Supa, do nintendo w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09

Playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. It’s sad, though. I’ve noticed my urge to play the game slowly drop more and more once I realized how much of the map, weapons, and music is borrowed from BotW. Sometimes, it feels like I’m just playing BotW 2.0 instead of a proper sequel. Still, I keep making progress.

Replaying Paper Mario TTYD. I really love this RPG and the Paper Mario series as a whole. Really hope we get a proper RPG for the next game in the series, with partners, badges and all that stuff.

I’m also replaying Mirror’s Edge. One of my favorite games, thanks to the setting and soundtrack. It still looks beautiful, despite it coming out in 2008.

slimerancher, avatar

Thankfully I have very short memory, and I played BOTW on launch, so didn’t had any issue with that. Maybe you should take a break, and come back to it later?

Well, whatever new Paper Mario we get, it will be on Switch 2. Let’s see what they do that with it.

Mirror’s Edged is that parkour game, right? Where you are running around on rooftops?


I only played BotW back in 2021, so that’s why I remember so much haha. I guess a break wouldn’t hurt.

Yeah, Mirror’s Edge is that first person parkour game. If you haven’t played it yet, I definitely recommend giving it a shot. I love how the levels flow, and I find myself getting a lot better every time I run through the game.

slimerancher, avatar

I have always wanted to play Mirror’s Edge, but for some reason never got around to it. Will see if it I can find it somewhere cheap.

turkalino, avatar

it feels like I’m just playing BotW 2.0 instead of a proper sequel

Really? Sure, they carried over some assets and the shape of the overworld map is the same… but most of the stuff ON the map, the chasm map, the sky map, cave systems, new abilities, a crafting system that makes the durability mechanic suck less, new characters, new ways of earning korok seeds, the president hudson puzzles, the shrines are all different (and overall more difficult, thankfully) … there’s so much new, unique stuff in this game that it’s sometimes overwhelming to me, and I 100%ed BOTW twice. I think you’re over-fixating on the fact that the games have the same engine.


Yeah but some of that stuff doesn’t really do anything for me. The depths are alright, the sky map is too empty, with most of the islands looking nearly the exact same, the caves all have the same look. The abilities are cool, crafting is cool, new characters are nice. I hate everything about korok seeds, and the Hudson puzzles can easily be cheesed to the point that you can use the same solution for almost all of them.

turkalino, avatar

Ah, well then it sounds like a lot of the new stuff just doesn’t go along with your tastes/play style. Nothing wrong with that. Meanwhile, I can’t help but explore every square inch, so the Korok seeds are a nice bonus for that; and I’m an engineer so I like coming up with crazy alternative solutions to the Hudson puzzles and shrines

SandLight, (edited )

I agree. I played the heck out of it and really got my money’s worth, but much of that time spent playing I couldn’t help but feel it would have been better if

A) I hadn’t played BotW

B) I had skipped most of the side questing (except for the sky which was the best parts of the game imo) and just powered through the main story beats.

I felt like I had done all the sky content in my first 1/4 of the game except for the [Spoiler Area] which was a real shame.

garretble, do nintendo w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09 avatar

I’m about halfway through FF5 (Pixel Remaster).

Once this game is done, I’ll have finished all the main line games except for 11. I’m planning on just doin the main quest line until where ever that ends in the base game (I already have a level 20 something character from the trial). I’ve been playing 14 for ten years so I’ve already counted that one.

Just has been a personal goal of mine to complete all of them, and I’m finally close. It’s just funny it’s taken this long. I finished 4 back when it came out in the 90s as 2 here. I still have my ff2 and ff3 SNES carts in the other room here.

slimerancher, avatar

Wow, nice!

I have only played 7, 9, 12, 13 and 15. I reached around level 20-25 in FF 14, but that isn’t even halfway into base game, so not counting that. I dropped it because of the huge time sink it is.

As for older ones, while I don’t mind retro games, they feel a bit too retro. How would you say those older games are, if you don’t have any nostalgia for it?

garretble, (edited ) avatar

6 is my favorite of the entire series so I might be too partial to it, but I do really feel like 6 is the their first big step into a somewhat modern/more mature storytelling. 4 also has a good story, but it’s still kinda tied into this idea of the main characters dealing with crystals and whatnot, and that never really resonated with me that much.

6, on the other hand, has a narrative beyond that. You don’t worry about silly crystals at all, and instead of some vague evil plaguing the world because the crystals got broken or out of alignment or whatever, you have real threats from a nation that’s using magitek technology, then later on even worse threats (and the best main antagonist of the series). I also think 6 has the most interesting characters, and even though there are a lot, almost all of them have interesting back stories you can explore. And many of those stories are tragic. You may have heard about suplexing the ghost train, but the story around the ghost train is heartbreaking. This is the first of the series where I cared about all these characters because they are written well.

It’s just a game that feels whole. Things that happen feel correct for the setting they have set up. 6 and Chrono Trigger are the absolute apex of 2D RPGs before the world jumped to 3D. And another big plus is that these games still look gorgeous because the sprites never get old unlike the boxy, ugly humanoid figures of 7.

As for the others, 1-5. They are alright. 4 is the most important of that group. It’s got a good story, though it’s not my favorite. I think the Pixel Remaster versions are pretty nice because you can set the xp gains to 4x, cutting out a TON of grinding in the older ones. And you can turn off random battles if you just want to get through a dungeon. I’ve played 2, 3, and now 5 this way. I think it’s neat to see how the series has evolved, but if you aren’t too worried about playing them yourself you could surely get by by watching some video synopses online. That said, with the 4x bump, I got through 2 and 3 each in about 10 hours. So not bad at all.

slimerancher, avatar

4x bump sounds nice. And thanks for the info. I’ll add them to my wishlist.

Phelpssan, avatar

As for older ones, while I don’t mind retro games, they feel a bit too retro. How would you say those older games are, if you don’t have any nostalgia for it?

I’d say 5 and 6 are worth playing even without the nostalgia factor. The job system in 5 is really fun to play with and the plot is solid, and 6 is one of the classics everyone should play once.

As for the earlier games, they are surprisingly decent despite their age but I’d say they are best played as a history lesson to the genre.

slimerancher, avatar

Thanks for the feedback. Will check them out.

zhunk, do gaming w Starfield has made me obsessed with no man’s sky

Hmmm I might update NMS and do another playthrough. I haven’t played it in a few years now.

rgalex, do nintendo w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09 avatar

Finnished Call of Cthulhu the past week, finally finished Prey this one (I’ve abandoned it for about a year), and between all of this I’m playing Baldur’s Gate 3. Now I want to play again the System Shock remake, I’m far in the game and I think I can finish it without much time.

slimerancher, avatar

Nice list of games. How are you liking System Shock remake? I have played Bioshock, so wanted to try System Shock too, but never got around to it.

What class are you using in BG 3?

rgalex, avatar

I’m liking it a lot. I’ve never finished Bioshock, but I’ve played a few hours of it, so it may not be a fair comparison, but the environment feels bigger and more convoluted, everything is less linear. It’s more similar to Prey than Bioshock.

Also, the progression of the player is based on gadgets and weapons, there are no powers to level up by using points.

And with Baldur’s Gate I’m playing a thief which a master on almost every skill, but not the best in combat jajajaja.

slimerancher, avatar

Ah, that sounds fun. Will check out System Shock.

Oooh, a thief! Nice! You must have become pretty rich!

TwilightVulpine, do gaming w Starfield has made me obsessed with no man’s sky

No Man's Sky is definitely not a game for everyone, but it's impressive how close they have managed to get to their overblown initial promises.

comicallycluttered, (edited )

What’s wild is that it’s still the only crafting survival game I’ve ever even remotely enjoyed.

Admittedly it was a couple of years ago (and then earlier this year) when a lot of new stuff had been added, but still.

p74tx984js, do games w Game recommendation, looking for easier western 3D ARPG avatar

I recommend Dragon Age: Origins.

SCB, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

I definitely recommend Control, since a lot of games you like have big epic set pieces as well as an engaging story. That game is insanely rewarding if you’re willing to put the time and effort into looking for “collectibles” and piecing the game together. Very cool atmosphere and fun to play as well. You really get out of this one what you put into it.

Bioshock Infinite got shit on by both racists and leftists who completely missed the point of the game, but the ending is the best of the Bioshock series IMO and stuck with me longer than most anything else I’ve played. Lots of big cinematic moments, too.

Guardians of the Galaxy is slept on imo and has some amazing moments, and while the story is a retread of things the GotG comic has done, if you’re not a big comic reader, you won’t know, and if you are, you’ll be jazzed about how things are represented.

BG3 is incredible and the hype is well-deserved. The replayability is genuinely off the charts. Ive begun 4 playthroughs and beat it once and have not played the same game twice. Main story is the same but the variability in motivation, drive, and interactions is simply incredible. It is THE CRPG, and this is coming from someone for whom BG2 is my favorite game of all time.

New Vegas is New Vegas. It’s a shining example of what gaming can be for a reason. Needs no explanation (other than “don’t go north at the start”).


I came here to say Guardians of the Galaxy. The gameplay is fine, but the story and music in the game are awesome! I keep trying to get people to play it.

trace8191, do gaming w Starfield has made me obsessed with no man’s sky

I literally bought No Man’s Sky while waiting for Starfield. I’ve been playing No Man’s Sky for two weeks now and I just can’t put it down because it’s so good.

Now I’m planning to wait to buy Starfield for at least 6+ months until the developers iron out the bugs.


Trying to get to the center of the universe in Perma Death mode was one of the best gaming experiences I can remember. It took so much dedication and patience to finally get to the end (hit, play the main quests).

NMS is the only game I ever got 100% on.

Rozauhtuno, avatar

Now I’m planning to wait to buy Starfield for at least 6+ months until the developers unpaid modders iron out the bugs.


Iron out the bugs? That would be an improvement compared to Skyrim.

claycle, do gaming w Starfield has made me obsessed with no man’s sky avatar

And here I am deliberately working my way though Origins->Odyssey->Valhalla so that I can completely ignore Starfield for a while until the hype train settles down and some bugs are fixed :-). I keep my eye on NMS (I was a Day 1ish player) but I feel it is soooo wide and soooo shallow it would just bore me to tears now.

Really enjoying Valhalla…


If you don’t like base building, you’re opinion on NMS probably won’t change. I still enjoy it and fire it up a couple times a year, but the gameplay loops haven’t fundamentally changed and the survival elements are still pretty loose. I haven’t played the most recent updates from this year yet though.

variants, do gaming w Starfield has made me obsessed with no man’s sky

So far I’m still just hooked on starfield, just stole my first ship from some colonisers

all-knight-party, do gaming w Starfield has made me obsessed with no man’s sky avatar

That was the same for me, but reverse. I tried to play No Man's Sky to get hyped for Starfield, but they're just such different games doing different things and one doesn't appeal to me as much as the other.

acastcandream, (edited )

What I find funny is so many people saying “starfield is so open but there’s nothing to do.” But for some reason, no man’s sky has “so much to do.” Every planet is basically completely barren or has one of the same four types of points of interest as every other planet

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed no man’s sky and starfield does have surprisingly barren places, but to say NMS has “more to do” is patently absurd.

Comparing them generally just reveals people’s preferences/loyalties as opposed to anything useful about either game.


Playing starfield is making me realize all I really wanted from NMS was some coherent side quests, actual combat, and a ship builder.


I really don’t get it to be honest, I’m left saying “damn I can’t wait for the weekend to play starfield longer because there’s so much to do” I don’t have enough time to do what I want in any given weeknight. I’ve been absolutely obsessed with starfield…

I got the early release and had a 4 day weekend, my play time was measured in days by Tuesday…


Starfield has made me very disappointed with the planet designs in NMS, unfortunately. Like, a lot of it boils down to “This planet has purple dirt, but this other planet over here has blue dirt and is cold!” and they’re always one biome only. In Starfield, one planet can have several different biomes realistically spread out (like snow/ice region on the polar caps, etc.), and it also has a bigger pool of structures to pull from. I last played No Man’s Sky a year or so ago, and it always felt like there were only a handful of structures that could generate on a planet.

quams69, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

Outer Wilds

JokeDeity, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

New Vegas

SCB, (edited )

Hey man you know where you can find a great cup of coffee? Starbucks!

Edit: this How I Met Your Mother joke apparently did not translate.

p74tx984js, avatar
dutchkimble, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment?

Ghost recon wildlands, it’s the game that keeps on giving


I’ve platted this game, amd I love it dearly. We need a Wildlands 2. Not Breakpoint.


Indeed we do

ArchmageAzor, do games w What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? avatar

I highly recommend Outer Wilds if you haven’t already. Just don’t get it mixed up with Outer Worlds


Outer Worlds is good too. Not as good as Outer Wilds, but still good. Sorta like New Vegas in space

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