything related to him.


His kid has been in a few movies now, and his daughter made that one song. I honestly don’t care that he is trying to promote his kids because I think they wanted that and Will had the sway to do it. I think most parents would use their privilege to help their kids. But I do agree that that alien fear movie was trash.

@Squirrel@thelemmy.club avatar

I really only liked Will Smith as an actor because he seemed to be a likeable person. Now I know better.


Eh, I think he’s a good person that was hit by a horribly misplaced attempt at chivalry. There’s a lot of stuff he’s done that I don’t like, but it’s mostly been in his attempts to protect and help his family.

There are worse reasons to do bad things. It’s not an excuse; I just think he’s not a terrible person.

@Squirrel@thelemmy.club avatar

Oh, for sure. I don’t think he’s necessarily a bad person, he’s just not particularly likeable anymore. Maybe it’s age, or what life has thrown his way, but his personality no longer seems as appealing. That’s the main thing he had going for him, imo.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Terrible? Nah. A jerk? Yes.


Oh yeah, he deserves everything Chris Rock decides to throw at him. A mistake isn’t an excuse.


Keep Will Smith’s name out of your fucking mouth!!!

amio, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

It's like Goldeneye except the only weapon setting is "Slappers only"

(Too easy, I know)


Take your eyes of my wife’s screen!

@pgetsos@kbin.social avatar
sleepmode, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

Dunkie’s review is hilarious

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

If that's a review our terminology is getting a little... Loose


I mean, the key part of that sentence was Dunkey. Its kind of funny too because I now feel similar about Dunkey as I do Smith. They did that one persona REALLY WELL, but its just one persona, and eventually it gets old

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

Agreed, I used to really like Dunkey, then i watched his videos on Death Stranding after immensely enjoying the game myself and found them a little played up for content while painting the gameplay in a less than generous light.

That being said, I do realize it's a persona, and even his "reviews" are called dunkviews, and at times he does certainly have some nice insight, and he's funny for certain, I don't think he's a bad YouTuber or anything, but I hope people don't use his videos as purchasing advice like you might a true review


I don’t disagree with either of you. But what do we call it? A riff track?

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

I'm cool with dunkview, he calls it that for a reason. Some people will still use it as a review, like the original guy I commented to. It's a shame if someone treats it that seriously, but I don't think Dunkey is out there pretending to tell you the grand worth of games, it's, in my eyes, obviously enough comedy.

That being said, not even the zombie game video was called a dunkview, that was just... A video. So some people will use anything as a review, I suppose

andrew_bidlaw, (edited ) do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

I would’ve loved a proper game using his I am Legend fame, but it seems like even publishers didn’t care about it.

@AFallingAnvil@lemmy.ca avatar

I am legend really loses something when mistitled

Chet_Awesomelad, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
@Chet_Awesomelad@kbin.social avatar

Lmfao the trailer doesn't even include any dialogue from Will Smith's character?! Imagine paying (I assume) millions of dollars to get an A-list Hollywood celebrity in your game and you don't even show them in your trailer!


I watched a sunkey video for it, indont think there is any dialogue from will smiths character. Like they didnt bother to record it. There was one or two instances where he spoke, and it wasn’t will smith.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Wait, so they just licensed Will Smith’s likeness?

They couldn’t have just done a character that looks sort of like Will Smith?

@driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br avatar

That’s what I thought it happened when I saw the dunkey video.


He does sort of look like Will Smith.

He looks like a Chinese Will Smith.


What would be cringingly terrible, but entirely possible, is if Will DID record lines for his character, but content pipeline faults/laziness or programming errors mean it doesn’t play ingame.

I even feel like that same circumstance has happened before…

shinratdr, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
@shinratdr@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d be careful to read too much into this. If they wanted it to be successful, it would have been Raid: Shadow Legends or Genshin Impact level promoted, especially with $140M sunk in dev.

This seems like they had no confidence in the finished product so they didn’t even bother to market it, just shat it out to app stores probably to meet contractual obligations and it will be gone soon.

Either that or there is some behind the scenes nonsense happening preventing it from being marketed. Think something like Will Smith having it in his contract that it has to release and giving him 25% of sales, for example.

But for something to cost that much and bomb that hard, it’s essentially impossible without them basically cutting their losses before launch and expecting it to fail. It’s the mobile game equivalent of the “lowest grossing movie”, basically something that was only released because it has to be, and not a true reflection of product quality. Like I’m sure it sucks, but is it THAT much worse than 99% of mobile trash? Probably not.


Any chance a lot of the money got funneled somewhere else and the actual game had some tiny budget?


Definitely a non-zero chance, at the very least

chemical_cutthroat, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

Looks like the church of scientology will need to find another cash cow.

@norbert@kbin.social avatar

Hollywood has plenty of scientologists, it's wild.


Kinda but numbers are way down, scientology is dying at the moment

jjjalljs, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

Also never heard of this game before.

The top user review on steam made it sound like awful pay to win gacha garbage though, so I’ll just move on.

Transcendant, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

This is the big problem with modern gaming. Too many companies are now in hock to investors and publishers. To those at the top of the hierarchy, making a game is an investment, a bet. Innovation is stifled in favour 9f ‘safe bets’, no wonder gaming is stagnating.

It’s not all doom and gloom, there are still exceptions to the rule. But it’s certainly not looking good for fantastic single player games.

I’m expecting gta 6 to have a much shorter single player campaign with most of the focus towards online (and more obscene earnings from shark cards 2.0).

@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

I agree with the rest but it’s not just modern gaming it was happening back in the 90s on consoles and earlier in arcades. One of the first games I played was an obvious cash grab by Marvel, Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade’s Revenge for the Gameboy. It was barely playable.

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

I heard also that even earlier than that, there was an E.T. game that may have been a bad cash grab. I doubt it had any serious impact, though.


Ive commented on this before, as sad as it is if we want innovative, expansive, beautiful AAA titles we have to accept that investors arent going to keep backing the money truck up on maybes. Microtransactions, subscriptions, dlcs… there has to be an ongoing income stream or an absolutely eyewatering launch price OR we get used to safer and safer bets or games with very narrow scopes.


Yep, it’s a real quandary. I’m not sure what the solution is, or if there is one from our perspective… it’s no point voting with my wallet when there’s millions of others who won’t.


I think you have to ask yourself if the company is behaving ethically.

If a game is F2P but has microtransactions that arent P2W and the devs are continuing to maintain the game then its hard to be mad that they want to make some money off the basic game you get for free. (Mechwarrior online is a pretty good example of this)

If its a subscription, are you getting regular additional content for the money or is the subscription just allowing you to play the game you paid for? Do you still have to buy DLCs and pay subscription?

If its DLC, is it meaningful storylines/maps/characters? Does it make the prospect of another playthrough different or more interesting? Is it a reasonable price for what it gives you?


You make excellent points. Personally, I rarely have a problem paying for proper DLC (and buy proper DLC I mean, additional story content that wasn’t obviously cynically cut from the OG game). Notable past examples for GTA, stuff like ‘The Ballad of Gay Tony’ were amazing expansions.

Also sticking with GTA, they’re a good example of bad practice nowadays (imo). They pivoted to online-only DLC once they realised how lucrative a pay-to-play system can be when leveraged against not being bullied by players with more disposable income. There was amazing single-player content in dev for GTA5 and they cut it to focus on MP. Worse, they left the dregs of that content in the game, allowed a ‘GTA5 mystery’ concept to flourish and left people hunting for the mystery thinking they were going to find something like GTA4’s bigfoot. Knowing all along it didn’t exist. But of course, happy that people were still playing and hoping they would get bored and try online mode.


I personally like to think this trend of enshittification in the gaming industry is geared more towards the triple AAA side of things because a lot of the actual indie devs (not the people putting out low effort mobile games or shovelware or scams or straight up large corporatios masquerading their games as indie titles) are putting out some of the best games I’ve seen in years for single player experiences.

Though I absolutely agree with your assessment of the situation in general.


This was what I meant. It’s these smaller devs that seem to be innovating to any extent at the moment!

Maybe I’m just a bit jaded due to being an old fart nowadays… I remember playing the original Doom / Wolfenstein so especially FPS feel so overdone to me. When was the last time you saw a truly novel game concept? I’m sure I’ve seen a few over the last few years but can’t remember (see, old fart).


I don’t think I can recall something truly novel since I think we’ve pretty much gone past the point of novel concepts in the majority of genres, but there have definitely been standouts in certain genres over the years.

In the deck building and rogue like genre we’ve seen Balatro, the poker based game. In the retro inspired games genre, we’ve got Corn Kidz 64, a shorter game that controls and looks like an N64 title.

Totally depends on the genre, though.


It’s a hard question to answer I know! Racking my brains here, the most novel thing I can think of is Portal.


Indie games is really where it’s at right now.

antisuck, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

Zombie: “Rawrrr” munch munch nom nom

Will: “Get my wife’s arm out of your fucking mouth!”

</low hanging fruit>

JoMiran, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar
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