Ace Attorney Investigations Collection in my Nintendo Switch.
I was hesitant about playing it as a collection/remake as I already have the game loaded in my DS with the fan translation (at least I skipped the complaints about the change of the character names 😆), and I have played all the prior Ace Attorney games in DS/3DS and I am much more a handheld user than a console user, but I have been liking the improvements that the remake has, and playing it in the big TV has been pretty comfortable for me with this title, perhaps the bigger screen for text is the best reason.
After enjoying Ys I and II, I played Origin, which was hugely disappointing. It just felt so unsatisfying to play, and the single dungeon was boring af. I pushed through hoping at least the story would get interesting, but after almost finishing it again with the second character it never did, so I gave up and dropped it. I’m not sure if I want to try the other games in the series, seeing as this is considered one of, if not the, best.
Literally just started playing Tales of Vesperia (~30 minutes). First impressions are that it looks really nice, the combat feels better than the other Tales I tried (Arise and Berseria) and I’m linking the setting and character designs.
I’m so tired of this shit. I don’t care if people can’t handle their shit. Their problem, not mine. If I want to gamble I can gamble. I don’t care if some shitty parent is letting their kids gamble. Nanny state bullshit.
Gambling is heavily regulated in most countries, often including requiring the odds of winning being clearly listed and regulating the profit margin that The House can take (usually limited to less than 10%)
Many casinos and developers of addictive games will hire psychologists and other experts on human condition to help them find ways to make the game more addictive and make it easier to seperate players from their money. These “dark patterns” both make gaming worse and make it more dangerous for anyone unfortunate enough to develop an addiction.
In short, I welcome regulation on the worst aspects of the game industry to keep the worst aspects from become too financially successful to not implement (see the $60 AA and AAA games that launched with lootboxes and predatory micro-transactions like this one about 10 years ago before some countries announced they were investigating regulating such practices)
If you think preventing predatory practices through legislation is a “nanny state” then I think you fail to understand the purpose of a government in a society with profit-driven companies
Do you think seatbelts should be banned because you’re a careful driver? Do you think use-by dates should be removed because you’ve never got sick? Do you think stupid people should suffer because you’re more clever than them? Are you an empathy-lacking sociopath?
I do empathize but your mental health isn’t my responsibility. If you don’t wear a seatbelt I didn’t give a fuck. But let’s take your strawman a bit further, video games have been shown to cause agressiness and anti social behavior. Do you support banning them all? What is, in your opinion, where the state should step in to protect people from themselves.
I've kind of been needing a "gaming reset" since lately I've just been dabbling here and there without really committing to anything, so I decided to check in on my current save in Sims 3. I forgot how addicting this game can be lol. I'll probably play this for a few days and then finish my second playthrough of Lies of P that's been sitting for weeks now.
Finished Pseudoregalia yesterday. Really a special platformer with iconic goat-bunny-cat lady mc, a lot of gradually unlocked trick moves, parkour puzzles, and zero hand-holding in freely traversable non-linear interconnected game world. It’s only like 10h of gameplay in average, but it’s perfect size for its format really. Not too small to feel really small and not too big for wandering around to become annoying.
No ja jak widzę jakieś prorosyjskie gówno (np. Na memes) to po prostu myślę sobie że to boty i trolle wrzuciły i po prostu nie przyjmuję tego do siebie. W sensie wiesz, jak jakaś rzecz przekracza granicę absurdu to ją ignorujesz, albo jak nie dajesz rady to można walnąć bloka. Taka wada wolnych mediów, raj dla propagandy i szerzenia gówna.
Wszystko. Bardziej jawne to pro-ZSRR, ale konto postuje też sporo artykułów typu “Rosja rozgramia Ukrainę” czy “Rosja grozi atomówką”. Dużo też postów prochińskich