SeekPie, (edited ) do games w What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA?

The one near the sattelite.

Edit: This one, it’s called Sandking.

Nexy, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop? avatar

Plainscape torment. Thanks me later.


Already played it. So I thank you now.

Passerby6497, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale?

The only thing I care about on the store right now is the factorio dlc, and that’s never gonna go on sale. I’ll probably buy that once I finish all the achievements for satisfactory.

cows_are_underrated, avatar

I can only recommend it. After about 60 hours I finally landed on vulcanus and I’m now experiencing the feeling of how it is to getting used to all of these long and complex Ressource chains.


After 60 hours I finally left Gleba. As soon as I got “home” had to head back to Gleba. Still stuck there. In the beginning I hate Gleba, now I love it. It gave me back the feeling of playing Factorio for the first time, running around and know nothing (and I I have over 3.5k hours). 10/10 would recommend the DLC.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

After 200 hours I have a “factory” on Vulcanus, Fulgora, and Gleba. I need to redesign all four factories, including Nauvis, at this point to use Foundries, and Electromagnetic Plants at scale, oh and Biological Science Labs. I have finally started learning circuit networks and train scheduling.

I had over 3000 hours in the game previously, got all the achievements that didn’t require a time limit, and had beaten Pyanodon, SeaBlock, Bob’s and Angel’s overhaul, and several other overhaul mods that I don’t remember, but I never managed to fully finish Space Exploration because of randomly generated items, and a complete inability to comprehend how the old circuit network worked.

Space Age is absolutely the best of all the overhaul mods combined into one single expansion pack. I cannot wait to get to the Shattered Planet and find out what no one has shown yet. I’ll be weeks behind them when I get there, I’m sure


Get it as soon as you can afford it. As you have already noticed, the price only goes up, and it never goes on sale. The people that made this game know that they made digital crack, and aren’t inclined to spread the addiction.

apfelwoiSchoppen, do games w What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA? avatar


Eezyville, do games w What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA? avatar

I think the car is called Remington, the two door low rider. I can trick that vehicle out as much as I want. I always keep one around so I can participate in the low rider minigames.

vodka, do games w Blizzard may have violated the UK GDPR following my 2019 Data Erasure Request

This is just from memory and I haven’t double checked it but.

There’s exemptions in GDPR, and some of them are related to financial, tax and safety stuff.

A company has to be able to prove legitimacy of transactions for 10 years in most of Europe, so keeping your card details and transaction history etc for 10 years is within GDPR exemptions for sure.

The real issue here is why the card of someone who has otherwise completely ended their customer relationship with the business was accessed in any way.

vikingtons, avatar

Appreciate the information. An associate of mine did allude to this being the case, key thing is they’ve attempted a transaction on this payment method and I’ve told them to stop.


It should definitely no longer be in a system that could attempt a transaction or other checks, it should be archived.

So definitely some sort of case here for sure

ShortFuse, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop?


Sea of Stars

notabot, do games w Blizzard may have violated the UK GDPR following my 2019 Data Erasure Request

Whilst it’s quite possible they’re up to no good, it’s also possible that someone is fraudulently using your payment details in Irvine to create a new Blizzard account. It sounds like your bank already blocked your card, which is good, but they may also be able to block payments to Blizzard when the card is unblocked.

vikingtons, avatar

I thought about that, but it’s an entirely new card. Even if they had the AN, SC, Card number, they’d still need the new expiry date and security number. I don’t think these are required for business, however.


Is there any chance your new card details got leaked from somewhere you used them? Using stolen details to sign up to something like that and, say, making a pre-order, would be a good way for a crook to validate them without a transaction appearing on your statement.

If it’s not that, then Blizzard definitely have some awkward questions to answer. Good luck!

vikingtons, avatar

I suppose there’s a chance but it’s not even my main payment method. I primarily use an entirely different card from a different vendor for the majority of my purchases today.

I’m also wondering what a fraudulent customer would need to do to warrant a test charge. I can’t think of anything an end user would do to invoke an attempt of $0.00 on their first transaction with my details.


Pre-ordering something would usually cause a $0.00 transaction to confirm the card details are valid. It would be a ‘pre-auth’ transaction where the merchant reserves an amount on the card for payment at a later date, when they ship the item. If a fraudster makes a pre-order they xan validate that the card details are valid, then cancel the order, usually leaving the victim none-the-wiser. In your case, the bank noticed the transaction and notified you, but that seems to be rare. Once the fraudster knows the details are valid, they can sell them on.

It’s just a theory, and unless your bank and Blizzard work together to track the transaction, why it happened, and who instigated it, its going to be difficult to get to the bottom of it.

vikingtons, avatar

I see, good to know. There’s always potential for that. I suppose we’ll see in the coming weeks.

Katana314, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop?

Such laptops are at the low end. But, if you have a really good Internet connection, you could expand your options a lot with GeForce Now. Basically a paid service to use cloud servers to render your game; surrendering an often-unnoticeable delay in response time. They have a free tier worth trying.

nesc, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop?

adom ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Banrik, do games w What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA?


v4ld1z, do games w What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA?

Bike :)

chiliedogg, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop?

I built a $3,000 performance desktop a few years back, and the main games games I ended up playing on it were things like FTL, Shovel Knight, SNES emulators, and other games that could be run on an overclock ham sandwich.


Really curious what a $3000 performance bulld looks like


A few years back, a really nice graphics card was like $650, so $3,000 got you a lot of performance.


Unlike these days when it looks like 3000$ will get you a GPU and a water block for that GPU, if you want to spread your budget as thick as possible.

Wasn’t the original Titan like 1000$ and considered a ludicrously expensive piece of luxury tech?

slaacaa, do games w Blizzard may have violated the UK GDPR following my 2019 Data Erasure Request

You need to report this to your local data protection authority (or similar). They didn’t carry out your deletion request, so they would most likely be fined (at least that happens often in my country).

vikingtons, avatar

Yup, reported this to the ICO two days ago.

merthyr1831, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop?

You can get a lot of games running well for that. Almost every 2D game will run great, and a bunch of 3D titles too.

I picked up Parking Garage Rally Circuit in the sales yesterday because I’ve followed the dev on tiktok and it’s quite fun. A dreamcast-style time trial game!

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