otp, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug

I’m skeptical whether it was really a bug or not, but I could definitely see how it could’ve been just a bug given the description in the OP. Could’ve also been a “happy accident” they were hoping nobody would complain about.


It’s best to not believe companies

Coelacanth, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug avatar
underisk, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug avatar

you don’t get entire functional UI elements accurately populated with appropriate data out of a “bug”. at best its a feature that was being tested internally and never would have made it past that, at worst its something that went live early.

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh whoops I accidentally built an entire ad portal and placed it onto the main page and oh no I accidentally passed it through multiple levels of code review QA and approval, then crap I deployed it to the test environment then prod


I can see how that’s a bug that it got released if the intended purpose was to do a POC and gauge the reaction from some internal testers.

But even then they were POC-ing that, which is terrible

underisk, avatar

Yeah it is possible he’s accurately, but misleadingly, calling it a bug because it was not meant to be deployed to production (yet). I do not think that’s how he wants or expects people to take it when he calls it a “bug”, though.

aciDC14, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug

Ah, yes, just a “bug”.

eighty, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug

I disagree with the implication that users should “settle down” when faced with user-unfriendly experiences.

User silence is often taken as permission to continue shitty practices that build up overtime. Bloated games that are unoptimized, online subscription to play online, not even fully owning the games, not able to use your own bluetooth headset etc.

This tweet just perpetuates how consumer-hostile nature of these companies. It attempts to play down a potential revenue stream at the expense of UX, subtle gaslight users into thinking this is part of the “over-reactionary culture” when this a perfectly valid criticism, and makes no attempt to be sympathetic about these implications.

Honestly, this has made me swore off a PS5 and future sony consoles. It’s no longer affordable, convenient, or simply. I do love my DS4 controller tho.

eezeebee, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change? avatar

It’s free to play, there’s a huge market for skins, and some gambling addiction to go with it. The perfect storm.


It’s also a very solid game. (the same can’t be said for every game on that list but it’s true for many of them)

CleoTheWizard, avatar

(A very solid game that openly allows cheating and does little to ensure fair competition)


You lack skill.exe

CleoTheWizard, avatar

I thought this was common knowledge about the game but I’ll explain.

Now maybe I do need to get better and become a pro player but I have about 5k hours in the game. Since about 2016 I’ve played at the LEM/SMFC level which is about 5-8% of the top MM players. My current elo still hovers around 18,000 even though I play very rarely now, I play a handful of matches every other month at most. I also used to do a lot of the old overwatch system that let you watch matches of potential cheaters, I got very good at spotting them.

That isn’t to brag, I’m far from the best, but I quit playing around 2020 for a reason. The cheater problem is insane and Valve has done little to curb it. I got so suspicious that at one point I downloaded a publicly available cheat, popped it on a usb stick, and ran with it. I tried to use it intentionally without ruining other peoples fun btw. Even after running quite a few matches with it, no bad happened. And many years later that account is still not banned.

I got especially jaded when I saw people obviously using aimbots or wall hacks and they now have thousands of dollars in skins on their accounts. Meaning they’re so unafraid of getting caught, they put money on the line. That’s insane.

I came back for the CS2 update hoping they had fixed the problem and they absolutely haven’t. Every single VAC ban wave, go look at the leaderboards. Approximately 80% of the accounts get removed from the top 1000 players. That sucks.

And you think “cool well at least VAC” is working. Except it isn’t. Because those accounts cost, at most, $15 and the waves happen with many months between. Sometimes in excess of 6-8 months per ban wave. So that entire time, cheaters can freely exist with cheats until the ban comes down. Also insane.

All they’ve accomplished now seems to be getting rid of the most egregious spinbots and aim hacks. Other than that, the rest are still in the game and so now I play entirely casually.

Sundial, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change?

All the games you listed like PUBG and GTA V are more like fads. Sure some lasted longer than others but their popularity dies down. Games like Counter Strike are considered to be more of classics. Especially to the older generation of gamers who grew up on them. These are games that are able to stand the test of time.


GTA V is a fad? That game is over a decade old dude


CS:GO is around the same age with much more players on average. GTA V’s player count tends to fluctuate based on what I’ve seen.

ampersandrew, avatar

GTA V is second only to Minecraft in copies sold across all of video games, and it still appears in the top 10 for copies sold on most months, 11 years after its initial release. It’s also available on other stores and consoles, so Steam is not a complete picture.


And pubg isn’t exactly the latest thing anymore either. It came out in 2017.


And it was based on an arma mod from 2012.


Ugh that game died to me the day they added bots. I am so sad, it was one of my favorite games. My first 1v99 win got my heart rate up above 170.

Kolanaki, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change?
!deleted6508 avatar

Because Fortnite isn’t on Steam. Super sure if it was, it would have usurped CS for the top spot.

Keep in mind that Counter-Strike has been a massively popular competitive shooter with tournaments and the biggest pro scene in the West for decades. It’s had years to cultivate its massive following. Most of the other games on the top 10 are babies by comparison to CS’s old man status.


Because Fortnite isn’t on Steam. Super sure if it was, it would have usurped CS for the top spot.

I actually do really enjoy Fortnite, but according to their in-game stats, it’s hit a lull. The other one is minecraft… idk what people do in that game though. Never tried it haha. just seeking something fun and it’s just the same games every single month…

!deleted6508 avatar

Minecraft is so moddable, most people playing Minecraft might actually just be playing another game built inside Minecraft lol

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Can confirm, BuildCraft was Satisfactory before Satisfactory

pixeltree, avatar

Buildcraft + IC2, my beloved


Minecraft is so moddable Damn I wish it was on steam. The workshop installing/uninstalling mods would be sooooo easy

!deleted6508 avatar

The front-end launchers that are most popular basically work that way. The Bedrock edition also somewhat works that way, it just has fewer impressive mods and they’re not free.

saltesc, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug

Oh, I thought he was going hard on the trolling, implying the bug was that the ads are broken when offline.

Kwakigra, do gaming w Looking for a Tales-like RPG without active combat

The Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy series are probably what you’re looking for. Golden age Square JRPGS, especially Xenogears, are also generally great Jrpgs.

troyunrau, avatar

I’ve played all the old school Square and Enix stuff. FF6 is my goat.

tal, do gaming w Looking for a Tales-like RPG without active combat avatar


I’ve been kind of out of the RPG loop for a while, probably not the best person to suggest, and haven’t played the series, but I’m thinking that if you could expand a bit on that, it might help provide suggestions…I mean, not clear to me what you’re looking for that’s specific to that relative to other RPGs. Similar setting? A long-running RPG series with many entries? The combat system (absent the real-time aspect)?

You mention “depth of story”, so maybe something with a similar level of storytelling?

troyunrau, avatar

Sure. Tales games tend to be high fantasy settings where each game is its own setting (much like Final Fantasy in that sense). They tend to have a lot of “war against heaven corrupted” kind of vibes. But largely there’s a lot of places to explore, NPCs to talk to, and a bunch of great little skits that trigger between your team. They tend to be lighter on graphics in exchange for length and depth of story. But it’s also somewhat linear, and carefully crafted and you can sort of lose yourself in finding the next story beat.

But they also typically have active combat systems where it’s about button mashing and combos. This is the part I don’t like :)


I second on the Trails suggestion in this thread. Only played the Sky, but these games probably fit your preferences. Long story, large party of characters, short entertaining skits just like in Tales + turn-based combat.

ampersandrew, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change? avatar

Those games are played by a demographic that only plays that game, or close enough. They’d consider themselves a Dota player before they consider themselves a video game player in general. These games aren’t played exclusively by that type of person, but a large part of their audience is the type of player who just plays that game. I’m having trouble digging it up, but the person who created Steamspy a number of years ago, before privacy laws made public profiles opt-in and interfered with its ability to collect data, found that the majority of Steam accounts only had a single game in their libraries.


That kinda explains the dissciation gamers and game makers (studio,publisher etc ) have with each other today. And the publishers continuus trying at live service games. I imagine similar thing is happening with consoles. I personaly knew it was a thing with FIFA but i never knew it was so widespread ( fifa and sports game are kinda special or at least i thought they were ). Maybe those pepole bought one game a year additionaly sometimes if it was aired often enough as ad on tv.

That actually explains so much shit we see today , like online subcsriptions on PlayStation and xbox. If the majority ( or large enough minority ) will play one game only making them pay for online is a goddam goldmine. F* i would probably do it if was ceo of PlayStation and actually knew the stats ( and Obviusly if they were favorable ).

ampersandrew, avatar

20 years ago, we paid for online because it was better than what you got for free on PC, PlayStation, and Nintendo. Now an online subscription is probably one of several reasons that people are moving to PC.


I’m having trouble digging it up, but the person who created Steamspy a number of years ago, before privacy laws made public profiles opt-in and interfered with its ability to collect data, found that the majority of Steam accounts only had a single game in their libraries.

A lot of those are going to be alts people made to evade game/server bans or smurf.

I may or may not have made 10 accounts that only had Garry’s Mod on them circa 2010.

ampersandrew, avatar

That may be true, but you can also see, for instance, that there are a ton of Chinese users who only play Dota 2 or only play PUBG. You’ll see the percentage of Simplified Chinese users ebb and flow with a similar cadence to just those two games.


I’d consider accounts with only a single game most likely to be bot or cheater accounts. I wonder what the percentage would be.

dinckelman, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug

I don’t understand how giant corporations repeatedly get away with treating their customers like they’re completely fucking stupid.

Some manager purposefully ordered the engineers to put the ads there. That’s how they ended up there


Cause consumers let them.

Why do consumers let them? It’s just step one of enshittification : first, be nice to your customers until they become dependent on you and you’re the only game in town…


Mostly it’s the lack of competition.

On one hand, regulators allowed big companies to become monopolies, so we don’t have a choice. Imagine if instagram and whatsapp were not part of facebook, how different social media would be? Or if bumble and hinge were competing with tinder, not just all being a part of

And on the other hand, we have examples like the console “war”, where Xbox messed up this generation so hard, that Sony now can do whatever they want.


I don’t buy it. PC and Nintendo are more than enough competition. Sony has always been this way and they always will be. Company culture doesn’t change, Nintendo will always be letigious, Microsoft will always seek acquisitions and Sony will always be arrogant.

Blackout, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change? avatar

I'm in my 40s and I've been playing counterstrike since I was in my 20s. I play other games briefly but anytime i'm bored I still hop on CS. It's a habit like checking your locks 3 times or taking your clothes off to poop

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Buddy… What?


They’re just referring to normal habits we all do like checking your oven for the family of mice you let live there before leaving for work or brushing your teeth one tooth at a time while watching the Flintstones in a language you don’t understand. We all do it.


You don’t have a poop knife?


That’s a reddit thing.

There are no poop knives in the fediverse


Poop dessert fork will have to do, then.


That’s disgusting. I only have a toe knife.


Yea like moving all the food on the top shelf of your fridge to the bottom and moving everything up shelf by shelf every morning or making sure you vacuum your walls properly. Standard stuff.


Gotta make sure everything is locked, helps with pooping.


I don’t know about every time, but I’ve had an intestinal blockage. Everything came off. I was sweating and crying for what felt like hours. Pooping was the best feeling I’ve ever had at that moment.

pixeltree, avatar

Been there, though I just took a couple hours in the shower with the enema wand set to “pressure wash”


While I don’t fully disrobe, the freedom of pulling one leg out of my pants is amazing. You can get a nice spread going for those times you need to bear down a bit.


It’s a habit like licking the bottom of your shoes when you get home.


The older I get, the less I want to learn new competitive games because I just don’t have time anymore. It’s just nice to go back to something familiar every now and then.

missingno, do gaming w Looking for a Tales-like RPG without active combat avatar

So, you're looking for something like Tales, but not at all like Tales?

The only Tales-like that comes to mind is Summon Night Swordcraft Story, it's a successor to the classic 2D Tales games, but I'm not actually sure if that's what you're looking for.

troyunrau, avatar

I’ve never heard of this, so it is perfect as a recommendation! Because now I have something to look into :)


Summon Night Swordcraft Story has active combat (that's what makes it Tales-like), so probably not what you're looking for here.

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