thecrowpit24, do games w Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?

Because they fucking can.

DoucheBagMcSwag, do gaming w Dev cancels Switch port of Wipeout-style racer blaming controversial Unity fees

Save it for new switch

shadowbert, do gaming w Star Wars: Jedi 3 is on the way, according to Cal Kestis actor Cameron Monaghan avatar

Did anyone else feel as... disengaged with the second one as I did? Something about it just didn't grab me like the first one...

It's not even a technical thing, like many have complained about. I never had those sorts of issues on my computer (once I turned off the steam desktop controller thing). It just didn't keep my attention.

InEnduringGrowStrong, do games w Diablo's Lilith and supervillain Skeletor will be playable in Call of Duty avatar

They forgot to milk Crash Bandicoot and Tony Hawk here.
What a boring soulless corporate grab.

goldgate, do games w Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth brings the party to Hawaii

Not a fan of turn based combat in the Yakuza series. I guess I would just watch gameplay for the story. Wish an option to change combat style be implemented.

derin, do games w Monster Hunter Now surpasses 5m downloads in its first week (Niantic) avatar

As a massive MH fan since 4U, I do want to play this game… It’s just that I don’t want to do Niantic any favors.

Damn it… Just announce the next main line game already my bones need some proper new monsta huntin.

ganoo_slash_linux, do games w Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy releases in January avatar

Takumi Shu… will you write another game? I’m begging. Ace Attorney 7. DGS3. Ghost Trick 2. New IP? Anything, I want it so bad.

I am partial to Apollo Justice, the first one on DS. I personally loved the storytelling and this ominous aura of mystery that begins in Case 1 and looms over the entire game. Also Trucy. It was also the first time I remember that I, as a kid, was challenged to think about why we believe certain things to be true. And it has a great soundtrack and art / character designs which on their own are enough for me to love a game to death.

WarmSoda, (edited ) do games w Octopath Traveler 2 headed to Xbox next year

Is it better than the first one? I struggle to play it for too long. The break mechanic is just too much for every single battle. And the stories are super basic boring fairytales without the weird parts of fairytales.

Except for the dancer, when one of her friends randomly yells out of nowhere “Yes, I became A WHORE!” lol

ganoo_slash_linux, avatar

I don’t know how far you got into the first one but they are pretty similar games in my opinion. Everything that was good in Octopath 1, got better in Octopath 2. So: music and sound design, still amazing. Art, it’s the same HD-2D style that’s popular nowadays and Square is good at it. Character storylines are still mostly separate and not extremely complicated. The endgame scenario of Octopath 2 is more fleshed out than the hidden/True Last Boss of Octopath 1. I had a lot of fun in the endgame but in my opinion it was still too short.

The battle system is even more broken than Octopath 1 and largely revolves around setting up a team that can generate lots of BP, stack all your buffs onto a single character and maybe a debuff on the boss, then break it and deal 10k or 100k damage in a single round with your strongest attack. I think with certain setups it would be possible to deal 2 million damage in a single break. No boss has that much HP, though.

You still get powerful by exploring the map for gear and stealing/path-actioning good items from the end game cities. Grinding isn’t really necessary to beat the game but there are multiple setups that can turn trash encounters into 1-button wins.

The sub-job system is more flexible in Octopath 2. In addition to Break, characters have unique Latent Power “limit break” skills. There are so many ways to build a team that works well and part of the fun is figuring out what skills you can spec onto your characters and combine in order to win the game. That was also the case in Octopath 1.


Thank you. Yeah I’m playing FF9 right now and the battle system is just so much better it’s ridiculous.
Some day I’ll finish Octopath 1, it sounds like I’ll be even more bored with 2 so I’ll skip that one.

bfg9k, do games w Need for Speed developer Criterion to focus on Battlefield avatar

The fuck happened to DICE?


We’ve been asking that since Battlefield 3

conciselyverbose, do games w Bluey's getting a four-player video game adaptation in November

I mean, what price point are we talking? I'd spend $20 to let my niece mess with it a couple times, but if it approaches a full priced game it's not happening.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

Disc release, so I’m guessing $50.

quams69, do games w Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis turns Square Enix's best into an avalanche of money-grabbing tactics

I saw “for android and osx” in the first few seconds of the trailer and closed out

SickDisturbence, do games w Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis turns Square Enix's best into an avalanche of money-grabbing tactics

Yeah I tried playing it this weekend. The very beginning was amazing and nostalgic, but as soon as I finished the opening mission I was bombarded with all the deals and packs and unlocks… I went from excited to feeling sick to my stomach over the amount of bait I had to dismiss before I even saw the main mobile landing page for the first time. I haven’t opened it since.

hydroel, do games w Leaked Bethesda roadmap reveals unannounced releases including Dishonored 3

Isn’t Dishonored 3 Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, or is it more of a spin-off the second? Disclaimer: I’ve only played the first and part of the second, haven’t finished it nor played DotO yet.


DotO is basically a huge DLC for Dishonored 2 and not a main game. It’s still great though and has some fantastic lore. It also released in 2017, so a bit early for a spot on this list.

Manzas, do games w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

Wtf is that?

Toribor, (edited ) do games w Marvel's Avengers receives hulking discount ahead of delisting avatar

Is it worth it at $4 if I just want Marvel beat em up like Ultimate Alliance that looks better than UA3 on the Switch?

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