netchami, do piracy w What are good mullvadvpn alternatives with port forwarding


SaltySalamander, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review avatar

No one cares.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

“hey guys im being contrarian, who else is doing that?”

Skyline969, avatar

“Hopefully nobody, I need to be special by yucking everyone’s yums so I don’t need to focus on being a crap person.”

Mechaguana, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review avatar

Personally from the screenshots and the vids I didn’t feel like the game would be for me. Is there actual story? Are there fun characters to hang with?

Bethesda games have quite a recognizable formula, and this seems like their blandest implementation.

But hey, i am basing this on the other games and a handful of material. Ill probably crack it and wait for it to lower in price big time.


Yeah, the story/stories and characters are the actual meat of the game. It’s not a space sim like Star Citizen or NMS, it’s an RPG first and foremost, really.

Also, so far (~20 hours in) it’s way less bland than Fallout 4. It’s a way more of an RPG (I talked my way out of confrontations multiple times, sometimes even using my background and traits, when relevant). Sure, if you just keep landing on planets and going to the auto generated structures and scanning wildlife, it’s probably gonna be quite bland. But there’s way more actual content, way more actual quests that aren’t just clearing out bandits/raiders. The space sim-y stuff, that’s just there to sell the fantasy. Yes, you can be a bounty hunter or space trucker or whatever, but that content is of course going to be way more autogenerated, bland stuff. I’d recommend doing that stuff on the side, when you want a break from story heavy quests.

But even clearing out raiders is often waymore fun in Starfield, especially when it’s in space. For example, I came across an abandoned zero-gravity casino space station that spacers (one of this games version of raiders and bandits) were in, while I was on my way to the space cowboy city, and that was a very fun fight.

Another time, I was heading back to New Atlantis when I noticed a symbol for a ship in the same system. When I went to investigate, I first got into a dogfight with another ship, disabled their engine and borded them, then I noticed there was some kind of heavy freighter they were raiding, so I docked with that. On that ship, the engines were funky and as they were turning on and off the gravity was going, too, so I was fighting my way through a ship where the gravity was constantly fluctuating, which then also factored into small environmental puzzles, like waiting for the gravity to turn off to go up an elevator shaft. Eventually got to into the vault the space pirates were trying to get into, and although I couldn’t get all of it because I didn’t have a high enough lockpicking skill (the new lockpicking minigame is also kinda fun, ngl), but I did pick up some contraband. When I then finally actually went to New Atlantis, the contraband was caught by the scanners, I was arrested and then forcibly conscripted to go undercover into the Crimson Fleet (the space pirates), although I could’ve killed my way off the ship they brought me to if I wanted. Then the contact to get into the Crimson Fleet was actually the same person that gave the orders to attack that freighter I found! (There was an audiolog, because of course.) Sorry for going off on a tangent, I just felt like it would illustrate my point better than just saying “it good”

I also probably have like 5 other quests in my quest log to go join some faction, some big factions, some small factions. And that’s without even going to the cyberpunk city.

And so far I haven’t had to follow a dog for 20 minutes in search of a chainsmoker, so that’s already better than Fallout 4.

sexy_peach, avatar

okay that does sound cool


Please don’t apologize for the tangent. It’s giving me high hopes that I’m going to like the game despite the flaws and (probably mostly legit) criticism of reviewers.


If you need a little more hope, I keep stumbling into cool and unique handcrafted locations and encounters all over the place, just doing side stuff, like, I just delivered two passengers and in doing so found two unique locations in the target star system. I originally feared it was mostly the three major cities getting the handcrafted stuff, but nope, there’s a ton of it out there.

Yes, there’s a lot of loading screens, but, honestly, I hardly even realize they’re there because they are legitimately just like 2 seconds on PC.


Thanks, that’s pretty cool! I did fear that a lot of Bethesda’s traditional environmental storytelling would be gone.

Mechaguana, avatar

That seemed like a great playsession. You definitly managed to upsell this game to me!


Honestly, I just keep kinda having that sort of look. Like, recently I was in need of Titanium, but all of the planets I found that had some were extreme environments I am not equipped for, so I couldn’t collect much. But I did stumble onto an an abandoned ship that just happened to be loaded with the stuff! Now, the crew on that ship also all died of a mysterious illness shortly after picking up the ore, but, hey, I need to mod my weapons.

I also may have genocided some dinosaurs for another resource I had a hard time getting.

Albbi, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Subnautica, because lots of people said it was a great game and there were things that could be spoiled, so that indicated a neat story. The beginning was freaking awesome! But I hate crafting survival games, so I didn’t play for very long.


The grind and particularly the inventory management make me never want to play Subnautica games again despite loving the first one. I hope they sort this out for the next game in this style if they do it again. The base needs to have a shared inventory that it pulls from when crafting, and preferably stacks of items are shown instead of individual items.

That said, I don’t know if they’ll do another survival game again. They made Natural Selection before it (which is awesome and still has a community) and have made Moonbreaker now. They tend to jump around to a ton of different styles of games.

EsteeBestee, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Surprisingly, Baldur’s Gate 3. I absolutely love D&D, but I tried playing through the Pathfinder video games, Pillars of Eternity, Divinity: Original Sin 2, and nothing stuck with me. I just wasn’t a fan of the CRPG genre, despite me playing in-person tabletop RPGs multiple times a week.

I bought BG3 thinking I probably wouldn’t get hooked, but I didn’t want to miss out when literally every one of my friends is playing it. Well, I am absolutely hooked and have 40 hours in the game and will likely do multiple playthroughs, and I kind of “get” the genre now. I know PoE, PF, or DOS2 may not be as good, but I feel a lot more confident at the prospect of playing them now.

So in this case, FOMO helped me a great deal.

ealecc, avatar

I’m in the same boat, I’ve been playing Death Stranding and a few other indie games once every weekend or two… or three. Now every one of my friends and coworkers are talking about hundreds of hours in BG3, I’ve bought and downloaded it last night to catch up.

The genre itself appeals to me, but the amount of time and concentration it takes me to get into a game nowadays, maybe this gets a kick start.

storksforlegs, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review avatar

People are getting pretty spicy with the responses. OP was just underwhelmed by a game getting a lot of hype. Like lots of people are going to like it, but not everyone. I think theyre just trying to generate discussion, not say “everyone who likes starfield is an CHUMP!!” or something.

sexy_peach, avatar

haha thanks yeah I just shared my thoughts, but this is the internet after all ;)

agent_flounder, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO? avatar

Just getting back into gaming after eons. First up was Witcher 3… still working on it but damn glad I didn’t miss out on it. It’s been everything I had hoped for.

RDR2 is next. I started it. Not sure.

Stellaris was lauded on Reddit. Excellent game.

I have been wanting to play half life 2 since I first saw it but also never played the first. Am working thru that too. It’s been awesome.

X com UFO Defense is one I played but never finished. Tried to. Fuck that game lol

wizardbeard, avatar

Half Life 2 doesn’t truly need the first one. It adds some context and there’s some callbacks, but you can totally start with 2.

Avoiding spoilers as much as possible, in HL1 something goes wrong at a research facility. Main character fights his way through then gets “knocked out” at the end. HL2 picks up ~20 years later after an entirely new big bad took advantage of the events in HL1 and conquered the world. MC “wakes up” and is dropped right in on a train into an occupied city.

There’s decent plot connections, but you aren’t missing out on anything gameplay wise or largely plot impacting, as the game world has changed so drastically.

All that said, if you want to play HL1 and aren’t interested in it in terms of it as a tech marvel of the time it was created, you can just play Black Mesa. It’s a fan remake that got the greenlight from the original creators to be sold, and by most accounts is a better experience for modern gamers.

totallynotfbi, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review

It’s pretty decent if you liked Bethesda’s other AAA games. I was actually surprised that there was even some amount of spaceship piloting at all - I just assumed it would be 100% fast travel.

However, the game runs like dogshit - even on my decently mid-range system, it takes 15-30 seconds of loading between menus, and I swear I spent half the time I played waiting for the game to load. I assume that this is meant to take advantage of the Xbox and PS5’s faster memory and DirectStorage, but on PC it’s borderline unplayable

NoPro, avatar

Do you have it on an SSD?


not the guy, but I have mine on a Sata SSD and I don’t think my loading times are the same as his, so I’d expect either slow CPU or on a Hard Drive (going against the minimum requirements that the game should be played on a SSD)


That seems pretty crazy, I wonder what the variance is. I have a 5800x3D on a B550 with an M.2 NVMe and the longest loading screen in game I’ve had is hardly 3 seconds. The actual longest loading screen is just the startup with the Starfield menu at maybe 5 to 8.


Yeah my experience is the same, I rarely mind all the loading screens since most places load almost instantly. And if you grab jump and stuff from the cockpit it does cut scenes for the loading screen kinda like mass effect.

Montagge, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO? avatar

I grabbed Elden Ring on sale for $40 and I wish I hadn't


What’s wrong with it?

Montagge, avatar

It's not worth $40. It's basically a Bethesda game without the modding community to fix it.


Yikes. Thanks for the heads up.

Montagge, avatar

A lot of people liked it. I'll probably beat it because I bought it, but I'll throw it on the heap of other Fromsoft titles that I find to be lacking. I don't see myself wasting time on NG+ as the first playthrough has been less than satisfying.

Squirrel, avatar

For what it’s worth, most people would not agree with their assessment. To me, it’s open world Dark Souls, but better.


Yep. It’s Dark Souls 4 as far as I’m concerned


He’s utterly wrong.


I found ER to be pretty polished on ps5. When i bought it in pc to do the seamless coop with my friends i was shocked by the stuttering that i couldn’t get to stop. So I’d say it depends heavily on platform

nottheengineer, do piracy w VPS/VPN and Private Trackers (Questions)

If you live in a place where you can buy anonymous SIM cards and USB modems, that’s a safe way to make sure no IP information can be traced back to you.

It’s probably a bit overkill for this but if you’re not Edward Snowden, you can use that setup for a long time and don’t have to discard it.


Thanks for answering, I’m not trying to circumvent these sites rules, but to actually better understand em.

I get it that they are probably defending themselves from attackers, abusers, or who knows what else. I just fear that needing people’s real IP at time of registration (and even accumulating data that links this ip to the future use of the site) can become a big problem in the future, if something bad happens to them. I mean, they can even be forced to handle their users data, some sites have done that already, using it as “bail”/negotiation when pressured (Torrent Freak has some examples).

So I thought that since the problem could be some user causing harm to their sites, maybe having some other static ip address route (not a shared vpn address) could suffice. But I don’t know if that’s the case.

Thanks for your suggestion, are they ok with that or would it be considered cheating?

sculd, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Elden Ring

The glowing review and how people say its the best time to try a souls game made me buy it.

Not a game for me.

(Just in case people start saying I need to get good. It has nothing to do with the difficulty. I am thoroughly enjoying AC6 now.)


No worries! I’m a big fan of FROM and you are absolutely right, they just aren’t for everyone. I honestly wish more people would see that a game can be good but you don’t have to enjoy it. That’s me and a lot of strategy games like Crusader Kings.

JCPhoenix, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO? avatar

Fallout 3 was one. I had just transferred to a new college and was dorming. Several of the guys were playing FO3, so I decided to get it, even though I knew almost nothing about FO games. But I knew it’d be something to talk about with people. And it worked, even though I didn’t get that far into the game. Made friends; some that 15yrs later I still talk to on occasion. As far as the game itself, I haven’t played another FO since; just generally not my kinda game.

My gaming buddies now, who I’ve known them for several years, have the attention span of goldfish, so I’ve largely stopped FOMO games purchases. I can’t keep spending money on games they’ll play for a week or two, or less. Though if it appears there’s some longevity, then maybe I’ll jump in. Barotrauma and Project Zomboid are a couple where the FOMO eventually won out, but it did pay off. We’ve sunk hundreds of hours into each game over the last 2-3yrs.


Fallout 1 and 2 are 2D isometric turn based games, while 3 and later move to a first person perspective so you might enjoy the classics… Unless you just don’t enjoy the setting - in which case fair enough.

JCPhoenix, avatar

Really? I do enjoy turn-based games, so that’s good to know! It’s definitely the first-person perspective that I think I just don’t care for. The post-nuclear apocalypse setting I’m into. Looking at some pics, I’m kinda reminded of Shadowrun Returns, which I enjoyed. Is that an apt comparison?


Not a bad comparison but fallout 1-2 are decades ago so quite a jump in graphics and stuff. Huge classic fallout fan, and I enjoyed shadowrun so you might like it

Coelacanth, avatar

Fallout 1 & 2 are absolutely phenomenal classic games, but they are very old school (they’re 90’s releases, after all) so you have to be up for that. Not just graphically, but game design too. If you’re okay with that, they’re really worthwhile experiences, and I might even prefer Fallout 2 over unmodded New Vegas.

As is usually the case with games from this era, look for the unofficial patch and the Restoration Project, too.

uzay, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Among Us. But it was free and I only needed a couple of rounds to figure out I don’t enjoy it much

omalaul, do piracy w Sanity Check Setup

What about file encryption? How do you store your new files?

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

Full disk encryption? Or should I do something additional?

_TK, avatar

file or disk encryption is only for protecting against attackers with physical access to the machine your VM is running on. Getting files from your server to local storage you should still use a secure connection and encrypted traffic to prevent ISP snooping, but going extreme on file encryption isn’t necessary unless you’re downloading actual heinous shit (CSAM) in which case you should go to jail.

Appoxo, avatar

Why would you need file encryption?
Not like having a drive full of movies is illegal…Except if OP has CSAM stuff inside. Than it should be very encrypted in case of loosing (or not depending if OP wants jail time).


Except if OP has CSAM stuff inside. Than it should be very encrypted

then OP SHOULD go to jail.


That escalated quickly

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

Holy shit yeah lol. Obviously nothing like that! I was confused as well why anything other than the generic Linux full disk encryption would be needed.

This would be in a server closet, so not on drives that I would be transporting copyrighted media into other countries anyways.

Appoxo, avatar

Not like I don’t agree. Those vile people should.
But something like that or actually confidential stuff you don’t want others to see is a valid reason to encrypt it.


FDE is for physical attackers, it would have nothing to do with torrenting unless you’re really intending on pissing off every single criminal legal authority and not just worried about civil suits from copyright holders.

lukas, avatar

Nah. If you piss off the executive branch in your country, then they can more likely than not force you to hand over the decryption key. Plausible deniability doesn’t exist when an encrypted drive of likely illegal content chills there in your room.

boo_, do piracy w Is there a desktop app with similar UX to Cloudstream? avatar

I have not gotten cloudstream to work, so I don’t know it’s similar, but I’ve used popcorn time and my friends use it regularly and are happy with it.


Oh that’s one I haven’t heard in a while, maybe I’ll give it a shot too, thanks!

I have not gotten cloudstream to work

For the extensions you mean?
I successfully got them from cloudstream[dot]on[dot]fleek[dot]co/repos/ it seems like that website hasn’t been taken down yet and hopefully it won’t “ever”, since, as I understand, it relies to some extent on the IPFS, though I don’t know how that works exactly

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