rich, do gaming w How was inside for you?

I mean, I hope you used protection.


cumfunny moment

EnderofGames, do gaming w How was inside for you?

INSIDE was easier than LIMBO, but a worthy spiritual successor. Very good in the genres of puzzle platformer and horror. No cheap tricks, just good work all the way through.

The story is VERY open ended, and I felt a little slighted at first, but it grew on me. As far as very open ended stories, so was LIMBO's.


Really? I feel like 90% of it was just plowing ahead to realize what something does because the game wasn’t clear in the answer. Like I’m inside death is required to figure out what you need to do. Even if it’s not death it’s going forward, pressing a button, realizing you aren’t supposed to press the button and going back to press it again.

Honestly the biggest issue is the player verbs aren’t clear. There was one point that you have to hide behind a box but the game has never had that mechanic so you have no clue you can even do it. The game will respawn you hiding behind the box to explain the mechanic to you. So that’s essentially one place of forced death but there are dozens of examples of information you get the best after death.

Jaccident, do gaming w How was inside for you?

It excelled as a pass and play game, not too many of those about these days. Good for an evening of exploring spooky shit with a friend.

SkepticElliptic, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

In keeping with Nintendo naming conventions it with be the “switch u” or more likely “switcheroo” It will be a VR based system that seems like an add on peripheral for the switch, but is actually a new system that nobody buys due to confusion and lack of titles.

TonyTonyChopper, avatar

I’d put 5 quid on “New Virtual Boy”


I still have mine! And it works! Seizure warnings and all!


I have doubts about the VR thing. Since VR in general doesn’t seem to be healthy or safe for kids under 13. The lowest age recommendation for a VR headset is 12 and that’s just Sony. I highly doubt Nintendo is going to put their brand in the line for a gimmick as weak as VR is. Besides Nintendo gimmicks are about unique innovation. Not rehashing an already dying gimmick.


Fun fact. The Wii 2 was called the Wii u because the Japanese word for 2 is ‘ni’.

airman, do piracy w Japanese content

AnimeTosho. Have fun ❤️


Thank you! Seems that everyone recommends anime sites. Do you happen to know any site for regular Japanese movies and series?


You’re welcome!

I checked and you are right. I assumed they mirrored everything on Nyaa but it seems they don’t.

What about the usual? DS, Planet, and Geek?


Geek has quite a collection of…anime haha tv series is a tough one. Will keep looking 👍😀


Do share if you find any, friend 😁



kaba0, do piracy w EMPRESS.bin

Rename it to something else, see if it still works, if not revert, else it is needed.


Ok, will try it.

Lord_Nikon, avatar

Dont forget to updaye your OP once you know the results to help others with the same question.


I will edit it in the post itself.

jordanlund, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?
!deleted7836 avatar

If you look at the Switch titles:

1-2-Switch - Some game to show off new features.
Just Dance 2017
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Cross gen game.
Skylanders: Imaginators - Merch game.
Super Bomberman R
I Am Setsuna
Tokyo RPG Factory
Snipperclips - Another new feature game.
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove - Shovelware
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment - Shovelware
Fast RMX

I could see either a new Mario game launching on the Switch and Switch 2, maybe a Metroid game instead. Zelda will be too old and played out by then, but then Zelda fans love buying the same game over and over.


Hold the GODDAMN heck up, did you just call Shovel Knight Shovelware??? b r u h

!deleted7836 avatar

Ported from another platform with little to no effort?

It’s the literal definition of shovelware.

The Switch was literally the last of 11 platforms it launched on.


That’s called a port my dude.

!deleted7836 avatar

With no new features or nothing added to take advantage of unique Switch capabilities = shovelware.

ryven, (edited ) avatar

It’s worth noting, I think, that the definition of shovelware has slipped somewhat since it was coined like thirty years ago, and I think this is leading to you and niisyth talking past each other. Shovel Knight for Switch was maybe shovelware by the original definition, which was “shovel a bunch of old software onto a CD and resell it,” but by the Wii era people were using it to refer to software that is just bad, but exists to trick people into buying it by promising to be more full-featured than it actually is. The Wii had so many titles like this that it seemed like they were “shoveling” shit directly onto store shelves and calling it games. In this new definition, it refers to titles like My Horse and Me or Imagine Party Babyz. So if they are thinking of the newer usage, it sounds like you’re insulting Shovel Knight’s quality as a game.

!deleted7836 avatar

Yeah, never once heard that definition ever.


Also, by your definition, Skyrim and Witcher 3 are also Shovelware.

Which, I want you to think hard about for maybe 1 min.

!deleted7836 avatar

On the Switch? They absolutely were. An afterthought at best.

Disgustoid, do gaming w How was inside for you?

I’m going to be the voice of dissension. I absolutely adored Limbo and bought Inside day one solely because of it. But Inside just didn’t hook me like Limbo did. Inside was perfectly fine but I never gave it a second thought once I finished it, unlike Limbo.


I agree to be honest. Limbo seemed very touching and impact in its story. With inside the biggest argument I’ve seen is that the story is about individualism and working together but honestly, it didn’t feel like the story delivered the impact of the narrative as well as it could. Specially since losing your individuality was the best gameplay of the game.

Peafield, do gaming w How was inside for you?

One of my favourite games of all time. I forced my friend to sit and play it one night! I can’t wait for whatever they are doing next.

nixnoodle, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

Regarding Zelda, I would expected them to release an upgraded version of totk, since they often seem to release at least one Zelda game for two generations; TP was on GameCube and Wii, BotW was on Wii-U and Switch. Alternatively, a (super-expensive) 2-pack game with BotW+TotK including DLC?


Maybe a remake of age of oracles/seasons a la link’s awakening? Also the rumored re-release of WWHD & skyward sword.

RandomLegend, do piracy w What's the best way to get German content? avatar




scenenzbs is great, also has many files with English+German audio, marked as DL or dual language.

RandomLegend, avatar

I literally wouldn’t pirate anything if it weren’t for scenenzbs (and houseofusenet because they sync their nzb over to scene for the API-Users).

They have everything i want in german and top quality. Never ever have i had such a complete german collection of movies and shows and audiobooks. My wife and i are into audiobooks and they have 99% of the stuff we want.

For everything else i download the .aax file from audibile with another 30 day test account and grab my activation bits to convert to .aac^^


So I need a usenet provider (news hosting seems good?) to enter into the download-client (nzbget recommended?) and an indexer (scenenzbs) to enter into prowlarr and I’m good to go? I don’t need a VPN for usenet, right?


Yes, sometimes it might help to have multiple providers on different backbones if you run into availability issues.

There are currently no legal cases in Germany against Usenet like with copyrighted material and torrenting, that’s mostly because you don’t distribute with Usenet.


You don’t need the prowlarr part. But yeah just choose a provider (paid), sign in to the the client and download from an indexer. Then unpack the files.


I found prowlarr great because it provides stats about how the different indexer perform. This makes it easier to decide which providers I don’t need.

Kajo, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

I agree with you about a 3D Mario: it’s absolutely not incompatible with the release of Wonder. Also, it would be a good candidate to showcase the graphics of the new console, without taking much risks.

Mario Kart/Splatoon/Smash bros. They need a multiplayer game. For Mario Kart and Smash Bros, they have the same (fist world) problem: the switch versions have so much content that it’s difficult to hit harder. And it’s not nice of me, but I feel like they wouldn’t mind milking the Splatoon players.

Animal crossing. The license gained so much new fans with AC:NH, it would be suprising if they don’t try to take advantage of this new popularity.

magus_clap, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

According to Wikipedia, group 5 develops animal crossing (2020) and Splatoon (2022),

Group 8 does 3d Mario (2017) only and group 10 does 2d Mario (2023)

Group 9 does Mario kart (2017 + dlc) and arms

pipariturbiini, do gaming w How was inside for you?

INSIDE was cool and I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t say it’s a game of the year by long shot. Although I guess that depends on what else was released in the year of 2016. For me it was a better experience than most AAA games, at least.


To put it in perspective, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was also in 2016 and also won a lot of Game of the Year awards. Other contenders are Hitman 2016, Overwatch, Doom, Firewatch, Dark Souls 3, The Witness, and Superhot.

Pajonk, do bez_miesa w Jak ułożyć dietę bezmięsną? avatar

Jedz regularnie, jeśli mikro i mako składniki masz ogarnięte, to może mimo wszystko czegoś ci brakuje w diecie i organizm tęskni za tym. A może jesz przy okazji słodycze i sporo cukru, i to też zwiększa głód.

Hormony to dziwna sprawa, jeśli jednak jesz dużo, waga nie idzie w dół albo nawet rośnie, mikro i makro składniki masz ogarnięte, to zwyczajnie się przyzwyczaj do głodu. Dziwnie to brzmi, ale nie jest to jakiś problem dla osoby która ćwiczy. W ogóle parę dobrych lat ćwiczeń i zmuszania się do różnych diet, czy na masę, czy potem na redukcję, strasznie potrafi zmienić sposób odżywiania się i nawyki.

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