
YeetPics, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’
@YeetPics@mander.xyz avatar

Capcom’s CEO salary is too high


I just double checked and I think I will continue my trend of but buying Capcom games. The few IPs I may have been interested in I can definitely live without.

Skyline969, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’
@Skyline969@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s because these companies keep driving up production costs on their own. Their next game has to top their last. At what point do we say that graphics are good enough? Who needs these insane amount of details? Why does a game absolutely need to be 100+GB in size? Is Bloodborne not visually appealing enough? What about God of War (2018)?

Can we not find a “good enough” acceptable baseline and just work with that? This infinite growth is annoying as both a developer and a player. Like okay, ooooh, you can render each individual hair on someone’s head and they each have their own physics. Congratulations. How’s the story for the game? Ah, broken to the point of unplayable, but you pinky swear a patch is coming.

!deleted4112 avatar

i want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and i’m not kidding


Fuck yeah. Give me passion projects made by people having a great time any day of the week.


Welcome to the world of indie games, where the passion leads to experiences that stick in minds more than plenty of AAA games these days


This. I genuinely believe that in the near future indie games will be the sole torch-bearer for what I would call “traditional gaming”. Tighter, more focused experiences with no microtransactions or sanitized, inoffensive bloat. Games that are offline and don’t require any server handshake to function. And as the technology available to them advances, it will enable indie devs to be more and more ambitious with their vision.


I feel like this is already the case, and has been for years. Few AAA games interest me these days, especially the ones coming out of the biggest studios like EA, Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard, etc. The only recent one was Baldur’s Gate 3, but that by itself is an exception to the norm.

Most AAA games are just complete soulless profit generators. It often feels as if any fun and experimental things get taken out because it would involve too much “risk”, and stand in the way of earning money, instead of trying to make a good or fun or unique game. Instead they are just being made for as wide of a mass appeal as possible, allergic to anything that could make the game a little more interesting and niche.


Things got very dire in the '10s, but there’s been a bit of a course correction in recent years, at least with EA. It Takes Two and the Star Wars Jedi games were microtransaction free and wonderful experiences. Only It Takes Two could really be considered weird and quirky, but it was phenomenal. First party games are also typically exceptions to the modern AAA paradigm.


I wonder how long EA will put out more interesting stuff for given Wild Hearts and Immortals if Avenum both flopped. Star Wars will always be a guaranteed seller though.


My understanding is that Immortals of Aveum was the first output from a pivot of the genuinely terrific EA originals brand that gave us the likes of It Takes Two, A Way out, Unraveled, and lots more. It used to be a program that helped indie devs publish their games with EA only recouping their costs. Immortals of Aveum, ironically, had none of that magic. It was basically a Marvel story baked into a CoD campaign with magic instead of bullets.

Ideally, this will tell the suits that this pivot was a mistake and they’ll go back to “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. But they’re much more likely to overmonetize everything into oblivion while laying off massive chunks of their workforce.


It seems most artforms reach the point where the tools are available for the indie efforts to be as good as the corporate stuff.

Games seem to be rapidly reaching the tipping point, and then all the big players have to offer is throwing more money at projects with no guarantee they’ll be as enjoyable.


was this quote originally by Jim Sterling or someone else?

!deleted4112 avatar


@Alabaster_Mango@lemmy.ca avatar

I still play Dishonored every year. Those are not realistic graphics in the slightest, but it still holds up pretty well. Why? Style. I would 100% take a “lower” graphics game with style than a 100GB game with exquisitely modeled sandwiches.

Stylistic games also age better than realistic games in my opinion. Look at other 2012 games like Mass Effect, Far Cry 3, and Borderlands. Mass Effect and Far Cry went more realistic, and I think they suffered a bit for it in the long run.

Not saying Dishonored didn’t age tho. It does have that 2012 feel, lol.


Borderlands is another good example of this. Cartoony but fun gunplay and fun dialogue made the games (mostly) good.

I think games in that sort of style that don’t aim for realism typically have the best long term play. Jet Set Radio is another series with that sort of non-realism style and has aged fantastically.


Borderlands even looks great on potato settings, , graphics are nice and all but being able to tell what I’m looking at is more important and sometimes that said gets lost in the highest graphics range.

@empireOfLove@lemmy.one avatar

This infinite growth is annoying as both a developer and a player.

wait until you find out what the world economy is built on…

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

No offense but 100gb really isn’t that big in the year 2023… I keep seeing people complain about this and I just don’t get it. 5-7 years ago? Sure. That was unusual. Now? Nah.

I mean 4k HDR Remux files are often upwards of 80gb, and that’s just a 2-3 hour movie. Games can have hundreds of hours of content and also have high quality textures/HDR/HQ Audio/etc. Is it really that surprising that a bunch of games are 100+ gigs?

@Skyline969@lemmy.ca avatar

Let’s say you buy an Xbox Series S. At the current going rate of games, you can fit four, maybe five games on the thing, assuming you don’t play older or indie titles. You can buy an external USB hard drive, sure, but you can’t play games off it. You’d have to awkwardly shuffle games around any time you wanted to play something else. Wanna expand it with storage that can actually be played off of? You need to pay the same cost as the console for proprietary storage.

It’s different on PC and PS5 since you can upgrade storage relatively easily but even then, a 1TB NVMe disk can hold a maximum of 10 games at today’s storage requirements. Want something bigger? Get ready to shell out some serious cash.

Storage has not kept up with file size. And to be fair, 4k HDR Remux files are just as bad. You can’t tell me the average person can even tell the difference from a 1080p WebRip (a fraction of the size) and one of them. Not unless you’ve got the high end hardware to make use of it, and I highly doubt the average person is shelling out the $5000+ required for that to be a thing.

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

Are you questioning whether a typical person can tell the difference between 1080p SDR and 4k HDR? If so, yes. Anyone can tell.

Also it does not cost $5,000 to watch 4k HDR.

Nothing you said makes sense.

Caligvla, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp
@Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Selling Bandcamp

Thank god, keep your grimy paws off my music, Sweeney.


Monkey’s paw: Google buys it

@Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

At the same time, Epic is divesting itself of Bandcamp, a deeply strange acquisition in the first place. It’s being sold to Songtradr.

Not today, monkey’s paw.


Tomorrow: Songtradr joins the Koch Media family

@BigVault@kbin.social avatar

In the not too distant future:

Today we’re announcing we’re ending support for Bandcamp and merging it to YouTube music….


Honestly that sounds fine


Obviously you don’t knis what Bandcamp is.

@Callie@pawb.social avatar

tons of indie artists, every sound file you’d want, including flacs for their entire catalog and streaming, it’s lovely

@zecg@lemmy.world avatar

I might be jaded, but I’d wager that whoever buys it, is going to be worse than having Epic as a rich daddy who is focused on and making money through his core business and doesn’t really know what to do with Bandcamp. Entities that buy it are almost certainly going to squeeze harder at the expense of user experience.


Why don’t we buy it?

Could this be a kickstarter?

Jaysyn, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

The effects of the SVB bankruptcy are still rippling out.

Also, I thought Apple owned Bandcamp.

@spudwart@spudwart.com avatar

I think you’re thinking of GarageBand.


or Bootcamp

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I think this might have more to do with the beating that Epic took from Apple in court. The 2021 decision in favor of Apple, of their lawsuit for anti-competitive behavior was upheld this year. That was not cheap to litigate that and was a major loss for Epic.

I think the Bandcamp sell off is a good indicator of all of this. Epic obtained Bandcamp in March 2022, to explicitly have their IAP system integrated into it. Google shut them down and told them they would start collecting the 30% usual due. Epic filed suit and Google gave them an exception for the time being with the agreement that 10% would be held in escrow until the conclusion of the trail. With many of the arguments in the Apple case similar to Google's case, I'm pretty sure Epic sees the loss coming from a mile away.

All in all, what I think can be drawn from this. Epic made a big bet on "their store" and that's fading away with mobile devices locking people into a marketplace that is "distinctly not Epic". While putting such a bet wouldn't normally kill a company, Epic sextupled down on it and I think how hard they went for "their marketplace" is what's done them in.


That and the EGS seem to be where Epic funneled all their profits from the height of Fornite. That neither has worked out puts them on shakier ground. How many billions of dollars has been spent on EGS with it being way behind their revenue targets?

As things stand, Epic has very little in the way of a next big revenue source when Fortnite starts to fade as something new takes its place. That (probably) isn’t right around the corner but it will happen eventually. Their bet was on running major digital storefronts; that hasn’t worked out. UE will continue to make good money but not anywhere near enough to sustain the company as it is. UE is simply far smaller than something like FN.

This is likely them realizing this in conjunction with what you said. They need a new big revenue source in the pipeline, since digital storefronts won’t be it. Whatever that next thing is will need lots of money.


SVB has nothing to do with this, it’s crazy that people think that SVB is a cause and not a symptom.

Kepabar, (edited ) do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’

It’s true, game prices today are the same as they have been for the past 40 years for AAA titles.

I can’t think of an industry which hasn’t had a price raise in decades.

Gaming had managed to get by on this thanks to increasing market volume as gaming became more mainstream in addition to extra revenue streams like micro transactions. But it’s hitting saturation now and won’t keep counteracting inflation forever


Games have actually gotten cheaper over time adjusted for inflation even as production costs have risen, it's crazy. A NES game in today's money would be around $160.


Game industry is bigger than movies and music combined which was not the case back in the NES era. Game industry has become a juggernaut with a huge consumer target base, and lower barrier to entry that allows for even random people being able to publish games instead of a few larger companies. Rise in production costs has been one that has been self imposed the way some studios go for big special effects blockbusters because they are targeting billions. Meanwhile like with movies you get these indie 2D and last gen 3D looking games being hits right alongside these billion dollar company attempts.

I guess one area you can look at is how niche products get priced lower like mechanical keyboards, and then once productions starts ramping up and things go mainstream suddenly these niche expensive ventures with a few fans becomes more affordable as larger quantities are now being distributed.

You same thing with tech like SSDs and hard drives actually falling price over time while capacities offered grows. Lot of PC parts actually with the exception of GPUs.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

The game industry did get that much larger, but that's on the backs of only a few (non-Capcom) games that sell to the type of person who only buys a couple of games per year at most. Hardly any company is selling as many copies as Call of Duty sells year after year.


That’s only true if you compare game sales to movie box office revenues, and music sales (which have shrunk considerably since they peaked in the 1990s). Once you account for home video sales, streaming, theme park revenues, and merchandise sales, the movie industry dwarfs the gaming industry. Once you account for artist tour and merchandise sales, the music industry dwarfs the gaming industry.


Now compare the inflation adjusted cost of a Model T to a Corolla.

Then compare the inflation adjusted cost of a Model T IBM series 1 PC to a Corolla modern PC.





Wages haven't keep up with inflation, you need to account for the loss of disposable income since then.


Not every country was playing the NES then. Games on the formats popular in Europe were much cheaper.


Yes, but the market has grown significantly and the cost of production and distribution is very low, lower than the age of cartridges. The development is the only cost.

Lots of industries have had relative price drops over that time. Mainly electronics. An mp3 player used to be $200 minimum.


I’d gladly agree to pay more in exchange for a legally binding agreement that higher prices mean video games free of predatory monetization and reasonable pay and job security for the people making the games. But we both know that they have no intention of doing the right thing, no matter how high the box price. They’re already raking in record profits while laying off huge chunks of their workforce and giving the c-suite ever-increasing annual bonuses.

They’ve perpetuated the lie that microtransactions were a necessity and the $60 price was unsustainable for such a long time that people actually believe it. Now they want to increase the box price while keeping the predatory monetization, having their cake and eating it too.


Prices definitely increased, over the last 20 years new AAA games price increased from 45-50 EUR to 70 EUR.

With inflation taken into account that would probably mean flat prices.

With the increase in the numbers of players, the spread of DLCs and micro transactions, I suspect revenue increased even with inflation taken into account.

Could it be the cost of creating game is rising faster than inflation? Or game studio just got more greedy?


What you said, but in video form youtu.be/VhWGQCzAtl8?si=Gj9AaniT3U46KlGF. And that came out 5 years ago. Even if we only kept up with inflation from when that video came out until now, videogames should cost $73


In America they have been. In the UK I’ve watched games raise from £10 on my Amstrad in the 80s to £70 on my Series X now.

lukas, (edited )
@lukas@lemmy.haigner.me avatar

When was the last time wages kept up with inflation? Games are entertainment. Money won’t be spent on entertainment when push comes to shove.

elscallr, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp
@elscallr@lemmy.world avatar

Godot seeing both Unity and Epic implode in the same month: “now’s the time”

Treczoks, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’

Well, if you think your game prices are too low, just raise them. The market will regulate this all on it's own.


He knows that. Which is why he’s talking about it and not actually doing it.

He’s basically just whining about it to us.


I’m worried that he’s actually speaking to other CEOs. “If you raise prices, so will we.”

@Skray@kbin.social avatar

They largely are. $70 is becoming the new price point for a new game.


Yeah, and aside from less expensive indies I’ve bought fewer new games than ever this year.


First of all, consider how many hours of use you usually get out of such a AAA title, and you will see that it's actually quite cheap entertainment. And second, there are good games (to waste countless hours on) that are way cheaper.


Hell, if you’re patient, various platforms give away good games for free all the time.

lukas, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’
@lukas@lemmy.haigner.me avatar

Breaking news: Company wants more money.

lukas, (edited ) do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’
@lukas@lemmy.haigner.me avatar

Fuck around and find out chart

They can always charge 999999999999999999999999,- € for games. Keep the following rules in mind:

  • Demand always exceeds supply to an absurd degree.
  • Price elasticity doesn’t exist.
  • The average willingness to pay for games is way above the 8,40 €, approaching infinity, contrary to the European displacement study on page 170 paragraph 4.
  • 100 % of game pirates will buy games if they can’t pirate games, therefore DRM good.

Fuck around find out basic economic rules.

soulfirethewolf, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp

It’s funny really. They probably could continued growth had Tim Sweeney just swallowed his pride and accepted the 30% commission rate. Instead, the game has a nearly non-existent prominence on mobile because of it.

SVcross, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp
@SVcross@lemmy.world avatar

That’s some… That’s some… Epic layoff.

HawlSera, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’

I didn’t know Capcom CEO was trying out to be a comedian

BlackCoffee, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’

I literally sold the consoles I had and all my games with it because games became shittier each year.

Imagine having to pay 80+ dollars/euros for a game that isnt even the “finished” product.

I’d rather just save my money and spend it on things where I don’t get absolutely railed as a consumer.

RickRussell_CA, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’

Capcom has absolute authority to price its games however they see fit.

If they make choices that put them out of business, that’s on them.

qyron, do gaming w Capcom President Says ‘Game Prices Are Too Low’

You want to bet this kind of iluminated wisdom is what is going to push small independent studios and indie authors to the front line?

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