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I’d be interested in an outlet that has reviewers actually finish the game before writing their review. I get the perceived need to release a review as early as possible, but personally I’m willing to wait if it means a more accurate, thorough review (I’m more of a “patient gamer” these days anyway).
Inviting guest reviewers could also be a good idea I think. Always good to get different perspectives and voices.
As for mediums, I prefer video for reviews as it allows for demonstrations of different aspects of the game. This is especially helpful when talking about a game’s performance and artistic direction.
I just tried 2003 on emulator and I really tried to like it. You’re right, it’s really funny. But oh my god these controls are ATROCIOUS! I get it was 2003 and gamecube controllers were already wacky, but I really wanna punch the guy in the face who decided that to throw an out to a base you need to press TWO BUTTONS AT THE SAME TIME.
Sadly no I don’t think monitors support that. Or at least mine doesn’t. The audio menu on the Xbox UI is inaccessible. Unless I have an actual headset plugged in.
Even tried hooking my controller to speaker but that didn’t seem to work.