Pre-installed means that the game is already installed for you, so you don’t have to. This means all you need to do is download the .zip file, extract it, and run the game. That’s it! Easy, right?
Nah they call it pre-installed because you don’t have to run an installation wizard yourself, which requires administrator permissions. So you could play those games on computers where you don’t have admin access, like a school or work laptop
If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. It’s possible that this site you found is perfectly safe, but it’s also very possible that it’s a honeypot or they’re serving up their cracks with a side of malware. I would recommend known torrent websites and reputable crack builders. Running a custom, unsigned .exe is already a risky activity, don’t make it more dangerous.
It could be a honeypot. While this likely won’t be the case, if you connect to a website and download directly from there, depending on your browser and os, general privavy and anonymity, they might be able to fingerprint you. Check against some other databases from sites that you visited today that have your real name and you’re bust. Unlikely, but possible.
If the website gets shut down because of suspicion of malicious activity and they intentified visitors, again, through a fingerprint or similar, it’s beasically the same as a honeypot.
So basically, the complexity of modern web browsing is the general issue. How do you circumvent this? Ideally you don’t. Just use a torrent with a p2p VPN in a secure and anonymous manner and you don’t even have to worry about your Javascript canvas.
You lay out a highly sophisticated attack when it’s simple to adjust the downloaded software to call home. Why would anyone invest that much into something like that (you left out where “some other databases” would be and how reliable they would be) when there are much simpler and more reliable approaches?
For decades there have been a wide variety of shady filehosts that will happily host content with no regard for IP and offer downloading for the same (good for them). They manage to make money by offering “premium” subscriptions that allow to download without having to wait / bandwidth limitation (these days you even have services that try to mutualize such premium accounts between users for a smaller fee, using their proxy to serve their own users). For just as long there have been websites that index those direct filehost links, and make money through either ads or members donations. It’s an alternative to torrenting. Gog-games is an example of such an indexing website (there are many, many others). 1fichier is an example of the filehosters I mentioned above (same remark).
To answer your question, the reason they don’t go down is they routinely operate in jurisdictions that are hard to act on by LE in the imperial core; they also often pay lip service to DMCA requests by actually removing content after reports, though they’ll almost universally make the process complicated, long, and pretty useless (not removing identical files reachable from other links, for example).
Jeśli mówisz o elektro-śmieciach marek krzak z francuskiego hipermarketu to nie są warte nawet tak niskich cen — lepiej kupić używane urządzenie z lepszymi parametrami w tym samym budżecie.
Natomiast jeżeli pytasz o urządzenia bardziej uznawanych marek, to powiem, że to zależy:
Jeśli jesteś poweruserem, który i tak sobie zainstaluje własny system (LineageOS itp) i interesuje go jedynie specyfikacja, jakość wykonania i cena — to takie urządzenia są bezbłędnym wyborem.
Natomiast jeśli jesteś userem, który chce telefon wyciągnąć z kartonika i go używać, to ja bym nie decydował się na takie urządzenie: wersje Androida używane przez producentów tego typu są niestabilne, pełne reklam i bloatwaru, rzadko aktualizowane i robią problemy ze wszystkim dla użytkownika z rynku europejskiego.
Can only help with the last point - Nvidia Shield is a beast. I have two of the 2019 Pro and they’re just great, nothing comes even close. I’ve also had the 2017 version and it was great as well. Can’t speak for the base model, haven’t had a chance to try.
With the right generator and booster, I was able to hover under that bridge and never get hit by the lasers. It’s now in my saved rotation for boss fights.
My money’s on an Animal Crossing, possibly not immediately on release but close to it nonetheless. New Horizons had just too much success for the company not trying to ride the wave, and they have so much room to improve on the mechanics and the variety of the setting.
You underestimate the casual gaming crowd. The same people who buy all of the sims content, still play animal crossing to get cozy in bed before sleeping every night.