EDIT: Jade Empire doesn't really fit, so I'll go with Observation instead. I'll still argue you're better off not knowing anything about KOTOR aside from being an RPG in the Star Wars universe.
Yeah, definitely. I've still managed to finish it some 20 times but going in blind the first time really contributed to me loving it so much.
I'd also argue you shouldn't look too much into the sequel. Not because of any "thing" in particular but because it's more fun to immerse yourself in the game and slowly begin to unveil all the major themes of its story.
Sorry to hear that. Sail the high seas with no worries. You can still contribute to digital preservation of games by seeding. But don’t worry if you can’t do that.
warframe used to be. but it’s near-impossible now to start & get through even the first major ‘holyshit’ moment without having it at least partially spoiled before hand.
TBF, Warframe was far from a free-to-play tier experience, at least back when I played it. The Second Dream is still my favorite story quest in any game I’ve ever played
Seconding this. It’s really an exception to the rule in every way. Pretty much an exception to every rule really for better or worse, the game barely tries to be liked or to even make itself comprehensible.
You have warframes, the tenno, flying wings that attach to your character in space and in the open worlds, capital ship combat, the necromechs, the hoverboards, fishing, rougelike world, pets, soon also the protoframes with their AK-47s, an insane story involving truly Kojima-esque named characters like The Man In The Wall and maybe gay love(?) and some character choices like the one with the hole for a face, bird, or brutalism.
You don’t even have to play it multiplayer either. You can solo just about everything.
The Halo 1 and KOTOR twists do hit pretty hard if you somehow haven’t been spoiled. KOTOR has one of my favorite reveal sequences ever with showing you how much foreshadowing you missed, and Halo’s twist turns the game on its head.
However, Reach’s tagline was, “From the beginning, you know the end,” so there was an expectation that everyone playing would know how it was going to pan out.
You can only stuff about those games without having the twist or whatever spoiled. What Halo twist was it? I’ve finished it a few times and don’t remember really. It was all about how open it was and the action, plus the multiplayer.
Another opportunity to shout out my 2024 GOTY, Dread Delusion! I have so much love to gush for it. I wouldn’t say it “blows the mind” per se, but it knows what it is and executes it soundly. Give it a shot if you enjoy the sonder-type experience from a well-crafted storyline
One of my all-time favorites. If you don’t like horror games, don’t let that stop you. It’s too important a story to pass up, and worse-case, you can turn off some of the scary elements of the game. It’s really a sci-fi masterpiece first, and a horror game second.
Maybe try something different? A strategy game perhaps?
Or you might actually need a dopamine detox in combination with practicing a more rewarding and sustainable hobby. Read a book or start a project if some sort.
It could also be that you’re experiencing a depression.
You’re getting bored from playing the same thing constantly and need to try new genres. Spend some time away from live service / AAA and the fun should return
Looks like all the games you’ve listed are games where you can spend hours just to grind to the next level, or are filled with mundane fetch quests to keep you busy. If you don’t want to take a break like someone else suggested, you could try to play a single player game with a definite ending. Even if it’s a short game that is only a couple of hours long, you might just need something that has a final cutscene/boss fight and then the credits roll.
Not really sure what games might interest you, but look into Turnip Boy Commits Tax Fraud for a short, 4-6 hour long fun adventure. Or TUNIC if you want something similar to a Dark Souls esque experience, without getting all sweaty and try-hard
Agreed, seems OP is getting tired of the live service grind. Subnautica (start with the first) and Hollow Knight are both excellent single player games to try out.