It is my firm belief that Bethesda’s games shouldn’t be tried in less than 3-4 months after their release, due to problems, unpatched bugs and the lack of mods that address some weird design choices. I can wait for that long, especially since I’m so tired these days that I forget what’s my name sometimes… 😉
Imagine if all/the majority/plenty enough of players would do that - the prices of the games would fall down, there would be less crap on the market and certainly, there would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less occurrences like the release of Cyberpunk…
Jesse Cox has 5 Minute Gaming News that lists news into little bite-sized chunks that I can handle every weekday. Used to love Jesse on the Cooptional and Cox n Crendor podcasts so I like listening to him.
Also every Friday Crendor is featured on the Cren Minute where he talks about whatever he wants and its the most redundant and hilarious thing to me.
And shoutouts to Lyle Wrath’s hilarious Pregame Discharge show where he lays out the news in an extreme and absurd way. Used to be weekly but now kind of forced to be monthly after Destructoid dropped it.
When you pirate on Linux it’s up to you to make sure you are running it in a compatible environment. Checking protonDB and other sources may show you some workarounds you will need. The other way to do this is to open the game in a terminal, try to run it, look for errors or missing .so files or other things in the terminal output, and use that as a starting point to figure out where you need to go to get it configured the rest of the way.
Lutris scripts and the like do not use pirated sources on purpose, so you are very much on your own with it.
You will find it very difficult to get help with game piracy on linux just because the community is very small. If the game has a native release it will be even harder since most linux users want to support developers that do native releases. I’ve only ever tried a couple games that I had no problems with and that was a few years ago. These days if it has a native release I will always just buy it.
I do get that point , but I don’t want to lie I am preety broke who lives in a third world country I am simply unable to afford such luxury of buying games
I haven't seen OpenTTD mentioned yet:
If you like it you may also check out OpenRCT - although this one needs original game files from RollerCoasterTycoon (a few bucks on Gog or Steam)