I remember reading the specs and realising I would have to put a hard drive into my PS3 Super Slim to play it. This model comes with 12 GB of flash storage and GTA5 might fit if you have nothing else installed. I can’t say for sure, I never tried it.
As a fan of Ms. Marvel, I enjoyed the main campaign well enough, but all the MMO stuff is obnoxious. Luckily you can mostly ignore it and go through the campaign missions single-player. I uninstalled it after getting to the end of the story.
Maybe it makes me a boomer, but I could not get into the remake as much as the original. I hated the real time combat. It made me feel like I could only control one character’s actions well, which made me way more detached from the rest of the characters in my party.
Real time combat just doesn’t make sense! You’re controlling a party of characters. You can’t possibly juggle the attacks and abilities of 3 characters in real time. So it forces you to pick one character to focus on, while ignoring the others. Which is just lame. The last FF I played was 8, so I can talk to how they’ve done it with others more recently.
I wonder how the new cyberware limits and cyberpsychosis system will affect my V if I update. I’m pretty much fully kitted out at max level and street cred and carrying almost all legendary gear where applicable.
Will I just spawn in and immediately get like… over encumbered with cyberware? Will I have to restart the game or respec V with less stuff?
I’m gonna be mad if I have to give up my Kerenzikov/camouflage/gorilla fists/hacking multi-class. There’s nothing quite like invisibly slo mo punching out an entire crippled with contagion gang while their leader crow bar’s them to death because I gave him psychosis.
I’d probably trade in the melee if I had to, but I really like having the kerenzikov since you cant equip a hacking module and a sandevistan at the same time.
I was one of the linux players who was banned. It took them about 8 days for them to unban me in-game, and then it took another week for my EA ban history to change from “active” to “overturned,” with an email from EA. No apology, no sort of in-game compensation, just basically a “be thankful you can play again.”
~25% of the linux players are still banned. Some definitely cheated, some I would be shocked if they cheated, just considering the amount of hours and money they had put into their account, along with how enthusiastic they were about getting themselves (and others) unbanned. So shocked that I’m almost certain they’re false positives. Which makes me hesitant to keep playing - what if that happens to me? If they treat their Steam Deck and linux users this way, is that a game I really want to support?
Well Respawn explicitly enabling Easy Anti-Cheat’s Proton support (plus the game being Steam Deck Verified) is about as official as we’re gonna get for the vast majority of multiplayer games. I think it’s more of an issue around EA firing 99% of their QA testers…
Well the thing with those "enabled EAC on Linux to see where it gets us" is it's non-binding and non-commital. And it's made explicitely that way so that support cannot be demanded from Linux users unlike Windows users who are explicitely mentioned in the systems supported by the game.
We legally don't have any ground to be supported the same as Windows users.
To re-iterate, Ubisoft has done nothing to curb the sexual harassment issues that were reported ages ago and, frankly, simply not requiring return to office would’ve solved that problem along with a boost to employee happiness and workplace attractiveness.
I find it quite interesting that Ubisoft Montreal chose the same day as my employer to enforce 2 days in the office every week.
I’ll accept that there is a 1 in 356.25 chance that any employer will pick a specific day to enforce a return to office, but it does seem interesting that there would be 2 employers in different countries picking the same day. Is there something special about that day that makes it a special day to change where and how people work? (I know that there were events on 2001 that took place on this day, but that doesn’t seem too likely a reason to pick that particular day to enact this change)
It's a monday. So that's already more like 1 in 52. There's been like 5-20 news worthy "return to work" announcements in the past year, I'm guessing half othem have mandatory 2 days, the other half have mandatory 3 days.
Multiply that by the number of things that happen in your life where a coincidence of this level could happen and you should be seeing this kind of coincidence a many times each year.
These idiots are totally destroying work life balance but honestly, they do not care about our welfare or mental health. We are just human machines that they think they own.
What is completely laughable is how they have become advocates of the environment and reducing carbon. Yah, my unnecessary shitty commute is really not contributing! They turn a blind eye to that yo.
We recently went from 2 days to 3 days, and I chalked it up to our new CEO (old one replaced for unrelated reasons). Granted, many departments were full remote, in violation of company policy.
I’m hopeful that we can get back down to 2 days in office. However, if the industry goes for 3 days as standard, the might not be realistic.
I am truly fortunate to work for a game industry studio, also Montreal, that has not seen fit to do this. A good thing, as I was hired on fully remote from halfway across the country 😆
Even if I were local, working remote has been transformative for me to the point that it is a criteria in my job seeking. I won’t, can’t take a role without it.
If done right, with the right trust and understanding, remote work increases productivity for most butt-in-chair jobs.
This again is why modern gamers are just fucking impossible to please. Bethesda gives you BOTH options. If you need to get to a planet from one solar system to another, you CAN just press a button and be on that other planet, or in its orbit if you haven’t been on it yet.
But that’s just it, you CAN instead pull up your starmap once that mission is active, see the star you’re at, and all the little dots youll follow to get where you’re going. You can then jump to each dot on the way, look around, scan planets, get hailed by ships, visit places your scans found, etc on your way to your mission. Doing this, you’ll often get sidetracked with another mission, the choice is yours. They dumbed down interstellar travel as hard as they could without it no longer resembling what interstellar travel would be like.
I’m of the opinion thats what Bethesda wants you to do, and the fast travel is just for people who want to level/“beat” the game quickly as its own end instead of taking it all in, possibly and understandably due to player time constraints.
Fast travel is a convenience feature. People would be bitching if it wasn’t in there. Sometimes you just want to zip back to Whiterun Diamond City New Atlantis to sell some crap.
I think (for me atleast) the larger issue is the fact that I have to engage a cut-scene to land on a planet. I don’t have an issue with a loading screen in order to get into the system, or even just outside of the planets atmosphere, but it’s kinda weak that I also have a loading screen when landing.
It’s not really “both” from a space simulator perspective. There’s no option to fly down to a planet and skim the surface, there’s no option to fly from planet to planet without a loading screen (or even just to a moon), etc.
Starfield is a good RPG set in space and I’m enjoying it, but I think it’s fair to criticize that it was marketed like it was going to be a space sim by Bethesda and that’s not really what we got. If you were excited about the simulator part you are going to be disappointed.
I really have no idea where anyone got the idea it was a space sim from. They showed a good bit of gameplay that made it very clear that it was a traditional Bethesda game, with much more modern mechanics, set in space.
The issue would be believing anything not explicitly said or shown in a pre release showcase. You don't expect anything not extremely, extremely obvious or you just let yourself down and then blame the studio for underdelivering.
A bunch of that is of course the fault of marketing itself, but this goes for almost anything marketed ever, beyond video games.
I got a slightly better (though slightly harder to run on steam deck) version of what I expected after watching the direct. It's exactly what I wanted it to be.
It's just silly how people turn unsubstantiated wild speculation into some kind of unmet feature set.
I mean, there are parts of the game's major criticisms that are understandable and do impact the game experience in a way. The worst one for me is the lack of a local map. I've gotten lost in cities or complexly laid out buildings a number of times already, which is, suffice to say, not enjoyable and nigh on unforgivably clumsy to experience repeatedly.
I'll forgive, or even enjoy, say, Dark Souls for the same thing because it's not as complicatedly laid out and the world is smaller and much more visually distinct in its areas to make it up on the back end, along with the entire design ethos being very hands off in terms of delivering info to the player, which sets a standard compared to Starfield's polished to a sheen experience, which suddenly becomes less so in other spots, creating a negative contrast.
Others, like the lack of seamless planet to space transitions were never advertised, and though having them certainly increases immersion, visual spectacle, and thus perceived enjoyment and value of a game, is not really important in the grand scheme unless you wrongly expected it. I don't have enough time to worry about a planet transition, I'm thinking about what I'm gonna do there and what I'm gonna do next within the gameplay itself. With this sort of criticism, the game would be undoubtedly better with such a feature if it wouldn't have delayed development too significantly to implement, which no one can really say for sure.
Then there are criticisms like the fact that planets are limited in scale and you can't fly your ship close to the ground on the surface, which is just wildly beyond the scope of what Bethesda would be able to deliver and still say it's the same game. That would've been so complex it would've sacrificed other features undoubtedly, and shows more about a given player's desire for "Starfield 2: We Added all That Space Sim Stuff People Wanted that we couldn't before because we'd end up like Star Citizen" than it really does about Starfield's successes or failures in the features it explicitly attempted to deliver.
Back to the reviewers primary issue that in a traditional Bethesda game you experience the journey of going from one place to another, at least for the first time. Starfield has none of that. You never experience the journey of traveling to a new location, you just teleport. So effectively you are constantly disoriented, with no Tru sense of scale or journey.
It’s not a space sim and was never intended to be one. They made it clear almost a year ago that it didn’t have stuff like surface flying or atmo to space transitions. If you were still thinking it had this stuff at launch your weren’t paying attention.
The actual act of doing it gets old, but I do like the fact that you can't fast travel out of a situation in ED, it means if you go on a deep space expedition to make discovery money you are gonna be in DEEP SPACE, and you better be fucking prepared with a ship spec'd specifically for it because you do not want to turn around and give up because you couldn't fuel scoop or make a jump.
You definitely get a feeling of being a very small person in the galaxy with lots of things going on far away that you'll never see, and having limited fuel and constant frameshift jumps allows for more mechanics and complexity like fuel scooping or being interdicted.
Starfield lets you go wherever at a moment's notice which makes the galaxy feel very small comparatively and lacks stakes for exploration and jump range (along with the infinite fuel), reducing the need to have specialized ships. It also allows you to miss out on some random events that only happen when a ship in orbit with you hails you on comms. You miss those experiences if you fast travel past them all, which is echoed in other Bethesda titles with their own random encounters during travel that can be missed due to fast travel.
That being said, it's a Bethesda fantasy version of space, you want to do fun space opera things and having hardcore travel might clash with that, I can understand why it wasn't implemented that way. For example, no one mentions this, but I fucking LOVE bethesda's save system of saving the exact state of everything in the universe in that exact moment. Im a filthy save scummer and I love it. I like being able to save scum difficult space battles, and I don't think you can do that in most other hardcore space games, but I'm so grateful that I can here.
Maybe it’s because I’ve only just made it to Mars, but I didn’t know there was any other way to travel except for clicking and fast traveling. Click load click load click load planet. The tutorial tells you to do just that… is there something later on that says differently?
Hard disagree. For no other reason that it’s impossibly difficult to find/sort missions by proximity. You got one blue blip on the map or hud, maybe a white blip if it’s not active, but no options to make it active or to even find the mission in your mission list.
Not to mention, all travel is menu based. In space when you target a planet as your next destination, all it does is bring up the menu to fast travel to a location on that planet instead of… giving you the option to fly there yourself at warp speed.
Sure, you could do it one planet at a time instead of skipping systems… but it’s all the same experience You never truly experience the part of exploration involved in experiencing the space between origin and destination. So it might as well all just be exploration by menu, even if you pretend you aren’t.
I can agree that you absolutely can navigate without fast travel, but the whole design seems to be guiding you towards just fast traveling. From the menus always offering a “show on map” option, which then pulls up the prominent “land” prompt, to the fact that even fast traveling you’re apt to hit 4 loading screens completely killing any sense of continuity, and that only gets worse if you try to actually navigate.
It feels like a big series of set pieces broken up by a ton of liminal either loading screens or menus, depending on your preference of poison. I’ve never felt like I was discovering cool things, just going to the next set piece.
I don’t think fast travel is the problem. The problem is that there is an actual “exploration” part of the game, where you wander around planets scanning things and looking for points of interest, but it is by far the most boring part and I have not had much fun when interacting with it. There is nothing exciting to find, and it primarily rewards materials that I mostly haven’t had a lot of use for, because when I need something specific for research or crafting I can buy it at the store, because materials are nearly worthless in terms of credits.
The mini-dungeons and other points of interest you can find need to be way cooler for the wandering-around-on-planets to be worthwhile, and the actual exploration gameplay needs something more than walking across plains and hills in order to be interesting.
The best parts of the game are when you pretend it’s Fallout In Space and hang out in cities doing quests for randoms.
I mostly agree and have been defending it from haters recently myself. But there is one thing in the way of “You can then jump to each dot on the way, look around, scan planets, get hailed by ships, visit places your scans found, etc on your way to your mission… I’m of the opinion thats what Bethesda wants you to do.”
Starfield is a “looter shooter RPG” like other Bethesda games. And like other Bethesda games, your time off-leash is limited by your inventory size, with valuable items dropping that take up to 10% of that or more a piece. Awkwardly, ship storage is just not that incredible, until/unless you either go all-in on outposts or all-in on megaships. Which means you do end up having to stop and go to a city often, probably the one with your next mission goal.
It’s not a huge gripe, but I think Bethesda has always used inventory to drive people back to populated centers to pick up quests.
Basically your choices with travel are “how many load screens do I want to see between here and my destination.” And that’s not really what anyone wants. It is not the same as being able to walk from Solitude to Dawnguard. Not even remotely close. You can’t even walk from settlement to settlement on a planet because they only ever have the one settlement.
I haven’t played The Sims since the first installment. But having heard the nightmare stories… sure, the game might be free… but everything, 99% of the game content, will be locked behind a paywall.
You want wallpaper? $2 for colors, $5 for designs, $10 for this holiday pack.
That doesn’t match with what I know; they make lots of individual expansion bundles, each with a fair amount of content.
The metric of “How to buy EVERY scrap of content for the game” is generally disingenuous, since most of its expansions are best enjoyed on their own, and you’d likely get tired of them after a few unless you really enjoy The Sims.