
zephyroths, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

PC releasing at the same time might just rob consoles of sales they could have. While I don’t support what they do, this is what I think the most logical reason


In my view this is short sighted. A game with this many systems in it may actually need time to be decently optimised for keyboard and mouse inputs. When GTAV finally released it also carried a bunch of improvements. R* doesn’t want to sell games consoles. They don’t make any.


It needs to be “optimized” for controller input in exactly the same way. They could’ve chosen to budget for this “optimization” (whatever that even means) pre-launch.

I think the most likely explanations are 1) larger player base on consoles, 2) Rockstar wants to get the release cash injection ASAP, and 3) staggering platform releases like this prolongs buzz and even leads to a bunch of people buying the game twice.

GBU_28, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Who cares? Rockstar is a joke. Play it years from now, it’ll be carried for 10+ years

Arelin, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Eh they’ll make a PC version at some point

@Deadeyegai@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. Maybe in only 10 years, who knows?


Wouldn’t mind tbh. There’s no shortage of great games to play, and GTA was never story driven so there’s no need to worry about spoilers.

HawlSera, (edited ) do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

This was the first entry I was actually excited about!

But Rockstar once again hates PC gamers…

Seriously… sexy ladies in a modern AAA games… no “stoic flat chested tomboys”

My jaw dropped when I saw that shit

Yes please. Tired of that woke shit


your hands are tired for jerking off at that woke shit huh? Need a break cause the sores are too much to bear?

JFK get ahold of yourself. Its fucking Rockstar. Like its not going to have Tits and Ass everywhere. Did you even fucking watch the preview video?


I did, and I think you misunderstand, I am glad that it had tits and ass everywhere, Rockstar aren’t the rock stars they used to be. Did you see that Grand Theft Auto remastered?

I am actually glad Grand Theft Auto VI has decided that women are allowed to look feminine, what a novel fucking concept am I right? Female characters looking like they’re actually female.

Yes I understand that it’s a cartoon exaggeration of what a woman looks like, I don’t care, Grand Theft Auto is supposed to be a violent cartoon, let it be one. Fuck

Reiea, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Honestly, based on current gaming trends, I’m fine either way. Everything is releasing in an almost important state for the first 6 months to a year anyway.

Socsa, (edited ) do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

This is stupid because they literally developed the damn game on PC. The only reason to do a console priority release is artificial scarcity. They know a certain subset of PC gamers will buy the game twice. Once on console for FOMO. And again on PC for the proper experience.

@Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

As much as I understand the disappointment, from development point I tolerate them as Rockstar ever since they had their own in house Game Engine, they does not shoehorn the game into a mess of unplayablility (see common AAA studios). Not to mention those jack of all trade engine (e.g UE, Unity, CryEngine) while you can make the project multiplatform, the optimization that need to be done is far more time consuming (reading the docs of the SDK) compared to an Engine you build your own, an example of this on recent release is Yakuza Ishin, Ishin use Unreal Engine and run worse compared to every Yakuza games they released prior (which they did use their in-house game Engine).

Rockstar made it clear focus on to deliver console optimization on front ever since GTA III released (technical standpoint see GTA San Andreas on PS2, GTA V on PS3 and X360, Max Payne 3 on console).

Even though from PS4/XONE we have x86 arch console, the uniformity of console specs leads the easy to work on optimization rather than plethora of hardwares that available on Personal Computer space.

Maybe I am sounded defending Rockstar but I gave my opinion from my past experience as game modder so knowing those SDK a bit. If you want to blame, you can blame the higher up on T2 since those parties the one tied up the Rockstar (R* owned by T2). I do have a share of disappointment when they took down the Reverse Engineered code of 3D era gta codes, but that incident also have grey area as some says that some portion of the code are part of original code.


Thanks for the drop of sanity here. There are reasons this happens and this right here is why. Console is ready faster…that’s it. Rockstar is just making the natural business decisions given the situation. Does Rockstar also get that double dip? Yes. Do they get incentives from the various console companies vying for exclusivity? Yes. Villainize that all you want but the other option is choosing to not make money on a finished game by making it unavailable for literally no reason.

Inversely, for those complaining, demanding Rockstar to not release a finished game on any platform until it is available on the device you prefer sounds pretty stupid.

shinratdr, (edited )
@shinratdr@lemmy.ca avatar


  1. The VAST majority of people play this kind of game on console.
  2. PC has infinite configurations and therefore is harder to test for.

That’s it. It’s way more work for way less users. When they release for Xbox and PS5, they are basically testing against two fixed PC builds, and that’s it. The other stuff is a factor, but a minor factor at most. Those are the two big reasons, everything else is an afterthought, and there is no big conspiracy at play.

Plus, literally every Rockstar game in modern history has been released on console first and then PC, if it gets a PC release at all. Why would this be any different?

This is coming from someone who never played RDR1 because at the time I refused to play anything not on PC, so I understand wanting it. But you can want/hope that it happens and still accept the reality without inventing a conspiracy as to why they chose not to target it.

@Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

To put it simply, people nowaday spoiled with choices while they wanted needlessly to be served what they want.

Back in earlier gaming era (90s and 00s), console exclusive and PC exclusive is a thing and no one even complain, people back then accept the fact that mostly game are only available on Consoles, and those that released on Computer are mostly Online/LAN games or MMOs, This trend continue until late 00s where some of console games get ported to PC because there is demand.

Pushing through 10s, PC is relevant as the cost of the system is almost same (or even cheaper) compared to the console, back then you can build gaming pc out of dell optiplex and slap a 750 or 750 Ti and you’ll get something similar to PS4/XONE performance. Once it gets to late 10s where entry price of PC is a bit high (you can thank Intel for keeping re-releasing 14nm up to 6 generations and then Ryzen came) if you want to have more FPS and prettier graphics on PC.

Now in the 20s, we have tons of hardware variation that can play a game ranging from components from 2014 that still holding up although struggling to get 30/60fps, to something workspace component that can run games 144 FPS+ on casual games. Heck you can even run game without owning the hardware by streaming them (GeForce Now)

In my opinion these people probably those who back then owned consoles and jump ship to PC and expecting same treatment as console player. And of course you cannot guarantee A PC (without specify its components) to run games as much as I encountered some kids tried to run AAA games on their school laptops that had Intel Celeron with dinky 4GB of RAM, while on console it is definite to run as it was mean to run games.

@Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, to put it constructive criticism, seeing Rockstar re-releasing GTA V three times that makes people mad is understandable, but to be fair people who owned PS4/PS5 that want to play GTA V/Online back then no way they would patch backward compatibility themselves specifically on PS4, the difference was “night and day” compared on PS3. While I did not have newer console upward from PS2, I would treat those improvement and the online availability as service that runs by R* and legally they able to charge you (but the end decision was on each own right?).

Simply to be put, if someone want to blame whom, blame the system and the people. These entities follows business rule and they serve from the demand, as funny as it sounds the demand is from each individual, that’s why vote with your wallet is make sense for consumable product, similar to (underaged) children who play games and spending their parents CC, the parent is to put the blame because they could not control their kid or even bother to parenting.


Console gamers will buy the game on each following generation console as well for the next couple decades and when I’m on my death bed we will get a release announcement for the trailer of GTA 7 for PS? and Xbox xXx series xXx ex/se


suspect pc is last priority due to the higher rate of piracy and lower rate of in-app-purchases. oh and the mod scene - for some reason rock* doesn’t want people extending the lives of their products even for single player play. weeeeeak.

spudwart, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles
@spudwart@spudwart.com avatar

Well, yet another game that doesn’t exist.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

It will exist in 2026.


Time to save my pocket change… It will probably be an $80 game, yeah?

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Ugh, I hope it’s not more than $70.

Destraight, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Here’s to hoping this game doesn’t make you feel like you’re walking drunk. I would have played Grand theft Auto v if the movement didn’t feel clunky

@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

yeah movement sucks ass in gtav (it’s fine while aiming tho)

Cycloprolene, (edited )



If there were physics in GTA V then they were portrayed very poorly

Pyrozo007, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Can’t wait for an extremely polished game where it’s impossible to step one step in the direction you want to go.

Kbobabob, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

I’m confused why Kotaku mentioning next gen in the title when Rockstar only commented on current generation PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Haven’t they been calling these the “next Gen” consoles for awhile? I also don’t agree with changing the title to not match the article.


The original title sucks and doesn’t deserve to be repeated.


Yeah, it’s been a while so it’s time to drop it. I don’t think you can even buy a new ps4 at a major retailer anymore even.

Honytawk, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Hope it will be good, the game will have to last 3 console generations anyway.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

I’m waiting for the PS7 release.

Blackmist, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

So? I play on console anyway.

Maybe by skipping PC, the loading will be nice and fast. Actually take advantage of superior console tech.

Crafter72, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles
@Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

As someone who games solely on pc nowaday simply because having other things to do, I don’t mind waiting even more so the chance I will get it on launch day is null.

Remember fellas vote with your wallet, do not get blinded by hypetrain.


Yep. I never buy on launch. Just wait a few months and the price comes down, especially if near a holiday you’ll get a sale. Also the bitchfest about the game bEiNg LiTeRaLly UnpLaYAblE!!1!1 because of problems has died down after a few patches.


Vote with your wallet. This shit right here dawg. That saying has lost its weight for some reason. Given there are a lot of ways that can be difficult or even impossible, but it’s still our best hope next to pitch forks and torches.


Cos people are consumerists. They buy things they don’t need and out of impulse to activate their dopamine and serotonin in their brain.

@Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

This is the apparent problem that mostly not most of the victim (consumerism) aware, especially those who have large amount of expendable fund, or someone who bored enough that they dont have alternative time consuming activity other than gaming.


Don’t even have an SeXbox or a Playstation… so…


The reality is that even if you are patient, this is complete bullshit.


cries in RDR1 PC fan

@Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

As someone who once was console player (ps1 - ps2), I can say console exclusive game have their own merit, however lots of thing happen, ranging from the source code is lost, to higher up management are fucking boomer (me as SMT fans waiting for PC port is miraculous, even Persona spin off released on steam is something, yet they milked it off right away).

Heck even if you had something like Hideo Kojima (starting from MGS V) or Toshiro Nagoshi (former RGG Studio head who made decision to bring some of SEGA games into PC and into the West, and the one who revived Yakuza popularity in the west), they released their game on PC too because they cared for their fans but somehow higherup may blocking those (Japanese back then did not view PC gaming as main gaming entertainment, only niche stuff fill these in for example Simracing, Self publish game, H-game VN).

Back to the topic, It depends on each of their own view, but for me I just game whatever I had and what I want to be fun. I don’t need to get pushed by someone forced opinion (e.g hype) to enjoy a game rather I just enjoy a media based on interest. (source: me who tried to enjoy NFS Payback, as much as the fanbase shunned it because its controversy and radical change, I did find some fun here and there, from my own playthrough I find the game is flawed and noticed that the Ghost Game simply did NFS by the book (or perhaps pressured by EA for profit) and thats why they could not flawlessly release NFS Heat).

Just wanted to give an opinion in the morning.


I’m blinded by the hype train, but with 2 kids and sole income my wallets to empty to pay for an 80$ game on release.

Thcdenton, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Whatever I still haven’t played 5 🤷‍♀️


It has a fantastic Single Player story line that is fairly worth the play through even today. I think I tried the online game mode once and didnt see a point. My experience is with the PS3 launch version, but I’m assuming you can still just play it offline for story. Please let me know if I’m wrong.

HerbalGamer, (edited ) do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles
@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar


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