Vlyn, do games w I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta!

I tried it out a while ago and didn’t mesh with it at all. Like the options I had was gather things, minor crafting and traveling. But zero goals or combat (as far as I could tell at the beginning). So after going around, gathering and crafting a bit I got bored and gave up.

Hell, I even traveled around to just find if there are any encounters or places with more happening and I didn’t find anything.

So it felt meaningless to grind with nothing to grind for.


Combat is coming, and so are quests, which will give more direction and goals for new players.

There are a lot of goals already available inside the game, but because it’s very open ended at the beginning, it might seen like there aren’t anything to grind for. It’s one of the games where players usually make their own goals, and then try to achieve those.

First goals usually could be to unlock the other two realms in the game, complete enough achievements to unlock the first guild in the game (Adventurers’ Guild), get some good starting tools to become more efficient at it, and so forth.

If you’re more combat focused usually in games, I recommend to wait until that’s added, as it sounds like that might be the main thing you’re missing!


Ah yeah, I’m not a big mobile game fan and heavily play PC games. I just missed the draw of it, but had wrong expectations probably. In my head it was more of a sandbox combat game with gathering/crafting, so I kept trying to get to the actual game part :)

While I’m not motivated at all by just achievements or grinding for grinding sake (incremental games are a slight exception there, but progress is much faster / you do have some goals dangled in front of your face). You’re probably aiming more for a classic fitness tracker, but instead of step counts, graphs and so on you present it in game form. Which is valid, but just not what I was after.

As it gets brought up in this thread: When it came out I actually liked Pokemon GO, because the gameplay was interesting. Originally it only showed Pokemon near you and how far they are away (with 1, 2 or 3 foot steps). Which meant you wandered around and actually met people back in the city, grouped up to search or they knew where it was. That all got dumbed down until everyone was just sitting at the same spot and farming unfortunately :-/


Combat in the game is going to require active play, and it’s meant to be played at home. It’s a turn based combat system with its own progression systems, but you’ll need to walk in order to gain combat points, which work as an energy to engage in the combat. So it’s not possible to endlessly grind it without going for a walk, but something you’ll be able to do when you’ve got the time for it. There are a few interviews on Youtube where I’m explaining it if you’re interested to hear more about it.

Also there’s already a ton of depth on the game, so I’m not sure how far you got in there if you think it only represents your steps in a different way than graphs. I recommend to check wiki to get a good idea!


Also there’s already a ton of depth on the game

I think I’m too jaded in this regard. Reading the wiki I don’t really see depth. Sure, there are activities with fun names, but they are all the same (you start the activity, you walk to finish it, you get random rewards). And all the items seem to be either for selling, basic crafting or just giving you a boost percentage for the activities you’re already doing.

What the activities are missing are risk/reward, decision making, surprises, etc. Or as you’d say in game design “meaningful choices”.

Sure, you have the choice on what skill you work on, but besides skill go up, items to make the activity faster and gold (not sure what it’s for, besides buying mats/items again?) that seems to be it.

I guess combat could help if there’s actual resource investment and risk there. Like are you going to tackle this level 10 monster for higher rewards, with more likelihood to either fail (or spend extra resources on healing potions or whatever)? Or play it save and go against weaker monsters? There should also be extra gold sinks to work for / use the money you accumulated, be it limited use items, cosmetics and so on. And of course ways to play the game differently from other players, like classes, masteries, skill trees or whatever (and no, clicking an activity that says “Sandcastle Building” vs clicking “Ship repair” aren’t really choices).

Just from someone who values gameplay a lot, I don’t see much difference in playing the game for an hour or 100 hours, in the end it keeps boiling down to the same actions with no depth attached. Personally I didn’t see the game value of it, compared to a step tracker (just that the step tracker doesn’t stop counting when it’s “full”, I didn’t like the step mechanic either where you get bonus steps only. If I’ve done my walking for the day I want to spend the steps, not select an activity and I get double steps for it next time I walk).

Zoomboingding, avatar

Until there’s combat, I don’t think there’s going to be any significant risk/reward choices. Basically you choose the right gear loadout and head to an activity; you can try to optimize by planning a route, trying to keep your inventory from getting full, etc. There’s also low drop rate collectables, so it’s a risk to try to find it vs. spending your time on some guaranteed progression.

But at the end of the day, it’s a super lightweight step tracking game that gives me some cute in-game progress for when I have to run to the grocery store, or I can make sure I queue up something good before I run a 10k.

setsneedtofeed, do games w What are your opionions on fortnite? avatar

It has a bright and cartoony aesthetic, which isn’t inherently bad. Objects are easily readable, and the style is very flexible for adding all sorts of characters from various settings. The style also ages better than attempting photo realism.

Otherwise, yeah sure it’s a shooter which happened to catch on for the younger audience especially, and the increase of social areas and events gave it more varied content.

I played it for about 10 minutes, it’s not really for me. I don’t think about it much, but I understand why someone might like it. Just because it isn’t for me doesn’t mean it’s bad. People that getting really riled up about it existing or being popular give the same aura as 12 year olds vocally making fun of things 10 year olds are into to prove how mature and sophisticated they are in comparison.

Vinny_93, do games w What are your opionions on fortnite?

Any free online game is gonna be ruined by its community. Do yourself a favour and look for a game you actually like and pay for it.

RightHandOfIkaros, do games w What are your opionions on fortnite?

It is a game flooded with child players that lost its identity when it stopped being a tower defense and instead copied PUBG but with other licensed IPs.

The game itself is fine I guess, if you dont ever interact with its insufferably annoying community.

FlihpFlorp, do gaming w PlayStation's "Concord" is getting absolutely decimated into oblivion by "Squirrel with a Gun".

Wait is that game out

I remember seeing a trailer for that a loooong (couple years I think) time ago


Yes, it came out on the 29th of August on Steam and Epic. It will release on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S this Fall.


Yo sick

I completly forgot about this game ngl


And yes, I can confirm that Squirrel with a Gun is fun. I’ve been having an absolute BLAST (pun intended) with the game.

It’s absolutely nuts! (pun intended, again)


It looked fun when j watched the trailer with stuff like bullet jumping so now I gotta check it out


It has like 50 active players so don’t get too excited.


What are you talking about, it released on PS5 a week ago.

M137, avatar

Pretty sure it didn’t. The website says October 15th, and their link to the PlayStation store also shows that:


I thought you were talking about Concord, I don’t even know what Squirrel with a gun is… 😶

merc, do games w I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta!

I haven’t gotten into the Beta, so I haven’t played it, but I’m curious, is the game designed so you can’t do anything without walking, or is it so that you can creep along at a snail’s pace without walking but to actually make real progress you have to walk?

It seems to me like you could use the psychology of a Pay To Win / Microtransactions game to motivate people but by using walking instead of money.


There’s no progress without walking, all of the progress is tied to steps.

MoonlightFox, do games w I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta!

The game looks great! I really like that you don’t rely on GPS, because of privacy.


Thank you! Privacy is definitely the biggest concern, but also GPS requires apps to be opened to register anything, and it kills the battery quite quickly (and requires active internet connection).


By the way, I got such a good impression that I became a BMAC contributor, looking forward to testing it!


Thank you so much for supporting the development! You should’ve received an email that has instructions to link your BMAC on your account page. When you link your account there, you should receive download instructions either almost immediately (sometimes might take couple of hours for our automated system, but usually faster).

Happy walking, and remember to stay hydrated ❤️


I have the game installed now 😀 I like that all steps go towards a goal of some sort.

Found a tiny typo with the name for one of the hairstyles. If you search through your codebase for “adn bun” you will find it. Its probably supposed to say “and bun” 😊


Thanks for letting me know, and welcome! ❤️


Does GPS really require an internet connection? I know it uses the radio, which kills the battery, but AFAIK you can get GPS without Internet access. For example, I’ve downloaded offline areas for Google Maps and have tracked my location that way, while traveling in countries where I didn’t have a SIM allowing me to access the Internet.


Not necessarily, but in order to use map data, you’ll pretty much need it. This is why all of the GPS games require a connection, as they’ll download map data and cache your current surrounding areas

ScruffyDucky, do gaming w PlayStation's "Concord" is getting absolutely decimated into oblivion by "Squirrel with a Gun".

John Sqweak FTW

andyburke, do gaming w Game Dependency Graph of The Curse of Monkey Island (LucasArts, 1997) avatar

What kind of post is this? I see them sometimes on - I can read the title but there is no image and it doesn't seem to link to anything.

Anyone else on an mbin instance knkw what's up with these?


it may be that the image size exceeds your client’s capabilities; she’s a looong boi

averyminya, do gaming w Game Dependency Graph of The Curse of Monkey Island (LucasArts, 1997)

I need to get started on this for my game. It will probably be much simpler, but that’s why I should get started now!


Yeah or don’t make it


That’s true, it could be procrastinative instead of actually working on the things that should be done…

I think it would come down to when and how I work on it, I can’t really spend 5-15 minutes on various downtimes learning coding or doing the art, but I could probably whip up an interaction chart and add to it with that short amount of time


Why force yourself to start something big and complicated? Just enjoy your life lol and do stuff that comes to you and feels right. Maybe that’s a game, but no need to force it.


Oh it does :) it’s a passion project that gives me some opportunities to make music and sound effects (something I like to do but don’t always record and save my work), and similarly I love making art but having a strong vision for what I want to make can get difficult.

But I have a really strong vision for the game in its entirety, which helps with the direction for my art and music :) I just need to build the pieces (obviously, easier said than done!) and so far it’s been enjoyable. Difficult, but understandable.

Basically, I save so many notes and other junk, but I rarely save my creative endeavors. This will be a good way for me to not only reach that goal, but to also create a game that is somewhat unique and that would be really fun to play :D


Just market your game as “retro hard” and you can get away with anything. /s


Wait, how did you know!?

Jokes aside, it sort of is? I’m going for a Smash Melee physics movement meets Revita map design, so retro hard isn’t really too far off!

peopleproblems, do games w RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it

I was literally looking at playing again with the Sailing announcement

Now it’s… No. I remember $5 back in the day and that was awesome.


It's not a popular opinion, and I'm sure I'll get downvoted for the reminder, but what is $5 then in 2024 dollars? Just to keep a perspective that inflation does happen, and $5 is not a lot of money now.

However, if you're getting less of a product with a lot of eye candy to hide that fact, then get the pitchforks back out. In the end it's a matter of if it's worth the cost, no matter what the amount is.


I looked up an inflation calculator and it said $8.33 Cumulative inflation from 2004 to now is 66.5%


So with the enhancements since then $10 is probably a fair price. I just figure being okay to pay $12 but bailing for a few more dollars for a "luxury" product seems overblown, but's up to the buyer on if they feel they are getting a good buy.

I never was a Runescape player, but I was hardcore Ultima Online in the early days. Looking at the newest versions out there, it's intriguing, but also so much more complex now that I think I'd enjoy watching gameplay more than playing it now. Age catches up to you.

Sanctus, do games w RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it avatar

“Invest Firms” are doing this all over. My company as well as several other prominent southwest construction companies just got bought out, too.

This is the end game of capitalism. Firms buying other firms to squeeze every dime out of them. Its about to get fucken bumpy.

jmj88, do gaming w Game Dependency Graph of The Curse of Monkey Island (LucasArts, 1997)

Zoom, move, zoom, move 🙄

YeetPics, do games w I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! avatar

This looks awesome!

Does it track steps from a smartwatch? I usually don’t carry my mobile when I’m out hiking and wouldn’t want to lose out on any progress in-game.


Currently no, but it’s the most frequently asked feature and planned to be added. Google decided to kill Google Fit APIs, which delayed our efforts on that front for a while as they replaced those with Health Connect that isn’t working too well at the moment, but hopefully will be fixed by Google soon.

Renacles, do games w RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it

You should try the other subreddit, RS3 players are more than happy to pull out the pitchforks.

wizardbeard, avatar

OSRS players are too busy trying to optimize everything down to the game tick.

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